Chapter 32 - Old Zhang

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Zhang Xi Xuan sighed and looked up from his scroll. Carefully he replaced his writing brush onto the silver brush holder and studied his work. He had meticulously laid out everything regarding his marriage on the paper in front of him so that he could have an overview of the situation. He must be missing something, he mused as he scrutinized the symbols he had drawn. Having it in black and white might reveal something. He had learn that visual aids often gave a fresh perspective to problem solving.

Unfortunately, everything was proceeding as planned and he had no valid excuse to back out of the marriage. To do so would probably start a civil war and that was not a good idea as the Ruling House had the best and largest military power. It was that very power that had persuaded Father to accept Lord Zhai's incessant proposals for the joining of the two Houses.

Unknown to the outside world, House Zhang had needed the military might of House Zhai to control a powerful tyrant pirate who had appeared and started terrorizing the open seas. The Grey Islands and the local pirates were the only force keeping them at bay. However, the tyrant pirate was growing stronger and more ruthless with every raid. Zinnu was not aware of this as the rest of the Houses had little or no contact with the Straits or the seas beyond.

Fortunately, that problem was being solved now by other means he thought in satisfaction. The need for House Zhai's military strength was no longer a priority. It freed him and allowed him more options for his future.

He had been perfectly willing to proceed with the now unnecessary wedding. After all, he was of marriageable age and Lady Shuang was a catch for any man. That was until their extensive information network had revealed Lord Zhai's scheme to annihilate House Zhang's proud name in the name of a stronger nation. Not only that, he planned to takeover all of their businesses and control of the lucrative straits.

Xi Xuan scoffed, as if it was that easy. Taking over the Grey Straits does not automatically mean control of the pirates who ruled the waters. The relationship and trust levels House Zhang had with the local pirates was a hard earned privilege indeed. One that was reaffirmed with every transaction, action and conduct between the marauders and House Zhang. Luckily, Lord Zhai did not know of their spy network. That would make him even more motivated to conquer and control House Zhang.

"I need an opening. If I can't withdraw maybe ...?"

He sat lost in his thoughts until a low velvety voice spoke behind him.

"She really is pretty if you're having second thoughts ... but she also has a temper."

Zhang Xi Xuan's fan flicked open in an instant and it's sharp edge was at Ghost's exposed throat before he finished speaking. The Shard stayed absolutely still but his dark eyes bored into the tensed noble.

"Xiao Gui! I could have slit your throat!"

"You're too good to make that mistake," Ghost replied simply.

"No, really. You have to keep from sneaking up on me. It's a really bad habit of yours. One of these days I might just accidentally kill you."

"I trust you."

"Captain Zhang is going to be so pissed when he finds out how easily you breached his carefully planned surveillance."

Ghost grinned unrepentant. "The good Captain is getting better and more creative," he admitted. "But I wanted to welcome you personally. Your entrance this morning was very grand. I don't think anyone noticed anything out of the ordinary."

"But you did."

Ghost shrugged. "It's always good to be alert in enemy territory. You can never be more careful," he remarked referring to all the disguised fighters his friend had brought with him.

"Is it that obvious?"

"No. I only noticed because I know you."


"I like the way you mixed in your other talents. It looks more convincing that way."

"Is that why you came? To tell me that?"

"No, I wanted to see you. Also, this may be my last chance to meet you before you become extra busy with married life."



"Hrummph," Xi Xuan grumbled snapping his fan shut. "Let's be honest. You are not concern for me at all. I know the real reason you're here."

"Oh? What's that?" Ghost asked innocently.

"She's in the room down the hall, the one without windows."

Ghost's eyes lighted up in anticipation as his lips curved up in an almost shy smile. A warmth spread in his chest. Xi Xiu was waiting for him!

"But ..."


"But you'd better hide your injuries better or she'll skin me alive.'

Automatically, Ghost's left hand touched his healing right shoulder. It was getting better but his damaged muscles were still weak and it took real effort to lift his arm.

"Here," Xi Xuan said as he tossed a small glass vial at Ghost. The Shard caught it deftly with his left hand.

"What is it?"

"Sea cucumber extract. Massage it into your sore muscles. It will heal faster."

Ghost's eyes widened. Whoa! Sea cucumber! It was a valuable medicinal ointment. The sea creatures were rare and harvesting them from the depths of the sea was difficult. It was much sought after for its many health, medicinal and nutritious benefits. One does not simply give out free samples.

"You're giving this to me?"

"Take it as an investment."


Xi Xuan gave Ghost a mysterious smile. "An investment in your health and more importantly, my sister's happiness."

