Chapter 3

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Ivan: Pardon me for interrupting when you are resting.

The next day, Ivan, or rather, Prince Lambert called me out.

Ivan: Master Lambert ordered me to call upon you.

Serina's Mind: A sudden summons. And I have no idea...

Serina: It's fine... but did I do something again?

Ivan: There is no need to be so worried.

Ivan: With what happen yesterday, I believe he simply wishes to speak with you.

Serina's Mind: It'd be nice if that were it...

Serina's Mind: Actually, I wanted to talk to him more as well.

Ivan: We've arrived. This way.

Serina's Mind: This is...?

Ivan: Please watch your step and come inside.

Lambert: Ah, you're here.

Serina: !?

Lambert: Get in here faster next time. You're so slow and I'm almost done here.

Lambert: I don't have much time, so come over here. I can't hear you from there.

Serina: Eek!!

I covered my face with my hands.

Serina: Seriously, why did you call me from here!?

I couldn't help screaming, but I scold at him. But this was a bathroom. And, of course, no one wore clothes to the bath. And so, of course, Prince Lambert was...

Lambert: Will you be quiet! How disgraceful...

Ivan: That is why I told you she would be surprised without an explanation.

Lambert: It's not that rare, it is? It's not like you're some maiden.

Lambert: I just don't get commoners. Well, Ivan, explain it to her.

Ivan: ...As you wish.

Prince Lambert was nonchalant about being washed by his attendants. It was like a totally different world.

Ivan: I'm sorry for startling you. I was worried about this soft of meeting...

Ivan: But he has public affairs to attend to and has very little private time.

Ivan: And yet he wished to make time to talk to you, Miss Serina.

Ivan: So we did as Master Lambert wished.

Ivan: As a last resort, it came to this. Do you understand?

Lambert: In other words, I'm using my precious off-time on you.

Lambert: So you should be thankful, not screaming.

Lambert: Well, it is a bit weird, but it's better than if I were changing.

Serina's Mind: I don't get the standards...

Lambert: Well, there isn't much time, so this is about yesterday.

Lambert: Thanks to you finding the speech and fixing it some, it was very good.

Lambert: So I wanted to thank you again.

Serina: W-Wait no, I just...

Lambert: It was by chance, but you went after it right away.

Lambert: And you put it back together even though it was ripped to shreds.

Lambert: Not many could do that. Be proud.

Lambert: I underestimated you. For a commoner you have guts.

I was happy at those words. It was the first time he approved of me.

Lambert: And to the real reason I summoned you...

Lambert: As it stands, I'm indebted to you.

Lambert: But I hate feeling that I owe someone. So I want you to choose a reward.

Lambert: Tell me what you want. Jewels? A dress? Or... ah.

Lambert: Yesterday I saw a gem called a Paraiba tourmaline, how about that?

Serina: A Para...???

Ivan: It's a type of tourmaline. I have heard it's extremely precious.

Ivan: High quality gems rarely make it to market. As reference the price is...

Serina: Ha... haa... I-I see...

Ivan: This is only reference price, but...

Serina: ...!?

Serina's Mind: I couldn't understand the number as what Ivan said right away.

Serina: W-W-W-Wait a minute!?

Lambert was surprised when I spoke.

Serina: I-I mean that's not what I meant!

Lambert: What? Don't like it? Then a diamond? A bit normal and boring, but...

Ivan: Master Lambert, how about giving her some time to think?

Ivan: Miss Serina seems to be flustered at the suddenness.

Lambert: Oh... well, I supposed.

Lambert: Then have some time since I'll be busy anyway. Think of what you want.

Serina's Mind: I didn't know where to look since this was the bath.

Serina: I-I understand. But excuse me!!

I nodded my head and I tried to run.

Lambert: Wait. I didn't give you permission to go.

Serina: Seriously?

Lambert: I took the time out of my busy schedule to talk with you.

Lambert: So isn't it normal to stay until the end?

Lambert: Commoners rarely have the chance to speak with me privately anyway.

