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اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

How are you all doing?

I am here with one of my dearest friend and sister in deen, Diyara. She is an amazing person as well as an author. She writes so beautifully and her works are so benefitting. Ma Shaa Allah! Please welcome none other than, _Diarra_16.

Do check out her amazing work!

Let's get started with the interview.


1. Tell us about yourself: 

Name and meaning: 

- My name is Diyara, it's an African name and apparently it means "gift". (I don't know much about it unfortunately)


- 19 years old. 

Date of birth: 

- I want to keep it private, sorry. All I can say is that I was born in 1999.

(A/N: It's okay, no problem! All I can say that we are just of same age).


- I don't know if we call it a nationality lol, but I'm french and sub-saharan.

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!)


-Writing, reading, watching K-dramas x)

Relationship status (single/committed): 

-Desperately single waiting for the right husband to show up xD

(A/N: I can feel yah!).

2. Describe yourself in few lines. 

- Two lines? Hum, knowledge seeker and nature lover. 

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!).

3. What good changes you want to bring in yourself? 

- Hum, positivity, generosity just like the Prophet and patience. 

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!).

4. Which book was your first book you read on Wattpad and what were your thoughts on it? 

-Woah, I totally don't remember (laugh my abaya off), totally don't. I guess, it was a french book where a man fell in love with a blind woman. That's the one I remember cause the plot stuck with me. 

(A/N: Aww, Ma Shaa Allah!).

5. Tell us about your favorite books on Wattpad as well as offline. 

- There's this french book which is about interracial relationship which I really liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike, but I like yours too because they're originals and great. 

(A/N: WHAT? MINE? 😰 I am so shocked. You are such a sweetheart habibti! I love you so much for the sake of Allah ﷻ 😍😍♥️).

6. Which genre you prefer most and why? 

- Maybe romance, but like sad ones, I don't know. I may sound creepy lol but I kind of enjoy sad ending, I think it's different from the happy endings we get all the time. But I don't really have a genre, to be honest. 

(A/N: Wooah! Only a strong heart can bear sad endings. Ma Shaa Allah!).

7. Tell us about your experience as an author on Wattpad. 

- Well, it wasn't easy at first, but you know, you always have to start somewhere. There are a lot of great authors out there, you may feel like you have to compete to get to the higher place but it doesn't work like that. You do it for you, not for others. Wattpad is an amazing platform which allowed me to meet beautiful, beautiful people across the globes, like you and many others. I'm a bit saddened that I'm not as active as I used to before but I still hold it tight in my heart. 

(A/N: Wattpad is an amazing platform. Aww, habibti ♥️ You are also very beautiful! I am blessed to have you ♥️ Alhamdulillah!).

8. Choose between the two: 

Chocolates/ Ice cream. 

- Ice cream


- Brownies 


- Pizza lol (I have never ever eaten some biryani)

(A/N: That's so sad! Come to my nation and I'd surely make you eat biryani 😍♥️).


- Both? ^^ 


- Novels (Movies nowadays contain a lot of kissing and sex scene, so thank you next)

(A/N: Yeah true.)

Happy ending/sad ending. 

- Sad ending x))

(A/N: Bravo!).






- Who are these lmao

(A/N: Some man-made species 😜)


-BOOOOTH MAN, I don't play with beef and chicken. 

(A/N: Hahaha. We are same in this. What about fish?).


- Both too ^^

(A/N: 😋).

9. What would be the one advice you would give yourself if you go back to six years? 

- Very interesting, I think I'd tell to myself : 'People will come and go, turn to Allah only, for He is your way out.' 
And I'd also tell to myself: 'It's okay if you've got your heart broken plenty times, let it not stop you from doing the right things, it's only a matter of time before it finishes." 

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah so true!)

10. What are your ambitions in life? 

- To get married at a young age, to graduate, get a job, help my parents and family, worship Allah and educate my children based on religion and ultimately, die with Allah being pleased with me. 

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah! Love your ambitions! May Allah ﷻ grant you success in your ambitions and make it easy for you to make them true, Aameen ya rab!).

11. Most people loves to prank others so do you. Did you ever pranked anyone in your life? If yes, share it with us. 

- I did a lot, lol with my siblings and family. I think the craziest prank I've ever done was when I filled extreme hot sauce into one of my sibling's hamburger just so that she may not eat. (I know right, it's awful lol)

(A/N: OMG! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nothing is awful when it comes to siblings. Do anything with your siblings without feeling any regret lol! 😂😂).

12. As a human we do things which makes us feel embarrassed so tell us about your most embarrassing story. 

- When I accidentally walked downstairs without my hijab on, having my hair out, feeling fly until I saw some strangers entering the house to visit my parents. Even though I had run back, they had already seen me. That was the most embarrassing one.

