Chapter 33 - Preparations

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With Key's mission completed. It was time to execute the next one.


Ghost lingered patiently in a corner of the large busy kitchen. For the past few days, he had purposely come at the busiest time to collect their meals. The other guards, maids and servants all had their own allocated mess areas but Shuang's two bodyguards had sometimes been overlooked. Since they were only temporary and not part of the roster, they were told to collect their meals at the kitchen. They could have whatever was extra or leftovers.

The days of dining with Shuang was long over. In fact, the Shards had been banished from her presence since her failed confrontation with her father. Now, they loitered outside her rooms within listening distance.

Meals and accommodation had not been discussed in the contract. The fact that they had been given a tiny room to share made Key indignant but Ghost accepted the slight without complaint. They were being paid a huge sum and Lord Zhai's petty retaliation was meaningless to him. Furthermore, they would not be using the room much as their job would require them by Shuang's side. Still the older Shard had grumbled at the unfairness.

Usually they took turns but since Key got hurt during Shuang's pilgrimage, Ghost was the one going to the kitchens for food everyday. As the master of the House and his esteemed guests took precedence, he was forced to wait longer than usual for their meals. He made good use of the time. It was the perfect excuse to hang around the busy kitchens and make friends with the servants there.

He had taken the time to survey the kitchen, noting where ingredients were kept and who was in charge of what. Ghost also heard many things including the preferences of the Zhai household. Recently he had turned his attention to the guests' palate.

The Head cook was busy supervising the main meals. The assistant cooks had to ensure everything else was perfect. Each esteemed guest had their own whim and the kitchen staff were bending backwards catering to them. They would not shame the Ruling House for lacking anything.

"Lord Heng likes sweets. Add more sugar to his portion."

"Lord Fu likes his meat spicy. Use the rare spice from the new supply."

"The Ji family who just arrived prefers fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Make sure there is an extra fruit basket in their room. Also make sure it is always full."

A servant nodded and quickly left with two overflowing baskets.

Ghost glanced at the lad but continued listening taking note of who like what.

"What about the bridegroom?"

"Lord Zhang?"

The Head cook paused to think. "Nothing from him and his entourage since he came. I guess he is not fussy. His delicate sister did ask for a steady supply of hot water for tea. That's all. She brought a whole variety with her from their island."

"They sure drink a lot of tea," remarked an assistant.

"Never mind that, its nothing compared to the rest."

"The young masters have a sudden craving for roasted venison. Add more firewood to the roasting pits before mounting the bucks. The three bucks from last month's hunt should be well seasoned by now."

"You! Go check the wood supply. And you go check on the meat."

Lesser cooks scrambled to obey the order. Roasting whole bucks took hours. If they were not ready for tonight's feast, heads would roll.

"Lord Wen doesn't like nuts. So none for his dessert portion. Serve him the berry pastries and honey cakes instead of the nut snacks."

"Lord Li's wife is with child. She requested some of our famous sweet sour candies. You start on it, might as well make more. She will probably request more later."

Ghost sifted through the simultaneous conversations for useful information. Finally, he opened his eyes when a soft voice called his name.

"Ghost? Ghost? Your meal is ready. Here," the maid held up a tray. "I'm sorry it took so long but we are so busy now."

"No problem. Thank you."

She smiled. "Bring back the tray and leave it in that pile when you've finished."

Later, when he returned the tray, four fully laden carts were at the kitchen side door. The Head cook yelled at three servants to unload the newly arrived carts but two already had their hands full with firewood. They were short of hands.

"Finally!! The engagement and part of the wedding supplies have arrived. I was so worried."

"Hey Ghost!" called Han. "Another bet today?"

Ghost smiled to himself. He had made friends with the kitchen servants here. Ostensibly, it allowed him access to more food and snacks but he actually wanted to cultivate the friendships for different reasons. Still, it was a good excuse.

"Bet? You and the others have robbed me of all my money already, what else do you want? The clothes off my back?" lamented Ghost. "It's not worth much."

Those within earshot smiled at the good-natured bodyguard. Since he had started coming to the kitchen regularly, they had ragged him putting him through the mill as they did to all newcomers. He was fun. They were surprised when he did not retaliate. He had put up with their tricks and even admitted defeat on several occasions much to their delight.

The conflicting rumours coming from Lady Shuang's that her bodyguards were rude, presumptuous, brave yet crazy were put to rest. Especially after their first day's fiasco with the Lady's breakfast. Their unorthodox behavior had become juicy gossip for days in the kitchens. Ghost's name became notorious for being the instigator of Shuang's temper tantrum. However, contrary to the rampant rumours, the handsome bodyguard was not haughty nor stuck up at all. He was human and could take jokes as well as embarrassing punishments. He was accepted as one of them in record time.

"Scared?" taunted Han.

"Yes, I'm afraid of a beating when I return to my post shirtless."

"Awww, you're no fun today."

"What were you going to bet anyways?" asked Ghost curiously.

"Head Cook needs more hands, I bet you couldn't last the unloading. You guys are too soft! Not used to hard work at all!"

