Chapter 15 - Visit

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The next day, Lady Shuang visited her eldest sister.

Lady Huain was known for her quick wit and insights. Due to her delicate health, she often stayed in her rooms, preferring reading, painting and embroidery to social activities. However, she did keep up with the news and gossip. On the rare occasion she ventured into public, she tried to confirm reports, gossips and rumours with her own astute observations.

The firstborn daughter of House Zhai was pale, sickly, thin and frail. Everything from her diet to her clothing and personal comfort was vetted by a personal physician assigned to her.

"Sister!" Lady Shuang bowed and went to hug her sister gently.

"Shuang, you are here," Lady Huain replied in a gentle cultured voice.

"How are you? Are you better now?"

"I am now that you are here," she smiled. Her little sister always lifted her spirits.

The two girls sat facing each other across a tea table set with delicacies. The snacks looked delicious but Shuang knew it would be bland and tasteless. The food at Huain's place always was. This was because Huain had to avoid a whole list of foods, like salt, sugar and spices that brought out the flavours of the cakes and pastries. Maybe she should just stick to the fragrant tea.

Huian noted her sister's new bodyguards. Shuang was always changing them. Hopefully these two will last longer than the rest but she wondered if they could bear her sister's wild temperament. Huain hoped they could, she took time getting used to people and preferred familiar faces. It gave her a sense of security; she didn't like strangers in her place.

They were both young and exceptionally good-looking with athletic builds. Definitely fighters by their deceptively casual guarded postures, Huain observed. News travelled fast of her sister's handsome bodyguards. No wonder the maids have been gossiping and giggling like teenagers.

One stood respectfully about two meters behind Shuang, enough distance to provide her privacy with her sister but close enough to come to her defence should anything untoward happen. He was tall, broad shouldered and carried his sword with an air of nonchalance. The other opted to remain guard unobtrusively at the entrance of the chamber.

She squinted studying them. Not Elites, they were not in uniform ... then who? They were both relaxed with a quiet confidence about them alluding competence. Huain took a closer look at them. Whoever they were, she hoped they would be able to protect Shuang. Her mischievous little sister was always getting into scraps, so unladylike.

"Shuang ..."

"Hmm?" replied the younger girl distractedly. She was deciding if she should try the tiny fruit cakes. Even the skilled cook couldn't take out the natural flavour from fruit, could he? It should be tasty.

"I heard about yesterday. Are you alright? You didn't get hurt did you?"

Shuang coloured in embarrassment and her mouth turned down. "I'm o'kay. I'm not hurt. MengYao and MengYu are such bullies. Luckily Ghost and Key stopped their guards."

"Ghost and Key?" Huain studied the two men again. "They dared?"

"They are my new bodyguards, aren't they handsome?" Shuang whispered . She indicated the two men. "They have vowed to protect me."

Suddenly Shuang giggled. "You should have seen the look on Second brother and Third brother's faces! I've never seen them looking so outraged. Serves them both right!"

Huain sighed. "Really Shuang, a lady doesn't say these things ... ladies do not gloat."

Shuang raised her delicate eyebrows challengingly.

"Well ... not out loud anyway," Huain conceded giggling making Shuang laugh.

"I know but it's so damn satisfying!!"

"Shhh, Shuang!!" Huain glanced around guiltily. "Really! You should not use such dreadful language! Ladies do not swear!"

Huain's admonishment made Shuang burst into another fit of giggles.

"But it's fun!"

The two girls talked and laughed for a while relieving boredom. After an hour or so, Shuang got up to leave.

"I will visit again, Sister. Next time, I will bring my own cakes. I heard of a recipe that is delicious and healthy. If Physician Yi says its o'kay, I will make it for you."

"You? Cook?" teased Huian. "Will it be edible?"

"I can learn! Just you wait. I promise you it will be delicious too!" Shuang promised as she flounced out in a happy mood. Her entourage followed her.

"Let's go to the kitchen. I will ask the Head Cook about the recipe," said Shuang. "If it is not too hard, I can start practicing cooking immediately."

LiQuin interrupted, "Excuse me Miss but you have poetry recitation this evening."

"Exactly! Anything is better than poetry!"

LiQuin opened her mouth to persuade her mistress to attend lessons when suddenly Key rushed in front of them.

"Look out!!" yelled Key. He jumped high to kick a whizzing brown object the size of a watermelon away from her. Someone had thrown a bee hive directly into her path.

Twack! The hive was flung away into some bushes knocking out a few bees in the process. Due to the cold season, the bees had been dormant. The Queen and her much reduced colony had already probably started hibernating. Now, the violent attack on their hive shook them up. The buzzing sound intensified becoming and an angry high pitched whine. Key cursed at himself. They sounded like they were calling for backup.

"Key! Cover her!"

Ghost took off his cape and tossed it to Key. Catching it neatly, the Shard quickly covered Lady Shuang's head to protect her from the angry bees. He held her shoulders and guided her away from the scene.

