Chapter 26 - Moon Goddess Temple Part 2

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Sweet incense filled the large halls and the soft chantings of many devotees resonated throughout the large temple. It gave a very peaceful and calming effect. Somewhere a loud gong sounded several times signaling some daily routine of the Moon Goddess temple residents.

The nuns selected to assist and accompany Lady Shuang for her prayers were already waiting for her when she arrived. The others who were not involved went about their daily regimes inconspicuously. The noble lady was led to the main statue of the Moon Goddess in the central chambers. Beneath the deity, flat round cushions were placed at intervals for the devotees. Other devotees and visitors to the temple would use the smaller side chambers for the time being.

Shuang knelt in the middle, on the cushion directly before the Goddess. Today, she was the main focus. Madam Shao and LiQuin knelt on either side of their young mistress. Six other nuns arranged themselves on the cushions behind them. They would accompany her day long prayer and attest to her piety and devotion, asking their revered Goddess to grant her request for a good marriage, a loving husband and many, many filial children to carry on her proud linage.

Shuang turned back for a quick look. She was distracted again. Where was Ghost? Noticing her action, the Shard moved from the back to stand unobtrusively at the side, within Shuang's peripheral vision but at a respectable distance from the prayer group. It would not do to have her turning every so often to check on him.

Xin took note of his subtle move and nodded approvingly at the bodyguard. At least the Shard knew his social boundaries, thought the Elite. Madam Shao should speak to her charge after this to remind her firmly once again of her duties. Lady Shuang didn't seem to care about her unseemly behavior, but she should restrain herself for the sake of House Zhai's reputation.

"Thank you," he mouthed silently. He was glad to see that Ghost was taking pains to cover his Mistress's mistakes. The Shard was actually protecting her reputation as well as her life.

No problem, the bodyguard gestured back.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all, thought Xin. Like all Elites, Xin's loyalty was primarily to House Zhai and in particular to Lord Zhai. If Lady Shuang did anything to ruin Lord Zhai, his true master, she would not have any Elites to count on.

When Shuang saw Ghost, she heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. He tilted his head acknowledging her, then moved his gaze away. Right, she thought. He was telling her that he was there and would protect her. He did not smile back but that was o'kay. She understood he did not want the others to see that he favoured her.

A gong sounded and a senior nun walked in carrying a xianglu (incense burner). She chanted prayers as she walked among the kneeling devotees swinging the xianglu on its metal chain. Thick fragrant jasmine, rose and agarwood enveloped them all. The white scented smoke was believed to get rid of negative energies and spirits whilst encouraging new positive ones. When she completed the opening ritual, she placed the xianglu at the front alter. Wispy white tendrils of sweet smelling smoke continued to curl up as the senior nun started the ceremony.

"Merciful Moon Goddess, today a young woman is here to request your blessings for a good future and marriage. Please hear her prayers," the senior nun intoned.

"Please hear her prayers ..." echoed the kneeling nuns.

"Please grant her a good husband and many beautiful filial children."

"... many beautiful filial children."

"This union will bind two great Houses in Zinnu. For the good of our land, may You bless them with love and health, O great Goddess ..."

"O Great Goddess ..."

"Let them cherish and honour each other until the end of their days ..."

"... until the end of their days," the nuns intoned piously.

They all bowed deeply, touching their foreheads to the ground. After a few moments, they sat up again. Now it was time for Shuang to start.

Lady Shuang lowered her gaze from the Moon Goddess before her and closed her eyes. Raising her hands in prayer like she had been thought, she started the first of the many long prayers she was supposed to recite.

Every so often, she would sneak a peek at Ghost. He stood motionless, staring straight ahead. His rigid posture made her wonder what he was thinking. Ahhh! He was probably devastated that she was promised to Lord Zhang. She was too, but the reality was that he was just a commoner without a drop of noble blood in him. If he couldn't bear to be parted from her after the wedding, maybe she should ask Father to allow him to accompany her to the Grey Islands. She was sure Lord Zhang would allow her this one small request. After all, which husband would not want to please his beautiful new bride? Having Ghost with her at her new home would be wonderful, she thought happily.

Oblivious to Shuang's plans for his future, Ghost kept alert of his surroundings. From his position, he had a great view of all the entrances and exits from the hall and people moving about the large space. He could also keep an eye on Shuang allying her fears of being left alone. He supposed she wanted familiar faces around her after her terrifying ordeal yesterday.

The Five took note of everything and everyone. The nuns inside the space were all women. Most were praying or going about their duties. There were closed off sections which several went off into. What was inside? He stilled himself listening, focusing on each section in turn. Hmmm, prayers, prayers, confession ... some sort of consultation with a mother and her daughter and ... he blushed, quickly pulling back his attention. That was embarrassing, a sexual consultation for a married couple. They didn't have to so frank, he thought, his ears burning.

