Chapter 37 - Yuan Shun Xi

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Lady Shuang sat at the small gazebo near the lake. Her maid stood respectfully by her side. The clear blue skies and fleeting puffy clouds were in direct contract to her gloomy mood. She watched the soft waves lapping gently at the shore as the chilly breeze chased each other playfully on the surface. Soon the lake will be frozen, just like her heart. All the animals had gone and the lush rich greenery framing the water had browned and withered.

Winter had arrived bringing death, just like her coming marriage will bring death to her freedom, hopes and dreams, she thought darkly.

The young girl shivered with more than cold. Her future was bleak indeed. A solitary tear slide down her cheek. She should have been born a man, than she would not have to marry Lord Zhang. She couldn't think of anything to avoid the looming marriage. Imagine having to waste her youth and beauty on an old man!

Life on the Grey Islands would be unbearable, she knew no one and would be cut off from her friends and fun city life. Trapped on the great lump of rock he called a home, surrounded by murderous pirates and treacherous straits, she would soon go mad. But no one cared, father just wanted to use her to get the riches of the sea and Lord Zhang wanted a beautiful young bride he could flaunt. No one asked her what she wanted!

C'mon Shuang, think! Think! But her desperation only produced more tears.

Ghost and Key stood at the entrance a few meters away to allow her privacy. They were not permitted near her as she was still mad at them for ruining her plans. However, they still followed her everywhere when she deigned to step out of her chambers.

For a moment, the young girl forgot that she was supposed to be angry at them. Her eyes strayed to the good looking men who guarded her. Both looked so attractive just standing there. It was such a waste that Key already had a lover somewhere and Ghost ... that insufferable man just wouldn't look at her as a woman. It was true that he was far beneath her, but that made his indifference towards her even more irksome. He should be honoured by her attentions towards him not just treat her like a spoilt child. He did his job and that was it.

"Lady Shuang?" Ghost inquired politely noticing her gaze on them.

His low velvety voice was seductive as always. Her lips curved upwards unconsciously when their eyes met. Ghost tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at her to follow up on his verbal question. Her heart did a little somersault in her chest. He looked so cute! Ghost really was a great bodyguard, thought Shuang randomly. He was always alert at her every move. If only he was not so dense. Didn't he know that she liked him? What was wrong with him? She thought about forgiving Ghost then until he uttered his next words.

"Maybe if you meet Lord Zhang you will feel better. He is not ... "

That reminded her of what they had done and her failed attempt at coercing her father. Anger flared up again.

"Shut up!"

She glared daggers at him. Stupid Ghost! Stupid Key! Shuang sniffled and turned her back resolutely on her offending bodyguards. She stared at the rippling water again. The whole world was against her!

The ensuing silence was broken by a stranger's voice.

"What is a beautiful scene. If only the pretty maiden is not so sad, then it would be perfect."

Shuang swung around at the unfamiliar male voice. A young man stood at the entrance.

Ghost was holding out his arm blocking the noble from entering. Key's hand rested lightly on his sword as he angled his body to back Ghost up. They did not say anything. Their actions spoke for them.

"May I come in?" he asked eyeing her two alert bodyguards warily.


"My lady, I am the eldest son of Lord Yuan. We arrived a few days ago."

Ghost caught Shuang's eyes shaking his head subtly to indicate that she should not let this stranger approach her. He claimed to be Lord Yuan's son but there was no way of verifying his identity. He came alone without servants and did not even bother to present his identity tag. Who knew who he was or what his intentions were.

Lady Shuang glared at Ghost for a moment before smiling sweetly to the man. No one was going to tell her what to do! Especially not Ghost! Didn't he remember he and Key had fallen out of her favor? She would only forgive them if they grovelled on their hands and knees, admit their mistake and beg for mercy.


"Lady Shuang! Ghost said ..." whispered LiQuin urgently.

Shuang held up an imperious hand to shut her maid up. LiQuin's urging and advice was not welcome nor wanted at this time.

She studied Lord Yuan's son. He was tall, broad shouldered and stood with an arrogant confidence. Expensive burgundy coloured brocade covered his muscular frame. A soft thick cape lined with luxurious white fur draped over his shoulders to protect him against the winter chill. His hair was styled in the latest fashion for men complete with an intricate silver head piece with embedded gems which winked atop his head every time he moved. A flash drew her attention to his chest where a large multi faceted gemstone peeked from under his cloak. It dangled from a heavy gold chain proclaiming his wealth to the world. His fingers glittered with rings too, each with a different coloured gem.

He could not be more than twenty she concluded. He was easy on the eyes too. The young man smiled winningly at her enhancing his rugged features.

Very nice! She smiled, her mood lifting immediately.