Meanwhile Ghost had sprung into action. He blocked another two hives which came hurtling out into their path. Springing up into the air, he spun around to get momentum and kicked them back towards the direction it came from. The Shard made sure to use the flat bridge of his foot and just enough force so that it would stay intact when he changed its direction. Horrified yells came from the pranksters as the hives smashed hard into them breaking apart. Angry bees exploded out of the hives attacking everyone in the vicinity.

Panicked screams and cries filled the air around him. The maids were getting stung. Ghost knew he had to move them away, a few stings was tolerable but too many could be fatal. He glance at Shuang, Key had steered her away to safety. Good.

"Move! Move!" Ghost directed the maids. "There! Go there!" He pushed a few to get them going. They were screaming, too terrified to budge.

"LiQuin!" Ghost swatted a bee on his neck killing it. Deftly he picked up the edges of her cloak to cover her head. "Here hold it from inside, protect yourself. Take the maids to safety over there." He grabbed her by her shoulders looking directly into her eyes to get her undivided attention, "Can you do that?"

"Y-yes," she answered with tears flowing her cheeks. A bee had stung her hand and it was so painful.

"I'll take care of it here."

Leaving the maids to LiQuin, Ghost unwound his ever present scarf from his neck and flicked it.

Twack! Twack! Twack!

Again and again, the scarf unfurled hitting tiny targets a dozen at a time. Ghost moved constantly, running and darting in circles. Around him, bees fell dead at his feet, tiny bodies fluttering to the ground harmlessly. Soon the air was cleared. Only a few escaped to fly off unsteadily.

He glanced at the corpse of trees where the hives came from. Should he chase after the perpetrators? He had heard them yowl when he had redirected the beehives at them. No, he decided, they would be gone by now but he could track them later by checking who got stung. His priority was to check on everyone here and make sure they were alright.

Key had helped too. His own cape had been put to good use. Little bodies littered the ground near him.

Ghost grimaced at the burning sensations all over his face and body. He had been stung. Ignoring the pain he went to the cowering maids. All were crying. One had fainted from terror.

"LiQuin ..."

"Yes, I'm here," answered the maid.

"Gather everyone. I will carry ... Su," said Ghost identifying the unconscious maid. He glanced at Key who signalled him. Shuang was o'kay but she should go to the House's healer for a through check-up. He nodded understanding.

"We will all go to the healers."

"But you are hurt too."

Red welts had started forming where the bees had stung him. He could feel his skin blistering and starting to swell uncomfortably.

Ghost picked Su up and started walking after Key and Shuang.

"Let's go," he said effectively cutting short the discussion. The faster they got to the healers, the faster he could put the maid down and attend to his own wounds.


The Shards conferred quietly.

"Are you o'kay?"

"You mean are you o'kay," retorted Key. He looked at his senior pityingly. Ghost looked a mess. Ugly red welts covered his once handsome face and fair skin.

Ghost shrugged and winced immediately. Owww! He should remember not to move too much. The stupid bees had stung him in too many places.

"I'll be alright."

"Their healers is not as good as Xian but I guess I'll live. I've only got welts on my arm unlike you," grinned Key at the disfigured Ghost. He looked terrible. The younger Shard had unsightly lumps everywhere. He must be in pain and very uncomfortable but he'll manage mused Key. They all did during missions.

"Imagine us getting hurt two days into this mission. I've never been this unlucky in my life!"

"That's because we don't usually have to protect anyone other than our own. Seriously, this girl is going to get us killed."

Key grimaced. "I wonder if we will last the three months. I'm starting to think that the money isn't worth it."

Ghost shook his head ruefully. The odds were not in their favour.

"I don't want to die an embarrassing death. The Sect will laugh at me forever," the Three lamented.

"You guard Shuang. I'm going to track the perpetrators. I have a feeling I know who ordered the vicious attack."

Ghost stood up but then swayed closing his eyes. Suddenly he felt dizzy and nauseous. He swallowed urgently, trying to keep breakfast down. The world became blurry and started closing in on him.

"Hey!" Key yelped in alarm. He grabbed his mentor steadying him. He pushed Ghost back down to his seat. "I think you should stay here a bit. You got stung quite a bit! Their venom ..."

"I'm o'kay."

"No you're not," the Three retorted. "Stay here and rest. I'll keep an eye on Shuang. You can investigate when you're better."

Key raised his voice at the Healer, "Please take care of him. Don't let him leave until he recovers."

"I'll do my best but you know I can't really prevent him if he insists on leaving right?"

Key made a face. "He'll stay here until he's better if he knows whats good for him."

The Three glared threateningly at the Five but continued talking to the patient healer. "Anyway, he'll be useless until then so he'd better recover soon."

"Be a good boy yeah?" teased Key.

Ghost clenched his jaw but said nothing. Talking was becoming too painful due to the swelling stings on his face and neck. He lay down, pointedly turning his back on the older Shard. Key laughed triumphant.

"It's settled," he winked at the Healer.

Lady Shuang glanced at Ghost briefly. Ghost was hurt! Her initial instinct was to see how bad he was ... yet she hesitated. He would look gross now, really gross. In the end she decided against it before letting Key guide her back to her rooms.

