Chapter 31 - Bride Gifts

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Zhang Xi Xuan stepped into his lavish quarters and stopped in the middle of the spacious receiving chamber. He looked around whilst Captain Zhang gestured silent orders to his men. His guards spread out, did a quick sweep of the area and assembled back in front of their Captain in less than five minutes.

"All is secure Captain."

"Good job. The five of you may rest. Take over from Xu and his team in three hours."

"Yes Sir!"

The five men saluted in sync and filed out. 'Resting' meant getting to know the place, familiarizing themselves with the people here and their routines. All the better to serve and guard their Lord. They (Team Two) would take over formal guard duty from Xu's team (Team One) which had been stationed at key locations around the private residence later.

Captain Zhang and his capable team had already checked every centimeter of the Plum Blossom Residence when Lord Zhang was at his welcome feast. Every corner, painting and tapestry was inspected for suspicious fine dust. Ornaments were sniffed for harmful smells and the range of incense provided verified to be 'normal'. Walls were tapped, beams searched whilst each crack probed for possible secret openings.

He had even walked around each building studying the dimensions to ensure no extra space existed between the rooms. Satisfied that the place was secure and that Lord Zhai had not prepared anything 'special' for House Zhang, he had set his guards around the perimeter. One could never be too careful.

Only then did the good Captain allow the maids to unpack.

However now that Lord Zhang was actually present in the residence, a secondary cursory check was needed.

Zhang Xi Xuan knew all this and waited patiently until given confirmation that all was in order. After all, he had once apprenticed under his elder cousin before branching out his studies to other areas. Master Kai and Lady Wei took it all in stride. They were used to the meticulous but necessary precautions taken by House Zhang to protect their own. That was how they had survived several attempts on their lives and had even turned the tables on the enemy on several occasions.

"All is secure Lord Zhang. You may be comfortable. Our men are already at their posts," said Captain Zhang with a smart salute.

"Thank you, Captain. At ease."

Captain Zhang gave a curt nod before relaxing his stance.

"Zi Min, where's my room?" asked Xi Xiu grabbing Captain Zhang's arm playfully. "You promised me one with windows facing the garden."

"Xi Xiu, mind your manners," scolded Lady Wei. "He may be your close cousin but he is also the Captain of House Zhang."

"I know that," replied Xi Xiu unrepentant, "but a promise is a promise, isn't that right?"

"Ahh, about that ..." hedged the soldier.

Master Kai cleared his throat. "I told him to assign you a room without any windows."

Xi Xiu whirled around to face the craggy faced advisor. "What? Why?!"

"Because we can't have you sneaking out the windows at odd hours of the night to go only god knows where, stirring up mischief."

"But ... Zi Min! You're the Captain. I say you're in charge of security! Tell Master Kai to change my room!"

Zhang Zi Min kept a straight face at his young cousin's antics as he held up his hands in surrender. He was wise enough to know when to keep his mouth shut. However he did wink and jerk his head at Xi Xuan reminding the girl that her brother was Lord. Xi Xuan out ranked him, he should be in charge.

"Gege!!" cried XiXiu in frustration reaching for her brother's wide sleeves. She tugged at him urgently. "Gege! Tell him to change my room. I'll be good. I promise!"

The powerful Lord of House Zhang flicked open his large hand held fan. I'll get you for that. He took a moment to glare at his smirking Captain as he allowed the rhythmic motion of fanning himself to calm himself and gather his thoughts.

"Gege!! You are Lord of House Zhang! Tell Master Kai he is being unreasonable!"

Xi Xuan cleared his throat and addressed his pouting sister. "Xi Xiu, a good Lord listens to his very wise advisors. Master Kai's logic is impeccable. I agree wholeheartedly with him."

"You're all impossible! Men!" she grumbled. However her mood soon lifted as she went off to inspect the rooms anyway. There was no danger here, they were surrounded by their own people.

Lady Wei shook her head with a smile. Xi Xiu was young, impulsive and very much loved and indulged by everyone in the Zhang Household. Because of that she tended to push her limits sometimes but overall she was a sweet, cheerful and sensible girl. She knew it was for her own good.

Everyone was about to settle down when Lord Zhang's old retainer shuffled slowly into the room. He had disappeared during breakfast and only now reappeared.

Zhang Xi Xuan and everyone in the room got up respectfully. They waited until he reached the comfortable high back chairs, choose one and sat down before bowing in unison.

"Father," Xi Xuan greeted the old man.

The old man straightened his hunched shoulders then lifted his head to reveal a delighted smile. His intelligent brown eyes was bright with glee and he had a pleased expression on his weathered face. His change in demeanor reveled his regal bearing.

"I haven't had this much fun in years!" exclaimed Lord Zhang. "To be able to move around freely and unsuspected. Truly a liberating feeling!"

"Well, I'm glad you're having fun," Master Kai rolled his eyes. Seriously, the Zhang family were truly eccentric and unpredictable. He caught Lady Wei's exasperated expression.

"I am," agreed Lord Zhang nodding. "I've met several of our informants here and will locate the others later. Some placed within the other Houses have managed come with their visiting Lords," he continued smugly. "They were shocked to see me!"

