Chapter 20 - Pilgrimage

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The next day, everything was normal ... except for Lady Shuang's extra cheerful mood and random bursts of giggles. She also kept throwing conspiratorial glances and smiling secretly at LiQuin.

Ghost and Key did nothing out of the ordinary. They came in for her morning breakfast lesson and left to stand guard outside when she got ready for her lessons.

"See? I told you. They are not so great after all," Shuang crowed gleefully in a whisper. "We gave them the slip. They did not notice anything at all!"

"Yes, my Lady ..." LiQuin's soft voice replied agreeably.

Outside, Ghost and Key exchanged amused looks.

"Should we put her in her place?" asked Key. "This will only make her all high and mighty again."

Ghost shook his head. "No need. She seems happy to have bested us, let her be. There is no harm."

"If she becomes insufferable again, it's all your fault!" grumbled Key.

Half an hour later, the doors open. A humming Lady Shuang smirked at her two bodyguards as she passed them and winked at LiQuin before she proceeded down the path to her lesson.

Key rolled his eyes and LiQuin bobbed her head apologetically at the two men behind her mistress' back. Ghost gave a half smile acknowledging the maid's apology but said nothing.

Today's lesson was the continuation of the virtues of being a lady and a good wife. However, when they arrived, Madam Shao was talking with an official in full uniform. She was nodding her head animatedly in understanding. Apparently, he was relaying some important last minute instructions to her.

Madam Shao greeted Lady Shuang, "Ahhh there you are my Lady. Today's lessons will be changed slightly to include your revision of several prayers. We will go through them together to make sure you remember what you have memorized."

"Prayers?" Lady Suang asked.

"The prayers for a good marriage, a good husband and a prosperous future together. You must also ask for healthy and filial children."

"Oh, those prayers ..." Shuang sighed.

Those prayers were all very long, boring and repetitive for the most part. The elders seem to think that if they nagged the Moon Goddess enough and in variations, the deity would concede and grant them their desires. She herself did not have much faith in such beliefs but had learn the texts as expected of her out of propriety.

"Yes, Vice-Captain Ling here has instructions from Lord Zhai. Your pilgrimage to the Moon Goddess' temple is finally confirmed but it is cut short to only a few days instead of the original one week.

Vice-Captain Ling nodded beside her. "Lord Zhai says you are to leave tomorrow morning. Madam Shao and one of your chosen maids will accompany you. Vice-Captain Xin and his men will escort you."

Captain Chiang had selected Xin, the newest Vice-Captain for the task. It would allow young Xin to build his military merits. The other Vice-Captains, including him had already been assigned other duties.

"Tomorrow morning? So soon?"

"Yes, you must go and return before your engagement and wedding. Lord Zhang will arrive soon. After that, there will be no time to go to the temple."

Madam Shao took Shuang's hand. "Do not worry child, I will be there. It will be a short trip. The temple is near, only a day's travel."

Vice-Captain Ling saluted smartly. "I'll leave you to make the necessary arrangements."

Shuang nodded obediently. Offering prayers and kneeling for long periods of time was boring and taxing on one's body. On the flip side, she got to get out and see more of the world, even if it was just a temple. She had hazy memories of her last trip there with her mother. It had been a long time when she was little.


The next day they headed out.

Lady Shuang sat in the spacious carriage with Madam Shao and LiQuin, her favourite maid. Ten Elites in full uniform sat astride their horses ready to defend her on her journey.

"Move out!" Vice-Captain Xin gave the signal and nudged his horse forward. The trained mount obediently broke into a slow trot.

The entourage followed suit and soon they were filing past Lord and Lady Zhai. The couple watched proudly as their youngest daughter started her first step to becoming a woman, wife and mother. She would also bring wealth and power with her upcoming marriage to House Zhang.

Lady Huain waved her gauzy embroidered handkerchief cheerfully.

"Have a good trip sister! Be safe!"

Shuang wave back from her window. "I will!"

MengYao and MengYu were no where in sight. They had better things to do then to see their spoilt sister off. She was only going to the temple to pray for her future.. It was not like she was going there to get married.

Vice-Captain Xin saluted smartly as he passed his Captain. He felt proud and honoured to have been picked to head this task. It indicated that his superiors trusted him with the safety of an important member of the Ruling family. He would do his best not to fail them. The Elites behind him saluted in unison as Captain Chiang saluted his men back.

