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Assalamualaikum Warahmutallahi Wabarakatuhu!

Hope you all are doing well!

Today I am here with my beautiful Kashmiri friend who is none other than, MisbaDar. She is a beautiful soul with a beautiful heart. Ma Shaa Allah!

[Guys, the interview you are going to read is of a girl who is a kashmiri and I have no idea how she is now. She gave this interview few days before the situation worsen in Kashmir. Please keep her and all the kashmiri in your precious duas. Jazakillahu khairan Katheeran Katheera!]

Let's get started with the interview!


1. Tell about yourself.

Name and meaning:  Misbah Mansoor .

MISBAH means lamp (chirag) and MANSOOR is my father's name which I use as my surname it means defended, protected by God.
MISBAH MANSOOR (lamp protected by God)

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!)

Age: 21 Alhamdullilah

Date of birth: 28th May.

Nationality: Kashmiri

Hobby: Drawing, cooking and sometimes writing.

Relationship status (single/committed):  committed to my future hubby 😜

2. Describe yourself in few lines.

Well, I don't know how to do this 😅. I am introvert but sometimes I can be opposite (only for my friends and family who are really close to me). Sometimes shy and sometimes patakha (that also depends on who I m with).  I am a kind of person who can't shut her mouth when something bad happens what we call that, Mu phat . I don't care whether it's right time or not , I say what I have to say.  And that's something which lands me into trouble sometimes 🤷‍♀. I m also a moody person that's what everyone says. I have lots of anger issues but trying to control it. There is much more but let me just let you guys add more points to it 😅😜

(A/N: And I love you for what you are! 😍).

3. What good changes you want to bring in yourself?

I want to control my anger that's the biggest problem I have. And of course I want change myself to be a better Muslimah.

(A/N: In Shaa Allah!).

4. Which book was your first book you read on Wattpad and what were your thoughts on it?

In March 2016, I joined wattpad and the first book I read was the girl I never noticed , I choose it because my cousin sister was reading that book and I thought I should also give it a try. I loved the story but it had a lot of mature content in it so I was kinda disappointed and I felt bad (you know what I mean) so my reaction was I deleted wattpad 😅.

Then in September same year I installed it again and then the first book I read was The girl in the Green Scarf. I loved that book.  I loved the character of Hamsa, And of course Sebastian. I still remember the names of the main protagonists which is something I always forget 😅 .

(A/N: Oooppsss! I am happy that you thought to came back!).

5. Tell us about your favorite books on Wattpad as well as offline.

There are many
All book by HopesPrayersNSmiles especially winged dreams.
Forgiving you and finding you by hayatkhan07
New girl series by Star_That_Shines.
His maid or his wife by warishaahmed
Twl by Naaz prophetsummati
Halal love starts after Nikah by Taqi Taqi-Writer
Kainat's tangled hearts dreamerkr96
Your  - the unknown number Pearls_Queen
She is my Hayat by hayatiofparadise

And the list goes on

They are not novels though except one.
Don't be sad
Enjoy your life
You can be the happiest woman in the world

And alchemist by Paulo Coelho .

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah! I am glad that you love my book so much! Thank you so much 😘 and I also have Enjoy your life and don't be sad. They are amazing books! Ma Shaa Allah!).

6. Which genre you prefer most and why?

Spiritual because one can learn a lot of things from such books and nowadays novels can also lead us to sins and Muslim love stories are something which are written within the limits . Not only one can enjoy reading it but also learn many lessons .

(A/N: True!).

7. Tell us about your experience as an author on Wattpad.

My experience as a writer is not even a year long. Before I became an author on Wattpad, I was keen reader. Logging in everyday to read someone else's story while on the side I was spinning my own tales of fantasy. Then I thought; "Why can't I upload?" No answer came to mind so I started to write but never dared to upload ! Yes,  I had written my books long ago but I never dared to post. Then I mustered enough courage to post the first chapter of my novel and I was nervous . I regretted posting it and decided to unpublish it but when I opened wattpad again ,  I was surprised to see that the chapter has got few votes and comments and that's what kept me going.  First comment on my book was of missfarooqui786.
At about the month and a half point I kind of wondered if this was worth it. I had about 100 reads, a dozen or so likes, and a few comments. The comments had all been positive, so I thought why not keep it up there. And the little response I got was amazing.
I love writing on this platform and share my views with other people it has been an amazing experience so far.
And one thing that I love about wattpad is we can interact with our readers and that helps us to write better .

8. Choose between the two.

Chocolates/ Ice cream.