"Ahh, here comes LiLing," Lord Zhang said as he beckoned an elderly maid carrying in a tray full of refreshments.

She stopped to pay her respects to the seated man. "Greetings to my Lord." Despite her apparent age, she curtsied gracefully, skillfully balancing the laden tray.

"You can put that try down and stop pretending now. It's secured here," Lord Zhang informed LiLing (White Jasmine). She giggled.

Xi Xuan sighed gently shaking his head at his parents. They were behaving like newlyweds on a secret adventure.

Lady Zhang's unadorned head was wrapped up in a plain maid's scarf which hid her lush tresses. Her natural beauty was skillfully hidden under make-up to make her look older. Only Lord Zhang would call her so casually by her maiden name at a time like this.


He took the tray from her and handed it to a real maid.

LiLing turned to her son with a wide smile and reached out for a hug, "I swear travelling incognito is one of your father's greater ideas. I thought we were going to be bored out of our minds when he said he was handing over the reins to you but this is so fun! Truly a brilliant idea my love," she finished off with an adoring look towards her husband.

"Don't swear. It's not polite."

"I can swear if I want to. Its private and secure remember?" she countered.

Lord Zhang gave a small apologetic cough for his wife's language.

"Yes, its time for Xi Xuan to take over but we still have work to do. Also, your mother would kill me if I really made her miss your wedding."

"I would," she agreed amiably.

"Now that we are all here, let us begin the meeting," Xi Xuan smiled as he refocused the group. They had important matters to discuss.

His parents had made it clear that he was truly the new Head of House Zhang and all decisions he made would stand. However, they would still be around to support him whilst they worked on their own pet projects.

"Start with the assessment of lords and ladies who are here for the wedding. I saw more than a few lesser Houses who are here to use the occasion to lobby for favors."

"That's to be expected."

"In the meantime, I shall continue to play my part as the gullible groom but I'll have to find a way to get out of this. I will not give up my name nor my House!" declared Xi Xuan.

"Zhai's greed knows no bounds. He will let his guard down if he thinks you're fending for yourself," said Lady Wei.

"Although he has not yet presented the full details openly, he has hinted vaguely at great synergy and profits for both Houses. Luckily for our spies we got a heads up."

"I think Lord Zhai will present it in such a way that it would be in the best interest of Zinnu for me to relinquish my family name and position to House Zhai. They are the current Ruling House. In comparison, House Zhang has only me as a (weak) male heir. It would be easy to persuade the masses."

"Also if he does it in public with all the leaders present, it will only be natural for Xi Xuan to concede. Peer pressure is a dirty way to get what he wants but its real and it works too."

"One less House is one less competitor," stated Master Kai grimly.

Lady Zhang's eyes narrowed. "Who says you're weak? They will find out that my Xi Xuan has claws!"

Lord Zhang patted his agitated wife's hand to calm her. He had no doubts of his son's ability to get out of this scrape. Since they found out Zhai's scheme, they had been working on a solution to the trap. It had to be avoided or neutralized without losing any allies or compromising their spy network. Acknowledging the information openly would only trigger suspicions, distrust and potential war among the Houses.

Xi Xuan was no fool. He had proven himself a capable and brilliant strategist many times over already. Zhang Xi Xuan was stronger that he led on. Also he had friends in the oddest places. Truth be told, he was very proud of his firstborn. Xi Xuan had managed a task even he had failed at. How, when or where he had accomplished it, the older man did not know but Xi Xuan had somehow established an invaluable contact in the Dark Sect.

"Whatever he says, do not give in. At the very least stall for time. We're getting more information soon that may hep us."

Xi Xuan nodded.

"After this, we will prepare the final selection of bride gifts for Lady Shuang. Captain, please standby to deliver them."


When evening came, Lady Shuang was ready.

After the morning's welcome breakfast, ceremonies, toasts and discussions, the wedding gifts from House Zhang finally started arriving. It signaled that her parents had approved of her fiance's offerings. As per custom, the wedding presents were first presented one by one to the bride's parents for approval. Only then were they presented to the bride. The expensive and exquisite gifts were a subtle display of wealth and power.

Her eyes widened as the servants brought in each, setting them down on a long table set up for that very purpose. Not only did the number of presents astound her but also the quality and beauty of it all.

Each small item was placed in exquisitely crafted teak boxes. Smooth jade bracelets, golden hair ornaments and delicate pearl earrings nestled in soft velvet the colour of the ocean were placed carefully on the gift table. Boxes laid opened for her viewing pleasure. Little bottles of clear and coloured scents came next. The parade continued with trays of bright bolts of rare Cixin silks, soft baby cashmere and luxurious furs.

The young girl caught her breath when two Zhang guards came in carrying a beautiful carved figurine of a small pod of playful dolphins frolicking on sea green jade, a symbol of intelligence, protection, hope and peace.

Shuang's mouth hung open. She had never seen so many beautiful things before and they were all for her!! She was speechless.

