Chapter 2

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Ivan: Good morning, Miss Serina. Did you sleep well last night?

Serina: I think so, but yes.

I slept well, but compared to the previous night was better.

Ivan: I am glad to hear it.

Ivan: About today... as I must help prepare a speech, I can't guide you.

Serina: A speech?

Ivan: A speech to the public. To be frank, the heirs will be making appeals...

Ivan: To the throne. As many people will be there, it's vital to the future king.

Serina: And that is today?

Ivan: Yes. Master Lambert's speech is slated for the afternoon.

Serina: Is that so...

Ivan: What shall you do, Miss Serina?

Ivan: You have permission so you may freely wander the palace grounds.

Serina's Mind: I'd be bored just staying in my room.

Serina's Mind: And so I decided to explore the palace like he said.

Ivan: I shall you come find you before the speeches begin.

Ivan: It's a good chance to learn of Master Lambert, so I hope you will listen.

Serina: I understand.

Ivan: Thank you. Then I will see you later.

He said when he left the room as close the door.

Serina's Mind: A speech...

Serina's Mind: A speech to the public. But I can't imagine it at all.

Serina's Mind: I'll just try to stay out of the way and quietly tour the grounds.

Serina's Mind: Hmm... where should I go first...?

???: Hey, something up?

Serina: Huh...?

I turn around... it's Alvah.

Alvah: You're just standing there. You alone today? Where's Ivan?

Serina: He went out, but he said something about a speech so he seems to be busy.

Alvah: Ah, I see. So that's why you're alone.

Alvah: Well, this is a good chance. We didn't talk much yesterday. And I wanted to.

Alvah: If you'll listen to me, then I'll show you around!

Chezem appeared when he spoke.

Chezem: ...Alvah, brother. We were just told to stay put until the speeches.

Alvah: Just a bit won't hurt, will it?

Chezem: ...I'll be scolded.

Alvah: Okay, fine.

Chezem: I'm also interested in you, but... we can't today. I'm sorry.

Serina: No need to worried, but I'll be fine.

Alvah: Sorry. See you next time!

He said when they left.

Serina's Mind: Prince Lambert had no interest in me and rejected me, but...

Serina's Mind: Though they're all princes, they're all so different...

As thinking it strange, I saw them off and started down the hall again.

Serina's Mind: Oh... now what do I do?

As I walked about, as expected cause I got lost. As looking for people, I went into a nearby room, but...

Serina's Mind: Oh? For just a room, it's so big....

Serina's Mind: But if this were someone's bedroom, this could get sticky.

Serina's Mind: I have to get out of here... hm?

I got distracted by big stacks of paper scattered on the table.

Serina: ...

Serina's Mind: Well... for some reason, I'm drawn to it. Like I want to clean it up.

Serina's Mind: So I took up the papers and began to organize them.

But suddenly... Lambert came in the room.

Lambert: What are you doing in my room?

Serina: Wha!?

Lambert: You have some nerve to come in here without permission.

Serina: I-I-I-I didn't!?

Lambert: Don't lie. Why are you here and why are you holding my speech?

Lambert: Depending on what you say, be ready to accept punishment.

Serina: Well excuse me! I was the one who got lost walking in the palace!?

Lambert: Then... how do you get lost indoors? I will never understand a commoner's actions.

Serina: It's because I'm a commoner. We don't live in houses this big...!

Serina's Mind: I can't tell him about I'm a princess...

Lambert: Hmph... I see.

Lambert: Well, it's fine. You just looked out of curiosity, right?

Serina: Not curiosity, but...

Serina: I thought the penmanship was pretty.

When I said what I really thought as smile cuteness, but Prince Lambert's face grew pink.

Lambert: Pretty? It's just normal, isn't it?

Serina: Ah. N-No. No men I know can write so beautifully.

Lambert: It's vexing to be compared to commoners.

Lambert: There's no prestige if a King has poor writing. A country's valor rides on it.

Serina: On such a small thing...?

Lambert: I'm just saying that such a thing is possible.

Lambert: It may be small to you there are some who don't think so.

Lambert: So, no matter how small, we can't show any imperfections.

Lambert: As a member of the royal family, we have a duty to be perfect.

Serina's Mind: Is that how it is...

Lambert: ...I have no time and yet here I am chitchatting.

Lambert: I'm busy. So get out already and I'll ignore your breaking and entering.

Serina: Whatever.

As I thought it was a good chance to talk with him, but... that was naïve. It'd be a problem if I were punished, so I left quietly.