Lambert: I'm talking with you, so you should stay here.

Serina: Th-That's impossible!

Without thinking cause I answered when I removed my hands away from my face.

Lambert: Oh? What is?

Serina: B-Because this...

Lambert: Is a bath. And I'm bathing. And?

Lambert: To raise your voice at such a thing... was I wrong to think you had guts?

Serina: ...!

Lambert: Your face is really turning pink... are you the one who taking a bath or am I?

Lambert: Hm? How about saying something?

Serina: I-I don't know where to look!

Lambert: Aah, are you nervous?

Lambert: We're strangers so we should get to know each other through the skin.

Serina: The sk-...!?

Lambert: I heard sharing a bath is proof of intimacy from someone.

Lambert: It's good to know other cultures. So tell me. What do I do first?

Lambert: It may help if I go to Japan on diplomatic trips.

Without hesitation, the naked Prince Lambert came closer.

Serina: Th-That's why I said... c-clot...

Lambert: Clothes are bother-some? Then take your clothes off. Then we'll be the same.

Lambert: I said I didn't have much time. Don't dawdle. Strip.

Serina's Mind: What the! There's no way I was going to strip!?

Lambert: ...What a pain.

Serina: Wha- hey...!?

He grab my arm to pull roughly and I lost my balance. And I fell right into the bath.


Serina: Why did you do that!?

Lambert: See? It's because you took too long that it turned out like this.

Serina: Seriously!?

Lambert: That's why I said to strip. It's your fault cause you're soaked.

Serina: Just stop pull me without permission!?

I gasp as what I said.

Lambert: ...

I turned my head with sad emotion.

Serina: Forget it...

Lambert: Don't worry. I'll have someone ready a change of clothes.

I lost the will to be angry at him.

Serina's Mind: And...

Lambert: I've done many things... but bathing with a clothed person is a first.

Lambert: Look, let's try to be better friends.

Lambert: Ah, how about I let you call me "Mr." instead of Prince?

Lambert: Oh, that's good. It's proof that we are close, yes?

Serina: Mr... Lambert?

Lambert: Yes. Call me that from now on. I won't allow anything else.

Serina: Right...

Serina's Mind: Prince- no... Mr. Lambert seemed a bit happier now.

Serina's Mind: Maybe that's why I allowed it.

Servant: I'll bring your change of clothes to your room.

Serina: Thank you.

Lambert: Hmph, even if it'd be better to change together here...

Lambert: Even though we have a skinship, you get shy now. You are a weird girl.

Serina: I'm fine with that! And stop pull me, you perv!?

Lambert: That's fine, but change before you catch cold.

Lambert: I heard commoners are strong, but if you get sick , it'd be trouble for me.

When I sighed but Mr. Lambert stopped.

Lambert: Falitna.

I twitched my eyebrow when I saw the girl name Falitna who came here.

Falitna: Good day, Lord Lambert. I was waiting on you.

Serina's Mind: Tch. That bitch!?

Falitna: ...

As I thought that, her gaze turned to me when I devil glare at her.

Lambert: Excuse me. Forgive me for making you wait though you came all this way.

Lambert: By the way of apology, if you have time, shall we take tea?

Lambert: I haven't much time but should you wish it, I can afford at least one cup.

Falitna: Of course. I would be happy to accompany you.

Lambert: You can go back. If you don't need anything, go.

Serina: ...Alright.

Serina: I understand. I'll go then.

Lambert: Don't reply, just go.

Serina: Yeah, yeah whatever.

After saying that, Mr. Lambert left with her.

Serina: Tch...

Serina's Mind: I didn't think his arrogant attitude could change, but...

Depending on the person, his attitude changed. I finally realized that.

Serina's Mind: And I thought we'd gotten closer...

Serina's Mind: Mr. Lambert is a genuine prince and I am commoner who can't take tea with him.

Serina's Mind: But no! I am daughter of princess... what if the kids who call me when Lambert was shocked...

The distance we'd begun to close, spread out again.

*End of Chapter 3* 

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