Ch 26 - Harsh Nightmare

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That night, I stayed up late to finish my work on purpose. I wanted to avoid him and make him tired of waiting for me.

I didn't have any other choice but to break up with him. I had been ignoring his texts until now. I tried my best to stay calm, knowing he must be annoyed. And I know there will be consequences.

My heart skipped a beat as the phone rang. I checked the caller ID and saw it was his personal number. I knew it was him, so I ignored the call and prepared myself for what I had to do.

Leaving is hard for me, but I have no other option. I don't want to end up in rehab for something like sex addiction, just like Tamara warned. Because, in truth, he's not real.

He's nothing but a terrible nightmare that never ends.

I grabbed my bag and keys, heading towards the elevator and descending to the parking lot.

"Working late, Miss Hunter?" I jumped in surprise as someone approached me from behind. It was Uma, the security guard. He must be on the night shift.

"Oh, hey!" I smiled, relieved. Uma grinned and shook his head.

"The parking lot lights suddenly went out. Be careful. The maintenance team is occupied upstairs, so it might take a while to fix," he said sympathetically.

I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown!

"Could you accompany me downstairs? I'm sorry, but..."

"Sure thing, miss," he nodded.


I stood there, lost in my thoughts. Why didn't Uma ask any questions? Shouldn't he be curious about why I was trembling? I stole a quick glance at him, observing his size, fingers, and height.

Stop overthinking, Gia! There's no way this man could be him!

"Are you alright, Miss Hunter?"

"I'm fine..." I replied.

Perhaps Uma noticed my uneasiness, as he was about to inquire further.

Just then, a voice came through the radio.

"Yes?" he responded promptly.

"There's an incident on the third floor," the voice from the walkie-talkie announced.

"What exactly is it?" he asks.

"It seems that someone entered the main office and forgot to turn off the lights," the voice replies.

"Probably the maintenance team," Uma suggests.

"Maybe. But go and check it,"

Uma gives me a hesitant smile.

"Miss Hunter, I apologize. I have to go now. The lights will be fixed soon by the maintenance team. Don't worry. You have Derrick downstairs if you need any assistance." I watch the guard leave from a distance.

I let out a long, deep sigh.

For two reasons. Firstly, I'm relieved that Uma didn't accompany me. I can't rule out the possibility that he's the one.

Secondly, if Uma isn't Mr. Unknown, it means he's still out there somewhere, and I'm left alone with no one to help me.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

Once again, I need to stop overthinking!

Summoning all my courage, I quicken my pace towards my car and drive home.

When I arrive home, there are no signs of a break-in. As I place my keys on the side table, a sense of relief washes over me. I spend a moment playing with my phone before preparing for bed.

I have a conversation with the landlord about the leasing process. Feel free to visit the house whenever you're available!

Thanks, Sorn. I'll let you know when I have some free time.

I glance around the house, knowing that I have to let it go, despite how much I adore it. But thanks to Sorn, I can choose a nice condo right next to the YoLo building. I won't have to go too far, reducing the chances of being followed in my car or something. He initially suggested the unit next to his.

Another text message arrives.

<Mr. Unknown>
Are you planning to run away, jellybean?

My pupils dilate, and I quickly survey my surroundings. My heart pounds so rapidly that it feels like it might burst!

We need to talk.

<Mr. Unknown>
There's nothing to discuss. Stay.

What's wrong with you?! Can't I live my life the way I want?

<Mr. Unknown>
Of course, you can. With me.

You know what? I think we should end this. I want to break free.

There is no response. I blink once, then twice.


I despise silence. Because it's not a good signal when it comes to him.

I wait two or three minutes more. After an hour, there were no responses.

So, perhaps he got my message.


can hear my own screams, pleas, gasps, and sobs echoing in the air. It feels as if I'm being suffocated, the very atmosphere thick with an overwhelming presence. I try to scream, but my voice eludes me. All I can think of is someone sealing me in a crate and burying me alive. Dust settles on my face.

"Help, help, help!"

With a start, I jolt awake from my slumber. My eyes dart around the room, still in my bed at home.

Nightmares I haven't had in ages continue to haunt me.

Deciding to get out of bed and quench my thirst, I make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water.


"Jellybean, are you trapped in a nightmare?"

Suddenly, someone pounces on me, their grip tightening around my throat as I struggle for breath. I desperately strike their hand, fighting to break free.

It's Mr. Unknown, wearing a lion mask on his face.

"Please, let me go..." I grit my teeth, my voice barely audible. He releases his hold on my neck and rests his head against mine.

"Wishing to leave me?" I nod without a moment's hesitation.

"You truly desire death, don't you?" His voice takes on an eerie tone. I keep my gaze locked on him, exhaling heavily.

"Or... do you want him to die?" he asks, raising his phone.

A live stream is playing on the screen. A figure wearing a wolf mask sits beside a man who is fast asleep.

"Release... him..."

"Ever since I saw you in his embrace, I've longed to gouge his eyes out. Tell me, what does he have that I lack? Hm?"

Tears well up in my eyes as I gaze at the innocent face. A devil now stares back at me. I know that his life is in danger if anything goes wrong. I vow to myself that I will never allow regret to consume me for the rest of my life.

I wish I had never allowed this man to exert such dominance over me!

But what other choice do I have?

"Now... Since you seem to enjoy being on top so much, why don't we play horsey for a while, hmm?" His knife slices through the fabric of my pajamas. I suppressed my sobs, aware that he wouldn't approve of them. He presses his grimy lips against my skin, sucking on my breast. I keep a watchful eye on the man in the wolf mask, making sure nothing happens to Way.

But then he forcefully turns my face towards him, making our eyes meet behind that mask.

"Let me show you where and to whom you truly belong, jellybean..."

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