Chapter 38 - Bet

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Key trailed Lord Yuan keeping a healthy distance. He was familiar enough with the grounds that he could easily stay hidden in the many nooks and crannies along the path. Lord Yuan did not return immediately to his family's assigned rooms as expected. Instead he jogged jauntily to a secluded pavilion where another two well dressed young nobles were waiting for him. They raised their hands in greeting when they saw their friend.

Food and drinks were laid out. The table was littered with wine bottles and snack plates. Pastry crumbs, roasted groundnut shells and dried melon seeds littered the table. Gambling sticks and little piles of coins completed the messy table. On one side were two whole silver yuanbaos (ingots).

"Shun Xi!! You made it," called out one youth as Lord Yuan approached.

"Of course I did."

"Well? Tell me Shun Xi, did I win or lose to Li Guang?" asked Chu Feng.

The other noble man, Li Guang was already raking in his winnings. He had bet that Lady Shuang would be swayed by the popular playboy and fall in love with Shun Xi. Chu Feng had bet on Zhang.

"I met her ... Lady Shuang. I think I made a good impression," replied Shun Xi thoughtfully.

"Ahhh, you only made an impression on her. That's good," Chu Feng said taking back his silver yuanbao. "It means I've not lost to Li Guang yet. She has not fallen in love with you and will still marry Zhang."

"She likes me and we get along well. Its a start," Lord Yuan said thoughtfully. "I will make her fall in love with me before the wedding ... no, by the engagement feast. It's going to be a piece of cake. She is so starved for affection and is so gullible, she'll be eating out of my hands in no time," boasted Shun Xi.

"Before the Engagement feast? That's in only a few days! Are you sure?"

"No problem," answered the playboy.

"She is only a girl. Do you really think she will break off the engagement and marriage with House Zhang?" asked Chu Feng (for Zhang) "Although House Zhang keeps mostly to themselves, they are not to be trifled with, you know. They are among the top three Houses in Zinnu."

"House Zhai is the Ruling House. Whatever Lord Zhai decides will be happen. Surely House Zhang will have to obey House Zhai, right?" asked Li Guang (for Shun Xi) looking at Shun Xi for confirmation.

"She'll break it off and fall in love with me," Shun Xi replied confidently. "Lord Zhai may be the powerful military leader of the Ruling House, but when it comes to his youngest daughter, he is a softie," snorted Shun Xi. "He'll give in if she insists ... and I will make her do so."

"What about Lord Zhang? Wouldn't he protest?"

"That pushover? He's just inherited the title of Head from his father, he's got no experience and I think no real power. He has not established himself yet. Also, what can he do if his bride is in love with another man? I heard he is an honourable man, surely he wouldn't force her to marry him if she doesn't love him. He's that kind of man," sneered Lord Yuan.

"Ahhh, I see. You are so clever Shun Xi!" applauded Li Guang. "Make her father accept you through his daughter and make Zhang give her up through her feelings for you too!"

Yuan Shun Xi preened at the praise.

"Love conquers all!!" he laughed.

Pouring a cup of wine, he toasted to himself and drank it in one gulp. Being nice to that spoilt brat was thirsty work. She really was beautiful but talked a lot and kept hinting for praise. He would endure her company until she became his wife, thought Shun Xi to himself.

Word was out that Lord Zhai would relinquish a branch of his military control to Lord Zhang as a wedding gift. Almost thirty thousand trained Zhai soldiers! As the new groom, he would gain all that power! Once he won the bet with his friends and get control of the soldiers, even his father would have to respect him! Hah!

Chu Feng shook his head and held up his silver piece sadly. "Looks like I may lose this bet after all."

Li Guang reached out to take the silver but Chu Feng quickly hid it in the folds of his expensive robes. "I'll keep this a while longer while I still can. I'll hand it over on Shun Xi's wedding day to Lady Shuang ... if that ever happens."

"You have as good as lost Chu Feng. Keep it for me then, but don't lose it!" grumbled Li Guang.

"Let's drink to celebrate. In a few weeks I will have control of Lord Zhai's armies and I will have a beautiful wife."

In the shadows, Key clenched his fists angrily. The scum! They were going to sabotage Shuang's marriage to Zhang for their own gain. All for power! But that was the rich for you thought Key. The noble were not so noble after all.

"What if you really fall in love with her?" asked Li Guang, "She is quite beautiful you know."

"That's very possible, I guess. If that happens, I'll take it as a bonus. At the very least, I'll turn her into a woman and make her submit to me."

"Really? You dare do that to a daughter of House Zhai?" asked Chu Feng. Shun Xi's kinky sexual appetite was well known among their circle of friends. He was a regular at the many brothels and courtesan establishments back home.

Yuan Shun Xi shrugged. "If she can't learn to do what I like, there's always Hui Ling waiting for me. Now that's a real woman!"

Li Guang and Chu Feng laughed.

"Not only is Hui Ling beautiful and talented ... but she also comes up with the most exciting ideas in the bedroom! That is one wild courtesan. She never bores me!"

Key frowned as the conversation turned lewd with Shun Xi regaling some of his sexual exploits with Hui Ling to his envious friends. Staying a few more moments to ensure they spoke of no more useful information, the Three made his way back to Shuang. He needed to tell Ghost and decide what to do.

He was feeling too enraged to think clearly. Hopefully, Ghost will know what to do. The younger Shard was more rational and could control his feelings better.


