Day 1 Bey Battles (whole)

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( shu p.o.v)

I woke up early in the morning to notice that Valt was still asleep. I giggle as I found out a way to wake him up, "Hey look over there is that the supreme four!". Almost immediately he got out of bed and started shout saying,"huh!? Where!? Where!?". That is until he realized he was in his room, then he turned to me with a 'really' face. I couldn't help but laugh at how disappointed he was. He started to walk back to bed and asked,"Sooooo what are we gonna do today?". I started thinking and said, "how about we invite the others to the bey park with us and then we'll have some battles...... Aaaand that way we could also tell them that we're a couple as well". After that Valt just stared at me smiling and agreeing to idea while blushing a little bit. "Ok I'll text them later how about I go make us some breakfast?", and just in cue Valt's stomach growled and just stayed from what im guessing was from embarrassment. I just just giggled a little and said," I'll take that as yes, so I'll call you down once it's ready, how about you get dressed yeah?". He nodded at then right when I was about to leave I said, " Also you might wanna pull down your shirt.... Bye", I closed the door and laughed when I thought of how embarrassed he was. I made my way to kitchen a started cooking.


Right when he told me to pull my shirt down I found out that my shirt was rolled up...... I forgot thats what happens each time I wake up......'wait........ I was like this while shu was in here..... He was in here......while my shirt was rolled up.......'. I immediately turned red and pushed my shirt down. I tried to calm down cause there wasn't much I could do now. I sigh as I start to get dressed.

(Shu P.o.v)

I was in the middle of cooking breakfast until I heard a scream from upstairs. ' Valt!?!' I knew right away that it was Valt and then I turned off the stove and ran upstairs and busted the door open yelling, "valt are ok!?!"
Valt (before the yell) p.o.v

I was scrolling through my phone when I remembered something very late.... "Eh.....ehhhh!...... Ahhhhhhh!". How in the world could I have forgotten! Just then Shu bursts through the door asking if I was Alright. "Alright!? How the heck could I be alright when I forgot that Nika's birthday was yesterday!".

(Shu p.o.v)

I blinked, what did he say? "W-wait, so let me get this straight, you screamed because you forgot Nika's birthday?", I asked as he nods. I sigh,"Valt, I thought you were in danger" I said as I walked towards his way to hug him. "I AM in danger! I need to call her! What if she's hurt? What if she's mad at me? What if she doean't want to talk to me? What if-". I cut him off with a hug, "shhhh.... Everything is going to be fine ok?".

I hear him sigh as he hugs me back, "Yeah, your right", we had stayed lile that for a good few minutes until Valt's stomach growled. I laughed as he looks down embarrassed, "I'll go continue making food now". He nods as I walk out, he can be so cute sometimes y'know? I went down to the kitchen and continued making food.

(Valt p.o.v)

I blushed, i couldn't help it, Shu is just too handsome, bet he doesn't even know he is. I chuckled, though I do wish we could've stayed in that hug for little while longer. I pouted, thanks to my stomach, he left, I sigh oh well. I finished getting dressed and headed down stairs. As I opened my door I could smell the food, it smelt so good. By the time I reached the table I was drooling, "I wish im the reason why your drooling, but I know it's cause your hungry", Shu said.

I wiped off my drool, I didn't even know I was drooling. I look away in embarrassment as Shu chuckled. I pouted, "It's not THAT funny meanie", I muttered. Shu smiled kindly at me as he said, "awww, I'm sorry, that was rude of me to do but how could I stop when your being so cute?".

I blushed like a tomatoe, as Shu chuckled, "S-Shut up!", I said, it only made him laugh more. "H-here I have the food ready", Shu said as he placed the food on the table while chuckling. I just sat down and started giving Shu the silent treatment, "Oh c'mon Valty, you have to admit it was funny", I blushed a bit at the nickname but stayed silent. "Hmmm, how about I cuddle you for a bit yeah?", I look at him and he smiles, I hesitantly nod.

- After Breakfast - (Shu P.O.V)

Me and Valt were on the couch cuddling eachother. "Hey am I forgiven yet?",i ask playfully. Valt nods, "Your forgiven", he says as he sighs happily, I laugh and then kiss his forehead. "Imma text the gang to meet us at the park", I say as I take out my phone, Valt nods.


