Chapter 25 - Moon Goddess Temple Part 1

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Inside the room, Lady Shuang, Madam Shao and LiQuin had been checked by a Healer and comforted by several sisters. The three women had been badly frightened but luckily no one was seriously hurt. Madam Shao had a few bruises from bumping around the carriage and LiQuin from shielding her mistress against falling luggage.

After changing their clothes and tidying up, they all felt better. Their things from the carriage had been brought in by the temple guards and placed in a corner of the simple room.

"Have some more hot tea, mistress. It will warm you up," offered LiQuin as she refilled Lady Shuang's cup.

Several nuns brought in refreshments and lit a large brazier. Soon the room became warm and cosy, keeping out the winter chill.

"What a journey," said Madam Shao shaking her head. "We were lucky Lord Zhai sent so many Elites to escort us."

"Yes," agreed LiQuin. "Not to mention Ghost and Key. They were very brave too."

She sat down at Lady Shuang's invitation. In this informal setting, Madam Shao and LiQuin were more companions than mistress and servants. They would revert back to their more formal roles once they returned to the Zhai estates.

"Mhmmm, they were weren't they?"

LiQuin raised her eyebrows at her mistress' whimsical tone. Something was up. Luckily Madam Shao was too distracted by the events. She got up to inspect their belongings.

"Please, continue eating and resting. I want to check if anything is damaged. I hope your special robes for tomorrow's prayers are fine," said Madam Shao as she got up to wander over to the boxes and chests. She hoped nothing was torn or lost. If there was, maybe she would have time to repair it tonight.

When she was out of earshot, LiQuin pulled her stool nearer to her mistress.

"Lady Shuang, are you feeling alright? You look a bit flustered."

"Well, yes ... but LiQuin, I think I'm in love," Lady Shuang whispered. "I mean really, really in love."

"Love? You mean Lord Zhang?"

"No silly, Ghost!"

"Ghost?" LiQuin asked in surprise.

"Did you see how dashing he was? He protected ME!" she stressed. "When I was in danger, he told Key to block my window so that I would not be hurt. Then he jumped onto our carriage to slow down the runaway horses so that I would not end up in a ditch somewhere."

"Umm." LiQuin's brow furrowed.

She remembered differently. Didn't Ghost shout at Lady Shuang for opening the window and putting herself and everyone inside the carriage in danger? And poor Key got shot blocking her from the arrow. He wouldn't have been hurt otherwise. The bodyguards and everyone else were expandable, Lady Shuang was not. LiQuin had seen Ghost's face when Key got hurt. He looked really scary angry before killing the offending archer without hesitation.

He did however jump onto the carriage to save them, but wasn't that his job? Ghost was the Lady's bodyguard. She was certain Key or any one of the Elites would have done the same were they nearer and able.

"He literally risked his life to save mine! I've never had a bodyguard who cared so much for me," continued Shuang dreamily. "It's true what they say."

"What's that?" asked LiQuin.

"Well, you know. The handsome bodyguard falling in love with the beautiful lady he is sworn to protect. I knew he would fall for me sooner or later. He can't help it."

"But mistress, you're already promised to the Lord Zhang and will marry him soon. That's why we are here, isn't it? For you to pray to the Moon Goddess and receive blessings for your up coming marriage?"

"Shush, LiQuin. Don't spoil my mood. I may have to marry Lord Zhang but my heart will forever be Ghost's." She sighed softly a smile spreading on her lips. "Did you see how he helped me off the carriage? How he held me so tenderly? He was so gallant! I felt so safe and warm in his arms. All my fears just melted away."

LiQuin kept quiet. She recalled Ghost standing stiffly looking very pale and dazed at that time. His hands were bloody and his right shoulder had stuck out at an odd angle. He had been in a great deal of pain and his attention was obviously elsewhere.

Although the bodyguard did place his left hand around Lady Shuang's waist, she thought he did so more out reaction to the situation rather than actual affection. His focus was on the temple's main gates at that time, if she was not wrong. He was waiting for Key and the rest of the Elites to make it to safety. Romance was probably the last thing on his mind.

However, experience told her that Lady Shuang was in one of her moods. Nothing anyone could say or do would change her mind. Better to let her have her fantasy for a while, reality would come soon enough when they returned home.

"Do you think Ghost is o'kay?"

"I'm sure he is. The Healers are working to patch everyone up."

"I hope so. I must check on him later."

"That may not be wise, Lady. Vice-Captain Xin and all the other Elites and guards are out there. Key was also badly wounded. You must not show favour to only one ..."

"But he's hurt."

"The others are worse off. He'll be fine. The Healers here are very competent ..."

Madam Shao came bustling back cutting further conversation.

"Thank God everything is not damaged. I've put out your ceremonial robes for tomorrow's prayers. Let's all get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."

The two younger girls had no choice but to comply. The next day would start at dawn.

"I'll check on him tomorrow when I get a chance," Shuang whispered. "Poor Ghost. He must also want to know that I'm over my fright and am alright. He must be so worried about me."


Early the next day, Lady Shuang was carefully bathed by LiQuin and Madam Shao according to the purifying rituals. She was then dressed in the plain heavy white ceremonial robes prepared for her prayers. Her long black hair was combed and tied simply with a white silk ribbon. The young woman was not allowed to put on any fancy adornments, scents or makeup except a light dusting of powder. When they had finished, Lady Shuang looked the epitome of a pure innocent maid. She was now ready to begin her prayer offerings to the Moon Goddess.