The hour of the speeches drew close and I was in trouble. Ivan was supposed to come get me and he hasn't come at all. He wasn't one to forget a promise. So I thought I'd start for the meeting hall myself.

Serina's Mind: But if... what if I got lost again... would be even more trouble...?

The palace was unbelievably big. But I couldn't just sit here. And so I set out. And then...


I ran right into someone in front of me. The force of it sent the papers cause he was holding up into the air.

Serina: G-Goodness! I'm so sorry.

Man: Aah, don't worry about picking them up- !?

Man: P-P-Princess Serina? What are you doing here?

Serina: Shhh! Don't tell about this palace and the princes.

Man: Oh~

Man: But why?

I sighed when I spoke to explained as the man was shocked.

Man: I can't believe that thief... I'll find him. But how come the one of prince will become a King?

Serina: Because I have to gave it to him about "bracelet". But I don't want to get married...

Serina: What if I tell my parents... they mad at me or shocked. I feel upset.

Man: I see.

Man: Anyway I'm in a hurry, so pardon me.

But I knew him from somewhere, but he left before I could think of where.

Serina's Mind: Who is he... but how did he knows about me as "Princess Serina". He was wearing armor, so maybe he's a soldier or something?

As I thought when Nagit appeared.

Nagit: Miss Serina.

Serina: Hm?

Nagit: Ivan was busy so I came to get you instead. Were you okay?

Serina: Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry, making you come all this way...

Nagit: No, I asked to go. I've wanted to speak with you.

Nagit: But this is no time for pleasantries.

Serina: Did something happened?

Nagit: The speech scripts have been lost. Everyone's looking, but...

Nagit: Anyway, let's get to the hall. There's no time left before the speeches start.

Servant: I-I'm so sorry. They were right here a moment ago...

Lambert: Forget apologies, just find them!

Lambert: We're out of time. At this rate, it'll turn into a bunch of worthless speechless.

We arrived when he spoke.

Nagit: Lambert, my brother.

Lambert: Nagit... the scripts are still lost. And no leads either.

Lambert: ...Oh, you're here, too. I don't have time for you. Just stay outta the way.

Serina: Look, I don't wanna hear it!

Lambert: ...

Serina's Mind: Sheesh, I'm the sort of person who wants to help.

Serina: It's not going to be found now, so why not try adlibbing?

Lambert: It won't be, but we can't do that.

Lambert: It was my perfect speech. Missing even one letter makes it no longer perfect.

Lambert: Just why would it disappear like that?

Lambert: There's no way a bundle of papers could just vanish!

Serina: A bundle of...!?

I gasp as I remember about that man as I ran into. He was holding some papers like they were important. Betting on that slim chance, I decided to find that guy.

Thanks to running around with all my might, I found him. But there's no way he would listen to me.

Balam: What is it?

Serina: Ah...

That was when the minister beside him looked into it for me.

Balam: ...He confessed. It's just as you said.

Serina: Then the scripts...

Balam: They were torn up and thrown into a bin in a servant's room.

Balam: It seems we were too late...

The scripts were right where he said they'd be.

Serina: Oh my... this is terrible...

The once nobly written speech was in an atrocious state. There's no way it could be used like this.

Serina's Mind: He may be haughty and unlikable, but he did his best with this speech...

I couldn't stand it so I gathered up the pieces and tried to put them together.

Serina's Mind: He might refuse it since it isn't perfect, but...

Serina's Mind: But I just had to do it.

Lambert: This is...

Lambert: I heard from Balam that it'd been torn apart, but you fixed it?

Serina: Well, I tired... but it's hard to read. But I tried my best.

Lambert: No, it's fine. I had a replacement, but I'll use this.

Ivan: Master Lambert, it's time.

Lambert: Alright.

Lambert: ...Seems I'm in your debt. We'll have to talk again later.

As he said that, Prince Lambert took the crumpled script to the podium. None of the earlier chaos could be felt in his perfect speech. The people's fierce cries of support surrounded the area. And I felt like I understood why Ivan said Prince Lambert was wonderful. Impressed, as I watched the podium, I heard Prince Jun and Melchiorre.

Melchiorre: It seems the next king will be Lambert. Listen to the people.

Jun: That was will be very regrettable for a certain someone.

Jun: Since he is hoping for a more easily manipulated prince.

Serina: Huh...?

Serina's Mind: What did they mean by that...?

The cheers continued and Prince Lambert smiled and waved.

*End of Chapter 2*

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