·White Albino is now online·

White Albino: who in the world changed my user!?

·Emo Boi is now online·

Emo Boi: Mine got changed too

·lolly pop guy is now online·

·puppet master is now online·

·Rich Meanie is now online·

Lolly pop guy: c'mon atleast give me a cooler user!

Emo Boi: that's what your mad about?

Puppet master: hey I kinda like mine actually

Rich Meanie: will that's because it goes with you, but mine! Yes, i'm rich but im. Not. Mean.

Emo Boi:.....

White Albino:.....

Lolly pop guy:.....

Puppet master:....

Rich Meanie: what is it?

White Albino: nvm, just wanted to tell you guys that we're meeting at the park soon

Lolly pop guy: Alright! I'll head over now!

Emo Boi: ok, i'll be there soon

Puppet master: Last one there is a rotten egg! Hahaha!

Rich Meanie: well im not a rotten egg

Lolly pop guy:  sure your not

Rich Meanie: shut up!

Lolly pop guy: nah im good

White Albino: stop fighting, see you guys there bai

·White Albino has logged off·

Lolly pop guy:  Peace!

·Lolly pop guy has logged off·
·Emo Boi has logged off·
·puppet Master has logged off·

Rich Meanie: h-hey!

·Rich Meanie has logged off·

- End texts -

I laugh, man we have one crazy gang. "How did it go?", Valt muttered sleepily, I sigh. "Well..... Ken said that the last one there is a rotten egg...", and just like that our cuddle ends. Valt hurredly stands up and rums to get his shoes, I laugh at how cute and energetic he can be sometimes.

- at the park - (No one P.O.V)

"Hahaha!", Valt laughs after we tell him about our nicknames in the chat. "Was it you Valt!", Wakiya exclaims, Valt shakes his head. "My little brother got my phone before he left though, so im guessing it was him", Valt say. "Well tell him that Ken likes his user!", Besu says, Valt nods "ok! I'll tell him!", Ken nods his head.

"Will I for one did NOT! Your brother has issues!", Wakiya exclaims, "Calling me mean! He's the who's mea-", Wakiya stop due Shu's glare at him for yelling at his Valt like that. "E-ehhhh i-i mean....... Your brothers tate is alright". Valt laughs, "Will tell your brother that next time maybe he could make my user more cooler", Rantaro says, Valt nods "will do!". "How about Daigo?", Shu asks him, Daigo shrugs, "It wasn't that bad". Shu nods, "ok soooo before we all start beyblading and having fun! We have an annoucement to make", Valt says.

(Shu P.O.V)

Everyone looks at us with a questioning face, "we're a couple", they then looks at us with blank faces, I can feel valt starting to feel uncomfortable so I squeeze his hand in Reassurance. "Did not see that coming... But hey! Congrats!", Hancho said to us while grinning. "Congratulations you two! You guys deserve eachother", Besu says along with Keru agreeing, Daigo spoke up after, "Definitely, you guys are perfect together".

I smile at everyone, I really am glad to have met them, Wakiya coughs to get our attention, "well I can't say I didn't see it coming", valt looked at him worriedly thinking about what he was going to say next. I calmed down when Wakiya grinned, "putting that aside, how about we celebrate you guys getting together first", everyone agreed.

I looked at Valt and saw he was crying, though I could tell her was happy. "You guys...wahhh!", next thing you know everyone is getting tackled by Valt, I smile at him. Having his friends accept him meant a lot to him, no wonder he was crying. I feel a tap on my shoulder,"hm?", I turn around to see Wakiya...Blushing? "Hey um...I wanted to ask you something", I nod for him to continue. He looks to the side, "I was wondering how you asked Valt?", I look at him confused. "Well it took me a bunch of courage, but I confessed to him at his house if that's what your asking", he nods and continues.

"Do... Do you think you can help me confessing to someone?...", I was shocked. THE wakiya has a crush on someone?

"Never took you for the romantic type", I say teasing him, he looks at me redder, "w-what's that supposed to mean!", I chuckle and shake my head, "nothing, anyways the lucky person?"

