Chapter 30 - Fiancé

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The next day was bright and sunny. The sun shone through intermittent clouds onto a cheerful festive scene. The sprawling Zhai residence was finally ready and decorated to perfection. Every corner had been dusted and every item wiped down. Even the heavy granite statues which guarded all the entryways and the smaller elegant marble fountains in each visitor's quarters had been scrubbed clean. Trees, bushes and flowerbeds throughout the residence had been pruned artistically so that even the leafless winter shrubs looked pleasing to the eye. All was set for House Zhai to welcome their powerful future son-in law and esteemed guests.

The cold weather did nothing to dampen the charged and expectant atmosphere. Today, Lady Shuang's fiancé, the enigmatic Lord Zhang would arrive with his entourage. But then, the whole Zhang Clan was mysterious.

Some said the new lord was handsome, some said not, he was more the serious type. He was weak, no, he's strong. He depended fully on his guards to protect him but yet there were rumours he was a good fighter. But how? He spent all his time reading dusty books and scrolls. Some said he was a bore, a homebody and rarely left his secluded island across the Grey Straits. He even wrote poetry and painted, if you like that sort of thing. So, maybe he was a romantic after all?

But then, Lord Zhang was also Master of the dreaded Grey Straits, and he managed the fierce pirates that lurked in the turbulent waters. Although his father had tamed the pirates, he too had learned the secrets of the dreaded sea raiders. Now, it seems that he was carving out his own relationship with them. But how did the gentle scholar deal with the barbaric seafarers? It was a mystery. The rampant clashing rumours about him made his arrival even more anticipated. What kind of man was he exactly?

Ghost signalled Key to watch Shuang. She did not usually need much supervision in the mornings. Today, she was instructed to remain quietly in her rooms. The bride would be formally introduced to the groom later. After that, they would be allowed to meet up to get more acquainted before a carefully prepared engagement feast in a few days time.

The engagement banquet was to formally introduce Lord Zhang and Lady Shuang as a couple to the esteemed guests and the world, an expected marriage tradition. The wedding feast would be held a week after that. Lord Zhai had already set the date and planned to move it forwards if Zhang managed to persuade his daughter to marry him faster.

The other six great Houses had arrived and settled in. The lesser Houses too had come to pay homage and witness the historic event, a joining of two major Houses in Zinnu. All would also be welcoming Lord Zhang as the new son-in law of the Ruling House. It was an opportunity to reaffirm allies, size up rival Houses and evaluate the new groom. He presented change and a new twist to the political dynamics. Was he worth the effort to forge a friendship and could he be used? Was he a strong and independent individual or would he a puppet controlled by Lord Zhai? If so, the Ruling House would garner more wealth and power.

The younger Shard slipped out to scout the guests and check out who had arrived and where they were being housed. Also, he wanted to see Xi Xuan again. Was Xi Xiu with him? He wondered, not realizing when his mouth curved up in a smile.

Zhang's entourage arrived within the auspicious Dragon's hour (7.00 - 9.00 am). Ghost watched them from his corner. A long line followed the large ornate eight-man palanquin as it travelled from the main outer gates to the inner receiving courtyard. Ghost raised an eyebrow, Xi Xuan really knew how to put on a show, he thought. The spectacle was becoming of a very 'prosperous groom'.

Lady Zhai was almost giddy with delight. She couldn't wait to meet her precious daughter's future husband. Dressed to the nines in rich deep red silks and lace, she was the epitome of a ruling Lady. Gleaming garnets and rubies dripped from her ears and neck. Large rings adorned her fingers and heavy gold bracelets gleamed each time she waved her decorative fan. Precious stones also winked from the numerous accessories weaved and pinned into her beautifully coiffed hair. Her face was also painted to enhance her natural beauty and to make her look younger. After all, her daughter's renowned beauty was inherited from her.

Next to her, Lord Zhai wore matching red robes of silk and a heavily gold embroidered vest which showed off his warrior's physique. A heavy fur lined cloak draped over his broad shoulders. The crown which held his neat gray hair glinted with dark garnets. His decorative ceremonial sword hung at his hip completing his military image.

Red and gold, that was the Ruling House's colour.

The Ruling Lord's face beamed at the proof of House Zhang's wealth and prestige. Only the tedious formalities, paperwork and actual wedding ceremony stood in the way of making Zhang Xi Xuan his official son-in law. This was a marriage he wanted, needed to expand his wealth and influence. He wanted the Grey Straits, all its riches and the power to command those fierce pirates, dammnit! He had pushed for the joining of the two Houses to gain his goals. Once the scholarly Zhang Xi Xuan was in his control, House Zhai will be invincible against the other Houses. With his new riches, military might and control of the sea, none would ever dream of disputing his right as Ruling lord or dare challenge him again.