"Wanna bet?" Ghost bristled then cupped his mouth forcefully when he realized what he had said. He started shaking his head vigorously denying his words.

"Hah!! You're on!!!" crowed Han.

"No! I didn't mean it! My hand is are hurt. See? My shoulder too ..."

Ghost held up his bandaged hand. The cut from Shuang's dagger was still fresh but was healing nicely with Xi Xuan's sea cucumber ointment. It was working wonders. Then he grimaced and rubbed his sore shoulder in display of his injury.

"Too late," grinned Han. "You all heard him!" he said to a chorus of 'Yesses' and knowing smiles. Ghost was in for it.

"I got nothing left, what can I bet?"

"Hmmm, I don't know but I'll think of something quick. Head Cook will need us to unload in a few minutes when he has accounted for everything."

"How about I take your place for prison rounds?" Ghost asked casually. Excellent, the timing couldn't be better, thought the Five. Everyone hated sending food to the prison grounds. It was far, the bulky carriers cumbersome and the cold winter weather made the long trek uncomfortable.

"It's a good enough punishment, right?"

The Shard had already scouted the the daily schedules of the jail personnel, guards, servants and slaves. The guards had eight hour shifts and were bored most times. However, they did their job, getting up to check on the prisoners at appropriate intervals. Other servants and slaves entering and existing were also routinely checked.

Mealtimes were three times a day for the guards, twice for the prisoners. The servants sending the food would make the long trudge from the kitchens laden with their burden. Separate carriers were used for the soldiers and for the prisoners. Whilst the guards were served full meals, the prisoners had only simple rice balls or plain steamed buns.

The slaves would enter every two days with empty baskets and exit with full ones. Their job was simple. Replace the faeces buckets. Understandingly, they always had their faces covered to keep out the smell.

"For today?" asked Han his eyes lighting up.

"No, only one trip. You are not getting me that easily."

"Only one measly trip? That's too little, how about one week."

"What? No way!" protested Ghost. "I've got other duties."

"Weakling!" Han taunted winking at the other listening kitchen staff.

"C'mon Ghost, show him you're a man. You won't lose this time," encouraged Chen.

"We're rooting for you Ghost."

"Yeah, it's just unloading stuff. Anyone can do it."

"Not anyone, only real men ..." smirked Han, "... like me!"

"Fine!! Three days, no more and I'll do it!" Ghost replied hotly cracking his knuckles and warming up for the challenge.

"Three days! Done!" crowed Han gleefully. Three days saved from trudging through the cold fields was better than nothing. "Hahaha! You can't back down now. Head Cook is beckoning us. C'mon!"

Head Cook had accounted for everything. This was the first of the wedding supplies. Actually, it was for the formal Engagement banquet, more will be arriving in the coming days for the actual wedding feast. He was very excited. This was the first time he would work alongside Lord Zhang's chefs. They would exchange recipes and he would get the rare opportunity to prepare seafood dishes. In exchange, they would obtain delicate dessert dishes and special meat cooking techniques.

"Thanks in advance Ghost," Head Cook said. "But will the Lady mind?" he asked the Shard. He recognized Lady Shuang's bodyguard and didn't want to get into trouble.

"No problem, she is busy bathing and usually takes hours. She doesn't need another useless man standing around," he winked.

"A bath in the middle of winter?"

"Yeah, something about hot baths and maintaining her glowing skin."

"What a waste of firewood. All that hot water just for a bath," Head Cook shook his head. He would never understand nobles.

"Yeah," Ghost agreed. "I would be of better use here and besides, I've got something to prove to this guy over here."

The Head cook laughed and shook his head. "Han, its not nice to take advantage of him. You know he is not used to manual labour."

"But we need help and he will make things easier, right Ghost?"

"Yeah, no problem. I'm ready. Tell me what to do."

"Ding, come over here. Tell Ghost what to do. He will be helping you and Han unload this batch," Head Cook instructed and left Ghost to his two staff. He had other things to do. "C'mon people! Those buns won't steam themselves. Put more wood in the fires and top-up the steamers,"

Ding brightened and heaved a sigh of relief. It looked like he and Han wouldn't have to unload the four heavy carts by themselves. It was already a back breaking job but having to do four or five people 's job with only two pair of hands was sheer torture.

"Unload the carts and place the goods there. We'll check them as we unload to make sure everything is in order. We'll call Head cook when it's done and he will pay them. Only he is allowed to handle money."


Ding, Han and Ghost got to work as the carts' drivers went to rest. They settled in a corner of the warm kitchen until they could leave with payment. A maid was sent to provide them simple refreshments.

"You sure you can handle this?" asked Ding. He was short a thick set man with bulging biceps. He was obviously used to manual labour.

"No, he can't!" grinned Han. "I'm gonna win the bet!"

"No way I'll lose! I can do this," replied the slender Shard confidently. "Just tell me how you want to arrange it."