The journey was to be a comfortable one for the lady. If they moved at a slow and steady pace, it would allow her to to enjoy the scenery and fresh air. They should arrive at the Moon Goddess' temple early evening. After a night's rest, Lady Shuang would offer her prayers the whole of the next day. Then they would all travel back, in time for Lord Zhang's arrival.

Captain Chiang had given him his orders. No stops in the city, no distractions or sight-seeing even if the lady demanded it. It was Lord Zhai's direct order. Her safety was of the utmost importance and they could not risk her for any reason. Although not Elites, Lady Shuang's two personal bodyguards could be trusted and would protect her. He should work with them. Xin wondered at his Captain's careful tone when giving that order. He had stressed the outsiders were to be trusted.

Vice-Captain Xin had looked them over. They were in casual clothing and stayed near Lady Shuang's carriage which was a good sign. Although a bit young (younger than him), they seemed to take their job seriously enough. He did not know their background nor what training they had received but surly none better then his Elites?

He had heard of the fight off between them and the city brawlers the Zhai masters had set up. If they could win that, maybe that were of some use after all. Surely, not all the details were exaggerated. One of them looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Never mind, it would come to him later.

They made their way along the huge Zhai estates in a slow procession. When they exited the main gates and crossed boundaries, Vice-Captain Xin picked up the pace. He was nervous and ordered his men to surround the Lady's carriage as they entered the city proper. Word had got out about Shuang's pilgrimage and the streets were crowded with people. Everyone wanted a glimpse of Zinnu's beauty. To his mortification, Shuang had opened her windows wide and stuck her head out making her an easy target. She waved at the cheering crowd, thoroughly enjoying the adoration and attention.

He signalled his troops. Everyone on high alert. Keep moving. Check the crowd, buildings for anything or anyone suspicious.

Xin glanced at Shuang's bodyguards. He was aware they did not have to answer to him but Captain Chiang had confirmed their cooperation. Right now, they had split, one riding on either side of Shuang's carriage. Each was alert, riding with their backs straight and hands resting lightly on their weapons. They kept close to the opened windows on each side. Good. He did not have to direct them, they seem to know what they were doing.

He relaxed as the crowd thinned, then tensed again when he noticed LiQuin's hand out the window flagging an Elite. Without asking he fell back to her carriage.

"Sir, Lady Shuang requests we stop. She wants to look at a few shops and buy some things."

"No, we are not allowed to do that."

"Sir, she insists."

"I'll talk to her. Keep the line moving."

"Yes, Sir," the Elite saluted smartly and trotted to the front.

Without saying a word, Ghost moved out of the way, making space for Xin next to Shuang's window. The two Shards were alert and had heard the exchange. Key glanced at Ghost but made no move since his partner seemed relaxed. The Vice-Captain positioned his horse alongside the window. They could talk while still moving. He bent down so that his head was level.

"Madam Shao, it's me Vice-Captain Xin," he addressed Shuang's chaperon as was proper.

"Ah yes, Vice-Captain," started Lady Shao in an agitated voice. "The Lady requests we stop for a bit."

"I apologize," he said loud enough to be heard by all the occupants inside, "We have just started the journey and I'm not authorized to stop ..."

"There a few shops in town that she wants to visit."

"We'll just stop for a bit. No one has to know, right Vice-Captain?" Lady Shuang asked sweetly from inside.

"We can't stop now if we are to make it by evening."

"Can't or won't?" came Shuang's angry retort. "I demand you stop right now! I want to go shopping. This is my only chance!"

Xin cleared his throat. "I'm sorry Lady Shuang. No stopping. Lord Zhai's orders," he said curtly.

Xin gulped. Lady Shuang was making it difficult for him. He had never had to confront any of the family directly before. Captain Chiang had always dealt with any members of the Zhai family for discussion or instructions. He then planned and assigned the various duties to the involved units.

"Vice-Captain Xin, if you do not stop this carriage this instant, I will see that you are demoted back to the status of a recruit!"

Xin clenched his jaw, his hand gripping his pommel in frustration. Madam Shao peeked from the window looking very apologetic. She could do nothing either. The Lady out ranked them all.

Before Xin could try to persuade the stubborn girl, Ghost called out.

"Don't worry my good Vice-Captain. If we stop now, I'll personally vouch for you that you had no choice but to comply with Lady Shuang's direct orders. She will be responsible for the families' loss of livelihood when their shops cease to operate after today. No problem."