Ice cream and if it's Nutella then I can dump ice cream









Happy ending/sad ending.

Of course happy .


Tea  *looking at the coffee with dreamy eyes but will go with tea with heavy heart*

(A/N: lol).









9. What would be the one advice you would give yourself if you go back to six years?

Be patient , everything happens for good. It may seem bad right now but everything will make sense later.  You are just seeing one piece of puzzle it's still to be solved once it is all solved everything will be clear. And puzzles take time to be solved so you need to have Sabr.

One of the keys to contentment in life is knowing and accepting that not everything will go your way, not everyone will see things the way you do and not everything you want will become yours. You may not understand the wisdom behind things straight away. It may take weeks , months or even years but trust Allah and understand that what your heart ever desired and you will one day see the wisdom behind it all. Trust him, he knows.

(A/N: 💯).

10. What are your ambitions in life?

Be a better Muslimah and book a highest place in Jannah.

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!)

11. Most people loves to prank others so do you. Did you ever pranked anyone in your life? If yes, share it with us.

Nah , I was the one who used to get pranked all the time 🙁

But yeah recently I helped my family to prank my brother that we got him engaged as he always said that he will marry with a girl of my parents choice so they pranked him and said that we got him engaged. That week was fun to tease him 😂

(A/N: OMG!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣).

12. As a human we do things which makes us feel embarrassed so tell us about your most embarrassing story.

Once a CID officer called me for verification of my passport and I thought it's my cousin's stupid prank and I started scolding him. Later when I had to visit The office I got to know that I had scolded the officer.

(A/N: OMG!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣).

13. What is the most selfless thing you have done for someone? And apart from your mother, who is that person for you?

Let it be a secret. If I share, it won't be selfless anymore .
By the way  I don't think any deed is selfless. I actually want Jannah in return.

And apart from my mother it has to be my father.

(A/N: Aww, Ma Shaa Allah!).

14. Who are your most favorite Internet friends? Describe them in few words.

All are my favorite.  If u are saying FRIENDS then of course they have to be my favorite. And probably you know all of them except nifii_muslimah. She is a lovely girl from Sri Lanka.

Among all one is really close to my heart and I guess you already know who she is. 

When I first talked to her I somewhat found  myself in her , my that self which I buried long ago.  Maybe I was missing my old self that's why I started loving her. (I don't want to say more about it 😜)

I m so grateful to have her in my life. The type of person she is comes only once or twice in a lifetime. I don't only consider her as my friend but as my little sister. No matter where life takes us she will always have a special place in my heart.  She will always be my little sister . She is not just an internet friend but she is more than a real friend for me.  I love her more than the words can express.

She is amazing! That's the simplest way I could put it. She makes me laugh and smile and cry .Talking to her always, always makes my day. I hope that one day we will meet in real and be bestest friends! She is beautiful!  funny, caring, honest, understanding and really good to talk to. I know she is going to deny it but it's the truth.

Message for her:

'You're amazing dear, don't you ever think that you're not because you're more than amazing.

You're a big part in my life, because of how much you mean to me.

Love you my Mishal (don't cry after reading this 😉).

(A/N: Awwwwwww, Ma Shaa Allah!! Yes, I know who that person is. Ma Shaa Allah!! May Allah (S.W.T) protect your friendship from all the evil eyes and black magic and always keeps you united in this world as well as in Akhirah, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen. I love you both for the sake of Allah (S.W.T) 😘).

15. Which quality you dislike the most in the people and would want to change?

Double face.

(A/N: Me too -_- ).

16. What are your ways of dealing with people?

Depends on who the next person is.  I always try to be friendly with everyone. If anyone is rude or hard to handle I try to figure out the reason for that behavior. Because I believe that behind every action of a person  is a reason but sometimes we need to understand our situation and act wisely and many people act without thinking . That's why if anyone acts strangely then I try to find out the reason and if its  genuine then I try to help and make them understand.

But if the person is impossible . I try to stay calm because I know that I can never make that person understand , he/she can never get convinced. I try to keep myself away from them as much as possible because as I already said I say what I have to say but my this nature won't help here and it will create more problems so it's better to stay away from them for a peaceful life. But that doesn't mean I will stay quiet, at some point I will deliver my message maybe indirectly or directly.

(A/N: Ma Shaa Allah!)

17. Out of 10, how much would you rate your character?

I will let you guys rate me.

(A/N: Hahaha! I will give you ten out of ten coz of your excellent nature, Ma Shaa Allah!).

