Day 2 Amusement Park

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A/N: ok so I decided that these chapters will be Shu's Point Of View and when they leave each other then it'll switch to Valt's! Ok now on with the chapter!

( Shu P.O.V )

I wake up due to something moving, I look down and see Valt snuggling up to me more. I smile warmly at him as I remember the fun we had yesterday, of course he looked adorable right now.

I was torn between waking up his cute little face or let him be and cuddle him more. I eventually chose to just stay in bed, I brought Valt more closer to me with my arms around his waist. He responded by nuzzling into my chest comfortably, I silently chuckle at him being so adorable.

It wasn't long until I fell back asleep due to his warmth...


"Shuuuu", I hear a faint voice calling for me but I also felt warmth so ignored it. "C'mon Shuu", there it is again, I groan and open my eyes a little, the first thing I see is a smiling Valt. "Hey there Valty..", I see him blush a bit but still said hey, turns out I was still hugging him protectively so I let go of him. "Sorry, I didn't notice that you wanted to get up", he shakes his head.

"It's fine, plus you looked really peaceful when you were sleeping", I nod at him and kiss his forehead. I sit up while he goes to the bathroom, I stretched and looked at the time. It was 1pm, wow I never wake up this late, it was worth it though. I start to think about we should do today, so I texted the gang.


- text -

· White Albino is now online ·

White Albino: I forgot to change my user

· Puppet Master is now online ·

Puppet Master: Nah, I decided to keep mine

White Albino: I would think so, it suits you

Puppet Master: yep!

·Emo Boi is now online·

Emo Boi: what's up?

White Albino: Nothing much, I just woke up and I was wondering what me and Valt should do today

Puppet Master: any ideas?

White Albino: nope, I came on here to ask you guys

Emo Boi: well I know this amusement park that just opened up?

Puppet Master: that sounds cool! I think i've heard about it

White Albino: really?

Emo Boi: yeah, they're letting people enter for free the first 2 weeks since they just opened

Puppet Master: My guess is so that they can get people to come, rating is important

White Albino: true, btw where's Wakiya and Rantaro?

·Candy Guy is now online·


White Albino: oh hey Rantaro

Emo Boi: hey

Puppet Master: hey Rantaro

Candy Guy: hey peeps! So what's going on?

Shu: Im thinking about taking Valt to the new Amusement park, since it's free you guys wanna come?

Emo Boi: Sorry man, im hanging out with Rioda today

Puppet Master: Same here, me and Rida are really good friends!

White Albino: Alright tell me how it goes yeah?

Emo Boi: sure thing, bye

·Emo Boi has logged off·

Puppet Master: bye guys!

·Puppet Master has logged off·

White Albino: bye

Candy Guy: wanna do a bet?

White Albino: about what?

Candy Guy: 20 bucks if they get together today

White Albino: you think Ken and Daigo are going to get together? Today even?

Candy Guy: sure do

White Albino: Alright then, but I don't think today, they will but not today

Candy Guy: we'll just see about that

White Albino: sure, so you wanna come?

Candy Guy: sorry dude, but I have no intention of being a 3rd wheel

White Albino: And if Wakiya came?

Candy Guy: uhhh I mean- I might consider it...

White Albino: alright then you invite him, bye!

·White Albino has logged off·

Candy Guy: what!? Shu get back here!

Candy Guy: Shu! Im not inviting him!

Candy Guy: Shu!

Candy Guy: Fine!

·Candy Guy has logged off·

- text ends -


I laugh at how I just left him like that but I said i'd help Wakiya and what better way to do it then this. We'll arrive at the amusement park, then we'll spilt up, we won't meet up until we leave and im planning on being there all day. I nod at my idea, getting them together shouldn't be too hard, the only thing here is that Rantaro is pretty dense. He won't catch up until later on or so, right when I nod getting my plan together I get tackled by a Valt, I laugh at his cute childish behavior.

"Shuuuu", I look at him as he says my name, I can't help but admire his adorable face. I smile warmly at him, "Yes Valty?", I see him smile widely, I get the feeling he likes it when I call him that. "Do you know what we're going to do today?", he asks.

