Chapter 19 - Escapade Part 2

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Although it was night, the town was brightly lit with strings of gay and colourful lanterns. Zinnu was celebrating the coming wedding of House Zhai's youngest daughter. It was also an excuse to continue trading, selling and entertaining well after official business hours. A rare occasion where the citizens could make some extra income off the festivities and influx of foreigners. After Lady Shuang's wedding in a few weeks, all would return to normal. Any who did not take this chance was a fool indeed.

Troupes of entertainers were putting on their best performances. Peddlers were selling all manner of goods from trinkets, accessories, pelts and furs, silk and perfumes. There were also scrolls, books, paintings, leather products, herbs and even some livestock, mainly little chicks and ducklings.

Food stalls were also set up serving local delicacies to the hungry crowd. Delicious aromas wafted in the air as smiling hawkers invited patrons on top of their voices to have a taste. A few stalls even made a display of their cooking to entice the crowd. There was a burly cook who was playing with his massive iron wok over a fierce fire awing passersby with his expertise, a tall skinny man flinging stretched dough while spinning and dancing until it split into fine noodle strands and another skilled chef who was chopping and slicing vegetables so fast, one could hardly see his hands. It all went into a thick stew which smelled heavenly. Drink stalls sold fruit juice, freshly squeezed sugar cane water and wine. Children had their choice of candied treats and hand crafted toys.

There seemed to be many foreigners in the throng of people. Their different dress and hair styles gave them exotic auras. The lively and strange atmosphere was very exciting to a sheltered girl.

Ghost glanced behind and spotted Key. The older Shard had caught up with him. They had decided that it was easier to follow Shuang than to restrain her.

"I've informed the guards on duty at the South gates and their officer in charge. An Elite has been inform to tell Captain Chiang that we are out with Shuang and LiQuin. We will escort them back safely."

Ghost nodded at Key's report. Smart, by doing that, he had effectively informed both the Elites and Old Wolf. Ghost had recognized one of the gate guards as a Level One Shard. The boy was one of the newer trainees. Once he mastered the art of disguise and infiltration, he could be tested for promotion to Level Two. Now they could follow Shuang without worrying about procedure. Captain Chiang would inform Lord Zhai of his daughter's whereabouts at his discretion. With two Shards on her tail, her safety was guaranteed even if she didn't know it.


"What's going on?" asked Key referring to the unusual lively atmosphere.

"The delegates are here for Shuang's wedding and re-establishing ties. They will be here for a few weeks I think."

"It's so crowded. A haven for thieves and pickpockets," murmured Key longingly. He cracked his fingers reflexively.

Ghost chortled. "Don't get any ideas."

"I'm not," replied Key as indignantly as he could but his eyes glittered at the buffet of opportunities. All those jewels and money pouches ... Then he sighed sadly, lost opportunities for him. The patrons of Zinnu's night life were safe from him tonight, the greatest Thief in the Dark Sect. Tonight, he was working.

"Where is Shuang?" asked Key getting back to business.

Ghost jerked his head towards a crowded stall about twenty meters away. Key looked and spotted her. She was busy looking at carved wooden bracelets with LiQuin. The beautifully hand crafted ornaments were painted in bright colours. As they watched, she chose a matching pair and handed it over to the merchant. After he had wrapped the items for her, Shuang took them, turned and walked away without looking back. Hastily, LiQuin dug out some coins and dropped them into the merchant's hand before he could shout at her mistress. The maid apologized, bobbing her head before hurrying after Shuang.

At the next stall, she did the same thing. Shuang wandered blithely away after taking some snacks and eating them without paying. Again, her maid was left to pay the disgruntled vendor before he raised a fuss.

Key shook his head. "I thought she was supposed to at least try to blend in with the crowd."

"This is not good. Shuang is acting like an entitled noble. She is going to get into trouble if she continues behaving that way."

Suddenly, Ghost touched Key's arm.

"Look, she is attracting too much attention," hissed Ghost.

Behind the two clueless girls, a few rough looking men were gesturing to each other. The exchanged a few words before following the women.

"I'll take the right, you take the left. Keep your ear out for me. Listen," instructed Ghost.

Listening was the art of targeting and enhancing a particular sound. In a crowded or noisy environment, a skilled listener can pin point a particular person's voice or sound. It was a skill taught to Level Threes. In a quiet house or room, listening had saved him many times and gave him ample time to hide during a heist or theft. In this case, picking up Ghost's voice was not a problem. He was familiar with his partner's low velvety voice.

Key nodded curtly before disappearing into the crowd. Once he maneuvered himself between Shuang and the ruffians, he slowed down.

"I'm in position."

"Don't make any moves unless necessary. It may be nothing," replied Ghost.


Ghost had positioned himself quite near the four suspects. They were talking among themselves in low voices.

"I hate the rich. They are so arrogant. They think everything belongs to them."

"Yeah, did you see how she just took those bracelets without paying? Her companion paid for them."

"Her maid more likely. I think we should go for the maid. She is obviously holding the money pouch."

"We'll get them both. They may have some jewellery on them we can sell. Are they alone?"

"Yeah. I'm sure they are alone. I don't see any guards with them."

"That's so foolish of her, wandering around town unprotected. She can afford guards if she wants to have a taste of town."

"Never mind all that. Let's get them at the alley opposite the lantern peddler. They have to pass near it to avoid the jugglers on the street."

"O'kay. You three get in the alley. Be ready. I will herd them towards the alley."

