Ch 25 - Epiphany

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"Good morning, Miss Hunter... Please have a seat," the doctor greeted her, gesturing towards a large leather couch. She sat down, her fingers tightly entwined, feeling a sense of despair and hopelessness washing over her.

"I understand that we're here for a reason. Could you please provide me with the details?" the lady asked in a gentle tone.

"I think Mr. Pattitha has already explained everything," she replied.

"It's about him. But what about you?" the doctor inquired.

She sucked in a breath and mustered the courage to speak.

"I believe I may have a problem," she finally admitted, her voice filled with vulnerability.

Gradually, she began to open up.


If anyone ever passed by this room, I swear they could hear us inside. Inside the room, those panting and lustful voices echoed. Now I'm straddling that hot body, caressing it all over his head. Taking hold of that enticing hair. The owner is too preoccupied with nibbling and biting my neck, all the way down to my unopened blouse.

"Open it," he begged.

"As you wish," I said. He smiled like a young adolescent. I slowly undid the button on my blouse shirt while he is busy sucking my almost bare skin.

"God, you're magnificent, G..." his voice went deeper. Effect of the lust that possessed him now. My body twitched as I can feel goosebumps when he whispered in my ears like that.

He keeps touching my body and indulging me. I simply allowed him because I was overcome by lust. I know this is wrong, but there is no way I can defend myself. Maybe we're halfway there. Way has what I require.

So darn clever!

"G... I want more," he murmured between breaths. I made a blink. He undid my bra and squeezed my body even more tightly. He pulls the straps off my body with his teeth. Oh my goodness, he's so hot! I've finally accepted one fact...

Never judge a book based on its cover.

Oh, that's so seductive!

I yelped a little when he started sucking my nipple. While doing so, he maintains eye contact with me. He must enjoy seeing my reaction! I was too engrossed to fight him. But I can see how he carefully examines every detail of me. He'll try something new in between to see if it makes me happy.

"Way...!" I moaned his name as he circled my perky nipple with his tongue. He smirked as he abused my breasts one after the other. Down there, I was completely soaked. We haven't even gotten that close, and he's already making me swoon!

"Gia..." he drew my upper body so that my brow rested on his. He kissed my lips passionately as he continued to work on my body down there. He had better be! We locked our lips for a long time until we gasped for air and parted.

"I love you..."

And then, a pang of guilt struck my chest.

Only now do I realize the gravity of my actions. I allowed my lust to overpower me, sacrificing my dignity in the process. I feel like a disgrace, akin to a whore. It reminded me of how close I came to surrendering to Jules long ago.

I abruptly stood up, pushing him away from me. I focused my gaze on him, his innocent face staring back at me, undoubtedly confused.

But it's not just him.

I composed myself, adjusting my blouse, and walked away.

"Gia! Wait!" he called out, chasing after me down the corridor, attempting to grasp my hand. I managed to evade his touch, but he succeeded in catching hold of my wrist.

"Gia... Wait, did I hurt you?" he asked, concern lacing his words.

I couldn't even meet his gaze directly. How could I allow myself to stoop so low? Now I find pleasure in promiscuity, even with a man I once cared deeply for.

"We shouldn't do this..." I uttered, my voice trembling, while he continued to plead with me, attempting to stop me. I pulled my hand away and left the studio, tears streaming down my face.

This is madness! I am utterly disgusted with myself!

As I stepped outside, the rain began to pour, as if nature understood my anguish. I hurriedly made my way towards the main gate, too ashamed to even look at my own reflection.

"Ah!" I collided with someone. Strong arms wrapped around me, shielding me from the rain. My entire body was drenched, but an umbrella sheltered my head. I raised my swollen, red eyes to the sky.

It was Sorn.

Without hesitation, I clung to him, sobbing uncontrollably in his embrace.

"Sorn, save me!" I pleaded, my voice filled with desperation.

"What's wrong?" he asked, oblivious to the turmoil I had just experienced.

"Please... help me..."

He drew me closer, enveloping me in his arms, offering genuine comfort and concern. I could feel his unwavering affection for me. Slowly, a sense of solace began to wash over me.

However, from a distance, I could see the devastation etched on Way's face. With tears in his eyes, he stood in the pouring rain, watching Sorn and me. And I knew...

Inside, he was shattered.


"That's why I'm here. To try and fix myself. To address any issues that may exist. And based on the current circumstances, it's evident that there is a problem," Gia admits.

"And do you have any idea what might be causing this problem?" the therapist inquires, her tone cautious.

"Miss Hunter, rest assured that everything we discuss is confidential," the therapist assures her, studying Gia's face. The woman offers a comforting smile and nods.

Sorn must have had a reason for choosing this particular therapist. He wouldn't have made a hasty decision.

Gia needs to place her trust in her, otherwise she won't be able to fully recover.

"It's all because of him... I referred to him as Mr. Unknown," Gia confesses, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

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