Chapter 21 - Ambush

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"Ambush!" yelled the Vice-Captain. "Formation! Shields!!"

"Protect the Lady!!"

Immediately the Elites closed ranks surrounding Shuang's carriage.

Arrows thudded into hastily raised shields and onto the roof of the carriage. The women inside screamed in terror.

"Stay down and away from the sides!" Ghost shouted rapping the windows before drawing his weapons.

"Shields? What shields?" yelped Key as he swung his sword expertly to deflect the oncoming arrows. Scores of arrows were flung to the ground harmless. "How come we don't have any shields?"

Ghost did not bother to reply Key. He had his long double blades out and was busy blocking the attack on his side.

After three waves, one Elite was dead and another two were wounded. The ambush had done its work. Xin rallied his forces when a loud rebel yell rang out.


A group of about twenty rebels rose from the tall dead grass with assorted weapons. Only five or six had mounts, the rest were on foot. They lined the road ahead. Several were restringing their bows. Those that they had passed were running to rejoin their friends.

"Keep moving! Don't stop!" Xin commanded the Elite driving the carriage. "We'll try to outrun them."

The driver gave a curt nod. Deftly, he whipped the reins and barked out a command. The coach sped up.

If Lady Shuang had not been with them, Xin would have ordered a full offence to exterminate the rebels. His Elites were trained for battle and were better equipped but now the Lady's safety was top priority.

Xin noticed that the rebels aimed only for them. They spared the horses. Realization dawned on him. They wanted the prized animals but did not care for the humans. They also wanted whatever or whoever was inside the carriage. It had to be something valuable or someone important. Important enough to kidnap and trade for a profit. One of them had already collected his fallen Elite's mount. He spat in disgust before attacking the nearest rebel.

Shuang's bodyguards were doing their job too. Key was engaged with two men. They were no match for him as he had the advantage. The bodyguard was on a horse and had a better weapon.

"Ghost! Ghost!!"

The Five kept his eyes on his enemies as he answered Key's anxious cry. He knew what was bothering the Three.

"You don't have to kill them! Just wound them a little or maim them so they can't fight!!"

"Why didn't I think of that?" he wondered aloud. After that, his defence became more decisive and deadly. He aimed for multiple body parts, wounding deep enough to abate the threat. Rebels started to fall back.

Ghost slashed and cut efficiently. His double blades made a lot of damage. He was not particular about preserving lives. After all, the rebels had initiated killing by murdering the unsuspecting Elite.

Focusing on the upper body, the Five attacked the head, neck and chest. Strike the jugular, heart or puncture the lungs or any other vital organs. Being ambidextrous was a good thing he had cultivated in his choice of weapons. With his training and skill, bodies soon littered the trail.

The sun glinted off flashing blades as the Elite guards fought back. Grunts and shouts filled the air. Curses mixed in with the clanging of metal against metal and loud neighing of horses.

In the chaos, the carriage slowed down.

Xin was ahead clearing the way. Although the initial rebel forces had diminished, they still outnumbered Shuang's party. More were also surging towards them from hiding to support their brothers. All the Elites were fully engaged. No one was available to check on Shuang. Quickly, Ghost finished off the man in front of him and rode to catch up with the slowing coach.

"Damn it!" he swore when he saw the wounded driver. The Elite was barely hanging on to the reigns. If he let go, the team would be totally uncontrolled.

"Vice-Captain!" he shouted. "Xin!!"

His shout went unnoticed in the din.


An arrow hissed through the air straight at the Five. Jerking back, Ghost felt a painful sting on his right cheek. The rebels were shooting again. One glance told him they were too near. Experienced archers would shoot from further away to take advantage of the relative safety distance could give them. But these amateurs had foolishly closed the space between them and their targets to get better shots.


Instinctively, Ghost sheathed his double blades and reached into his clothes for his shards. Taking aim, he threw thin sharp slivers at the nearest archer.

"Aaiiieee!!" he yowled in pain confirming the hit.

Again and again Ghost took aim and hurled his deadly shards. The naked blades flew through the air, cutting through leather and cloth to embed themselves into soft flesh. Many rebels had ventured near not expecting any ranged retaliation. Another three collapsed before they realized what was happening. When the rest scrambled back, Ghost galloped to catch up with the others leaving the wounded and the dead.

Suddenly the shutters were flung opened and Shuang's head popped out.

"What's happening? Why are we slowing down? The carriage is shaking too much! All our things are falling on us!"

"Get in! Close the window!!" yelled Ghost.

Too late, he saw a rebel grin taking aim at Shuang. He was at the wrong angle and would not be able to move into position to protect her fast enough, but Key was.

"Key!!" he shouted. "Protect Shuang!!"

That was all he needed to cue the Three. Key took one look assessing the situation immediately. Ghost flung more shards at the archer, killing the man but it was too late. His arrow had already left his bow and was moving swiftly straight at Shuang. Key kicked his horse to intercept the arrow.