"Umm, what's that suppose to mean?" asked Ghost suspiciously.


"I'll go see her now, if its o'kay with you," said Ghost.

Xi Xuan hid a smile. Xiao Gui was unconsciously asking for his permission as Xiu's elder brother. That meant that he had accepted the inevitable. The noble nodded consent. All was going as planned.

"O'kay. But, please don't teach her how to escape from her room even if she pleads with you. That is a direct order from me. We do not want her roaming this place unaccompanied. It's dangerous."

There was no need to stress the many different guards, servants and guests which came with the visiting Houses. There were too many strangers around. The risk of an assassin lurking among them was very high.

"I understand. I'll keep that in mind," Ghost winked on his way out.

Shaking his head, Xi Xuan returned his attention to his problem. Thanks to Ghost's timely arrival, an inkling of an idea was forming in his mind. Xiao Gui and XiuXiu, young love ... that was it. He smiled and picked up his brush again. The Shard may have just given him a solution. All he needed was a new angle.

Xi Xuan's smile widen as he developed his idea. Xiao Gui might have just saved him from his predicament. He would have to thank the Shard later if it works.


"Mistress!!! It's terrible!!" cried LiQuin anxiously as she burst back into the chambers.

"What? What is it?"

"He's old. Lord Zhang," she gasped gulping in air. "I mean, he looks really, really old!!"

Key grinned at the judgement. Now the easily excitable Lady Shuang would have a full blown panic and tantrum. She did not disappoint.

"Nooo!!!!" Lady Shuang wailed. Her heart dropped. "Is he really that bad?"

"Yes, mistress. Half his head is covered in grey hair. He even has many noticeable wrinkles, spots and has a white beard!"

"No-ooo!" Her heart was sinking at her terrible fate. "A beard!! I don't want to marry an old man!! What else?"

"Well, he was walking slowly holding some scrolls and muttering to himself. I don't know where he was heading. I came back directly to report to you."

Shuang was furious, which was not good news to anyone near her. She threw herself at her writing table plonking down in an unladylike manner. Tears of anger and self-pity dripped down her rosy cheeks and her pink lips trembled.

"Why? Why me? Whatever did I do to deserve this?" Lady Shuang banged her small curled fists on the smooth wooden surface.

"It's not fair!"


"I am not getting married to an old man! I'm not! I'm not!!"

Bang! Bang!!

Her maids jumped every time she hit the table.

"That's why he gave me so many expensive and beautiful presents. He was trying to buy me-eeeee!!!" she ended in a hiccup. "I hate him! I don't want his gifts!!" She ran to the gift table and stared shoving things off it.

"No! No!! Mistress! Please calm down!" LiQuin approached her. Only she was brave enough to approach the mistress when the lady was so upset. "Lady Shuang, please stop crying. You will make yourself sick"

"Good! Then I'll be too sick to marry anyone!" More tears fell. "Stupid wedding, stupid Zhang, stupid presents I hate them all!"

"How could father do this to me?"

The young woman sniffed, suddenly getting up. "No, I will talk to father. If he doesn't agree, then, I'll ... I'll kill myself! That should scare him!"

Key rolled his eyes but said nothing. He signaled Ghost who had just returned from scouting. He had the layout of Zhai's prison and had formed a plan to get Ice out. Time was running out. They had to complete the mission before Shuang's marriage. After that, they would return to the Dark Sect.

"What's going on?" Ghost whispered noticing the mess on he floor. Less than half the gifts were still on the table.

"After receiving Zhang's gifts she sent LiQuin to spy on Zhang. Shuang wants to know how he looked like. LiQuin didn't get a chance yesterday but she managed to catch a glimpse of Lord Zhang this morning."


"Apparently Zhang looks really old, I mean like grey hair and white beard kind of old," Key chortled.

Ghost's eyebrows shot up. Huh? Grey hair and beard? But that's not Xi Xuan. Xi Xuan was clean shaven and the last time he saw him, his long shiny hair was still black as far as he could tell. He tilted his head thinking and a half-smile formed on his lips. The description that the head maid gave fit Master Kai, Xi Xuan's personal advisor. She must have mistaken Master Kai for the bridegroom.

"Are you sure that's Lord Zhang?" Ghost asked LiQuin loudly. His question cut through Shuang's tirade.

"Of course, I'm sure. I was watching his quarters all the time and he came out of Lord Zhang's assigned rooms holding two thick scrolls before leaving Plum Blossom for the library. He looks like a boring scholar just like everyone says. I even saw his sister, the gentle Lady Zhang talking to him before he left. She is so young compared to him!"

