Chapter 24 - Realisation

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Key groaned inwardly and closed his eyes in denial at the inevitable. He swallowed as Xin pushed up Ghost's sleeves to check the damage on his forearms.

The reins which the Five had wound around his arms had cut into his flesh leaving bloody red marks and broken skin. Xin had to clean away the blood to check the extent of damage before treating it. Hopefully, his muscles were only stained and the lacerations superficial. If not Ghost's hands may be useless for days or maybe even weeks.

Vice-Captain Xin inhaled sharply and froze when he saw the Shard's Mark. It was exactly how he remembered it, the image of five deadly shards chasing each other in an incomplete circle. The single word 'Gui' was neatly etched in the middle.

Now, it hit him where he had seen the man before. Xin raised startled eyes to stare disbelievingly at Ghost. He couldn't believe his eyes.

'Gui' means Ghost. It was his codename. His Dark Sect codename as an active working Shard.

Suddenly everything fell into place. How the bodyguard looked so familiar. How he was so capable and well trained. How he had maimed and killed so many of the rebels. He had thought it was partly skill and partly plain dumb luck that Ghost had hit so many attackers with the blades he was throwing. Ghost was the Messenger! He was a skilled Shard of the Dark Sect!

"YOU!!" Xin whispered fiercely in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Apparently not dying," replied Ghost calmly. "And earning my keep as Shuang's bodyguard."

"Lady Shuang," Xin corrected automatically. "And you know that's not what I meant!"

"Ooww! Oooowww!! Stop pulling on my arm. It hurts! I thought you were supposed to be treating my wounds."

"I'll do more than pull your arm out if you don't tell me now what you're really doing here. Is Lady Shuang your Target? Are you going to harm her?" he whispered angrily trying to maintain a bold face but his heart was already sinking with dread.

If the Messenger was truly after Lord Zhai's youngest daughter, everyone here was already technically dead. It didn't matter that the Messenger was hurt, he was still alive and dangerous.

Xin took a quick look around, mentally preparing himself for the slaughter. There were wounded Elites, nuns, temple guards and of course Key, the other bodyguard who Ghost would have to fight to get to Lady Shuang.


Xin studied the other bodyguard for a moment. Poor Key. Did he even know he had been working with a dangerous killer Shard? A Shard who was by his side and could end his life at any time? Key was in constant danger and he didn't even know it. He had to warn the guy.

It did not even occur to Xin that Key, the likable and friendly bodyguard could also be a Shard. After all, the Dark Sect was not a group where anyone could simply enter and be a part of. Besides, what were the chances that there were two Shards by Lady Shuang's side in House Zhai?

All his thoughts strung along together in an incoherent mess as he tried to understand the new information. Panic and dread flooded through him. The Vice-Captain's eyes flicked back to Ghost. Xin knew that he would be the first one to die. He was the nearest and the most obvious target. His mouth turned down, ahhh, poor QinQin, he couldn't even tell his beloved wife he loved her or hold her for the last time or ... be there for their unborn baby.

"Hey, you're overthinking again."

The Messenger's smug tone snapped Xin out of his dark thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't jump to conclusions like you did with your wife."

"Shut up," the Vice Captain growled.

"Shuang is my Target," Ghost confirmed. "I've been commissioned to protect her until her wedding."

"Protect?" Xin hissed. "Don't lie," he scoffed. "The Dark Sect do not send out their Shards as bodyguards. You guys kill not guard or save people."

Ghost chuckled. Xin's reaction mirrored Old Wolf's when Lord Zhai first approached the Dark Sect. He remembered Crow's exaggerated recounting of Old Wolf's initial reaction to Lord Zhai's proposal. It had become an inside joke among the Shards.

"There is always a first time."

Ghost sighed at Xin's tense posture.

"Besides, we do not kill indiscriminately, we are not murderers. We kill only if we are paid to do so and only if we accept the job. Contracts are vetted very thoroughly you know."

"No, I don't know!" growled Xin agitated.

"Seriously, I'm not going to hurt Shuang. If anything, she is under my protection until her wedding. Then I'll be gone forever."

When Xin still did not relax, the Shard studied the Vice-Captain with intense dark eyes for a moment. Then he tilted his head and added in a low serious voice, "Vice-Captain Xin, you have my word as a Shard of the Dark Sect. I will not hurt Shuang."

