Chapter 1

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Serina's Mind: He looks very strict, so he kinda scares me...

Serina's Mind: He's probably very uptight about etiquette, so I'm a bit worried.

Serina's Mind: But maybe that's just the kind of person the kingdom needs.

Serina's Mind: Maybe I should talk to him first before deciding to give him the bracelet.

~Let's start Lambert~

Ivan: And this shall be your room from now on.

Serina's Mind: W-Wow it's huge...

Ivan: Everything should be prepared for you, but if not, please ask.

Ivan: Please call me for anything at all. I shall come promptly.

Ivan: Now, please excuse me. I shall call upon you tomorrow.

Serina: Thank you.

I said when he left as he close the door.

Serina: ...Haa...

Serina's Mind: ....I've been caught up in something big haven't I...?

As letting out a big sigh, I flopped onto the giant bed.

Serina's Mind: That person...

Serina's Mind: From looks alone, he did seem the most prince-like, but...

Serina's Mind: Can I decide if he's suited to be king? Just thinking about it depresses me.

Serina's Mind: But I really want to go home... I don't want to worried about my parents.

Serina's Mind: But I don't have money or a passport... it's all that thief's fault!

Serina's Mind: So I have to think positive. Right, living at the palace is a chance.

Serina's Mind: I'll get to know him by living together.

Serina's Mind: And then naturally, the day when I can decide should come.

After convincing myself of that, I decide to sleep. But I had so much to think about that I just couldn't drift off.

Serina's Mind: Haaa I feel a nice sleep!

I sits up when I stretching my arms when I hear a knock at the door.

*Knock Knock!*

Serina: Come in.

The door are open, as someone who come in... it's Ivan when he close the door.

Ivan: Good morning, Miss Serina. Were you able to rest last night?

Serina: Why yes.

Ivan: And I heard you said "Come in".

Serina: Oh... um... please don't be shocked about who I am.

Ivan: Hm?

Serina: As you know... I am... Princess Serina from my home kingdom.

Ivan: ...!

Ivan: Lady Serina, I'm terrible sorry.

Serina: N-No, it's okay.

Ivan: Alright, but his Majesty has ordered me to guide you about the palace today.

Ivan: If you are well, I would like to do so quickly. What is your wish?

Serina: Hmm... yes.

Ivan: Then I shall be outside. When you are ready, please call me.

Ivan: And I have a nice fit for you about the dress.

Serina: Thank you.

Serina's Dress:


Serina: Wow~

Serina's Mind: Oh wow, this place never ceases to amaze me with how huge it is.

Ivan: Is anything the matter, Miss Serina?

Serina: Oh... well it seems like a different world.

Ivan: It will at first, but you will grow accustomed to it.

Serina's Mind: A country so much bigger than the palace. And the king protecting it.

Serina: So... a king is such an impressive person.

Ivan: Because the country depends upon him.

Serina: What kind of person... is suited to be king?

Ivan: I can't say it is a rule, but our king now thinks of the people above all.

Ivan: Due to that, every person, not just the servants, respect him deeply.

Ivan: Although we are a bit troubled by that compassion when it comes to women...

Serina's Mind: Oh... right. I was asked about being a part of his harem.

Ivan: But I am proud to be in his service.

Ivan: It is my opinion... but a man that can make others think so is fit to be king."

Ivan: Is that of help you?

Serina: Yes.

Serina's Mind: But... at the same time as I felt uneasy again.

Serina's Mind: Can I decide such an important person?

Ivan: You needn't rush. You may pass the bracelet when you feel you're ready.

Serina: Well... I supposed so.

Serina's Mind: But I want to go home quickly cause my parents are so worried. That's what I'm really thinking.

Ivan: Well, let's go on to the next.

Serina: Alright.

Serina's Mind: And yet...

Serina: It's just... so big like my home.

Serina's Mind: But we haven't gone everywhere and it's already getting dark.

Ivan: Then shall we make this our last today? We can start again tomorrow.

Ivan: Please, this way.

Ivan: This is where many events are held.

Ivan: State guest dinners and celebrations like the coronation are held here.

Serina's Mind: Is it really okay for me to come into such a grand place...?

As I think when Ivan said.

Ivan: There are no plans for this room today.

Ivan: His Majesty told me to take you where you like, so please don't worry.

