Chapter 28 - Home

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Lady Shuang's party was met near the Zhai Estates by a dozen Elites guards. News had reached Lord Zhai of the ambush so he had ordered out an escort squad. The report received by Captain Chiang was relayed to him late last night. By that time, his precious daughter was already safe and preparing for her trip back.

Lord and Lady Zhai made a huge fuss over her. Captain Chiang commended Vice-Captain Xin for his fast action. Due to his exemplary leadership, Lady Shuang was safe and there were only two casualties, three if they counted the missing war horse.

"Captain, we would have had more casualties if not for the Lady's bodyguards. They were both vital to the Lady's protection," explained Xin humbly.

Xin made it a point to mention the bodyguards. It was only fair to give where credit was due. It was true, what he said. Both Ghost and Key had saved several of his Elites by efficiently throwing daggers, shards and who knew what other weapons at their attackers. Rebels about to strike fatal blows to his men suddenly collapsed grunting to the ground or dropped their weapons when numerous sharp missiles embedded themselves into their flesh. Hands, thighs and chests became bloody in seconds defusing the threat.

He saw first hand how efficiently the bodyguards worked together, seamlessly complimenting each other in their attack and defense. It was almost like they knew what the other was thinking. But how? They did not shout to each other, in fact, they had both been eerily silent during the skirmish, only mumbling to themselves. No one could hear what they said, he had checked with his men. Perhaps they had a cheering litany or war cry which they recited to themselves? He made a mental note to ask Ghost the next time they have a chance to speak.

The Vice-Captain had noticed that Key aimed only to wound, not kill. But Ghost was different. He had killed. Strangely enough, the younger bodyguard had only killed those who attacked Lady Shuang's carriage directly, the rest he disarmed or injured to slow them down. A good example of that was the rebel who had dared aim an arrow at Shuang but had hit Key instead. He had openly threatened Lady Shuang's life. Ghost had eliminated him without hesitation.

Captain Chiang looked past his subordinate to study the two men. They were both injured. Key was balancing himself on one leg. He had an arm around Ghost's shoulder to steady himself. The Shards had actually protected Lady Shuang. He had doubted the Dark Sect but had kept it to himself. That was why he had sent Xin and so many Elites with her. Amazingly, the Dark Sect had pulled through, Lord Zhai's risky gamble had paid off.

Poor Xin, thought Chiang. He should keep the Shards' real identity to himself. If Xin knew Lady Shuang's bodyguards were from the notorious Dark Sect, his uptight Vice-Captain would freak out.

"Noted. I will report to Lord Zhai and include their part in the incident."

"But Captain ..." started Xin.

"Yes Vice-Captain? Do you have something to add?"

"Lady Shuang's bodyguard, Ghost ..."

"Yes, what about him?"

"Well, he's ... he ..." Xin stuttered and swallowed.

Conflicting emotions crossed Xin's face. He should report Ghost! A Shard was running around loose in House Zhai! But his wife ... Xin hesitated as he thought of Qinqin. That scoundrel will surely rat on him spying on her. Qinqin will never forgive him and with a child on the way, what if she left him and took his child with her? He couldn't risk it. He could not live without his precious Qinqin. Damn that Messenger.

Captain Chiang's eyes narrowed. Did Xin know? Did something happen during the lady's pilgrimage that the Shard's identity was revealed? A quick glance at Ghost shocked him when their eyes met briefly. The Shard was watching him! Ghost half-smiled in acknowledgement then turned his attention back to Lady Shuang. Both the Shards were patiently waiting on the young mistress along with her whole entourage. Everyone would only be allowed to disperse and rest from their journey when Lord and Lady Zhai finished fussing over her.

The veteran soldier drew in a sharp breath. His eyes bore into his subordinate. He must know if Xin knew. Only then could he take action. There were only two choices, either to shut him up or to expand the Shards' identities to selected Elites. The decision would be made after reporting and discussing the matter with Lord Zhai. He waited. What Xin said next would seal his fate.

It was now or never, thought Xin. He must do his duty as a soldier and a member of House Zhai Elite guards! He must! But when he opened his mouth, Qinqin's beautiful face appeared before him.

"Ghost ... he killed the man who tried to shoot Lady Shuang. Key took the shot for her and Ghost killed the rebel," Xin blurted out. "He's ... he's a great shot ..." he finished lamely.