I nod at him, "We're going to an amusement park", he smiles excitedly, "really!? Wait but how do we pay it?", he asks me with a confused face. "This amusement park just opened up so they're letting people enter for free for 2 weeks", after saying that he got off of me and jumped off the bed and started jumping around. "Alright! I can't wait!", I laugh at his reaction, honestly he has got to be the most out going person that I have ever met and loved. I stare at him lovingly as he danced and jumped around the room, I would do anything to keep him smiling.

He noticed me staring at him and blushed, he coughs, "A-anyways... Is anyone going with us?", I laugh at his sudden change in character. I nod, "yeah Wakiya and Rantaro are coming along", he seemed confused by why I would want to bring them two along. I shurgged, Valt himslef is pretty dense in this stuff, I don't plan on keeping it from him long though, I would never keep something from him.

"So how about I go make some food and then we'll meet up with them", he nods at the idea, "Alright! Sounds like a plan!", I nod and head downstairs. I was thinking about just making some eggs and bacon since this will be our breakfast. Even though it's the afternoon already...

But then I saw a picture on the refrigerator, it said Happy birthday with a Valt eating a bunch of pancakes. I smiled at the photo, so I decided to make pancakes instead, I remmeber being invited to that party. But I was feeling sick and me being me, I didn't want to get Valt or anyone else sick, so I stayed...


"achoo!", I sniffle and thought if I had a cold, I took my own temperature, after it was done I checked it. My eyes widen, "When did it get this high!-", I start to cough a bit. I drank some water and sighed, I could've been sick any other day, why today? I had gotten invited by Valt to come to his birthday party and it was today.

I felt bad to not be there, he looked so excited...

I sigh, i'll have to apologize to him tomorrow or so, i make myself some soup and eat it. I look at the clock, I frowned at the time, the party probably already began. I smiled, well atleast Valt is having fun with all his other friends. I walk to my room and lay down to take a nap, soon enough my eyes got heavy...


*knock knock*

I open my eyes to the sound of knocking, I slowly sit up only to feel a bit dizzy. I guess Im still sick, I rest there for awhile to calm down the dizziness, and then I hear knocking again. I slowly get up and walk to the door, I open it to see a worried Valt.

My face went blank, "Valt? What are you doing here?", I was shocked by my voice, it was so raspy. "What am I doing here? Shu I was worried, you didn't show up at the party yesterday", I widen my eyes. Yesterday? I look at calendar to make sure and yeah it was the next day. "Im sorry Valt...*cough* I know you were excited about your part- *cough cough* but I got sick, so I couldn't go...Im sorry I couldn't be there....", he shook his head.

"Never mind that! You sound terrible!", he pushed me back inside and sat me at the couch. He put his forehead against mine, I blushed a little but soon calmed down to make him not supect anything. "Shu your burning up!", I nod.

Valt goes to the cabinet where the medicine was and got the medcince to calm down a cold. It had a samll cup ontop of the cap that it came with. Valt took off the cup and opened the the bottle and poured some in the small cup. After pouring it he handed it to me to drink it, my face turns into a look of disgust and I turn my head away. "C'mon Shu you have drink it!", I shake my head a bit too fast and feel a small headache. "Shu if you don't take it I'll be really sad!", I froze, I don't Valt to be sad, I want him to be happy.

I look at Valt from the coner of my eye and what I saw broke my heart, Valt had worried plastered all over his face. He had tears on the corner of his eyes, I look back at him and snatched the medicine, I gulped and hesitated for a second but then chugged it down. I make a disgusting face while sticking my tongue out, but when I opened my eyes I see Valt smiling. So it made me smile too, "Now make sure to drink it later before you head to bed too", I give him a 'are you serious' face and he laughs. "If you want to get better then you have to!"

I sigh, as long as Valt will smile I'll do it, I nod and he smiles again, his smiles are very contagious to me. "Now promise me that I'll see you at school tomorrow!", I smile and nod, "Yeah, I promise Valt", he gives me close eyed smile and nods....