"I swear ... on my Mark," Ghost said solemnly, placing his left hand over the Shard's Mark tattooed on his right forearm.

Xin took a moment to let everything sink in. The Messenger had sworn formally on his Mark. The simple yet powerful tattoo etched into his fair skin which symbolized his place and status in the most fearsome Underworld Sect in Zinnu. That is as good as swearing on the Dark Sect, right? He must be telling the truth.

"O'kay. I'll take your word. Don't make me regret it."

After a tense moment, Xin lowered his gaze to continue his administrations.

Behind him, Key's eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped making his mouth gaped open.

"Really?!! Just like that?" He asked Ghost incredulously. "He believed you just because you swore on your Mark? That doesn't mean anything! It doesn't work that way!!"

"Shush! He doesn't know that."

"Oh my God! I can't believe he is soooo gullible."

Key was having a hard time keeping a straight face. "Is he really a Vice-Captain of House Zhai? I mean, he is so naive."

After a few moments, he sobered. "Ghost, he might still tell someone."


Ghost returned his attention to the busy Vice-Captain. By now he had cleaned away most of the blood and dabbed on the salve. Both his hands and arms were being bandaged carefully.

"Umm, Vice-Captain, I have a small request."

"Request? What is it?"

"Please do not tell anyone my identity. It would complicate things."

"I'm sorry, I cannot do that," Xin replied immediately. "You know I have a duty to make a full report to Captain Chiang when we get back."

"Nooooo," groaned the Three.

Ghost ignored Key.

He regarded Xin quietly for a moment then replied calmly, "Then I guess I'll have to make a full report to your wife as well ... that you sent me to spy on her because you thought she was cheating on you. How you really don't trust her when you're not around and ..."


"I don't think she'll forgive you anytime soon if she knew that you thought so lowly of her and accused her of those bad things ..."


"Then don't tell Captain Chiang."

"But ..."

"It won't make a difference," Ghost reasoned. "It's only a few more short weeks to the wedding. After the Lady gets married, she will live with her new husband and my services will no longer be required. I'll be gone from your life and hers."

"What if her new husband wants you to continue being her bodyguard?"

Ghost laughed. "I don't think he will. Lord Zhang does not trust outsiders so easily. He has his own men."

"There's that," Xin agreed.

Lord Zhang was known to be a quiet scholar who detested violence but he was always surrounded by the best guards. All were trained on the Grey Islands. No one knew where he sourced them. Several other Houses had tried to hire them but to no avail. They could not be swayed by gold or riches. Ghost was right, Zhang would not need him to protect Lady Shuang, thought Xin.

"It's only for a short while. A few weeks will pass soon enough and I'll be out of your hair ... permanently."

"Fine," Xin said grudgingly.

The Vice-Captain was not happy that the Lady's bodyguard was a member of the disreputable Dark Sect. On the other hand, if Ghost's mission was to protect Lady Shuang, then her safety was practically guaranteed. The risks Ghost had taken during the ambush was proof enough, right?

So, it was a good thing that the notorious Shard was on their side, at least for now, Xin concluded. However, he should still keep an eye on Ghost. He could not shake off his ingrained prejudice against the Dark Sect just because Ghost had proven himself loyal to Lady Shuang once.

Xin got up gathering everything. He would now go find someone to help with Ghost's shoulder. On his way, he passed Key.

"Watch your back. Be careful of Ghost," he whispered covertly to the wounded bodyguard. "He is not who he seems. Do not get on his wrong side. He may be smaller than you, but he's still very dangerous. Don't underestimate him."

"Huh? What?" the Three asked surprised.

"Be alert at all times if you want to continue living. Don't say I didn't warn you," Xin said darkly before hurrying off.

Key couldn't help it. The second Xin was out of earshot, he laughed. "Oh my God! Ghost!!" he gasped, tears running down his face. "Oww! Oww! My leg," he yelped as his laughter shook his injured leg. "One day you're going to kill me with your pranks."

Fifteen minutes later, Xin returned with one of the temple's Healers. She was a big woman and looked very strong.

"Is this the one?"

"Yes, his arm is dislocated. See the ugly bone jutting out?"

