Chapter 29 - Crush

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That night, Shuang couldn't sleep. She was too anxious thinking of her future husband arriving the next day. The young maiden was excited for a new life yet furious at being forced to marry someone not of her choosing. Marrying was expected for one of her station to strengthen her House's political power but not to an old boring man! She felt greatly wronged and insulted. However, she was fearful of her father's wrath if she disobeyed him. Was there a way to get out of this predicament? She had yet to meet Lord Zhang but already held a grudge against him.

Her mixed emotions confused her. After tossing and turning in bed for hours she gave up. Sleep was impossible. As quietly as she could, she got out of bed and slipped on her thick fur cloak. The chilly winter night was cold.

The young lady padded over to her favourite maid's bed and peeked behind the painted bamboo screen to check on her. LiQuin was curled up underneath her woolen blankets fast asleep. Only the tails of her long nighttime braids could be seen, the rest of her was hidden in a nest of warm fluff. Poor LiQuin, she must be so tired, thought Shuang. However, she knew that the maid would wake up instantly if she called. She'll let her rest. She smiled at the slumbering girl and tiptoed away.

Shuang made her way to the outer chamber and to the door. Some cool night air would refresh her and take her troubled mind off her looming wedding. Her mouth turned down. No one could know the trauma and stress she was going through. Imagine her beauty and youth wasted on an old nerd! The least comfort was that he was rumoured to be rich and powerful, but how rich and powerful could one be to offset old age and a dreadfully dull character? She wallowed in misery as she pulled up her hood and pushed open the door.

Immediately, the two Elites guarding her door stiffened to attention and Key appeared from nowhere. He hobbled towards her on a sturdy makeshift walking stick. His wounded leg was still mending, but he insisted on doing his duty. He had grown quite proficient with it over the last few days and could move about quite fast.

"Lady Shuang? Is there anything wrong?" asked the Three tensely, his right hand already slipping under his cloak to touch his hidden daggers. Quickly he looked past her to check inside. Everything was quiet. Where was LiQuin? Was there an intruder? How many were there? He could wound up to four or five if they came within range before pulling out his sword. His leg, ahhh ... should he call Ghost?

"No, nothing's wrong. I just can't sleep that's all." said Shuang pulling her thick woolen cloak tighter around her. "I thought maybe some fresh air and a short walk might help."

"Oh," his hand withdrew from his cloak leaving his weapons in place. Key motioned to the Elites and they relaxed at their posts. He would take care of Shuang.

"It's cold out ..."

"I won't be long. It's so stuffy inside."

"O'kay, I'll keep you company."

As long as she stayed within her inner courtyard, he had no problems. If she headed for the outer courtyard, he'd alert Ghost.

"Where's Ghost?" asked Shuang suddenly looking around. She did not see him anywhere.

"He's around," Key replied with a knowing smile.

Ever since her trip to the Moon Goddess Temple, Shuang's infatuation with Ghost had developed into a full blown obsession. Key reasoned it was because the Five had had the misfortune to have caught her in his arms when she stumbled out from her carriage that day. Ghost had been the first person to steady her, giving her a sense of comfort and safety after her harrowing ordeal. His doom was sealed when he allowed the frightened girl to cling onto him while he patiently waited for her to calm down and gather herself.

Key had laughed at Ghost when his mentor narrated the unfortunate incident to him.

Shuang's crush on Ghost was painfully apparent to everyone around her except herself. But Ghost tacitly decided to ignore it and kept busy with other things like Shuang's practical safety issues, looking for opportunities to fulfil the Dark Sect's directives and planning the many minute details of their secret missions. He deemed their missions more urgent now as time was running out. Shuang was going to be married in a few weeks. The groom was arriving tomorrow and most of the guests were already on the way.

Ghost had started working out the plans and had initiated them. But what were they? Ghost had not had time to give him a full briefing on his part. Since they came back, he had been disappearing often, mostly to the kitchens. Time was of the essence he said but Key suspected that half the time the Five disappeared was to get away from Shuang's adoring eyes.

Ghost's growing discomfort and awkwardness made it even funnier, thought Key gleefully.


"Over there. Come but be quiet."

"Why? What is he doing?"

"You'll see," Key replied mysteriously.

Key guided her to the wide space adjacent to her inner courtyard, then stopped at a small gazebo at the side.

"I thought you said he's here. I don't see anything," whispered Shuang confused. "Where is he?"

"Shhh, don't break his concentration," whispered Key as he scanned the area quickly. "Ahh, over there," he said pointing to the dividing wall.

As she watched, a dark smudge detached itself from the wall's shadows. It formed into the outline of a man.


Shuang caught her breath and her heart beat faster at his silhouette. She couldn't forget the feeling of his warm arms around her when she needed comfort. When he held her close, she had felt so safe, so protected, as if nothing in the world could hurt her. Ghost was the first man to hold her besides her father. Not even MengYao and MengYu had hugged or ever held her hand.

