Chapter 17 - Challenge

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"Where is Ghost?" asked Lady Shuang. She had not seen him since he left the room in a hurry earlier.

"The previous shift scared him away," laughed Key indicating the attending maids.

By now the news of Ghost's bachelor status had spread. The atmosphere had become ridiculously cheerful and expectant much to Key's amusement. Everyone seemed to be trying to catch the Five's attention.


"I think he is hiding somewhere afraid for his life."

Lady Shuang tried to imagine Ghost hiding from her and her harmless maids. The mental image in her head was too funny making her giggle.

"He is not!" she declared but fell into another fit of giggles when she glanced at LiQuin. She had seen LiQuin approach Ghost several times. Perhaps her favourite maid liked him too?

"You never know. There is after all only one of him and so many maids. Why do you have so many? However skilled he is, even he can't fight them all. His only option to survive is to hide until they all lose interest in him."

"Lose interest in him? I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon." Lady Shuang wiped tears of laughter and gasped for breath. "Oh Key! You are heartless. Poor Ghost!"

"Don't worry about him. He's around," Key assured her. "You never know when and where he will pop up."

"That's true."

Reassured that the missing Ghost was around somewhere but out of sight, Lady Shuang returned her attention to her painting. Key stepped back into position, a few steps away from her. He was watching her while Ghost was taking this opportunity to scout the prison. The Three was positive he would get the layout of the place and a plan by the time he returned. It was time to get Ice out.


The next morning, Lady Shuang was stopped by MengYao and Mengyu during her morning walk. Ghost and Key were instantly alert. There were six of them, the two brothers and their four guards. The Shards sized them up mentally taking note of their positions, weapons and distance from Shuang. They moved nearer to their Target.

"Shuang! What a surprise," MengYao greeted her.

"No it's not. You know I walk here every other morning."

"Why so nervous? MengYu sneered at Key. "There is no pond nearby."

Key did not reply.

"You don't have to be rude, Shuang. Your manners are really lacking," chided MengYao. "We just want to see you ... and your guards."

"Yeah, we heard they are not Elites, is that true? They are mercenaries or fighters from some secret organizaion. I wouldn't be surprised if they were from ... from the Dark Sect!" MengYu said naming the most notorious underworld organization. That should scare her.

"I don't believe you!" cried Shuang.

"Is that why they bullied our guards the other day?" asked MengYu.

"Bullied?" Shuang's voice rose shrilly at the outrageous accusation. She was emboldened by the presence of her capable bodyguards. "Who was bullying whom?"

MengYao sighed loudly. "Really sister, your temper is so unbecoming of a lady. Perhaps you require more lessons on etiquette or maybe ..." he glanced conspiratorially at his brother who smirked in encouragement, " ... we should punish your current teacher. She is doing a terrible job of educating you, don't you think?"

"Don't you dare do anything to Madam Shao!" she cried horrified at the thought. Her etiquette teacher was the sweetest elderly woman who was most patient with her. She never scolded or raised her voice at Shuang.

"Then you have to do something for us in exchange," replied MengYu. "I want to know how good your bodyguards are." He glared hatefully at the two men by her side. "They cheated the other day."

"What?" Shuang blurted in surprise. "They did not!"

MengYu regarded his half-sister with a sneer.

"In an hour's time, go to the South pavilion. Bring them. I want a fair fight to see who is better. See that both are there."

"But MengYao ..."

"Or I will see to it that Madame Shao will be caned publicly for failing her duties and replaced as your tutor," said MengYao. "We will be waiting."

Abruptly he turned walking away. MengYu smirked at Shuang waving insolently at her as he followed his brother.


"How on earth did Shuang persuade Father to give her those bodyguards? Are they real?" asked MengYu. "It's not fair. We should have the best guards not Shuang."

"Are they really from the Dark Sect?" asked MengYao. "Where did you hear that?"

He had his doubts. No one had actually seen the two in action. As far as he was concerned, Shuang being the shallow person that she was, had probably chosen those two for their good looks. They were pretty enough to look at he supposed, but could they actually fight?

"How should I know? I was just making that up to scare her."



"They countered our Elites too easily at the pond ... they should be guarding us not her."