Lord Yuan would have been much more attractive if Ghost and Key were not flanking him, she thought irritated at her two dashing bodyguards.

"Come," she invited.

Before he could step forward, Ghost moved his whole body to block his path. Key glared threateningly, drawing his sword halfway from its sheath.

"Let him pass. I want to talk to him," commanded Shuang willfully ignoring Ghost's warning.

The two Shards exchanged pained looks but had no choice. They backed down. There was an awkward moment before they moved aside for the smirking young Lord to pass. They could ignore Shuang's unreasonable commands in private but when in public where there were third parties, all social protocols must be followed. She was the young mistress of the Ruling House and they were only her bodyguards. They had to follow her direct orders. However, both Shards were now on high alert and would move at the slightest treat. Lord Yuan would regret it if he did anything to endanger Shuang.

"Thank you my lady," he entered the gazebo. "My name is Yuan Shun Xi. May I ask why you look so sad? Do you need someone to talk to?"

"Who would spare me the time to listen to my woes?" she asked coyly.

Lady Shuang understood the flirtation game very well. Being cooped up in the house recently due to the influx of strangers in the city meant she had little chance of being admired by the public. Her monthly shopping sprees surrounded by guards and maids had ceased two months ago. She missed it, oh so much. The praise, the adoration and the jealousy of other maidens who were less fair.

Lord Yuan must have seen her and been entranced by her beauty! Good. She was in the mood for some praise and adoration by a good-looking man. This Yuan Shun Xi seem to be cultured, he should know the social norms and what was expected to cultivate friendship. The two who shadowed her were totally useless at flattery.

"I would my lady if only to stop your tears."

Shuang smiled. Nice. She was going to have fun with him. Her ego needed stroking. It had been too long. Blatantly ignoring Ghost and Key, she invited him to sit ordering LiQuin to fetch more snacks and hot tea.

"Please, there is no need Lady. I would not want you to stay out here in the cold too long. A delicate beauty such as yourself must be protected at all times. Your health is paramount. Perhaps if I could have the rare honor of walking you indoors where it is warm?"

She blinked then flushed in pleasure. Lord Yuan wanted to walk with her. He wanted to be seen with a beauty such as her! How wonderful! How romantic! Hah, Ghost and Key should learn a thing or two about courtship. Commoners!

"Lady, you are to be married to Lord Zhang. It may not be wise ..." Ghost started.

"Silence! Lord Zhang is not here." She stood up. "I want to walk with Lord Yuan and get to know him better."

Yuan Shun Xi smirked at Ghost.

Ghost tried again. "Your upcoming marriage is important for Zinnu. Your father ..."

"Shut up guard! You should learn your place and obey your betters," snapped Lord Yuan impatiently. "The Lady knows what she wants."

Shuang gasped in shock, one hand going to her chest at his rude tone and loud angry words. Seeing her reaction, the young lord immediately softened his demeanor and apologized to her.

"I am sorry Lady. I did not mean to raise my voice in your presence but your guards should keep silent when their betters are talking."

The next second he was all smiles again. "Come, beautiful fairy. I can't wait to get to know you better."

At the praise and attention, Shuang blushed recovering quickly. She was eager to continue flirting with this noble. He made her feel special.

The two guards and LiQuin fell behind the couple as they walked slowly. Much to the Shards irritation, they took a long winding scenic route past dead garden plants, bare trees and across a little bridge over the almost frozen koi pond. They chatted and laughed. Lord Yuan flattered the girl outrageously and Shuang lapped it up giggling in pleasure.

Finally they reached Shuang's part of the residence. Lord Yuan had to bid her farewell at the threshold of the private inner courtyard as no males aside from family members, guards and servants were allowed. The firstborn son of House Yuan left but not without securing another date with Shuang.

Shuang watched until he was out of sight. Then she gave a big happy sigh before turning to enter her chambers proper.

"Go with Shuang. I want to check Lord Yuan out."

"You sense it too?"

"Yeah, something is off. I don't like him."

"Be careful. I'll cover for you here."

"Ghost! Lady Shuang wants to have a word with you," LiQuin appeared at the doorway.

"It's o'kay. You go see what the lady wants. I'll go check him out," Key said glancing at the beckoning maid then at the direction Lord Yuan had gone.

"What about your leg?"

"It's much better. I can manage." Then he grinned at the Five. "I bet she wants to tell you off for interrupting her impromptu date."


Key chortled at Ghost's less than enthused tone.

Ghost shook his head. "I'll try to talk some sense into her. She is not doing her House or future husband any favours by hanging out with another man just before her wedding."

Key patted Ghost on his shoulders in encouragement before silently disappearing down the path. Ghost watched the Three go hoping it was a false hunch but something about the young arrogant lord triggered his instincts.

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