"Lady, maybe he is not so bad after all. He is very rich and powerful. Look at all this, no ordinary person could obtain all these rare items!" whispered LiQuin.

"I guess ..." her young mistress breathed.

Key was on high alert because so many strangers were entering into her quarters. Strangers who were obviously trained fighters. He was relieved to see that the Elite guards on duty were also alert but there was no sign of Ghost. He should be back soon, Key thought nervously touching his half healed leg. In a worst case scenario, he could maim them or knock them out. Killing was out of the question.

Just then, Captain Zhang stepped in. He was tall, broad shouldered and very fit. The soldier was followed by a maid of the Zhang household. He bowed to Lady Shuang, and the maid behind him bobbed in respect.

"Greetings, Lady Shuang. My Lord and cousin hopes you find his simple bride gifts pleasing."

"Uh, umm, yes, I suppose," she replied breathlessly unable to think straight. The treasures were making her heart beat too rapidly and she was getting light headed from all the excitement. "I haven't had a chance to look at them properly yet but please, thank Lord Zhang for me. He is more than generous for these wonderful marvels."

"Of course, please take you time." He surveyed the gift table briefly. "The other gifts have been left in the Receiving Hall. We don't know your customs well or where you'd want them," he apologized, " we left them to Lord Zhai. He'd know where to send them, to the kitchens or Healer. He will allocate them properly and use them as he wishes."

"Other gifts?"

"Yes, a box of hundred year old ginseng, some fresh and dried sea cucumber and two types of swiftlet's nest. We brought several white ones but only a box of the special red one, the 'blood nest' is for your parents."


These were very rare and expensive items indeed. The health and medicinal benefits attached to each item alone was invaluable indeed. Where did he get all these?

"The sea products, fresh fish, abalone, scallops, lobsters, shrimp and the like, we sent directly to the kitchen after Lord Zhai graciously accepted them. Your House will be supplied with fresh seafood until the marriage and even after that as courtesy of the groom."

Shuang was speechless. Supplied seafood forever? Was he serious? This man was casually mentioning seafood like it was something cheap and easily obtainable.

Seafood was a delicacy in the landlocked Zinnu. Didn't he know how difficult it was to get anything fresh from the waters? There were fewer and fewer fishermen willing to risk their lives in the dangerous Grey Straits and the trawlers which caught and sold their catch, sold them at outrageous prices only the wealthy could afford. They knew no one else dared to risk the savage pirates lurking there.

Captain Zhang smiled. The girl knew the dangers of the waters and appreciated the gifts. Good. It was a subtle reminder of Hose Zhang's power over the Grey Straits.

He motioned and another maid came forward. He was not done yet. She held out the box she had brought with her. Deftly, Captain Zhang flipped the lid open to reveal a glistening pearl set.

"This is a personal present my esteemed cousin prepared for his bride and has given me the honour to present it to you," said Captain. "These rare pearls were painstakingly collected from the wild oysters in the Grey Straits. Only the best was chosen to craft his personal bride gift to you."

Lady Shuang sucked in her breath at the jewelry. It was unlike she had ever seen before. There was a gorgeous necklace set with black pearls nestled in silky cream coloured satin.

The necklace was simple and elegant. A large single glistening black pearl caught in tiny silvery waves hung on a dainty silver chain. Matching earrings were pinned in either side of it and in the middle an intricate bracelet with a smaller black pearl. The natural dark, eerily iridescent glow of the rare pearls drew her in. They were beautiful! They would be perfect against her flawless creamy skin.

Captain Zhang waited quietly until she recovered.

"T-thank you," she stammered. "Please tell Lord Zhang that I will treasure his bride gift. It's more than I ever expected."

"You are welcome. My Lord requests that you wear it on your wedding day. He will wear his too, a ring and crown (decorative hair metal piece). You will both make a lovely couple."

So romantic!! Her heart fluttered at her fiancé's thoughtfulness. She blushed in real pleasure. Maybe being married to Lord Zhang was not so bad after all.

"Yes! Of course. Please tell him I will wear it with pleasure," she smiled shyly. "And Captain?"

"Yes my Lady?"

"Tell him ... tell him that I am truly touched. I will cherish his gifts."

"If you are pleased, My Lord requests to meet with you tomorrow by the lake."


"Yes, at midday after the morning meetings?"

Shuang's heart fluttered again. "Of course Captain. Please tell him I will be there," she agreed shyly.

Captain Zhang bowed low and took his leave. The Zhang servants followed him.

"Oh my God! Oh my GOD!!" Shuang shrieked the second they were out the door. She held up her bride necklace reverently. "Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?"

"No my lady," answered LiQuin in an awed voice. "You are so lucky to be marrying someone so rich and powerful."

"How can anyone be so enchanting and romantic?" Shuang paused. "I can't stand it! I must know how he looks like."

She whirled around, "LiQuin, hurry! Go to his quarters. Take a peek. Maybe he's only old in age but don't look it. He can't be that bad if he is so rich, thoughtful and has excellent taste in jewelry!"

"Yes, Lady Shuang!" LiQuin bobbed quickly before excitedly running off to do her bidding.

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