"It may have been a fluke that day. I want to see if they are really that good. No point in coveting them if they are useless. Today's sparring will show us their true strength."

MengYu nodded at his brother's logic. "So, if they win, we'll get Captain Chiang to reassign them to us ... one for you and one for me?"

"Of course, but I get first choice."

"Shhh, she's here," MengYu cautioned MengYao as Shuang and her entourage appeared from around the corner. Slowly she made her way to the spacious pavilion. She looked apprehensive and scared but was putting on a brave face.

"You actually came," MengYao smirked at Shuang. He did not get up from his seat at a side table.

"You did not give me a choice."

"I did. It was either you come for our friendly duel or Madam Shao's buttocks," laughed MengYao. "I admit it's was not a very nice choice but there is still a choice."

"Shall we get started?" asked MengYu. "You!" he called a tough hulking soldier in ill-fitting uniform, "Take your place."

Ghost's eyes narrowed. The man who obeyed MengYu was not an Elite. His stance was aggressive and forward like a professional brawler from the local Fighting Rings. He was too eager to fight. Elites were trained to defend not start fights.

"That's an Elite? I've never seen him before," stuttered Shuang nervously. He dwarfed everyone at the pavilion.

MengYu sniffed rudely at Shuang. "Like you've seen every Elite here."

"If I say he is an Elite, then he is one. Take your places," commanded MengYao. "Who's first?"

Key glanced nervously at Ghost. He was bigger, broader and more muscular then the Five. Should he step up? It was only logical since the opponent was huge. He could defend himself pretty well but his expertise was in stealing not outright fighting contests. He did not like killing and did not intent to level up. Key was content to be a Three.

Before he could take a step, Ghost tapped Key's arm gesturing him to stand down. He walked calmly to the indicated space. No problem. He was a Five. He would take care of this. Ghost stood deceptively relaxed and studied his opponent.

The "Elite" was tall, bulky and well muscled. The way he stood confidently suggested that he was a champion fighter and no doubt used to winning. He looked tough and strong. He probably relied on his strength in winning his fights. The "Elite" flexed his bulging muscles and made threatening grunting noises. He was trying to dominate and intimidate his opponent even before the fight started. It was typical arena tactics. Ghost had no use for it.

The Shard held the Elite's gaze as he got into position slowly, deliberately taunting the edgy fighter. The madder he was, the easier it would be to beat him. Angry fighters tend to make mistakes.

Shuang watched anxiously. What was Ghost doing? Was he purposely making MengYao's man angry? Did he not want to live anymore? He looked so small compared to his hulking opponent. Shuang couldn't bear to watch. She was sure Ghost was going to be squashed like a bug.

All at once the Elite roared and charged. Ghost was ready. He side stepped, spinning around on his heel to avoid the attack. Without waiting he sprung up. His hand snaked out, hitting the bigger man hard on the base of his neck as he rushed pass. The Elite yelled and stumbled. Turning quickly, Ghost climbed nimbly onto the Elite's broad back and clapped cupped palms to the man's ears deafening him. Blood trickled from the fighter's ears.

"Aaaaaahhhh!!" the giant cried falling to the ground.

He grabbed the smaller man on his back and rolled to crush him. A sudden intense pain between his thumb and index finger made him let go. Ghost had pinched his radial nerves hard and twisted his hand to get maximum pressure. Immediately the Shard jumped clear but instead of backing off as most would have, he closed in again. One direct hit to the vagus nerve on the right of his neck and the fighter passed out cold.

In less than five minutes, the fight was over. Ghost got up slowly and went to stand by Shaung.

"Oh my God! You won!" cried Shuang in disbelief. "You actually won! Ghost, you are amazing!!"

"How can this be?" yelled MengYu staring at his sister's unharmed bodyguard. "You cheated again!" he pointed at Ghost.

"I did not. We fought fairly with everyone watching," replied the Shard.

"This is not over," shouted MengYu aggressively. "You!! Get ready to fight!"

Key stepped forward. As he brushed past Ghost, his mentor whispered instructions. "Attack. Don't wait. Finish it quickly. Go for the head."

Key nodded grimly.

Another fierce looking fighter took his place opposite Key. When MengYao threw the 'Elite' a sword, he caught it effortlessly. The next instant, the sword flew from his hand. It struck the wooden flooring near MengYao's feet making him jump back comically. The naked blade quivered as everyone gasped in fright.