As relieved by those words, I checked out the room as I pleased. I'd never been in such a place before, but I knew at a glance the grandeur. I finished my tour and sighed as I went to leave, when a grand door opened.

Balam: Oh, it seems someone is already here?

Lambert: Before us? That couldn't be...

Serina's Mind: Ah...! He's the man from yesterday...

Lambert: ...Who said you could be here? A commoner like you shouldn't be here.

Lambert: If it's without permission, I hope you're ready for the punishment.

Serina: Excuse me? Don't ever call me "commoner", you dumb!

Serina: Ivan is the one who show me!

Ivan: Please calm down, Miss Serina. And I beg your forgiveness, Master Lambert.

Ivan: I brought her here. I was told to guide Miss Serina about the palace...

Lamber: Hmph, no excuses. Get her out of here. I have business with the Minister.

Ivan: Forgive me.

Serina's Mind: Grrr... what an arrogant person!?

Serina: You're an idiot prince Lam!

Lambert: ...

Serina's Mind: Is all royalty like that? It looks like I'll regret choosing him already.

I turn around, but...

Lambert: Hey, wait.

Serina: Now what is it?

Lambert: Do you still have the bracelet?

Serina: Of course I have it.

Lambert: Then give it to me and get out of here.

Serina: What did you just say.

Lambert: That isn't something for anyone outside the royal family to have.

Lambert: So there's no meaning whatsoever if a commoner like you has it.

Ivan: But Master Lambert...

Lambert: You be quiet.

Lambert: It disturbs me that you're here at all.

Lambert: And that you have the bracelet... it's unbearably unpleasant.

Lambert: So if you give me the bracelet, I'll at least allow you to be here.

Lambert: You can't go home anyway. So it's best if you do as I say, don't you think?

Lambert: If you understand, give it to me.

Serina: ...

Serina's Mind: If I could just turn it over when asked, I would have long ago...

Lambert: What're you waiting for? That's a royal heirloom passed down the generations.

Lambert: Even you can tell who should really be holding it.

As suddenly...

Tamir: Stop right there.

Ivan: Your Majesty!

Lambert: Your Majesty...!

Serina: Ah, Your Majesty!

As with the best timing ever, cause King Tamir appeared. Though I was about to hand the bracelet to Prince Lambert, I pulled it back. Then I hear Prince Lambert click his tongue in disgust when I stick out my tongue at Prince Lambert.

Ivan: Miss Serina.

Serina: Fine, I'll stop.

Tamir: Haha.

Tamir: Cheating isn't right, Lambert.

Lambert: ...!

Tamir: So long as you have the bracelet, you choose what to do with it, Serina.

Serina: My lord...

Tamir: If you choose to entrust is, then know that person well to see if...

Tamir: They're fit to be king. It is not too late to hand it over then.

Serina's Mind: That's right... I can't entrust it to Prince Lambert because of a threat.

Tamir: Understood?

Serina: Yes your Majesty, my apologized.

Tamir: Good girl.

He seemed happy with that and left right away.

Lambert: ...

On the other hand, Prince Lambert frowned in resolute displeasure. He had to be unhappy that I wouldn't give him the bracelet as he wished.

Lambert: I have no interest in you if you won't give it to me. Ivan, take her away.

He said when I rolled my eyes.

Ivan: Miss Serina.

Serina: ...

Ivan: Pardon us. Let us go.

And I was ushered out of the room by Ivan.

Ivan: I'm very sorry, Miss Serina.

Serina: No, it's fine. But that guy is an idiot. Ugh...

Serina: He's such a cold boi...

Ivan: Yes, he's often seen that way due to his personality.

Ivan: But Master Lambert is a wonderful person. Even if he's hard to understand.

Serina's Mind: Wonderful... huh...

Serina's Mind: He seemed so sure, I almost asked him "Where"?

Ivan: Even if I don't say it, I'm sure you shall soon see it as well.

Serina: You seem sure of yourself.

Ivan: I think there would be no mistakes if you see with your own eyes, is all.

Serina: Is that it...?

Ivan: Yes it is.

Ivan: Well, let me show you back. You must be tired, so please rest.

Serina's Mind: Wonderful, huh...

Serina's Mind: Even if that's true, I don't see myself becoming friends with him.

Serina's Mind: Will I ever think that even after knowing what he's really like?

Serina's Mind: I couldn't help but be uneasy...

*End of Chapter 1*

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