(A/N: Oh gosh! That's so embarrassing! I can totally feel it! 🤣🤣🤣).  

13. What is the most selfless thing you have done for someone? And apart from your mother, who is that person for you? 

- The most selfless thing I've done was to buy my mother a prayer mat at the right time (because she was complaining about not having one for her which she could pray on etc.), besides her, my dad, my siblings, that's it. 

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah! 😍♥️ That's so beautiful! May Allah ﷻ bless you abundantly, Aameen ya rab!).

14. Who are your most favorite Internet friends? Describe them in few words. 

- I don't play favorite, I love them all for Allah's Sake and they're all some precious diamonds. 

(A/N: Aww, Ma Shaa Allah!).

15. Which quality you dislike the most in the people and would want to change? 

- Hypocrisy & individualism (selfishness) 

16. What are your ways of dealing with people? 

- Avoiding them but treating them with respect as it is my right as a Muslim. 

17. Out of 10, how much would you rate your character? 

- 0,00000000001 

(A/N: Why so?).

18. What’s the most important fuel of life in your opinion? 

- Fuel of life? Worshipping Allah. Ibn Taymiyyah if I'm not mistaken once said and I quote: " Dhikr(remembrance of Allah) is to the heart as water is to a fishsee what happens to a fish when it is taken out of water." 

Now I'm saying that most important fuel of life is to worship Allah, see what happens to a fish when it's taken out of water? Well the same happens to the one who becomes heedless of his Lord. 

(A/N: Indeed, so true!).

19. Which reminder would you like to give everyone through a verse of the Qur’an? 

- "That Day, the people will depart separated [into categories] to be shown [the result of] their deeds. So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it,And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it." [Surah Az-Zalzalah]

Reminder behind it: Beware of the things you do, whether with your tongue, heart or deeds, cause everything will be written down, good or bad and it's only the way you've lived your life, you will die upon, unless Allah covers you with His Mercy.

(A/N: SubhanAllah! So true!).

20. How important is it for us to balance Deen and Dunya

- It's important to put Deen first, for indeed whoever choose Allah first in any circumstances, Allah will things of this Dunya easy for him. And do not forget that the believer shall live this life like a stranger, for everything is only temporary. 

(A/N: Indeed!).

21. Since majority of the youth don’t realise their time of opportunity which starts from teenage, how prominently will you advice them to use it wisely?

- By worshipping Allah as much as they can and being the aware of the breaker of the pleasures which is death. Because the more you grow up, the more you're strike with responsibilities.

22. According to you, how necessary is it for one to stay disciplined? Don’t you feel people lack the Sunnah lifestyle which should be brought back?

-Definitely, people have abandoned the Sunnah lifestyle in order to adjust themselves into the so-called "modern society", and that's really a shame. If today the youth lack discipline and that the kuffars have an upper hand over us, it's only because we've distanced ourselves from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

(A/N: True!).

23. Name some Sunnah lifestyle which you follow?

- I follow all the sunnah lifestyle I know about, when I discover others, I try to attempt them to my life. For instance:

- I drink while sitting, I use the siwak a lot, I offer Fajr Salah (the recommended one), I always say 'bismillah' before taking my clothes off or dressing up, I always make sure to eat with the right hand, and so many more.

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!).

24. How responsible are you as a person? And what is your opinion on it being the most essential part of one’s life? 

- I'm quite responsible, I guess ^^. The most essential part of one's life is sincerity.

(A/N: True indeed!).

25. What message would you like to give to those who play blame game? Don’t you think one should take full responsibility over their wrong?

- Of course yes! I cannot stand those kind of people.

26. What would you like to do in your leisure time?

- Seeking knowledge and learning the Qu'ran.

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!).

27. A) Your favorite food.

I don't particularly have one.

B). Your favorite fruits.

Pineapple, grapes and tomatoes (yes, tomato is a fruit).

C). Your favorite vegetable.

Carrots, salad with corn, (marinated of course)

D). Your favorite Nasheeds

I don't listen to nasheeds, rarely. And I don't have one.

E). Your favorite quote.

"you are dear to no one except Allah."

F). Your favorite athlete.

I don't have one, don't even watch sports x)

G). Your favorite sports.

I don't practise it lmaaao

H). Your favorite animated movie.

Code lyoko

I). Your favorite color.

Black, white, navy blue.

J). Your favorite subject in school.

English x)

28. How do you feel being a Muslimah? And what are the changes you would like to bring to the world?

- I'm eager and feel blessed to be a Muslimah. It is all of a Mercy of Allah. Unfortunately, I don't think the world can be changed now, but maybe the world may be given the chance if we raise the future generation within the laws of Allah.