Key had taken Ghost's advice. The Three had jumped forward kicking his opponent's hand deliberately sending the weapon back to where it came from just as the fighter had caught it. The agile Shard landed, twisted his body and executed a powerful back kick to the fighter's temple. The unexpected impact to the mercenary's head sent him crashing unconscious next to his fallen weapon.

The second fight was over before it begun, with both weapon and fighter at MengYao's feet. Key maintained his combat stance for a few more seconds before withdrawing to Shuang's side.


Complete and utter silence.

The stunned crowd stood frozen. MengYao and MengYu could not believe their eyes. Shuang's bodyguards had defeated the toughest ring fighters they could find in the City. Not only that, they had won quickly and easily too.

With only a hateful glare, MengYu signaled his entourage to follow him as he stormed from the pavilion. Several men dragged the unconscious fighters away with them.

MengYao followed his younger brother but glanced back at Ghost as he was leaving. He nodded and smiled to himself in satisfaction. He would have that one.

Key caught MengYao's thoughtful expression. Why was he happy that his champions lost? Something was definitely off.


"How did you two win? They were both bigger and stronger than you" Shuang asked facing the two Shards. She had new respect for them. They could have gotten hurt or killed because of her.

"Bigger isn't always better," winked Key and laughed at his own joke. Ghost just gave a half-smile.

Shuang laughed. The relief she felt was almost palatable. Now Madam Shao will be safe and continue as her tutor. She must try to pay attention in the future and be a better student. Only now did she realize that innocent people around her could also be hurt by her cruel brothers.

"I still can't believe you two won."

Key smiled. "You should have more faith in us. We will protect you."

Quickly the two Shards ushered everyone out of the pavilion and hurried them back to Lady Shuang's quarters. It was easier to protect her in the privacy of her own territory.


MengYao grinned at MengYu, than laughed heartily in glee.

"I think that answers our question!"

"They were good," admitted MengYu grudgingly.

"Good? They were excellent! Shuang's bodyguards are much better than expected. They felled both the reigning champions of the two toughest local fighting rings easily."

"It was so fast. The champions didn't even last five minutes!" exclaimed MengYu. "And the second round, he reacted before the fight even officially began."

"He would have been at a disadvantage should he face an armed fighter unarmed. I guess he took it that the fight started once I called them to position."

MengYu scowled. "He doesn't play fair."

"What's fair and what is not? They didn't even break a sweat," replied MengYao. He had noticed the brief exchange between Ghost and Key before the second fight. He wondered what the bodyguard said.

"Imagine if they worked for us. We could make a fortune by putting them in the Ring."

"No, they are too valuable for simple fights. I'll think of something better."

"I want them. Someone as good as them should be guarding us not that spoiled brat. We are the male heirs of House Zhai not her. Also, without them she'll be a sitting duck."

MengYu laughed. "I like that. Easier to get rid of her or ruin her chance of marrying anyone."

"She has two guards, we'll each take one."

"Summon Captain Chaing, he is in charge of our security. We will ask him to switch our guards with Shuang's. He can't say no to us," laughed MengYu.


Captain Chang looked at MengYao and then at MengYu.

"I am sorry my Lords but I can't do that."

"What? Why not?" asked MengYu angrily. He was not used to being denied anything.

"Although I am in charge of your security, I can only assign my Elite soldiers under my command. I can't replace them with Lady Shuang's bodyguards. They are not Elites. Therefore they are not under my jurisdiction."

"Then how did she get them?" asked MengYu belligerently. "How did she manage to get such good fighters as bodyguards?"

"You will have to talk directly to Lord Zhai about that. Only he has access to them," replied Captain Chiang.

"I only know they were assigned to her on contact basis. The details are between Lord Zhai and ... them."

"Father? She talked to Father?" MengYu asked incredulously. "She doesn't have the guts."

"Never mind that," said MenyYao. "I'm going to talk to Father."

Captain Chiang watched the two young lords storm their way to their Father's work chambers. He shook his head. Those two will have to learn the hard way. Thank God the eldest daughter was sensible. Too bad Lord Zhai would not even consider her due to her bad health. The children of House Zhai were spoiled and selfish.