Ghost ran a few steps before dodging an unseen enemy, turning on his heel and slashing at thin air. Righting almost immediately, he whirled in a circle, naked sword slanted at an angle. Anyone within range would've received a deadly cut. He then dropped down to roll on the ground, but paused to clutch his shoulder, head bent in pain.

"Ughh ..."

Beside her, Key winced at Ghost's soft exclamation.

"What's wrong?" she asked turning to Key.

"It's his shoulder. It's making him off balance and interfering with his training."

Shuang turned back to Ghost. He had stood up, massaged his shoulder a bit before moving again. If he hadn't stop, she would not have noticed anything amiss.

They stood there watching Ghost a bit. He moved agilely brandishing his sword at imaginary foes. He turned and twisted, jumped and leaped. His sword glinted in the cold moonlight as he trusted and feinted, blocked and attacked.

Shuang watched transfixed. Ghost was very focused. He moved his lithe body with decisive precision and quiet strength like a cat, yet his moves flowed gracefully like water. Watching him practicing was mesmerizing.

"Ahhh, he is not as fast as usual," commented Key. "And his moves are a little awkward."


"Yes, see there ... he was off balance. Although he has tied his wounded arm close to his body to avoid it flapping about, its still hindering him."

Shuang did not understand what Key meant by Ghost being off balance. To her, his practice moves were prefect. His actions were precise, decisive and manly like a real Elite. It seemed like he was training effortlessly, brandishing his sword, attacking and defending with fluid motions.

After a while, Key gestured to Shuang.

"You should go back in. It's cold out."

"But, I want to watch some more ... he's so beautiful in the wintry moonlight."

By then, the clouds had floated gently away allowing bright moonlight to flood the open space. The soft cold light shone down upon the practicing Shard illuminating his boyish features and bathing his clothes in dark hues of blue and brown. His long messy fringe was swept aside exposing his pale face as his long ponytail trailed behind him in echo to his moves.

Key bit his lips trying his best not to laugh. He took a deep breath to regain some control before speaking again.


"Yes," Shuang sighed softly leaning against a decorative post, "He's so graceful and ethereal ... just like an angel ..."

An angel? Really? The Three almost snorted. No one have ever compared the infamous Shards to the heavenly creatures, nor should they. Shuang must be crazy. The only angel he would compare Ghost to was the angel of death. The Five had an impressive Kill record.

Key gave a small cough to get her attention.

"Come Lady, you must get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for you. Lord Zhang is arriving."

"I know that, but ... "

It was difficult to wrench her gaze from Ghost's graceful form but Key was firm. He took her arm to guide her back to her rooms.

Behind them, Ghost paused in his training breathing hard. He had noticed when Key and Shuang first appeared but had not bothered to stop or to listen. After all, there was no apparent danger and Key was with the Target. The Three was relaxed and made no move to call him. Shuang did not need anything important.

Ghost had stopped in a half crouch. His shoulder was throbbing painfully as he glanced at the retreating figures over his shoulder.

Good. Key was guiding Shuang back indoors where she should be.

He could continue with his training. Key would take care of Shuang. It would give him at least a few more hours before dawn to figure out how to fight effectively without aggravating his shoulder.

Both his arms were still sore and his aching body protested every time he moved. Going up against two powerful horses was not one of his best idea. It would take time for his strained body to recover. But with his light nightly exercises, the numbness and stiffness had begun to ease.

Even holding up a sword was taxing. At the moment, he could only hold the weapon lateral for a few seconds before its weight made his arm tremble and lose control. The ugly abrasions along his arms were still an angry red but the skin had stared mending. Besides, the scars would fade with time. It did not worry the Shard. His top priority was getting back the full use of his arms, aesthetics were not important.

Ghost's main problem now was his shoulder. Pain flared up at any sudden movement or pressure. It hampered his movements so much so that he had to switch to using his left hand. Thank God he was ambidextrous.

So, now the Shard practiced to find effective moves that would not aggravate his wound. Balance was a problem with his right hand in a sling. Luckily that was only temporary. However, a solution must be found soon or it would severely curtail his activities. Climbing and head on fighting was out of the question for the time being. Any impact on a weapon he held would worsen his sore muscles. He thought for a while and stood up.

Ghost held out his sword. When his hand started trembling within seconds, he lowered it shaking his head in chagrin. It was more difficult when he was not moving. Maybe he should just stick to his throwing knives and shards for the time being? His aim was pretty good with his left hand too.

The Shard practiced more, trying out variations. Near dawn, he was satisfied with several new ideas. Tomorrow night, he would train and expand more on those thoughts. He could work out every night until Key's leg healed enough for the Three to start training again. Then they would alternate practice hours like before.

Now it was time to clean up and get changed for a new day.

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