The doors to her chambers opened and Lady Shuang stepped out. Immediately, her eyes darted around the large room searching for the one person she had been thinking about all night. Where was he? Ghost.

The men had cleaned themselves and the place up. The wounded who lay in temporary pallets were shielded from her sight behind plain bamboo screens. The rest of the Elites, were standing at attention on either side of the room ready to escort her. Vice-Captain Xin himself stood near her doors waiting for her.

Lady Shuang did not want them. She wanted her bodyguards! She wanted Ghost.

She searched anxiously. Where was Ghost? She did not see him. Was he hurt so badly that he too was tucked away out of sight? She had not really noticed anything wrong with him yesterday except for some blood on his face. Surely it was just some minor scrape. He must escort her today! She wanted to see him and be near him.

"Vice-Captain, where are my personal bodyguards? Where's Key and Ghost?" her voice trembled at Ghost's name. They didn't die during the night did they? Tears started welling up in her eyes.

Before Xin could reply, she heard Ghost's low velvety voice.

"I am here, Lady."

The Shard step out from behind the nearest bamboo screen.

"I was checking on Key before we head out."

She gasped. His right arm was in a sling and there was a patch to the side of his forehead. Her initial reaction was to go to him. Unconsciously, she took a step towards him, hand reaching out to touch his face. The bodyguard immediately moved away to the side neatly avoiding her. She should not touch any man in her 'pure' state; not even male family members until her prayers had been concluded.

Xin frowned at Lady Shuang's mistake. It was a gross breach of conduct as the future wife of another man. A man she was supposedly here at the sacred Mood Goddess temple to pray for her future with. She was here to pray to be a good wife to Lord Zhang and be the mother to future House Zhang descendants. She had barely started the ceremony but had already forgotten her purpose here.

Luckily Ghost was fast enough to prevent her from touching him. Was she still so frightened that she needed reassurance from her bodyguards? His Elites could protect her just as well, thought Xin. Or did yesterday's intense events deepen an obvious infatuation with her bodyguard? Whatever it was, it did not excuse her inappropriate behaviour.

Xin exchanged looks with Madam Shao. Thank God the nuns had not witnessed Lady Shuang's poor conduct. It would have tarnished House Zhai's reputation if word got out. They had better start the day's schedule before anything else could go wrong. Clearly, the lady was distracted with other thoughts. They must guide her and remind her of her duties.

Instead of promoting harmony, peace and health, her thoughtless actions may inadvertently sow distrust and start a war. It would be embarrassing to House Zhai if they could not deliver a bride after initiating and literally pushing for a joining of the two great Houses.

Lord Zhang would take great insult indeed if his promised bride fell in love with another. Who knew what that would lead to? Lady Shuang did not even know Ghost was a despicable Shard. What if House Zhang fought over Lady Shuang with the Dark Sect? It would be House Zhai's fault and responsibility! What would happen to them? What a mess. Xin shuddered at the possibilities feeling a migraine building up at the back of his head.

He, Xin, Vice-Captain of House Zhai Elite soldiers should nip this blossoming situation in the bud. He should warn Ghost away from Lady Shuang even if the bodyguard was a dangerous deadly Shard. The warning might put his life in jeopardy but he had sworn an oath to House Zhai. It was his duty. It was a risk he had to take. Xin sighed, not all battles were fought with the sword. It was so hard to be a soldier with a conscience sometimes. He would keep an eye on Ghost.

"Lady Shuang, please follow me," instructed Vice-Captain Xin. "The nuns have prepared everything for you."

"Yes," Madam Shao chimed in, "We should get going. Remember, keep your thoughts pure, focus on family, the future of House Zhai and Lord Zhang, your betrothed."

"Lord Zhang ..." Shuang mumbled her eyes still on her bodyguard. Idly, she wondered if Lord Zhang was as attractive as Ghost. Could he protect her like Ghost? Probably not. Sigh. She shivered remembering the warmth of his arm around her.

Ghost cleared his throat.

"Lady Shuang, please move. Everyone is waiting on you. I will be near at all times."

"But your arm ..."

"It's of no matter."

She open her mouth to argue again but he cut her off. "Move!" he hissed. "Everyone is waiting."

His impatient tone startled her out of her daydreams. Who was he to speak like that to her? Didn't he know how concerned she was for him? Tears started welling up in her eyes.

Ghost closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath to calm himself down. Just because his arm was uncomfortable and Key was hurt was no excuse to take it out on the girl. She too had gone through a horrible experience yesterday and was still probably shook up.

"I apologize Lady Shuang. Please ... you must be on time. There are many prayers to recite. You do not have to be afraid here. The Elites and I will protect you. The nuns and temple guards here will also ensure your safety."

"I ... o'kay."

"I will be near," Ghost repeated and smiled reassuringly at her.

Much to Madam Shao and LiQuin's relief, the youngest daughter of House Zhai finally followed Vice-Captain Xin. Ghost walked a respectable distance behind Shuang and bandaged Elites fell in line. The procession marched to the main prayer hall located at the front of the Moon Goddess temple away from the residential area.

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