They took in gunny sacks of rice, flour and sugar. Huge pots of several types of wine. Drums of oil. Bottles of honey and boxes of spices, seeds and nuts. Jars of syrup and pickles. Crates of live poultry, additions to their own reared birds were stacked outside. Lord Zhai did not want to completely deplete his own live stock for the wedding. Also several sacks of mixed feed for their reared animals.

"Whew! I think we're done," huffed Han rubbing his cold hands together. Cool steam coming out of his mouth as he spoke.

Ding groaned stretching. "Aaahhhh!! My poor back."

Ghost waved weakly, he was too tired to talk.

"Come back in five days if you want to help again. That's when the next batch of supply is due."

The Shard shook his head wearily in defeat making Ding and Han laugh.

"I'll go tell Head cook we're done," said Han getting up.

"You're a good sort. Thanks for helping even if it was for a bet," grinned Ding. "Stay here and rest for a bit. I'll go get some nice mulled cider. It will warm us up after all that work outside."

He was back with Han and two filled clay mugs as promised.

"Thanks for your help. Tell me if you need anything from here. Extra food, delicacies and I'll get them for you if I can," said Ding.

"Hah! One more person to sneak food to you," laughed Han.

Ding grinned. "It's not like Head Cook doesn't know, there are always a lot of leftovers, right Sir?"

"Yeah, it's o'kay. They know not to touch the Family's food and now the wedding guests'. The rest is fine."

"Good. I don't want anyone to get into trouble."

"Speaking of which ... you're in trouble Ghost. You lost the bet. Just look at you, weak as a baby! I swear Ding and I unloaded much more than you."

"Not fair, you didn't tell me it was the heavy stuff today," he groaned.

Everyone laughed.

"Anyways, you can start taking over my prison duties this evening. Head Cook! Ghost lost! He is taking over my prison round for three days starting this evening! Hahahaha!" Han crowed gleefully.

Head Cook snorted and shook his head at his staff's antics. He didn't really care if it was Han, another servant or Ghost who sent the food to the prison grounds. All that mattered was the quality of food his kitchen produced and and that his kitchen was run smoothly. He shooed Ghost out of his kitchen "Be back this evening at five!"

Ghost gave a thumbs up before turning to go. His left hand had started bleeding again but that was a small price to pay. No one saw his satisfied smile. His plan was moving along nicely.


Zhang Xi Xuan took a sip of his steaming fragrant flower tea and set down the delicate cup with a chink. The light cakes and snacks in the middle of the table were still untouched although the Lord of House Zhang had been waiting for over an hour. He leaned back tapping his closed fan into his palm.

"What do you think Zi Min. Do you think she will come?"

Captain Zhang Zi Min bowed and gave a small apologetic cough.

"I'm sorry cousin but I'm afraid you've been stood up by your bride."

"This is the second time," Xi Xuan said in a quiet dangerous voice. "This morning she said she was tired from last night's excitement. I wonder what her excuse is now."

He beckoned to a servant who immediately approached his lord and bowed.

"Go and find out discreetly what Lady Shuang is up to," he said. "No need to alert her."

"Yes, Lord Zhang."

Captain Zhang watched him leave before returning his attention to his esteemed cousin. He was angry on his Lord's behalf and was questioning Lady Shuang's suitability as the future Lady Zhang.

"This behaviour is very unbecoming of a lady."

"It's o'kay Zi Min. It could actually play into my favour."

"Seriously, if she can't come again, she should have at least sent word to inform you instead of making you wait. Its only common courtesy, isn't it?"

Xi Xuan waved a hand dismissively. "I'm actually counting on her rude and arrogant behaviour. Have you spread the rumours?"

"Yes, I had some of our maids gossip in several key locations. They know what to do. The information should have reached a few ambitious lords by now."

Zhang Xi Xuan smiled. "Good."

"Do you think this is a good idea? It may lead to revolt."

"Master Kai and Lady Wei have agreed to it. It is the only way to get out of my marriage contract without bloodshed or retaliation from House Zhai. "

"I hope so."

"If all goes well and the circumstances climaxes as planned, I will set the tone and steer the situation with my response. House Zhai will have no choice but to play along in order to save face. They would have to accept it if one of their own made the decision."

Captain Zhang nodded thoughtfully. Xi Xuan was playing a dangerous game. Many things could go wrong but then, he had faith in his cousin. Xi Xuan was good at reading people and knew how to manipulate them. He could create circumstances and guide people into doing exactly what he wanted. That was one of his strengths and how he avoided most confrontations.

"Now, all I need is to know what Shuang is thinking."

"That is easily solved," Captain Zhang replied.

Several of their people were already collecting information and would update them soon. The Zhangs have always made and revised plans according to information gathered by their vast network. And plans, like the never ending data could be always be amended.

"What if ...?"

Xi Xuan raised a delicate eyebrow at his Captain's doubtful tone. "What if ... what?"

"What if it doesn't work?"

Zhang Xi Xuan pursed his lips thinking. He was good at adapting to situations. If things did not pan out like he wanted, he would have to think of something else after the marriage.

A soft sigh escaped him. "Then I will have to go through with it and make the best of the situation."

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