18. What’s the most important fuel of life in your opinion?

Life will go on without Islam as well but that life won't be of any worth. 
Like a car will run if we fuel it with low grade petrol and will also run if we fuel it with best petrol.  Only difference is that,  the good quality of petrol keeps the car in well condition and the bad one decreases it's worth. 
Likewise we can live without Islam but that life will have mountains meaning coz the reason we are here is to prove ourselves worth jannah and that will only happen if Islam is in our lives.

(A/N: So true!).

19. Which reminder would you like to give everyone through a verse of the Qur’an?

And which of the favors of your Lord will you deny.

It’s without a doubt, one of my favorites ayats  [verses] from the Qu’ran.

The verse reminds us time and again for the many blessings we take for granted on a daily basis [and  to be thankful for them]. Whether it be in terms of money, food, wealth, health… or anything and everything else: tangible and intangible.

(A/N: Indeed. It's my favorite too).

20. How important is it for us to balance Deen and Dunya?

Islam in itself is not a religion of extremes, but it's a religion of ease. Nowadays we see people either investing themselves in the worldly affairs and forgetting about their akhirah or they keep themselves busy in religious, spiritual activities forgetting about their families and other worldly duties.

As a Muslim we all will say that the first category is doing wrong but the second one is not right either. When we say Deen or Dunya?.  Many pious people will reply Deen over dunya and if we think about it then there is no balance ! But what it actually means is Deen in itself includes everything which is required for dunya. In other words when you do duties of Dunya you are actually doing duties of Deen.  For example loving your spouse, if you see it superficially it's regarded as something worldly but it's in our Deen as well and you will get a great reward for it.  Islam actually forbids you to cut yourself off from the world and your worldly responsibilities and in turn, actually encourages individuals to engage and interact with society and reap what it has to offer, but within a set of boundaries created by Allah (SWT). A life lived in accordance to Allah’s commandments is ‘Ibadah’ in itself. This dunya is a place where we can earn Allah’s (SWT) pleasure and rewards, and that's what will decide our life in hereafter. Even our everyday activities– no matter how big or small – can account for the biggest rewards from Allah (SWT). Like cooking for your family, cleaning the house, giving your children a good upbringing, helping your neighbors, visiting someone who is ill or even smiling at a stranger, is considered an act of kindness, or sadaqah, and is written down in our list of good deeds. Hence All these activities are not only worldly but for our Deen as well. 

So for me I don't think there's need to balance Deen and Dunya. Deen is over Dunya. And our Deen endorses moderation in all spheres of life.

(A/N: So truly said ! 💯)

21. Since majority of the youth don’t realise their time of opportunity which starts from teenage, how prominently will you advice them to use it wisely?

If you are talking about teenagers then it's difficult to advise them coz they won’t take any heed . I would try to advise them in there way like first being a cool dude types (of course not forgetting my limits).

I would want them to keep away from specious arguments (shubuhaath) as They are very dangerous and can corrupt our minds in ways we can’t even imagine. Teenage is an age where youth wants everything in perfection , taking advantage of it we can motivate them to learn religion properly and learn the evidences for it's principles. And once they learn it then I don't think we will need to advise them more. 

22. According to you, how necessary is it for one to stay disciplined? Don’t you feel people lack the Sunnah lifestyle which should be brought back?

It's really very important. It's a secret of a successful man.  Without discipline, we will be destroyed just like the atoms will be destroyed if they go against their system. An atom, whole universe has its own path to follow that's what is disciple If they deviate a micro centimeter from it whole universe will be destroyed.  That's how much discipline is important. Everyone wants a successful life and successful life only depends on your discipline .

Yes, people are forgetting the Sunnah lifestyle and we need to bring it back.  It also is a part of discipline so way to our success.

(A/N: True 💯).

23. Name some Sunnah lifestyle which you follow?

Washing hands before and after eating.

Eating with right hand. 

Smiling and shaking hands when you meet someone.

Everyone follows these Sunnah . They are our routine right? we just need to do them with the intentions of Sunnah & we will be rewarded inshaa Allah.

24. How responsible are you as a person? And what is your opinion on it being the most essential part of one’s life?

I m quite responsible but sometimes I may get lazy sometimes when I know there are other people around doing stuff for me.  And I know that's not right I m trying to change that.
For the second question,  it's no doubt the mist essential part of life. Responsibility is important for the success.  It keeps our life organized or should I say disciplined and we now already know that how discipline is important .

25. What message would you like to give to those who play blame game? Don’t you think one should take full responsibility over their wrong?