"It must be very painful for this young one," she said to Ghost who was holding his arm. "Be brave and we'll fix it soon."

Beside her, a startled Xin almost snorted at the Healer's remark. He tried hard to keep his composure. Be brave? Why was she talking to Ghost like he was just a boy? He was a Messenger of the Dark Sect for Gods sake. He could take the pain couldn't he? They were all trained killers, weren't they? Then he took a closer look and did a double take, the boy really was very pale and sweating.

Mentally he berated himself, what's wrong with you Xin? Get a hold of yourself! Ghost may be a Messenger but he's still human and just a young boy wasn't he? In fact, he looks just as young as his baby brother Jin at home. He couldn't imagine Jin in such pain. If anyone dared hurt his baby brother, they would have to deal with him.

Xin sighed. He should be more tolerant towards Ghost.

"Ghost? Lay down. It would be easier to relocate your arm," Xin said in a surprising gentle voice.

Ghost nodded but remained silent. Slowly he eased himself down onto the floor. Moving was painful.

"No, not here. On the pallet over there, next to Key."

"Later," croaked Ghost. It would take too much effort to move again. "Please ... do it now." He directed the plea to the Healer.

"Yes," agreed the Healer. Her expression was one full of sympathy and compassion. Quickly, she set out her things.

"Do not worry, young one. Once I reset your arm, the terrible pain in your shoulder will lessen considerable. Take it from one who have experienced it several times," she said as she prepared herself.

"Captain, if you could hold him still ..."

"Vice-Captain," Xin corrected the Healer in a distracted voice.

Ghost was wincing and swallowing rapidly as she took his injured arm firmly. Supporting it with both hands, she slowly moved it away from his body at a right angle. He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. Focusing inwards, he endured the pain.

"Make sure he doesn't move. I'm going to put the bone back into its socket," she muttered as she focused on her task. "Slowly does it."

The Healer was all business. She pulled Ghost's arm slowly but steadily away from his body until his shoulder re-articulated. She was strong and worked carefully, all the while keeping a close eye in her patient. He was sweating and biting down on a wad of cloth she had placed between his teeth for the purpose. Suddenly, there was a clunking sound as the shoulder popped back into its socket.

"Ahhhhh!!" moaned Ghost flinching. Xin clamped down on him, immobilizing the bodyguard.

The Shard opened his eyes, blinking in wonder. Most of the severe pain in his upper arm and shoulder really was gone! Amazing! If he could, he would have hugged the Healer.

She was smiling in satisfaction. The relief on his face was all she needed to know that her efforts had been successful. With Xin's help, she got her patient back into a sitting position

"Now, it isn't over yet," she cautioned Ghost as she fashioned a make-shift sling for his arm. Carefully she secured the knot around his neck. "You must keep your arm as still as possible. Your shoulder is still unstable and your muscles need time to heal. There will be some swelling and bruising on your arm and shoulder but its only temporary."

"But he's a bodyguard," objected Xin.

"No. No bodyguarding for the time being until his arm is healed," she disagreed firmly. "If not, his arm may dislocate again in the future. As it is, the muscles and tendons around the bone are sprained badly. The tissues surrounding it too. It will swell and be tender for a while."

"It's o'kay," interjected Ghost. "Thank you Healer. I will find a way to do my duties without staining my shoulder."

"Hhrrrummpphhh. It'll take at least twelve to sixteen weeks to heal completely ..."

Ghost almost rolled his eyes. He couldn't wait that long. He did not have the luxury of time. With Xian's miracle salve, he would heal long before then. Three months were for normal people who did not have the benefits of the rigorous training Shards endured.

" ... no strenuous work,"she continued. "No lifting heavy things. No straining the muscles, tendons and ligaments, understand?" she spoke to Ghost but directed her instructions more towards the Vice Captain. "The injuries on both your hands and arms need time to heal too."

Xin nodded unconvincingly, much to her annoyance.

She hope the Vice-Captain wouldn't bully the boy in his soldierly duties. She was a Healer and did not understand nor approve of fighting or killing except in self defence. She was more concerned with the well being and health of her patients. She got up after packing her things and gave a warning glance at Xin.

"Rest and get well soon, young one," she intoned nodding at Ghost before making her way to her next patient.

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