Key was hit. Ghost saw the arrow sticking out of Key's thigh. He had saved Shuang.

"Damn it! Close the damn window!!" Ghost shouted at Shuang.

She gave a mortified cry as the shutters were pulled from inside. The Three slumped in his saddle.

"Key! Hang on! We are almost there!!"

"I can't believe I got hit!" Key groaned in pain as he straightened up. "God it hurts! I hate this job."

"Stay by Shuang's side! We'll outrun them!"

Suddenly loud noises echoed in the wide open area.

Bang! BANG! Bang!

Ghost whirled round. What the hell? Firecrackers? The rebels had lighted up firecrackers.

Bang! Bang! BANG!!

All the horses had reared up in fright. Several Elites were thrown to the ground and trampled.

"Whoa! Whoa! Get back up and ride for the temple!!" bellowed Xin. "Get up! Get up!"

The Vice-Captain and a few others kept the rebels at bay as those who could get up climbed back onto their mounts. They had no choice but to leave their fallen comrades. Efforts to retrieve their bodies would come later.

Key had held onto his galloping horse with difficulty. The strain tore at his wounded leg making him cry out. All he could do was hang on and try to regain control of his spooked mount.

"Stay with Xin! Get to the temple!" Ghost yelled at the Three. That was all he had time for. Shuang! He had to protect the Target.

At the loud noise, the horses pulling the carriage had reared up pawing the air, neighed in fright and bolted. They pulled the carriage along the bumpy road at a dangerous speed. It rocked from side to side threatening to topple over at any time. The women inside were screaming again.

Ghost had to catch up. He had to calm the horses down and get them under control. The wounded driver ... he dared not think of the injured Elite.

Ghost kicked his horse into a gallop. In no time he was alongside the speeding carriage. Not being hampered by a bulky structure made all the difference. Maintaining the crazy pace, he maneuvered, angling his body to jump onto the moving coach. Steeling himself, he sprang agilely landing next to the driver.

"Help! I can't hang on much longer," moaned the Elite. He was bleeding profusely and was barely conscious but he refused to let go of the reins.

"Hang on. I got you," shouted Ghost.

Snatching the spare leather reins from under the seat, the Shard knotted it to the sides of the coach. Then, he quickly secured himself to the carriage by tying his waist. He knew he would need all the help he could get to maintain his position against the wild horses. Being lean and slender, brute force was not his main strength.

"O'kay! Hand over the reins," yelled Ghost. "You can let go now."

The wounded Elite handed over the leather straps gratefully, relief clearly written on his face. Ghost braced his legs against the carriage's foot board and wrapped the reins around both his forearms. He pulled the leather straps in an attempt to gain control and slow the carriage down. The reins tightened as the horses pulled back.

The tug of war for control seem to last forever. The Shard strained against the steeds with all his strength then slacked the reins. He did this several times while keeping up a litany of verbal commands trying to calm the spooked horses. They yanked and jerked trying to break free.

"Whoa! Whoa now! Slow down."

"It's o'kay now. Whoa! Easy, easy now ..."

He used his whole body, leaning back exerting against the frightened mounts. A battle of endurance commenced. Time seemed to slow down. The Shard's world shrunk to include only the animals and him. The seconds dragged on forever. All his focus and energy was poured into regaining control. But the tension was becoming unbearable. All he could feel were the tightening straps cutting into his arms and his painful locked muscles. His whole body felt like it was on fire. A loud pounding drummed in his ears in tandem to the wildly galloping hoof beats.


Ghost screamed at the intense pain on his right shoulder and his eyes watered. The strain had been too much. His upper arm (humerus) had dislocated from his arm socket. But Ghost held on. He had to. Shuang was in the carriage and her safety was top priority.

Little by little, the horses calmed down. They felt the familiar and steady unrelenting pressure of competent control. Soothing words and sounds by the new human driver was also comforting. He would take care of them and make everything all right. He would not let the threatening loud noise hurt them.

The headlong flight had left everyone behind. Even the rebels were nowhere in sight. Xin and the surviving guards were trying to catch up. The tall dry grass had thinned and given way to gravel and sand. That meant they had almost reached the temple.

Ghost managed to keep them on the path. Luckily there was only one path in these parts which led to the temple. By the time the horses had calmed down enough to a reasonable pace, Ghost could see the high stone walls and the welcoming archway of the Moon Goddess temple.

"Thank the Gods!"

By this time, the Five was only hanging on by sheer will.

The carriage slowed down, finally stopping in the temple's compound. The Elite driver next to him was unconscious. Ghost was sweating and breathing hard still gripping onto the leather straps for dear life. Blood dripped from a nasty gash on his head and the cut on his cheek. His whole body trembled aching and the pounding in his ears was even louder, if that was possible.

At their arrival, several temple guards and nuns came rushing out. They were expecting the esteemed Lady Shuang from House Zhai and her entourage but a little later.

Ghost breathed out a sigh of relief. They had made it. They were safe.

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