Stop!  Stop doing it . If you want to live a happy life and keep your every relation healthy stop playing blame game.  This thing can destroy your relationships and  your happiness. If you are at fault, apologize and accept it.  It won't make you any less of a person. By apologizing other one will respect you more . And if anyone else is at fault don't accuse him/her just forgive.

The blame game is a dangerous game to play. You not only harm others’ integrity by blaming them, but also you will stay stuck on who is at fault rather than trying to make the situation better. Many times someone will at fault. Don't start insulting them. Even if someone has done something wrong that doesn’t make them a bad person. It is important to address the behavior as bad, not the person as a whole.
It's really important to accept the responsibility for your behaviors because only then a conflict can be actually resolved.

(A/N: Truly said!).

26. What would you like to do in your leisure time?

Reading or drawing.

27. A) Your favorite food.

Anything with chicken in it 😜

B). Your favorite fruits.

Mango 😋😋😋

C). Your favorite vegetable.


D). Your favorite Nasheeds.

Don't listen much but love junaid jamsheed's nasheed ,they have amazing lyrics

E). Your favorite quote.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time . We are the ones that we have been waiting for. We are change that we seek.

F). Your favorite athlete.

No one 😂😂😂

G). Your favorite sports.


H). Your favorite animated movie.


I). Your favorite color.

Black and navy blue

J). Your favorite subject in school.

Mathematics 😍

28. How do you feel being a Muslimah? And what are the changes you would like to bring to the world?

Special! Lucky!
Allah has bestowed us with countless blessings- sight, hearing, health wealth family.... But all these blessings will end when our worldly life will end.  Only thing which remains with us is our Deen which is the greatest blessing Allah has ever bestowed upon us . So how can I not feel special and lucky!?

The change I want to bring is that people start studying their religion and live their lives like they are asked to. I want us (people) to be Muslims by heart and not by name.

29. How did you discovered Wattpad and what was your first experience?

My cousin recommended me this app and about my first  experience I already shared it.  The of My first experience was that I uninstalled it 😂

30. Tell us about your first story that you wrote on Wattpad.

The first story which I wrote on wattpad was actually familiar strangers but I published it last.  I published "DREAMS MEANT TO BE FORGOTTEN" first.  That story revolves around the fact that not every dream is meant to be true. Some dreams are meant to be forgotten once we wake up.

31. How did you get the idea for your first story?

My surroundings! I have met lot of people who dreamt about something,  worked for it but still didn't get it , and they are happy with their lives.  That's where I got the idea to write "DREAMS MEANT TO FORGOTTEN".

32. What is your inspiration?

My surroundings

33. Are your stories benefitting? What lessons we can learn from them?

I try to write something benefiting , then it's for you guys to tell me if I m succeeding or not.  I try to deliver small lessons through it.  Maybe by reading my books you may get some lessons on how to react on different situations and when to react. Right now you are excepting me to explain what lessons you may learn from it . Every writer has some kinds of lessons which she wants to deliver via her books. And the reader has its own perspective of understanding it. Sometimes a reader understands and learns so differently that even the writer hadn't thought about it.
In short I will just say that while narrating some story I also try to give some advices. So if you want them go read my book and tell  me what lessons you learnt😊.

34. As a reader, why should I read your book?

Because you love reading😉.

As I already said if you want to enjoy the story and learn some little things side by side go read my books 😉

(A/N: Hahaha!).

35. Writers mostly go through writer blocks and you must have also went through it. How do you deal it and how we can overcome it?

It sucks 😑. Whenever I have writers block I read my story from the beginning, reading really helps in this. If I couldn't overcome it, then I will read some other books till I get my interest and words back.

36. Which is your favourite scene amongst the book you have written?

Well, there's a favorite scene but that chapter is not published yet so... I won't say it now ask me when my book completes 😅

37. Describe:

▪Love : No words can describe it.  It's something so mysterious that only Allah (S.W.T)  can design it and comprehend it. Wonder if wonders. And in only Allah one can find the true meaning and perfection of love. It's permanent. A simple thing is changed into a most treasured treasure by love. It's unselfish, unconditional, faithful, trusting, truthful.  It's a gift from Allah (S.W.T).


It can mean different things to different people . For me friendship is a blessing and if you have this relationship with a right person your life will be successful and full of happiness ,no matter what your status is.


Base of every relation.




Roller coaster

38. What is that one thing that you used to love the most in the past but now you don't like it?

Watching television

39. Your favorite childhood memory.

There are lots of childhood memories which I treasure.