Captain Chiang studied Xin's red face for a moment before clapping his Vice-Captain on his shoulder and nodded. He should keep an eye on Xin.

"They are just doing their job. It's what they are paid for. You're dismissed."

"Yes, Sir!"


Once safely back home and her parents had ascertained that Lady Shuang was healthy and unhurt, everything returned back to normal, well almost normal.

Meals were normal but that was all. Daily classes had ceased altogether and Shuang was left to her own devices most of the time. A few tutors and Lady Lu, the head maid looked in on her from time to time but none stayed long enough for lessons or to chat.

Everyone was busy preparing House Zhai for the arrival of its honored guests. The first of the delegates would start arriving the next day and would be housed within House Zhai's extensive residence. Today was the last day to prepare, clean and decorate the place. House Zhai will be ready to receive it's esteemed guests and host the celebratory events.

Even Madam Shao was impatient and harassed when she dropped by. She was in charge of protocol and arrangements of guests. Ranking was important and she now spent most of her time with Lady Zhai determining proper accommodations in the various guest suites, seating arrangements in the banquet hall and overall protocols for the planned events.

The two young masters and Lady Huain too were helping with the arrangement and last minute activities. Only Shuang was not involved as she was the youngest and the bride to be. She was also 'recovering' from her recent scare and should rest up before her big day. She was not allowed to do anything stressful. The young girl quickly became bored.

So that morning, the youngest daughter of House Zhai headed to the kitchens as she had been doing since her return from the Moon Goddess Temple. She had found a promising recipe and had been practicing her baking. She would surprise her elder sister with delicious cakes for all her help. She was positive that Huian would love it. The cakes were baked in small bite-size pieces almost like little fluffy puffs of clouds. Well that what the drawing looked like in the scroll.

The two Shards stopped talking when the activity in the kitchen slowed down. It sounded like Lady Shuang who had been diligently practicing her cake recipe had just finished her latest batch. Over the past few days, she had forced everyone to taste her products which ranged from rock hard to squishy and bland to syrupy sweet.

A few minutes later, LiQuin came out with a small wooden tray. Uneven pieces of suspicious looking 'cake' were arranged on it. Several pieces had obviously had parts scraped off. The dense desserts ranged from pale yellow to dark brown. It still looked nothing like the drawing in the recipe scroll. A faint burnt smell wafted from it.

LiQuin went directly to Ghost and bobbed a curtsy.

"Lady Shuang asks that you have a taste."

Alarmed, Ghost took an involuntary step back back making Key snigger.

"Me? Why me?"

"Because you are the only one left who hasn't tasted her cooking," replied LiQuin with a wicked smile.

"C'mon. It's just cake." Key nudged Ghost. "It's harmless."

"No it's not. She is trying to poison us. Even our extensive training can't save us from that."

"Not us ... just you. She already tried to poison the rest of us earlier. I had the worst stomach ache two nights ago," said Key. "Better take and eat one now."

His tone warned Ghost that the lady was watching. Gritting his teeth, he took a small piece of cake and heroically put it into his mouth.

"How is it? Is it edible this time?" whispered Key.

LiQuin bit her lips to keep herself from laughing. Somehow she managed to keep a straight face but her eyes twinkled at the handsome bodyguard's predicament.

Slowly Ghost plucked up his courage and chewed. It was not that bad. He swallowed.

Looking past LiQuin's shoulder he caught Lady Shuang peeking from the side window. He nodded to her and lifted another piece of cake from the tray. He held it up to her, smiled and nodded.

"It's good."

"Oh!!" Lady Shuang squealed happily from her hiding place and disappeared from the window.

Sounds of laughter and loud congratulations erupted from inside. She had done it! She had baked cake.

"Wow. I think you made her very happy. Is it really good?" asked Key glancing at LiQuin before taking a large piece. He popped it into his mouth without a second thought and gagged.

"No," replied Ghost replacing his misshapen and discolored second piece back onto the tray. "It's totally tasteless and bland, perfect for Lady Huain."

"Ughh!! I hate you," spluttered Key wiping his mouth.

LiQuin giggled taking the tray back into the kitchen. Lady Shuang would want to present her cake to Lady Huain now that somebody liked it. They would prepare a plate immediately to visit the eldest daughter of House Zhai.