Captain Chiang stood slightly behind the ruling couple flanked by his Vice-Captains. Elite guards lined the sides in formation to impress the arriving party. They stood smartly in full ceremonial dress and saluted simultaneously at their superiors orders. After all, House Zhai was known for their military might. A little display to remind all of their strength did not hurt.

Ghost spotted Vice-Captain Xin and suppressed a grin. The poor man was still deciding whether to report him to his Captain. Ghost had heard him that day during his report and was convinced he never would. Little did Xin know that his esteemed Captain already knew of Ghost's identity.

The Shard shifted his attention back to his friend's grand entrance.

At least 10 maids, 10 male servants and the allotted twenty guards in full ceremonial armor accompanied him. That was not including his personal advisors.

The servants all wore matching uniforms. The maids in pastel pinks and the male servants in light greys. They moved at a matching speed and were obviously well trained, just like servants should be, thought Zhai appreciatively. It appealed to his military sense of discipline. Zhang's entrance made a pretty display of grace and order.

The maids ranged from young to old. Zhai nodded in approval, silently applauding Zhang. Obviously the young Lord had brought some experienced maids to cater to his needs but was gracious enough to include young ones for the experience and training. How like him to use even his own marriage as a training opportunity to teach his staff and expand their horizons. It spoke well of him and confirmed several rumors of his noble traits. A true scholar indeed.

His male servants also ranged in ages but they were all strong and healthy. They led fully laden horses and a few pulled small carts. Gifts and luggage for his stay here.

The procession made their way slowly to the welcoming party. When they stopped, the Captain of the Zhang Household saluted smartly to the welcoming party before dismounting. He then stepped up to the palanquin, swept aside the curtains and held it. He was also a Zhang, a cousin of sorts. They kept the high and sensitive positions within the family and trusted loyal aides only.

A well dressed middle aged man stepped out, he was followed by woman before Xi Xuan showed himself. Xi Xiu followed her brother. The watching Shard caught his breath. As the sister of the groom, she had dressed up and looked absolutely stunning.

"Lord Zhang!! Welcome to Zinnu!!" boomed Lord Zhai's voice. He gave a fist palm salute accompanied with a little bow. His wife gave a wide smile of welcome and echoed her husband.

Other voices chimed in the pleasantries. Xi Xuan bowed back, at exactly the angle Lord Zhai had bowed. He was tall, slim and graceful. The new Lord Zhang was quite handsome in a stern fashion, but his striking sharp features soften when he smiled. His exquisitely designed dark blue outfit with silver details enhanced his elegance and enigmatic persona.

"Ahhh, Lord Zhang, no need to be so formal. After all, we will soon be family," said Lord Zhai catching the younger man's arm. However, inwardly he was taken aback at Zhang's confidence. By his response to his greeting, Zhang had conveyed that he saw Lord Zhai as his equal not his superior. Lord Zhai frowned a little in annoyance. He would make the brat bow low to him after he took his name and obliterate House Zhang forever. Then the eight great Houses of Zinnu will be seven.

"Yes, yes, Lord Zhang. My husband is absolutely right. Please, make yourself comfortable in our home," said Lady Zhai coyly fluttering her lashes. Beauty had always been her weapon. It had won her her husband, riches and a position as Ruling Lady that women all over Zinnu envied.

"Thank you, Lord Zhai, Lady Zhai," Zhang Xi Xuan said straightening. "May I present to you my sister?"

Xi Xuan turned to reach out for his younger sister. Xi Xiu moved forward gracefully to curtsy and greet her elders in a soft melodic voice. She was more respectful than her brother, noted Lord Zhai pleased.

When Xi Xuan proceeded to introduce his advisors, she moved back to her deferential position. Xi Xiu's sweet beauty was enhanced by her obvious innocence and shyness as she hid behind her brother. Maybe he could use her too, thought Lord Zhai. Perhaps a concubine for MengYao or a bride for MengYu? That would double his hold on them.

Ghost's eyes widened in surprise and he almost choked. That wasn't like her, he thought. Why, if he hadn't met Xi Xiu earlier he wouldn't have known any better. The 'gentle' girl he was seeing now was a vast difference from the fierce dagger wielding one he had encountered on the rooftops just a few weeks back. Didn't she mark him?