"But, that's not ..." Ghost started. Master Kai and Lady Wei had free access to Xi Xuan and Xi Xiu's room. Only the most trusted could come and go, after all Xi Xuan was still technically working. He was a workaholic. Information and knowledge never stops.

He was cut off by Shaung's angry outburst. "Enough!! That's it. I've had enough of this farce."

When she ran out of her rooms, her bodyguards followed her. Ghost had no trouble keeping up but Key hobbled along with his staff as fast as his wounded leg allowed.

Lady Shuang rushed straight to Lord Zhai's private study where he had retired to work after breakfast. There was still things that needed discussion and his approval before socializing with his allies later that morning.

She burst into the rooms startling the officials present. Her two bodyguards followed close behind her straight into the usually private office of the Ruling Lord.


Lord Zhai looked up startled. He had been discussing some state affairs with several officials and advisors. They surrounded a large heavy table with a detailed map spread out on it. Important documents were strewn around it. A large refreshment tray with hot tea and snacks were also served. It was expected to be a long discussion. None of the leaders must be left out in the next few weeks. This was a rare opportunity to talk to his allies face to face and must not be wasted. He must have offers and counter-offers for all. Also there were several issues and minor disputes to be ironed out.

Ghost's eyes gleamed when he saw the large messy table.

Key! The seals are on his table ... be ready. We might get an opportunity.

Key's eyes widen in shock.

Are you crazy? In broad daylight? In front of all of them and Lord Zhai himself?

The Five wanted him to steal House Zhai's official seal in front of Lord Zhai and his advisors? Ghost must be totally insane. He was a Thief of the best caliber but still, certain conditions were expected to be met. One does not simply steal such an important item on a whim! That was just not how thieving should be done! A job like this needed carefully detailed preparation!

Be ready ... just in case, Ghost winked.

Everyone had turned to the distraught girl. No one was paying attention to her bodyguards.

"Shuang ... what are you doing here?"

"Father! I must talk to you! I can't marry anyone! I don't want to marry Lord Zhang!"

Lord Zhai let out a long suffering sigh as his officials valiantly hid smiles. He went forward towards his daughter. His officials followed him leaving the table and turning their backs to it. Although she had interrupted an important meeting, her proposed marriage was also an issue up for discussion. There were still some minor details which needed to be ironed out with the Zhang deal. Thus, if she as the bride opposed the plan, it would be up to Lord Zhai to persuade his daughter.

"It's too late now. He's already here," begun Lord Zhai. "We have already discussed this and you've agreed. He is the new Lord of his House and a powerful man. He controls the Grey Straits. He is also rich, like you wanted ..."

"But Father, he's really, really ooo-old!! I can't marry an old boring nerd! I'll literally die of boredom within a month. Do you want your daughter to die? Father, you can't do this to me!"

"Shuang, please." Lord Zhai went to his daughter to hug her, trying to calm her down.

Then he held her at arm's length and looked directly at her. "Shuang, my precious child. You have grown up to be a lovely young woman. You know both your mother and I love you very much. But now, you must shoulder your responsibility as a daughter of House Zhai."

"No! I don't want to. I mean it father..." she said in a shrill voice.

Everyone in the room gasped when she pushed her father away and drew out a jewelled dagger from her sleeves. Desperately, she waved the naked blade around aggressively. Lord Zhai stumbled backwards and almost fell if Key had not rushed to steady him. Tears started dripping down her face again.

Lord Zhai held out his hands helplessly towards his youngest daughter. He did not want to hurt her. "Shuang, calm down ... please, listen to me ... he's not that old. He is only twenty five."

"He is!! LiQuin saw him!" the pretty girl cried vehemently. "I'd rather kill myself if you make me marry someone I don't love!! He is so old he probably already have a wife hidden away on his boring island!!" she screamed. "Even if I marry him, I'll probably just be a pathetic concubineeeee!"

Lord Zhai was taken aback. "No! That's not true. He has never married before ... I'm sure! I've check his background."

Desperately, Lady Shuang turned the knife on herself.


Her hand trembled as she turned the blade upon herself, holding the sharp edge to her neck. "I'm warning you! I'll kill myself! Promise me you won't make me marry him!"

Ghost was tensed and ready for action. He did not believe she would actually hurt herself. He made eye contact with Key, who nodded. The Three knew what to do.

The next few moments were crucial. Key edged towards the table before picking up a sesame cookie from the refreshment tray. If all goes well, she would drop the knife harmlessly onto the floor when the hardened dough hit her.

