Chapter 16 - Plots

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Ghost recovered fully in a week. During that time, he kept his face half covered with his ever present scarf, Shuang's orders. When she went out, he followed behind keeping rear guard. Key guarded her side. When she was indoors, he practically stayed outside, out of her sight.

"Ghost, aren't you going a bit too far?" Key asked.

Ghost shrugged. "I'm still within range."

"I know but I'm left all alone with her. I know I'm handsome but she keeps staring at me and trying to start conversations. It's becoming a bad habit," he sighed. "It's so awkward. I can't take it anymore."

"Better you than me."

Key rolled his eyes and snorted.

"But you are all better now. You look normal again."

"Please, don't tell her. It's easier to guard and keep alert without her constant condescending attitude and pestering," Ghost smirked. "Also, its easier for me to scout the household without my absence being too noticeable."

"Ugh, you are no help at all," Key grumbled then got serious. "Did you find out who was behind it?"

"The bee incident? It was MengYu's orders. The third son of House Zhai has a vicious streak."

"Why would he want to hurt her?"

"He knows her weak points, beauty and position. Since he can't do anything about her birth he can only try to mar her beauty. Without it she would be devastated and useless to House Zhai."

"But why?" Key didn't understand. "Shuang is no threat to him."

"Maybe MengYu is just jealous of all the attention and extra privileges she gets. He is only a little older than her."

"So what? It's only temporary until she marries and leaves the house."

"There is also a rumour circulating among the help, that Lord Zhai will not name either one of his sons as heir after he passes. He is dissatisfied with their merits or lack of them so he is hoping to marry Shuang off to someone more capable of maintaining House Zhai's name and position."

"He wants to give power to an outsider?"

That was unheard of. Any House only passed on power to their biological children to ensure their lineage.

"But what about the family name? He can't hand House Zhai to a non-Zhai family member, can he?" Key asked uncertainly. "Shuang will surely have to take her husband's name not the other way around, right?"

Ghost shook his head. "There is a twist in his plans, his future son-in law is to relinquish his own name and House and take up Zhai's name. Technically he will marry into the family, not the other way round. Shuang gets to keep her family name. Her sons will carry on the Zhai name and lineage."

Xi Xuan had just found that out through his extensive spy network and was furious. Ghost had seldom seen his friend so upset. Lord Zhai must be crazy if he thought he could gaslight or intimidate House Zhang into giving up his family name. If the old veteran thought he could do so due to Xi Xuan's mild scholarly image, he was in for a huge surprise. The Spy Master had immediately started working on counter measures with his trusted advisors. He would surly find a way to avert the pending disaster discreetly. Xi Xuan would be fully prepared when Lord Zhai sprung the additional condition to his marriage. It would not end up well for Lord Zhai, Ghost's bet was on Xi Xuan.

"That is ..." Key shook his head speechless at Lord Zhai's audacity. The Three did not know that Lord Zhai had targeted House Zhang. "Who would be willing to do that? Shuang's potential husbands would be distinguished sons of other Houses right?"

Ghost shrugged. "If you were a son who had no prospects in your own House, would you give up your name for more prestige and power of another?"

Luckily Xi Xuan did not fall into that category. The mantle of House Zhang had been placed firmly on his capable shoulders by his father. It only revealed and confirmed how greedy Lord Zhai truly was if he thought he could bully the younger man into marrying his daughter on his unreasonable terms. The pretext of offering the heir position to House Zhai was at best a farce, which Xi Xuan was smart enough to realize. Lord Zhai was actually only amassing more power for himself and it was becoming clear that he would not relinquish his position any time soon.

"It would be practical to do so, I guess ... but still ... that is just so ..." Key couldn't wrap his head around the idea. It was unheard of any son to give up their surname. Every family was proud of their family name, weren't they? It was part of their identity, lineage and heritage.

"So, if the young lords disfigure Shuang so that she can't or won't marry at all, Lord Zhai will be forced to pass down the mantle of House Zhai to at least one of them," finished Ghost.

Key snorted. He would never understand how nobles think. Their priorities were so warped, even for a Shard like him.

"Speaking of Lord Zhai, I heard that Lady Lu went to see him three times this week. It seems that Lady Shuang is trying to trade you off behind your back."

"Trade me off?"

Ghost raised his eyebrows while Key continued gleefully with his juicy bit of gossip.

"Yes, she is very persistent. She said you are too rude, cocky and ignore her wishes. You are too disrespectful, a bad influence ... the list goes on. And the best part is that you are ugly, too unsightly to be in her presence."

"Seriously Ghost, you really got on her bad side," Key laughed unable to contain his amusement any longer. "She said you spoil her ambiance ... whatever that means?"

"Very funny."

"Yes, it is isn't it?" Key chuckled.

"What about you? Did she say anything about you?"

"Me? Nothing. I'm the perfect bodyguard. Handsome, engaging and competent. Apparently, I'm the one who saved her while you wasted your time on her maids. You even wasted your energy carrying one of her maids to the healer. You should have accompanied her ... and so forth."

Ghost snorted at Shuang's shallowness. She did not value her maids.

"Apparently you are also boring, I think it's mainly because you avoid her and don't bother to engage in conversations with her or pander to her requests."

"She was the one who wanted me out of her sight," Ghost said defensively, " ... and she talks about stuff I know nothing about."

"Ha, ha, ha. I know right but you should learn to be able to bluff along like me! I mean the other day we talked about colours. Did you know girls can see in between colours invisible to us? I mean there seems to be whole universe of red out there ..."

"Red is red."