Wakiya looks away again but points to the gang, I follow where he's pointing at. Well now im more shocked, "Never thought it'd be Hancho since you guys fight all the time", he just stays quiet, my guess is that he was embarrassed. It makes sense though, he hid his feelings by arguing with him, "alright, ill help", he smiles at me.

"Really!?", I nod, "sure, but why ask me?", he thought for a second before shurgging. "You were able to confess to Valt", I nod.

"Sure, makes sense, well first lets get to the gang they already started battling", I say, he nods and walks towards them. The ones competing right now were Daigo and Ken, Valt comes up to me and hugs me. "You ok babe?", he smiles at me, "you know what? Im glad to have met you", i smile warmly to me and hug him back.

"Im glad too Valty", after that we pulled away, "Valt get over here! I challenge you!", said Hancho as he awaited Valt at the stadium. Valt pouted but then grinned at him, "your on!", he ran to his side of the stadium.

It wasn't long until Valt won his match, he ran to me, "Did you see that!", I nod at him. "Good job babe", I kiss his forehead, he giggles and smiles more, my guess is because im praising him. He's so adorable, after looking back where the others were, I see a sulking Hancho, I chuckle.

After that I got challenged by Ken, I of course agreed to the challenge, and then got hugged by Valt when I won. Everyone got a turn to fight and Hancho got back at Valt in his second match with him. Valt came back sulking, I laugh a little, "cheer up Valty, you'll get him next time", he nods as I pat his head softly.

After awhile everyone was tired and the only ones still battling was Valt and Hancho. The sun was setting by then, after they had they're fill everyone went home, me and Valt agreed i'd just stay his house since his family isn't home. He said he felt lonely so we decided that I'd just sleep on the couch which is what happened.

"S-shu?", I open eyes slowly, it was dark since the I turned off the lights but I saw a worried Valt. I groan and set up, "Valt?", I see him more clearly and see that his eyes were scared and he was hugging a pillow rather tightly with his down. I scoot over amd look at him worriedly, "hey what's wrong babe?", he sits next to me and starts crying. I immediately hugged him and he let go of the pillow and hugged me back tightly, "shhhh it's alright, everything's alright shhhh", I repeated saying that as I laid his head next to my chest to let him listen to my heart beat.

He calmed down a bit after awhile, "what happened babe?", I ask him as he stops crying. "I just h-had a dream where I-I meet up with y-you again after you l-left and y-you said that.....that", he started crying a bit again. I start calming him down again, "what did I say", I ask. He takes a deep breathe and continues, "y-you said that.... Y-you didn't l-love me anymore.... That y-you found s-someone better", my eyes widen in shock. I froze, what? "Oh Valt, I would never stop loving you", I say as I hug him a bit more tighter. Valt nods, "I know but I just woke up feeling really scared, so I came to you"

I nod, "it's ok, im here and I won't ever stop loving you", Valt looks at me with red puffy eyes and it broke my heart. "You promise?", I smile at him as I put my forehead on his, "I promise with my life that I will never love another soul", he smiles at me and yawns. I chuckle and look at the time, "dang it's 4am",  Valt nods.

"Sorry for waking you up so early", I shake my head, "it's alright, what matters is that your ok now", I say to him and he nods. I smile at him and kiss him on the lips, I can feel him flinch a bit but he kissed back. After a few seconds we pulled back and I smile gently at him, "lets go to sleep now", he nods, "can you sleep with me?", Valt asks.

"Sure Valty", we walk up to his bed and I lay first and then he does, he cuddles up to me and sighs more happily. I smile at him since he already fell back asleep, im guessing he was tired from today. I just hope he doesn't have another one of those dreams....

I love him with all my heart and I always will, just then I thought of an idea for our last day together. I smile, I can't wait to tell the others about it amd most importantly... I can't wait to see Valt's face when it happens. I hope he likes the surprise, I yawn after thinking about how to make it happen. I feel my eyes get heavy and soon close....


If you guys didn't get what I did, then put all of the parts from day 1 together.
It just didn't feel right if they were in parts so I just put it all together heh.
Anyways I'll be working on Day 2 now so I hope you look forward to that! Also be sure to check out my other book as well!


~ Shaltismylife

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