One of them is on the engagement day of my uncle.  When guests arrived ,I was not supposed to sit with them because they were all males and my brother was with the guests. I cried a lot but no one allowed me to go in the hall. Then my brother came and took me inside and fed me the food with his hand when his hand was plastered but still he fed me.
On other occasion, my brother was at my grandma's house.  It was eid day and I was at home. I have the blurred images of this memory 😅. My brother was himself a small child then maybe in 2nd or 3rd grade.  He had got his eidi and when he had to come back home he had brought bangles for me.

I really miss those moments with my brother.  ❤

(A/N: Awwww, that's soooo cute!! Ma Shaa Allah!).

40. Describe your school life and your most favorite school memory.

School life was amazing.  I just miss my school so much.  We (my class) were the most pampered students in the school because we were there first batch. It was like a second family for me. 
My most favorite memory is teasing the boys and not letting them to play 😅 (don't judge me  haa! I was in that school for just till grade 5)
Whenever we had games class and we would see boys playing, we would go to them and tell  hat we want to play to too.  And being boys they would never agree and since we were not any less we would start chasing them.  They would try to run away from us and we would chase till we had to go back to our class.  It was our routine we would never let them play the game of their choice.  They always had to run away from us and we would chase them while shouting "hum bhi khelain gay".

Lolll! I just miss too days.

(A/N: Hahahaha lollll!).

41. If you were wrongfully put into an insane asylum, how would you convince them that you’re actually sane and not just pretending to be sane?

I would be myself.  And I suppose the doctors there should be well experienced enough to figure out if I am sane or not.

42. Would you rather eat chocolate that taste like bugs or bugs that taste like chocolates?

If bugs were halal then I would would choose bugs but as they are not so I will eat chocolates that taste like bugs.

(A/N: All the best!).

43.Would you rather live under a sky with no stars at night or a sky with no clouds during the day?

Sky with no clouds.

44. Would you rather be lost in a bad part of a town or lost in a forest?

Lost in forest.

45. Would you rather have a five minute conversation with your past self or future self?

Past self.

46. Would you rather, fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?

Resolve my biggest regret because I believe fulfilling dreams are hard if you have regrets.

47. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Beaten up someone 😅

(A/N: I wonder who might be that poor person 😝).

48. If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?

Everyone must keep phones aside and live their day with friends and family like how we are asked to live.

(A/N: Great rule!).

49. If you could lock up one person in a mental institution, who would it be?

My school friend Amber (no offense amber ;))

50. A Message to readers and to all those who are struggling in writing.

I love u all for the sake of Allah (S.W.T).
Thank you so mucccchhhhhh for taking time to read my books.
THANK YOU - To those who read my first chapter and asked for more. You gave me the courage and the belief that I could really do this.
missfarooqui nifii_muslimah ,To the one who recommend it to their friends and continue to spread the word beanieniqabi (rumaila Aapi), To everyone who has reviewed my book - there is no greater gift to an author,  To everyone who has sent me honest and kind words - it means more than you know.

Now for those who are struggling in writing . If you want to write start it right away . Don't think about the consequences now.  Just write.  Let your imagination be pen locked.  Don't think about your previous failure because that will only freeze your brain. Think about the mistakes you did before and avoid them in the next attempt. Never stop writing !! Perfection doesn't come at the first attempt. It will come with time only if you continue to write . Follow your dreams without any fear of failure.


Wow! What a beautiful and fun interview! I completely enjoyed and I hope you all enjoyed too.

Ya Allah, protect her and her family from all the harms and keep her along with all the kashmiri Muslims under your protection, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen!

May Allah (S.W.T) make it easy for her and everyone in Kashmir to go through this difficult phase, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen.

Ya Allah, help them in any way to contact their families and make everything easy for them and may they get access to internet very soon, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen.

Ya Allah, keep her,
& her family, the Muslims of Kashmir and all the Muslims of the world who are being oppressed away from the people who are doing zulm on them, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen.

Ya Allah, grant us a good leader who will be best for the beautiful land like India, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen.

Ya Allah, protect the whole ummah from the bad people and help us in walking to the right path, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen.

Ya Allah, have mercy on us. Ya Allah, forgive the mountains and sea filled sins of the ummah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and protect us from all the harm, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen.

Ya Allah, fulfill all the duas of my friend, Misba and keep her and her family protected from all the harms, Aameen ya rabbul Aalameen.

Guys, please do pray for all the kashmiris. Jazakillahu khairan Katheeran Katheera!

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