Lord Zhai faced his sons.


"But Father!" protested MengYao stepping forward.

"Stop and think MengYao, MengYu," said Lord Zhai. "Do not lower yourselves to her level."

"Lower ourselves? What do you mean Father?" asked MengYu.

The only way to deal with his wayward sons was to use psychology or he will never hear the end of it. He was aware of their greed.

Lord Zhai shook his head, "First of all, you two are my sons who have formal training. She is only a helpless girl and cannot defend herself."

His argument was a double edge sword. Technically, his sons should be able to defend themselves if they had studied, practiced and trained diligently, which he knew they did not. They had only mastered the very basics martial arts and depended on their Elite guards for real protection. However, he knew that MengYao and MengYu being the proud men they were, would never admit it. They could also not dispute Shuang's helplessness and need for better guards since she was so 'defenceless'.

"Also, she has been running wild lately and needs disciplining. The Elites can't deal with her feminine wiles. The new bodyguards are only temporary. They are assigned to her specifically because she is causing too much havoc with the Elites' personnel and schedule," stressed Lord Zhai.

"They will be more effective in keeping her in line as they do not have to adhere to the normal rules, social or otherwise. They report everything directly to me," said Lord Zhai wording his explanation carefully to mislead his sons into thinking that Shuang' new bodyguards only reported to him. In reality, the two Shards only reported to him out of courtesy. Their true Master was Old Wolf.

"Oh," MengYao said slowly as realized the meaning of what his father just said.

MengYao smirked as the thought dawned on him.

The two body guards were actually baby-sitting Shuang because Captain Chiang had withdrawn his Elites from guarding her person.

"I am sure you two do not want me to know your every move, do you?" Lord Zhai raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

"Uhh no father, no need for that," said MengYu hastily. He did not his father to know everything he did. It would severely curtail his freedom and activities.

"I thought so." Lord Zhai smiled. "Please keep this to yourselves. Shuang does not need to know I'm keeping such a close eye on her."

"Of course," said Mengyao.

"And you two, stop your pranks. Leave Shuang alone. I do not need you to disrupting my plans for her."

"What plans?"

Lord Zhai sighed thinking of his economic and political problems. "Times are changing. I need her to be ready for marriage. I need to solidify my allies and if possible make new ones. I have offered her to House Zhang."

House Zhang!

MengYao and MengYu smirked. Wasn't the new leader a pushover? Not only will Shuang will be married off and out of their hair, House Zhai will also have access to the lucrative Grey straits of the Zhang clan!! They were going to be rich ... richer!!

"Of course he will have to relinquish his new position as House Zhang's head to be come a Zhai. I will promise him control of part of our military to entice him but in reality General Yang will be fully in charge."

"Does he know that?" asked MengYu doubtfully. "And what would he know of soldiers and warfare?"

"Exactly, right? He is a bookworm, good only with brush and ink."

"The new Lord Zhang does not know yet but I will tell him in time. He is an amicable scholar, easy to control," crowed Lord Zhai. "Once he takes our name, we will have full control of the straits. I will convince him that it will be better for our soldiers to 'help' him supervise the trading since we have more manpower. His island has limited population. Then he will have more time for his studies and poetry that he loves so much. With General Yang in charge, the straits and sea will effectively be ours."

Lord Zhai smirked, "I don't understand how someone can spend so much time with musty books and dusty parchments. He must be very learned but lead a boring life. Shuang will be safe and in good hands."

"What about us Father?" asked MengYao. This was the time to get everything out since his Father seemed to be in a rare mood. "Will you give everything to Shuang and Zhang?"

Lord Zhai smiled. "Of course not. You are both my sons." Seeing the opportunity to keep his sons in line he continued, "The first one to give me a grandson will have Zinnu after I pass and the other will get Zhang's islands and straits."

MengYao and MengYu's eyes gleamed with greed.

"Maybe we can confine Shuang and Zhang on the island then they will be out of our hair for good. We need only the straits for profit and growth of Zinnu."

"Good idea, brother!" exclaimed MengYao. Sometimes MengYu comes up with gems of an idea.

"Now, no more talk about them. The Elites are more than enough protection for the both of you. My sons do not need nannies."

"Yes Father!"

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