However, there were those times when plans went awry. This was one of those times.

When Key deftly flicked the cookie at Shuang, it hit her hand hard startling her. She flung the knife randomly with a cry of fright.

An official reacted automatically to protect himself when he saw the weapon coming straight at him. He lashed out hitting it back with a rolled scroll in his hand. The dagger bounced back in the direction it came from.

"No!" yelled Ghost.

He lunged forward as his left hand snaked out, deftly intercepting the dagger centimeters from Shuang's pretty face. She flinched giving a little scream at her close call. The Shard grabbed the naked blade with his bare hand whilst pushing her roughly away from harm. She stumbled backwards but did not fall. The next instant, the Five advanced on Shuang and stood in between her and everyone else in the room.

The pain in his right shoulder flared up at his sudden movements. Blood dripped from his closed fist. The sharp knife had sliced deep into his palm.

She stood wide-eyed and in shock at what had happened. Everything did not make sense and Ghost was looking at her like she was crazy. The pain in his eyes made her glance at the bloody weapon in his hand. He was hurt but ready to tackle her should she make a move. How could he look at her like that? She was just trying to make a point and he had spoilt it all. She shrieked in frustration.

Do it now! Ghost hissed at Key under his breath.

Are you crazy?

Now!! Key!! NOW!! They are all distracted. We may not get another chance like this!


Key who was always listening and ever alert to Ghost's instructions was startled into action by the Five's authoritative tone. Using Shang's commotion he edged nearer to Lord Zhai's table and glanced at it. Ghost was right! Documents, maps and lists littered the surface. Several already had the House seal stamped bright red on it. Nice!

"I order you to get out of my way! Give me back my knife! You are supposed to protect me not go against me!!"

"I am protecting you," Ghost replied in a clear voice, "... from yourself."

Key's heart was pounding so loudly that he was sure everyone in the room could hear it. If he died of a heart attack, it would all be Ghost's fault. The Five could be intimidating when he pulled rank. Was this how he did his thefts? On the fly and without proper planning? Ghost was totally and absolutely insane.

Everyone's attention was on Lady Shuang. No one noticed Key's quick fingers passing over Lord Zhai's desk. The deed was done in a blink of an eye and seconds later, Key was an innocent distance away. He had done many brilliant and difficult thefts but none as daring and reckless as this one.

With his heart still thumping wildly and adrenalin rushing through his veins, Key schooled his expression and returned his attention to the ruckus that was Shuang. He would curse at Ghost for pushing him and gloat over his awesome success in private later.


Meanwhile, Ghost was putting on a show. The young girl was still screaming at her bodyguard. "How dare you stop me? I'll punish you! You'll regret this! Father! Help! Punish them!!"

Ghost backed away slowly. He wiped the bloody dagger clean and offered it to Lord Zhai. The Ruling Lord took the jewelled weapon, placing it on the table, he gestured to Ghost.

"Stand down. She is harmless now."

"You, you ...!! How dare you ruin my plans!!" cried the angry girl.

"We apologize but your safety comes first," Ghost said in a flat voice.

"What do you mean? I was only bluffing ...!! I didn't mean to hurt anyone!!"

Key's mouth twitched but he kept a straight face and his mouth shut.

"I'll punish you both!! Just you wait!!"

With that she stomped off in a huff.

Lord Zhai coughed, embarrassed. "Thank you. If you two had not acted so fast, the situation could have been worse."

"No. Thank you Lord Zhai," replied Ghost. "For not interfering."

"Well, yes ... I did promise I would not interfere with your methods. As long as my daughter is safe ..."

"If that is all, we should go to the lady."

"Yes, that is all. Please keep an eye on her, especially before the marriage. She is already unpredictable and headstrong. God only knows what else she will get up to now that she is upset."

The two Shards bowed and left. Ghost helped Key who was limping.

Did you get it?

Of course I did. I'm not the best Three for nothing, Key smirked in satisfaction.

What did you take?

A sample of the House seal and a small part of a broken ink stick. There's only one type of ink. It won't be missed.


I'll check for his personal seal later.

No need.

Huh? Why?

Key looked at Ghost in confusion. He had only gotten the general House seal not the lord's personal seal.

We've already got that. Ghost winked at Key.

We have? When? Did you get it?

No. Lord Zhai gave it to us personally when he chopped his personal seal and gave it to Old Wolf for our contract here. It's back at the Dark Sect.

Oh yeah ... he did do that didn't he.

Lord Zhai had done half his job for him! He had not thought of that! The grinning Three turned in awe to the smirking Five with newfound respect.

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