"We are going to be rich."

"Hurry, they will reach there soon."

They grinned and parted ways clapping each other in anticipation. Ghost clenched his jaw. Not on my watch, scum.

"Key, I'm going into the second alleyway opposite the lantern peddler. You take care of the one following Shuang and LiQuin. He is going to usher them towards the alley where the others will be waiting to rob them. Don't let him."

"On it."

The two girls did not notice the Ghost passing them on the busy street. He slipped into the alley as they stopped to gawk and point at the comical jugglers.

It was dark in the alley. The bright lights did not reach far into the narrow backstreet. Slowly Ghost walked in. He was on high alert and sensed the presence and positions of the three men immediately. He stopped in the middle of the narrow alley.

A large man grunted when he spotted the lone Shard.

"Get out of here boy. This alley is taken."


"No?" he growled. "I'm not asking, I'm telling you to get out."

Ghost stood his ground assessing the distance and angle between each Target. Quickly, he took note of their height, weight and general build.

"He wants to give us his money, before he goes!" laughed another while rubbing his hands. "A little bonus."

"Not now, we have work to do," the first man said glancing nervously out the alley.

From his line of sight, he determined that the two girls were almost in position. He couldn't see their accomplice. The girls were walking slowly smiling and laughing happily at the skilful jugglers oblivious to the looming danger. The jugglers were tossing lighted sticks at each other, the flames at both ends of each stick making intricate patterns in the air to the delight of the crowd.

"Get rid of him. They are almost here."

"Not if I can help it," muttered the Shard.

The two men rushed Ghost but they never touched him.

Ghost side stepped grabbing the first man's fist. Using his momentum, the Five pulled him hard. The ruffian fell forward. When he lost balance, a sharp knee to his chest and a chop on his neck left him groaning on the ground. His accomplice was in no better shape. After attacking the first man, the Five had immediately spun around to deliver a powerful back kick to the second thug, stunning him. Landing nimbly, Ghost changed stance and followed up with a triple side kick to the felon. Fast powerful hits to the man's knee, stomach and head rendered him useless. The robber collapsed unconscious.

The last man had hardly turned back from his lookout post before he was greeted with precise jabs to his temple. He passed out on impact. Ghost caught his inert body as he fell and pulled him further into the dark alley. The fight was over in less then five minutes.

Looking at his handiwork, Ghost estimated that they would recover in a few hours. Enough time for Shuang and LiQuin to return safely in the Zhai mansion, he thought in satisfaction.

Coming out of the alley into the noisy street, Ghost searched for Key. He spotted the Three almost immediately. Key who was waiting for Ghost to emerged, grinned and jerked his head towards the robber leader. He was slumped on a crate as if he had passed out drunk.

"He will wake up at dawn when the party is over," came Key's voice over the din.


Without another word, the Shards continued their surveillance of the two girls.

It was a good thing that they were near. The streets were full of opportunists. Thieves and pick pockets were everywhere but none got close to Shuang and LiQuin after the Shards made their presence known and sent a warning. The two rich girls were protected. They were not worth the trouble.

Word spread fast after Ghost caught a young pick pocket. He wrenched the money pouch which the little thief had lifted from LiQuin and tossed it to Key. Ghost gave a stern warning to the small boy and told him to spread the word that the two girls were off limits. They were official Targets of the Dark Sect. Another attempt would end up with the thief mutilated, disabled or dead. The young boy nodded in fear promising to do so. After that, the girls were left alone.

Key caught the money pouch deftly. LiQuin turned in surprised when he neared her and placed it back in her hand. Rather than just slipping it back onto her person, it would be better to warn her so that she would be more careful.

"Keep your money safe. There are many pick-pockets around," he whispered to the maid whilst keeping his back to Shuang and disappeared into the crowd.

Key was here! Quickly LiQuin scanned the crowd. She caught a glimpse of Ghost. He caught her eye and gave a brief nod before he too vanished from sight. Somehow knowing that the bodyguards were with them in the city made her feel much better. Yet, she wondered if they would tattle on them and get them into trouble the next day.

LiQuin glanced back at her Mistress. Shuang was unaware of the quick exchange. Her eyes were glued to the night sky. She was smiling broadly and pulling on LiQuin's sleeve. Someone had started a fireworks show!

The next few hours went by uneventfully. Shuang and LiQuin walked taking in the sights, entertainers and wares for sale. When they were hungry, they stopped to eat noodles in steaming broth and slippery shrimp dumplings. They also had sweet meats, candied apples on sticks and crunchy sour fruits to snack on. It was lots of fun. LiQuin didn't catch sight of the two bodyguards again but knowing they were somewhere around, stealthily following, guarding and keeping them safe put her mind at ease. It was a good feeling to be so well protected.

They got home safely with no one the wiser, or so Shuang thought. Only when her mistress finally changed into her night clothes and slipped under her covers did LiQuin relax.

"See? I told you no one would notice!" Shuang whispered gleefully. "We had so much fun didn't we? Put all the things we bought in my chest."

"Yes mistress."

"I'm so full and tired now," she yawned. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, mistress. Sweet dreams."

Quietly, LiQuin left her slumbering mistress to make her way to her servant's pallet. It was hidden in the corner of Shuang's room behind a decorative bamboo screen. A servant always slept there to accompany her so that she would be available should the young miss need something in the middle of the night. On her way to bed, she saw a familiar shadow move to stand outside the window.

The maid smiled to herself. Ghost and Key were back too.

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