"That's what I said!" Key exclaimed. "It was a huge mistake. She lectured me on ... I think she started from the darker reds like burgundy, maroon and mahogany. She worked her way through to the lighter shades like rose, pink and salmon."

"Rose is a flower and salmon is a fish."

"Hah!! That's what you think!" he looked pityingly at Ghost. He was now an educated man ... compared to the Five. "Luckily I was not stupid enough to correct her again or I bet I'd have to endure another whole lecture on flowers and fish!"

Ghost smiled. Girls were so mysterious. Their world seem so different. Maybe that's why Xi Xiu was different too he thought randomly.

"That's why I'll continue to keep out of her way and leave her in your good hands. I'll keep guard on the perimeter outside instead."

"No fair," grumbled Key. However, he did take note of what Ghost had told him about the brothers' wicked designs on their sister. Any knowledge was valuable in keeping the Target safe.

"Whatever it is, we better keep an eye out on MengYao and MengYu. They may try more tricks."


After a while, Ghost was allowed back into Lady Shuang's presence again, it made no difference to him. He couldn't be bothered with the fake dramas she created to relief her boredom. The Shard just stood quietly alert and observant in the room. He tried to ignore the lady he was guarding.

Lady Shuang sighed. Now that Ghost had recovered his good looks, she wanted his attention again. It was impossible to engage him in conversation. He was friendly enough to everyone else except her. He fall silent when near her and talked in whispers to Key. She would have better luck talking to the wall.

He was probably still angry with her for calling him ugly ... but he was, at that time. She had said nothing wrong.

"Key ..." she started.


Some speculations had to be put to rest. She had caught her maids gossiping about the two good-looking men ever since they entered her service. How could they not? The new bodyguards were capable, handsome and had lasted longer than any other Elite guards ... so far. They had also endured her tantrums calmly, retaliated passively and actually protected her from her brothers.

She had failed to switch Ghost out. Her Father had muttered something about terms of contract, a huge compensation for breach and the effect of unfavourable future contracts for House Zhai. Then he had dismissed the subject summarily.

The drastic move was actually to get Ghost's attention. Surely, he would react to being replaced and beg her forgiveness? Unfortunately, he did neither. She was secretly relieved her request had been denied but yet disappointed at the handsome bodyguard's lack of reaction. What was it with him? What would it take for him to notice her?

Numerous maids had started vying for the two bodyguards' attention. She was aware of them trying to pass snacks, trinkets and love tokens to them. The men accepted some food but politely refused the rest.

They had also caused a stir among the Elite guards. From what she heard, the guards were betting on Ghost's and Key's endurance in serving her. Bets were getting out of hand as the days went by. As the pool was accumulated daily, the longer they stayed in her service, the bigger the winnings. Everyday money and anything of value were added to the pot. Whoever won was going to be rich, very rich.

Lady Shuang glanced around the room and asked in a clear voice, "Do you think I'm pretty?"

Key smiled but Ghost ignored her illogical question as usual. Everyone knew she was beautiful, so why ask?

Her question revealed how insecure she felt. All the young maiden really needed was constant reassurances, thought Key.

"Of course, Lady Shuang. Your beauty is unparalleled in House Zhai and all of Zinnu," he replied automatically, humoring her.

"Do you like me?" she fluttered her lashes coyly.

"Of course, I am honored to serve you as your personal bodyguard."

"That's not what I meant," she pouted. "I mean do you like me? You know, as a woman."

He thought quickly, he had an inkling where this was going. After all, she was an impressionable girl.

Key laughed nervously, "Lady Shaung, I would be bold indeed to like you in any other way. You are way out of my league. I am just a simple and humble bodyguard."

She smiled pleased at his praise.

"Do you like anyone?" she asked the question on everyone's mind. "You are young, handsome and a skilled warrior. Many ladies here like you."

A few maids lowered their gazes shyly while others blushed.

It was time to end this nonsense, thought the Three.

"My heart ..." Key whispered loudly, "... has already been captured by someone."

"Oh?" asked Shuang interested. The maids in the room all pricked their ears. Who was the lucky maiden who had managed to snare Key's heart?

"Who is it? Do I know her? Is she prettier than me?"

"No one can surpass your beauty, Lady. She may not be as beautiful as you but she is very special to me ... and she will also beat me up if I even dare to glance at another woman," he grinned impishly.

Her eyes widened. "Is she is a skilled fighter like you?"

Key smiled dreamily exaggerating bliss.

"She is my childhood friend. We grew up together and our parents promised to marry us once she comes of age," he lied blatantly, neatly putting an end to any possible romantic relationship with him.

However, Key buried his very real worry for Ice. Ghost was already working on he side mission and had determined her location during his 'week of ugly banishment'. She was really locked up in one of the many cells of Zhai's private prison. They had started discussing preliminary plans to get her out.

There were collective sighs of disappointment. Lady Shuang couldn't help it. She giggled at their reaction. She herself liked Key and could understand them. He was fun, handsome and easy to talk to but he was not the only man around. She still preferred the sulky Ghost although he was much more resistant to her charms.

"How about him?" she asked pointing at Ghost.

Lady Shuang did not know why but her heart did a little backflip when Ghost tilted his head at her question. He may pretend to be indifferent but surely he had grown to like her after all the time he and Key had spent protecting her. Somehow, Ghost became extra attractive after Key made himself unavailable.

Key's smile widened. He saw Ghost stiffened minutely in panic. Before the Five could defend himself, Key spoke, "Oh, as far as I know ... Ghost is single and available."

At once, all eyes in the room lighted up with hope and happy smiles carved themselves on the breathless maids faces.

Ghost gulped and fled the room.

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