After recovering a bit, he turned his attention outwards. He could only see a portion through the wide doors. Focusing, he confirmed that the temple guards outside were not only guarding the premises but also helping with chores. They were sweeping away dead leaves and emptying ashes from the many incense burners lined outside. Dried plants were checked and sprinkled with water for their revival in Spring. He heard a few discussing the supply of coal and firewood. Normal mundane everyday matters, he thought satisfied.

A quick look in Shuang's direction showed that she was still deep in prayer. Good. Xin caught his eye, raising an eyebrow in inquiry. Any problems? Nope, he replied with a tilt of his head and returned to his silent observations.

Finally, Ghost studied the towering statue of the sacred Moon Goddess. He had to admit, the Moon Goddess was beautiful indeed, divine even. Her angelic face was framed by long loose tresses. An elaborate beauty mark was carved artfully into her smooth forehead. Cold hard lips smiled serenely down upon the small pitiful humans praying to her. Family? Love? Seriously? He did not believe in such sentiments nor did he have much faith in love. One could not survive on love alone. After all, didn't his own father sell him off for a few sacks of grain? Oh, and a goat. One must not forget that damn skinny goat which his father had haggled for so desperately with his young son's life, thought Ghost. He sometimes wondered it it all had been worth it.

When it came down to the wire, everyone saved himself regardless, right? Surviving starvation and staying alive was more important than love or family. That was what he had experienced over and over again. Abandonment. That was why he was so adamant on not leaving his teammates behind on any given mission. If Old Wolf had not found him and saved him from his shallow grave that fateful night ... he swallowed, burying the heart wrenching pain that always came with his dark memories.

He looked up again at the serene Deity. The Moon Goddess was beautiful enough to deceive anyone into submission. Her luscious curves could make fools of men, promising unimaginable pleasures. Her ample breasts and wide hips promised many healthy children and a long lineage. But ... thought Ghost cynically, she may grant love but she never promised that it would be real or lasting. Health and happiness? Family? How? By hawking off your defenseless children for your own survival? Filial children? What about good parents? He couldn't help but scoff, familiar rage slowly building in his chest.

He shouldn't have come here. This place, was making him emotional by dragging up painful memories. He wanted to scream and shout his accusations at the cold Goddess. She was NOT FAIR. She had not done her job to promote love, peace and family values. Where was she when he needed her to stop his father from trading him off? He had been just a helpless kid! He had trusted his father. He had not known what was happening until it was too late. He swallowed, closing his eyes to regain his composure. When he opened them again, he caught Xin watching him.

"Are you o'kay? Your arm ..." mouthed the Vice-Captain. "Do you need to rest? One of my men can take over."

Ghost clenched his jaw. Xin thought he was in physical pain. He was, but that he could endure, it was the emotional hurt twisting his insides that was tormenting him. How does one heal the blackness that consumes one's soul? All he could do was bury the pain as usual.

He shook his head rejecting Xin's offer. He would fulfill his mission. He was well enough and would stay by Shuang's side. To him protecting his Target was between Key and him. Either one of them should be with her until the mission ended. The Elites were a bonus in facilitating her survival but ultimately, ensuring the Target's safety until her wedding day were their responsibility.


After hours bent in prayer Lady Shuang and her companions got up stiffly. They would break for a light lunch and a short rest before continuing the ceremony. Thank God this one did not require fasting, thought the girl. She was starving. She looked for Ghost, he should walk together with her.

"Ghost ..." started Shuang but was cut off by her bodyguard placing his fingers over his lips effectively shushing her. He pointed to Madam Shao and LiQuin who were waiting for her.

"Lady Shuang, this way. We have an hour to eat and rest before we come back here for the second part," ushered Madam Shao. She had just received directions from a nun to their lunch.

"But ..."

"Lady, don't worry. He'll follow," whispered LiQuin who was ever attentive to her mistress's moods and needs. "Won't you?" she asked the silent bodyguard uncertainly. She breathed a sigh of relief when he gave a curt nod.

"Ooooh, my poor knees. I should put some ointment on them after lunch ..." groaned Madam Shao as she ushered her charge out. LiQuin followed closely.

Lunch was a quick affair. The Elites took turns eating and standing guard. They were very efficient about it. Vice-Captain Xin waited until his men had eaten before sitting down to eat with Ghost. To his surprise, the bodyguard ate with his back against Shuang.

"You're not watching her?"

"I am," replied Ghost as he slurped his noodles. He held his chopsticks carefully leaving his bowl on the table. He was mindful of his aching arms which still lacked its usual strength. Navigating food and chopsticks with numb fingers was a chore and took more concentration than usual.

"You are?" he asked.


"Really?" Xin studied the youth across him. The Shard was handling his chopsticks with his left hand. He was also careful not to move his right hand too much. His shoulder must still be very sore.