"Huh?" Shuang pushed Madam Shao aside and poked her head out. "What are you saying? Loss of livelihood? Why?"

"A violation of Lord Zhai's direct command must be punished. Since he can't possible discipline you, the shopkeepers and their families will have to bear the punishment in your stead. Their businesses will be forfeited and the families will lose their source of income."

"They may even be caught and put to death. Do you want that on your conscience Lady Shaung?" Ghost asked.

She gasped appalled. "Of course not! Put to death? Really?" she asked with big round eyes. "You're lying!"

"Vice-Captain Xin, is he telling the truth?" Shuang asked.

"Well ..."

"Yes he is," Key interjected. "These innocent people will be punished for putting you at risk. Their lives are nothing compared to your safety ... but if you really want to shop and look at a few trinkets ... I suppose a few lives won't matter, right?"

"What?" blurted Xin startled. Really! These two bodyguards were over exaggerating. The shopkeepers would be fined and punished to stop operations for a few days but that was about it.

Ghost winked at Xin.

"Vice-Captain, let's stop for some shopping. Don't forget to take down the names of all the shops we visit and include them in your report. Oh ... and the owners and their families too."

"Families?" squeaked Shuang.

"Yes, I'll do that. Procedures have to be followed," Xin replied finally recovering from his shock enough to play along.

"O'kay." Ghost raised his voice to address the Elites. "Everyone! You have your new orders. Stop at the next row of shops!"

"No!" Shuang cried horrified scuttling back inside. "No, please don't stop! I changed my mind! Just keep going already! Don't stop!!" She slammed the little wooden shutters shut to block everything and everyone outside.

Key grinned at the nearest Elite who smiled broadly back. Ghost chuckled softly.

Xin's mouth turned up once he realized the situation had solved itself. He moved forward gesturing at Ghost to follow him. Once they were out of the carriage's hearing range, he spoke.

"You're Ghost right?"


"Thank you."

"No problem Vice-Captain. I could only do that because I don't have to report to your Captain," he admitted.

"Umm, yes, I see." Then Xin shook his head and chortled. "You do realize that my Elites would not have obeyed your commands to stop, right?"

"Of course Vice-Captain. I was counting on that. Everyone knows the Elites are very well disciplined. You are their commanding officer here. No strangers could command them."

At that, Xin laughed. "You're terrible."

"Thank you," the Shard replied smugly. "I think Shuang forgot that in the heat of the moment. Dealing with her is hard because she abuses her rank. You guys are at a disadvantage."

"Lady Shuang," Xin corrected. "By the way, you look familiar. Have we met somewhere before?"

"We have," Ghost confirmed.

"Where, if I may ask."

"I'll not tell you so you have something to ponder on this boring journey. It'll keep you occupied."


"Don't worry. It'll come to you," was the Five's parting shot as he rode off back to his position beside the carriage.


After that, Ghost amused himself from the tedium of the journey by listening to Xin's soft mutterings.

"I know I've seen him somewhere before. But where??"

"It must be somewhere recent. He looks so familiar."

"His voice, where have I heard it? The intonation ... hmmm..."

Riding on the other side of the carriage, Key was listening too, but his focus was inside on the women's conversation. He didn't want Shuang to spring another surprise on them that could delay the pilgrimage. Any suspicious cue would give them a head start to shut her down.

The Shard pretended nonchalance as the windows on both sides of Shuang's carriage were open again to let in some fresh air. He supposed it got stuffy inside after a few hours.

"The scenery is so beautiful, don't you think LiQuin?"

"Huh?" came LiQuin's confused reply.

She supposed it was nice if one could appreciate dead trees and dried grass. Winter was officially here and life was put on hold until spring. Most of the animals were nowhere in sight. No birds sang nor squirrels darted around searching for food. They had gone probably gone into hibernation or holed up somewhere safe during the cold season. All the plants outside were dead. They had passed countless bare trees and tall shriveled brown grass. There were no butterflies or pretty flowers to look at. Nothing. There was nothing scenic about the route they were passing.

LiQuin looked out the window trying to see the nature's beauty that captured Lady Shuang's attention. Maybe she should learn the finer points in life from her noble mistress. She shifted from her seat at the side to the back of the carriage next to her mistress. The maid moved carefully so as not to wake Madam Shao who had dozed off. The elderly woman had been rocked to sleep by the moving carriage. From her new position, LiQuin had a clear view out both windows.

Ghost and Key came into sight. Each bodyguard was riding about a meter away from the open windows on either side.