*end of Flashback*

I smile at the memory, by the time I was done thinking about the memory I was done with the food. "Valttt food is ready!", I hear an 'okay' and I sit down at the table. I wonder what he was doing that whole time in his room. I hear foot steps and then see Valt smiling and sitting down, "Yay! Pancakes! Thank you Shu!", I smile and nod. "No problem Valty", he blushed but smiled at the nickname, I start to eat and he does too.

"Hey what were you doing in your room this whole time?", I ask out of curiosity. He froze, "u-umm....I was just.... Promise not to laugh?", I raise an eyebrow but I nod as I eat my food.  "W-well... T-this kinda seemed like a.....d-d-date y'know? So I was um picking out w-what to wear...", my eyes widen. That's right! This will be our first date! I couldn't help but smile at the thought, I nod and hurriedly finish my food, but of course not as fast as Valt does it.

I drink my orange juice and stand up, "im heading to my house to get ready, I'll come by at..", I look at the clock and it was 1:30 pm, "i'll come by at 2pm to pick you up", Valt nods hesitantly by my sudden out burst. "Ok?", I smile at him and kiss his forehead, "alright then, by Valty", I close the door behind me. I just can't wait, this will be our first date together so I want to look my best. Not to mention this will be my first ever date as well, I wanna make it a good one to remeber.

I speed walk to my house and arrived there in no time, I immediately went to my closet inside my room. I look at every piece of clothing I had, ok yeah im probably freaking out about it heh.


After awhile I finally chose what to wear!

I put on the clothes, I checked the mirror and it seemed alright to me. I sigh out of stress relief, I really wamt this to go well, I want this day to be the best day we've ever had together! I check the time it was almost 2pm, so I head out after checking myself one more time. As I was walking I could feel myself blush, I wondered if it was able to see that I tried too much. I shake off the thought, it was too late now anyways.

I was at the door and I knocked, after knocking a couple of times I heard a 'coming!' So I wait. After a moment or two the door opens and my eyes widen at what im seeing.

Valt looked amazing and beautiful AND he had his hair down too! I didn't even notice I was staring for so long, I blinked a couple times and noticed he was getting uncomfortable. "I-Is it...Bad?", he asked shyly while blushing. At that moment I could feel an arrow pierce my heart, he looked so Adorable! With his hair down, that cute blush covering his face, the shy gaze looking at the ground, one arm holding the other shyly, and finally the outfit. I swear I felt myself almost nose bleed at his cuteness, I realized I kept him waiting and I shake off the shock.

"Bad? Valty you look amazing, your so adorable", I smile warmly at him, honestly I could praise him till I die. But I knew he wouldn't be able to handle all of that, after all his face is pretty red with what I said right now. I chuckle and reaction and hold out my hand. "C'mon, we're meeting up with the others at the bey park", he nods and grabs my hand. We started walking and it was mostly silent but it was a comfortable silence.

After awhile we see the bey park and then see Wakiya and Rantaro arguing, me and Valt sigh at they're behavior. Eventually Rantaro spots us and grins, "well well if it isn't the couple on century". Valt seemed to have blushed at his comment while I just laugh at it, Wakiya waves at us. I wave back, then Rantaro yells at me, "and you mister! Don't ever leave me like that again!", I laugh at his out burst.

I shurg, "no promises, sorry", that just made Rantaro growl at me. No that it scared me though, i've seen a worse glare before. "Enough chit chat! Lets go!", Wakiya says while dragging Rantaro away from me. I guess this is his way of thanking me, not letting Rantaro bother me I think.

"Hey! Let go of me goldy locks!", Rantaro struggled to be set free, surprisingly Wakiya's grip was pretty strong. He just shakes his head and continues to drag Rantaro as they head to the amusement park. Valt was laughing the whole way there because Rantaro kept strgguling while wakiya just kept ignoring his complaints. I sigh at what's happening, I have a feeling that they will never change.

"We're here!", cheered Valt as we entered the park, im glad we came, the look on Valts face is adorable. He grabs my hand again and points to a roller coaster, "lets go there!". I nod at his choice as I wave bye to Rantaro and wakiya, secretly giving Wakiya a thumps up for goodluck. After that we both left to the first roller coaster, after getting on I started laughing because you were able to tell that Valt couldn't hide his excitement.