29. How did you discovered Wattpad and what was your first experience?

- I barely even remember, but it was and is still an amazing experience.

30. Tell us about your first story that you wrote on Wattpad.

- Lol, it was a k-drama. x) Then I wrote a story about an interrecial couple related with black magic and sorcery. But I took them down.

31. How did you get the idea for your first story?

- It actually happened when my french teacher in highschool said something about Iblis being an Angel and etc. And I knew deep down that he was wrong but I didn't have the reliable statements to contradict him. So I just kept quiet but when I got home, the first thing I did was to make research and from that day onwards, I felt the need to share the real story of Iblis and of all the Prophets (may peace be upon them) and help people who are ignorant about it!

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!).

32. What is your inspiration?

- To be a great servant of Allah, a good wife to my husband, a good child to my parents and a great example to my children. 

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!).

33. Are your stories benefitting? What lessons we can learn from them?

- Yes, they are and that's one of my main goals. I want my stories to benefit others. We can truly learn many lessons from them, it is so numerous Subhana'Allah that I can't even quote them all. But I hope that whoever reads it will find it beneficial.

(A/N: In Shaa Allah!).

34. As a reader, why should I read your book?

- Well, because first of all, I can draw the reader in (I hope so lol), *laugh*, but hum, I always try to create something different, you know, something unique, inspirational and inspiring.

35. Writers mostly go through writer blocks and you must have also went through it. How do you deal it and how we can overcome it?

- To be honest with you, I just don't do anything! I wait until I become inspired again or sometimes it just hits me while watching a K-drama or a youtube video or whatever. It just happens.

36. Which is your favourite scene amongst the book you have written?

- In the book, "dear mom I'm sorry", I think that my favourite scene was when the main character Aisha visited her into a graveyard and made a last good-bye to her mom, by making peace with herself as she believed that she was the reason why her mother passed away, which is partially true.

(A/N: Aww, yes. I love that book).

37. Describe:

▪Love : Love hears and speaks with the wisdom of the heart, with a sense of the soul of the other. In love we have our "forever home" and it gives us the ability to fly so freely, joyfully returning when each heart calls for the other's touch.

(A/N: Beautifully described. Ma Shaa Allah!).

▪Friendship : Friendship is the kind of relationship where you just bond with the person right away. It isn't something planified, or even wanted. It just come out naturally.

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah! Beautifully described! 😍).

▪Trust : I always thought that trust must come before love, yet it is not so, for love and trust can arrive at the same moment. When love is given in this way, immediate, no explanations, the trust arrives too.

▪Family: family is my life, and everything else comes second as far as what's important to me.

▪Life: "And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." [Surah Ali Imran verse 185]

38. What is that one thing that you used to love the most in the past but now you don't like it?

- I can't remember, sorry.

(A/N: It's okay ♥).

39. Your favorite childhood memory.

- I don't have one unfortunately

40. Describe your school life and your most favorite school memory.

- School life is boring, lol, and my favorite school memory is whenever the bell rings indicating the end of classes lol.

41. If you were wrongfully put into an insane asylum, how would you convince them that you’re actually sane and not just pretending to be sane?

- I'd surely convince them but not doing anything? ^^

42. Would you rather eat chocolate that taste like bugs or bugs that taste like chocolates?

- Huh man, lol, bugs that taste like chocolates

(A/N: Good luck then!).

43.Would you rather live under a sky with no stars at night or a sky with no clouds during the day?

- A sky with no clouds during the day

44. Would you rather be lost in a bad part of a town or lost in a forest?

- I'd rather be lost in a bad part of a town!!

45. Would you rather have a five minute conversation with your past self or future self?

- Future self

46. Would you rather, fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?

- Resolve my biggest regret if it is still possible and not too late yet ..

47. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

- They'd assume that I got arrested because I'd refused to take off my hijab when asked to by a french company, or that I confronted my boss because he caught me praying in my office, things like that lmao.

(A/N: Hahaha!).

48. If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?

- Stop free-mixing !!!

49. If you could lock up one person in a mental institution, who would it be?

- You! Lol I'm just kidding, I don't know, I don't think I'd ever do that to someone ^^

(A/N: Hayeee, you are so sweet! 😍).

50. A Message to readers and to all those who are struggling in writing.

- Keep trying your best, I'm sure your book worth reading. It doesn't matter how much likes or reads you get, as long as you're loving what you're doing and you enjoy sharing what's on your mind in a creative and stylish way, just keep up the good work! Stay strong, beautiful.



So here we come to an end of a beautiful interview. It was nice have you here, Diyara! Stay blessed!

May Allah (S.W.T) bless you abundantly and grant you lots of success and happiness. May Allah (S.W.T) protect you and your family from every harm.

Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen!

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