"Oooooo," she broke into a smile. So that's what Lady Shuang meant.

Shuang giggled, covering her mouth.

"Shhh, Madam Shao is finally asleep. Now we can finally talk."

"What about the Elites outside? And Ghost and Key? Can they hear us?"

"Don't be silly. How can they hear us with all that racket?"

Between the clip-clop of horses, occasional neighing and the loud squeaky carriage wheels any conversation inside the carriage would be drowned out. The Elites also called out to each other occasionally. Besides, her two handsome bodyguards' attention seemed to be elsewhere.

Key was riding easily, glancing around from time to time as he checked out the surrounding area for danger. His long black hair was tied back neatly as usual, providing an unobstructed view of his handsome face. He had an amused expression and was smiling to himself which somehow made him more attractive. She wondered idly what he was thinking.

On the other side, Ghost was also relaxed. He rode facing forward staring at something or someone out of her sight. She liked watching him. How the cold wind blew his long messy bangs from his face, exposing his clean side profile briefly before his fringe fell back into place obscuring her view again. She liked looking at his sharp jawline and pointed chin.

LiQuin giggled. "You're drooling Lady Shuang."

"No I'm not ... well, maybe just a little!" came Shuang's unrepentant voice.

"Too bad Key is taken. That leaves you with Ghost, although you will be getting married soon."

"Oh, you had to remind me and ruin it."

"Sorry Lady Shuang. I suppose there's no harm in looking."

"Do you think Key is really taken or he was just making it up?" asked Shuang.

"I don't know but he seemed serious. He was so love stuck when he was talking about her whoever she is."

"Yes, he was so cute but Ghost was absolutely adorable that day," chortled Shuang. "So much for being a tough bodyguard. He literally ran away when Key revealed he's still single."

The two girls burst into giggles.

Outside Key heroically kept a straight face now that he was aware they was watching him. He glanced at Ghost over the top of the carriage but the Five was occupied with something else. Suddenly Ghost smiled mischievously tilting his head slightly. Ah, he was also listening but to who?

"Oh my!" came Shuang's breathless squeak. "I love it when he does that but don't tell him."

"Does what?"

"The thing with his head when he smiles. Hie eyes gets so intense when he does that, I feel he can see right through me."

LiQuin sighed in agreement peeking at the Shard. Key swallowed and coughed tuning his head away from the window to hide his smirk. His eyes were watering and his cheeks were cramping up from trying so hard to keep a neutral expression. Poor Ghost. He should hear this. It was absolutely hilarious the way they described him. Key wondered how fast Ghost could run for cover. Wouldn't that be funny?

"You know, I'd never met anyone like Ghost before."

"You mean blunt and roguish?"

"No, not exactly. He's ... "

Suddenly, Ghost tensed. Sitting bolt up in his saddle, he listened hard for a few minutes before calling out to Key.

"I'm going up front. Xin just got a report. I'm going to check it out."


"Keep your eyes open."

Ghost spurred his horse, picking up his pace.

The Five's serious tone put him on high alert. Key surveyed the surrounding area. Was something wrong? There was nothing suspicious as far as he could see. They were moving along a wagon trail, basically a dirt road leading to the Moon Goddess temple. On either side, the tall dead grass rustled in a soft melodic whisper.

The Moon Temple was located on an auspicious hill. The Three estimated another two or three hours on the road before they reached the temple gates. A cup of hot tea would be very welcomed now.

A short while later, Ghost came back. He knocked at the side of the window bending low. Shuang gasped when he peeked in. Madam Shao woke up startled.

"I'm sorry but you have to close the windows now. Both sides."

"But I want some more fresh air."

Ghost caught her eyes, staring directly into them. "Close the windows and do not open them under any circumstances or until one of us says its safe, o'kay?"

"But ..."

"And do not come out, no matter what you hear. Understand?" He directed the last word to Madam Shao.

"Uhhh, yes," the elderly woman stuttered. The bodyguard was serious. His usual relaxed manner was gone.

"It's for the Lady's safety."

Without waiting for her response, he unlatched the shutters and slammed them shut.

He raised his voice to Key, "Close the shutters, now!"

Key complied immediately, drawing his sword. Ghost was edgy and tensed. He was not fooling around.

"Hey!!" shouted Lady Shuang but whatever complain she had was cut off by a scream. An Elite tumbled from his horse with an arrow lodged in his chest.

The next second, arrows rained down on them.

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