After awhile it starts moving, the ride wasn't too bad but the thing I loved more was how Valt was acting during and after the ride. During the ride he was screaming in excitement, amd after he just kept saying how he felt and with his eyes sparkling. I smile warmly at him and then asked him if he wants to try a water ride. He didn't think twice before saying yes really happy.

After riding that one he said he had just as much fun as the first one, we came here pretty late so we should probably be able to ride some more before sun sets. After that we spent the whole day riding roller coasters, they even had a haunted house. Valt ran all the way to the other exit after being scared the first time. After that we took some pictures together in different areas.

After riding almost all of them, we decided to get something to eat, he got a hamburger while I had brought some of my own food. Im not really an outside food person, Valt smelled my food and immediately wanted some too, I gave some to him on his plate. After eating it really fast which I don't even know how he did, he said that my cooking would top any food, except beybread.

I laugh at his comment, Valt always finds a way to make me laugh. He's just that type of person, and I love him for that, but all in all I love everything about him. "I know this is a gonna soumd clichè but do you wanna ride the ferris wheel to end the day?", I look at Valt with a blank face. I then put my hand on his forehead, "what's up?", I shake my head as I pull my hand away.

"I just never knew that you knew that word, so I thought you might have some sort of fever", he basically fummed after that. "I know words too y'know!", I laugh while nodding my head. "Alright well, lets go", I say while walking to the ferris wheel. Valt hurriedly catched up to me and grabbed my arm and smiled cheerfully. I smile back at him while he starts talking, I just listen to him while I see the ferris wheel get closer and closer. When we arrived, we got lucky to only see very little people in line for it.

We were able to get on the 2nd time, me and Valt just joked around while then we made it to the top. Valt looked at the view in awe while I just smiled at his reaction. No doubt about it, I have no regrets coming here, though i'll have to thank Daigo for the idea. "This looks amazing! I never knew this kind of view was possible!!", I nod at his comment while smiling at his expression.

After getting off, we went to the place where we thought Wakiya and Rantaro would be. While walking there we were holding hamds and Valt had the most brightest smile i've ever seen.

Once we got there, we didn't hear arguing, more like laughter, we exchanged looks of confusion. We kept walk to see Rantaro doing weird faces while Wakiya kept on laughing at his faces. I smile, the plan worked! As for Valt he was left dumbfounded and that's when I explained everything.

"So that's why you brought them here?", I nod as we walk up to them. Rantaro spotted us and waved, "hey guys! Where did you guys go?", I shurg and chuckled while Valt explained all the rides we went on. And I laughed more when he got to the haunted house part, he was even shivering.

I see Wakiya walk up to me, "Hey thanks for having Honcho invite me", I nod.

"It was no problem, how was it?", he sighs as he looks at Rantaro trying to keep up with what Valt was saying.

"Honestly, I think we've become closer, he even admitted that I wasn't half bad", I smile and nod, good for him.

"That's great, good for you finally stepping out of the enemy zone", I laugh at his confused and I shake my head to him.

Valt comes up to us, "hey we should all take picture together!", I nod at his idea and Wakiya nods too.

We asked someone to take it for us, after the picture we went our seperate ways with Wakiya and Rantaro. Valt was holding my hand while humming a rhythm. I calmly smiled at him, I could tell he was very happy, and im glad he is. After all this was our first date together and it went perfectly.

Once we arrived I took off my shoes and took off the jacket I had on. I just had a plain dark red T-Shirt under it, something comfortable I could sleep in. I went into the bathroom to change into some shorts which were black and red.

Once I came outside Valt had changed too, I chuckled at how sleepy he looked. "Hey can you sleep with me again?", I nod at his sleepy request. We head to his room and laid down, once he hit the bed he was out like a light.

I silently laugh at how drained of energy he was, but im sure he would be very energetic in the morning. I kiss his forehead as he snuggles up closer to me. I smile warmly and I feel my eyes getting heavier and soon I fell asleep hugging Valt by the waist....


Ok so that's it for day 2!
This took a lot of time to do so I hope you guys like it!
Day 3 will be up next so I hope you guys will forward to it too!
Alright then! That's all for now! Make sure to check out my other book as well!
Until next time!

~ Shaltismylife

Word count: 3686

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