"I didn't know you're left handed," Xin commented after awhile.

Ghost kept eating. No Shard would ever announce his observations out loud. If Xin wanted to think he was left handed, let him. He would not correct the Vice-Captain's assumptions.

"What is she doing now?" Xin asked challengingly as he bit into a dumpling.

"She's eating ... is that good?" Ghost asked but picked one up anyway. He popped the slippery dumpling into his mouth before getting a reply from the soldier.

Xin snorted. "Of course shes eating, I mean what else?"

"She's ... looking at me." The Shard grinned impishly and took another dumpling. "Mmmm, its good."

"You're too much. I hope you know what you're doing. I won't let anyone, Shard or not get in the way of my Lord's plans to unite the two Houses," warned Xin.

"You worry too much. Shuang is getting married soon to Lord Zhang. I'm not anywhere in the picture at all. Besides, I'll be gone the day after she becomes his wife."

"That's Lady Shuang to you," Xin corrected automatically.

The soldier took a sip of hot tea. Could he trust the Messenger? Ghost was a Shard and Xin didn't know the so called details of the Messenger's contract which made him nervous. The thought of a member of the Dark Sect anywhere near the Zhai family gave him anxiety. Lady Shuang clearly had a crush on this young man. Ghost could easily encourage her puppy love to insinuate himself into House Zhai. That was dangerous.

"You're sure you'll be gone after her wedding?"



Ghost set his chopsticks down across his empty bowl. He was done. The Vice-Captain was not letting up with his nagging. Slowly he leaned across the table, locking eyes and holding Xin's gaze.

"I'm going to say this only once more, Vice-Captain," he said in a low voice so only Xin could hear him. "My intentions here is to do my job which is to protect Shuang's physical body for her husband, nothing more. Whatever she thinks or feels is her business but I assure you she and I are not romantically compatible."

"I have no interest in Shuang or House Zhai," Ghost stated firmly.

Xin leaned back in his chair awkwardly. He tried to look away but couldn't. The Shard had fully understood his concerns perfectly.

"I'm not stupid. I know my place," Ghost added to ease the tension, then smirked, " ... even if Shuang forgets hers."

"Lady Shuang ..." bristled Xin.

"Don't worry Vice-Captain, she will be married soon and that will be the end of the matter. Her small temporary crush on me is not real. I know that. It's only a reaction to yesterday's traumatic events, nothing more. It'll fade soon enough when she returns home to her usual luxury and settles into her rich new life. Thereafter, none of you will ever see me again unless ..."


"Unless ... you or your wife hire me again for messages," he said smugly making Xin choke.


"I mean your wife was quite fond of me. She even made me a warm meal or two ... for free."

"Why you ...!" Xin spluttered. There had been nothing going on between them and the annoying Shard knew it!!

Of course his beloved Qinqin had told him all about the helpful young 'soldier' who had suddenly appeared at their home in her time of need. The soldier had gained her instant trust by introducing himself immediately and explaining that her husband, the very much respected Vice-Captain had sent him. Apparently, the Vice Captain had sent him, a lowly trainee who wouldn't be missed to check on her well-being because he was worried about her being alone and was always thinking of her. Ghost had even showed her his 'fake' credentials (stamped letter from Xin) as proof of his identity. He visited her everyday for a week.

During that time, Ghost had done numerous chores to help set her up for winter. She repaid him by cooking him a few hot meals, nothing more. Once he had accompanied her to Dr.Ming's. He always referred to her in a respectful manner ensuring all who saw them knew that he was her caring husband's subordinate doing his duty, nothing more. Everyone praised Xin for his thoughtfulness.

By the time Ghost left to 'report' to his 'superior', Qinqin had ample firewood for winter, drums of fresh water from the well and a new larger chicken coop for her poultry. He had even fixed her roof by re-thatching the leaky portion above the kitchen and bedroom. He had done so to get close and observe her for a cohesive report on her condition. The young man's company lightened her mood, especially when he was so full of praise and respect for her husband.

When Ghost left, she had made him promise to report only that she was well and healthy to Xin. Her pregnancy was to be a secret for her to surprise her husband with. He agreed and in return had asked her to put in a few good words to 'his Vice-Captain' for him.

Ghost had done much more than he had asked and Qinqin did give a glowing report of that 'wonderful helpful trainee', Xin remembered. At that time, he did not know whether to be grateful that the Shard had helped his wife so much or to be afraid that he had wormed himself into her life so easily.

The other tables looked at them at Xin's outburst. Ghost grinned and got up excusing himself. He left the angry Vice-Captain to cool down, sauntering out the dining area to go check up on Key. In the meantime, Shuang should be safe. There were many Elites around Shuang and he would be back before she finished her meal.

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