He touched his long healed neck subconsciously. Catching himself, he shook his head ruefully and half-smiled. It seemed that she was a true Zhang after all. As Xi Xuan once told him, a Zhang never revealed all of his true face. He only reveals parts at a time depending on the situation and the company he was with. It made life interesting and challenging. What could he say? The Zhangs lived complicated lives. He could not live like that if he tried, it would be too exhausting keeping track of the different personalities / faces with different people at the same time. Being a Shard, he sometimes had to pretend to be someone else, but that was only temporary and for a particular job. Once that was over, he was himself again.

"These are my most trusted advisors and teachers, Master Kai and Lady Wei. I still have much to learn ..." continued Xi Xuan.

"Aiyaaa!! No need to be so humble," tittered Lady Zhai waving her lace fan.

She was over whelmed by this soft-spoken gentle man. Up close, he was charismatic and had a subtle magnetic charm that was very attractive. When he addressed her with his silky voice, she felt her heart flutter with a long forgotten excitement she thought she would never feel again this lifetime. It was a good thing that he would marry her daughter and become family. It would be a pity to lose such a gem to another lesser House. He also brought the mysteries of the sea with him. She could smell the fresh slightly salty tang of the Grey Straits. The smell of sun and surf, exotic delicacies and dangerous marauders. It excited her. Her eyes sparkled at the loaded train behind him. She couldn't wait to see what wondrous gifts he brought.

"Welcome! Welcome! I've heard about the both of you."

Ahh, Xi Xuan had also brought along Master Kai and Lady Wei, his father's loyal advisors and now his. They were real terrors, thought Ghost. Lady Wei was very sharp and had a knack for piecing seemingly random information together. She often came to accurate conclusions. Those she could not fathom, she cleverly gathered more information to confirm or dismiss her notions.

Ghost once had the uncomfortable chance encounter with the observant Master Kai up close. It was an experience he would never forget. He grinned ruefully to himself. What would Old Wolf say if he knew someone like Master Kai could intimidate him, a seasoned Five? It would not do any good for his reputation. Xi Xuan's advisors were formidably indeed.

"Oh ... and who is this?" asked Lady Zhai when she noticed a bent elderly man standing behind Xi Xiu. He had belatedly exited the carriage and shuffled slowly to stand unobtrusively behind Xi Xiu.

Xi Xuan gestured the man forward but he just bowed lower mumbling something. He did not move from his spot.

"Please forgive me, Lord and Lady Zhai but my old attendant insisted I bring him along. I couldn't just leave him behind."

"Why not?" the Ruling Lady asked bluntly. The old man was just a servant.

Lord Zhang was taken aback by her momentary rudeness but recovered almost instantly. He smiled serenely and explained in a gentle voice.

"He has been with me since I was born ... and this may be his last trip. I will honour his final wish to see me married."

"Oh Lord Zhang! You are too soft-hearted. If it was too much of a bother for me to bring a useless elderly servant, I'd just leave him behind," she laughed tactlessly. "I hope he doesn't die here. It would be troublesome and a bad omen at such an auspicious event."

"Yes," agreed Lord Zhai, "You could have brought someone much better to witness your big day, like your parents."

Xi Xuan gave a small apologetic cough. "My apologies. Mother is in poor health. She is unable to make the difficult trip over the turbulent waters ... and Father wishes to stay by her side. They both send their congratulations and good wishes to House Zhai."

This time the Lord of the Grey Straits bowed low to hide his blazing eyes. His mask fell for a moment showing his true feelings. How dare they demean any of his loyal retainers! But when he straightened up, his calm facade was back in place. He was smiling once again.

"Yes, yes, good. Come. Let's all go in," invited Lord Zhai.

The grand welcome was followed by a lavish breakfast prepared for the groom, his sister and advisors. The Lords of the other six great Houses, delegates and leaders were all present and already waiting patiently for them. Lord Zhang followed his host as his Captain and entourage were shown the way to his quarters. By the time their Lord finished his welcome meal, his rooms would have been set up and his belongings unpacked . Two personal guards stayed by Xi Xuan's side.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Maybe Zhai was fooled but to the Shard's practiced eye, all of Xi Xuan's people were trained. True, not all were fighters, but the subtle control and subservient gestures to ensure normality in said 'servant roles' gave them away. Or was it because he too was trained in disguises? Whatever. One thing he was sure of. There was no 'mere' servants in Zhang's entourage, not even the old retainer, he thought as he watch the group disappear into the hall. All were surely carefully chosen personally by Xi Xuan to accompany him.

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