Lady Huain loved Lady Shuang's cake and proved it by eating three pieces. Lady Shuang only managed to swallow one piece of her own cake finding it lacking any flavour whatsoever. She had narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Ghost after taking a bite but the bodyguard's attention was elsewhere. She wondered if he had fooled her but was mollified by her sister's apparent enjoyment of her dessert.

"Did you hear the latest news?" Lady Huain asked as she poured more steaming fragrant flower tea into two delicate porcelain tea cups.

"What news?"

"Two delegates already arrived this morning for your birthday and wedding celebrations."

"Really?! I thought they were arriving tomorrow."

"They're early."

"How come I didn't know?"

"Everyone was busy and Father said you were not to be disturbed."

"Who? Is my fiance here yet? How does he look like? Is he a strong warrior? Is he handsome? He must be rich and powerful right? Tell me!!"

"Really Shuang, control yourself!" Lady Huain chortled. "I didn't see them. Father and Mother received them. Mengyao and Mengyu were in the City so they missed them too. I think neither of them was Lord Zhang."

"Awww, then I guess I didn't miss anything either."

"Our House and city will be filled with exotic foreigners and unfamiliar sights. I'm sure they will not miss this opportunity to do some trading as well."

"At last we can have some fun," exclaimed Shuang in delight. "Father never lets me go out. It's a rare opportunity to see and meet them. Maybe now he will let me see the wondrous sights before they all go back."

"Shuang, you really should behave yourself. Ladies do not simply 'go out' to the city to enjoy themselves. It's dangerous there."

"I can take care of myself. It will be lots of fun. There are many stalls and shops selling beautiful things. There are also many tasty street foods to eat. We can't eat the delicious hawker snacks in here. You don't know what you are missing," she said without thinking remembering her exciting night out with LiQuin. It seemed so long ago. She was itching to go out again.

"How do you know? Have you ...?"

"Noo-ooo," replied Shuang, her cheeks reddening. She glanced at her accomplice who lowered her eyes. Key's eyes flickered to Shuang but he looked away the next second pretending nonchalance. Ghost was on guard outside.

Huain shook her head gently, admonishing her sister.

"You are so headstrong. You must grow up Shuang and learn the virtues of a lady. I heard Lord Zhang will arrive tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!! I must look my best then. Do you know anything about him? I know that Father has discussed this with Mother and you a lot recently."

"Well, I heard that Lord Zhang is very learned and an accomplished scholar. He knows a lot and many already seek him out for advice on a variety of subjects. After all, his father has been training him for years. He recently ascended to power because the old Lord made him regent or something like that. Old Lord Zhang is taking a step back for the time being."

"A nerd," Shuang groaned. "A nerd, that's what Father got me."

"A well respected rich and influential nerd," Huain snickered. "I also heard he is tall, elegant and quite good-looking ..."

Shuang perked up. Good-looking? She could live with that.

"... and he is 25 years old."

"Twenty-five?!!" Shuang blurted echoing her sister. "But that's so ooooold!!" she moaned.

"Awww c'mon, it's not so bad. Everyone gets old, even the rich and good-looking. You will have a nice peaceful marriage life with everything money can buy. You will have all the time to indulge in your painting, embroidery and raising children."

"But that's so boring!! I'm still young. I want a whirlwind romance with a young handsome warrior who will sweep me off my feet! A skilled fighter who will protect me while we travel the world and have amazing adventures together!"

"Hahaha, in your dreams. That never happens in real life. Even I married for our House's political gains. My laogong (husband) is not the handsomest or the brightest but I've grown to love and respect him. He takes good care of me."

"Nooo! I don't want to that. I don't want to marry an old boring nerd!"

"Now, now, calm down. You are almost sixteen. It is our duty to strengthen ties with our allies and promote peace. Lord Zhang will bring the wealth of the Grey Straits and the sea to our House. Even the pirates fear House Zhang's name and never plunder any of their ships."

"We are rich enough!! Why torture me?"

Huain sighed. "Shuang, sister ... you are young and beautiful. Maybe not the most obedient but you are still a daughter of House Zhai. We are valuable assets to our great family. We must do our part to keep our family strong to maintain our position as the Ruling House. Maybe if you are lucky, you will grow to love the gentle scholar. Do not shame Father. Our other allies will also be here."

"I don't care what anyone says! I'm not getting married!!" the younger girl cried.

Jumping up from her seat, she rushed out of Lady Huain's chambers in a tantrum. Without a word, her entourage hurried after her. 

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