Her maid, Su who had fainted was left at the healer's hall to recover. She and Key had multiple stings. The other maids had only one or two injuries each due to Ghost's fast action. LiQuin had also suffered a bee sting on her hand but she still hovered at her mistress' side ready to serve.

Only Lady Shuang escaped totally unscathed.


Lady Shuang shifted uncomfortably again and sighed loudly.

"Are you o'kay Lady Shuang?" asked LiQuin. "Do you need anything else?"

She pouted. "Bring me my mirror. I want to check again if I'm scarred anywhere."

LiQuin hurried to do her bidding.

Lady Shuang took the hand mirror from her maid and peered into it. Thank God she looked as beautiful as usual. No blemishes or discoloration anywhere on her creamy skin. Luckily Key had covered her head and escorted her to safety so fast or she might end up like Ghost. She caught his reflection in the mirror and shuddered. Ugh! He looked hideous now, how could she have ever thought him attractive?

Ghost had spent only half a day at the Healers Hall. He returned to his post by Shuang's side in the evening.

Big red welts and shiny swellings disfigured his once handsome face. There was one on his forehead, cheek and two on his neck. From the way he stood stiffly, she was sure he was stung elsewhere too. After all, he had stayed to kill all those horrible bees so that they didn't go after her and the others. He had done so after saving LiQuin and her maids ... or so LiQuin said. She did not actually see what happened at that time, Key had covered her whole with a cape.

She studied the disfigured Shard.

"You're ugly."

LiQuin and the other maids gasped at Lady Shuang's rude remark.

"Whaaaat?" she asked pretending innocence. "It's true. Look at him." Her maids all looked at the bodyguard. They couldn't help it. The previously attractive youth had become repulsive.

Ghost did not react. He had been trained to control himself. The last time he had openly reacted, he had been reprimanded by Old Wolf for loss of control. The punishment that followed ensured he learned his lesson.

"Well?" Lady Shuang directed the question at the silent Shard.

"Do you not think you are ugly now? I mean your whole face is a mess. You're blotchy and covered in gross blobs." She shuddered.

"Ugly," she summed up.

"Lady Shuang!" LiQuin whispered urgently, "He saved us!"

"No. Key saved me."

"Ghost took off his cloak for Key to protect you with and his scarf to kill all those bees. He wouldn't have been so exposed if he hadn't done that." LiQuin looked apologetically at Ghost.

"Whatever," replied Shuang nonchalantly. "Ugh! Please turn away or stand further from me. Your face is squished between those bumps. It's so unsightly."

"Lady, beauty is not a priority to me," said Ghost quietly.

"It isn't? asked Shuang curiously. Her beauty was of utmost importance. Her whole being and prestige was based on her beauty and position. She was after all the uncontested beauty of Zinnu.

"No," answered the Shard.

"Oh? Then what is more important?"

"Honour, loyalty, health ..." he trailed off thinking of his past, "... and other things."

Shuang considered what he said. Those were important too she supposed but not tangible. One could not 'see' all those things like her perfect flawless face.

"I suppose so," she conceded, "but beauty is still the most important to me. Stay away from me, please. Your ugliness is ruining my mood."

Ghost clenched his jaw at her rudeness and backed away from her sight. He didn't really care about physical looks. As long as he was healthy, had the use of his limbs and of sound mind to make decisions he was fine. His survival did not depend on his physical appearance.

The Shard supposed he looked like some kind of misshapen monster now. His face was uneven, swollen and discolored. One eye was squeezed almost shut by a sting on his cheek and a brow was pushed down by another on his forehead. That distorted his nose and lips. However the swelling and disfigurement did not bother him as they were only temporary. What did was the pain and discomfort; it distracted him from his usual alert self.

Without another word, Ghost obligingly removed himself from her presence. He went outside but stayed near enough to respond to any emergencies. Once alone, he swallowed another painkiller.

LiQuin came out in a few minutes.

"Ghost?" she called. "Ghost! Where are you?"

He appeared silently behind her. "Yes?"

She jumped in fright. "Oh!" she cried covering her mouth with her hands. "You scared me! You really should make some noise when you move. You'll be in trouble if I fainted here!"

Ghost waited patiently for LiQuin to get to the point.

"Anyway, I just wanted to thank you ... you know for saving me. If not for you I would have been stung worse," she said gratefully. She touched her unblemished face unconsciously.

Ghost half smiled, he guessed she too was relieved that only her hand was injured.

"No problem."

"I ... we all know what actually happened and all of us are grateful to you and Key," she continued getting warmed up "But you ... I just want to say that you are not ugly. We don't think so. You are a good person. Please don't take what Lady Shuang says to heart. She does not really mean it."

Me? A good person? He thought taken aback. He had been called many things but no one has ever called him that before.

"Here," she pressed a fat little porcelain pot into his hand, "... use this. It is good for the skin and will help not to leave any scars." LiQuin smiled at him and hurried back in. Pausing at the doorway she turned, "Use it!!" she whispered loudly at him before disappearing from sight.

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