After Shuang had told Ghost off for his offending behaviour, he was banished out into the cold again. LiQuin kept her gaze averted throughout her mistress' tirade but the other maids and guards threw him glances of pity.

Ghost wisely kept his mouth shut. He was so tired of Shuang and her irrational outbursts. Whatever propriety she had learned during the last few weeks of her training vanished along with logic.

She reminded him condescendingly that he and Key were lowly bodyguards who were paid to protect her, nothing more. That would include not meddling in her marriage, love life or social life. In fact, they had overstepped their boundaries once too many times already. Who were they to ruin her happiness? Lord Yuan had brought her back to her senses. Lord Yuan was right! She had given them too much liberty and they had taken advantage of her! It was time to re-set boundaries. She was the mistress and they were merely servants!

The Five drew in a slow breath to calm his mounting anger. He kept his eyes on her the whole time. She is the Target. Be calm. Protect her. Finish the mission.

Shuang's voice faded into nonsensical background noise as his thoughts turned inwards.

Ghost decided there and then that he would not bother with the girl anymore. After all, what Shuang said was true. Bonus rewards for teaching her basic social behavior be damned. From now on, he would stick to the bare minimum of protecting only her physical body. Forget her social, mental and emotional growth. There was only so much he and Key could do. They were not nannies, they were Shards. It was time to focus on his last mission and get out of House Zhai. The burden of teaching, building and developing Shuang's noble character befitting a lady of a great House would fall onto her new husband.

"Do you understand?"

No answer.

Ghost was still caught up in his thoughts. He couldn't help it when a half-smile carved itself on his face. Poor Xi Xuan. She would be a handful and the Lord of the Grey Island's tranquil life would be shattered indefinably. All he had to do was endure a few more days until her wedding. Then he and Key would be free. He couldn't wait to return to the Dark Sect.

"Why are you smiling?! Insolence!! Are you even listening to me?"

Ghost blinked a few time regaining focus. His anger had simmered down to pure irritation. He clenched his jaw to keep from retorting the irate girl. Suddenly, Shuang and her temper tantrums seemed insignificant. Let her do what she wants, its her life and her future. If she wanted to fool around behind her fiancé's back and dishonour her House before her wedding, so be it. Whatever happens, he would be long gone and not be part of any of it. Her stubborn and willful actions jeopardizing her own future meant nothing to him. So why get angry? Serenity washed over him as he detached himself from the situation.

"Yes, I understand. You have made yourself perfectly clear," he answered in a low voice.

Something in his flat voice and cool response made her stop mid-tirade. Their gazes locked for a long moment. When she finally broke off his penetrating stare, she felt a sudden stab of fear and dismay. Shuang felt mortified. Uncertainty engulfed her. What did he mean? Would he really leave her alone like she ordered him to? He would still take care and protect her right? He was her bodyguard. Why did she feel so small and childish suddenly? The abnormal feeling made her feel troubled and anxious. To cover her rising agitation, she screamed at the source of her anxiety.

"Get out and stay out!!" she shrieked.

Silently, the Shard gave a small nod. He bowed and backed away. Near the door, he turned swiftly walking out without a backward glance.

Outside seemed peaceful after the disaster he had faced. He could still hear Shuang shouting inside, now aiming her anger at anyone and everyone who came to mind. But her voice faded with every step he took. His mood lifted. The cold fresh air welcomed and invigorated him.

Focusing on the big picture brought everything into perspective. Now, he could easily endure a few more days of Shuang.

Instinct made Ghost instantly alert. The Shard stiffen, his eyes narrowing in concentration as he tilted his head listening to his surroundings. Quickly, he melted from sight.

What was it? What had triggered him? He scanned the area searching every possible hiding place. His gaze then lifted to the trees and the rooftops. There! On the walls. It was just a brief moment when the shadow disappeared but it was enough for the Shard. He would get the intruder.

Ghost climbed a tree near the wall. Miraculously, the intruder was still there. He had made his way to the archway along the wall and was peeking at the direction of Shuang's rooms. The Shard observed the intruder for a while. Recognizing her, he released his grip on his throwing blades replacing them into the folds of his shirt. A few moments later he dropped down in front the unarmed woman.

"What are you doing here?" Ghost asked the intruder.

Zhang Xi Xiu inhaled sharply, promptly choked on her saliva and immediately started coughing. He patted her gently on her back but she waved him away when he made it worse.

"Ackk! What the hell? You scared me Xiao Gui!" she cursed at him.

"Well, you wouldn't be startled by me if you were not sneaking around," he retorted breaking into a smile. He shook his head, her unladylike out burst was at odds with her feminine dress. Although he knew and liked her, she was still suspicious. He had to protect his Target ... at least for a few more days. "Tell me. Why are you here at Lady Shuang's?"

"Shhhh!! Someone is going to hear you!" she shushed him, conveniently ignoring that he was in fact Lady Shuang's bodyguard. She craned her neck looking around.

"There is no one here. Everyone who is normal and sensible is inside where its warm."

Xi Xiu stuck out her tongue and snorted. "That means you're as abnormal and insensible as me to be out in this weather."

Ghost stared back at her. No girl had ever talked to him like that. Before he could recover, she pulled him against the wall next to her.

"Stay back against the wall. Do you want to be spotted?"

What?! He would have laughed in her face if she was not still suspect. Furthermore, she not answering his questions was not helping the situation  much. Shuang's safety was his priority. He did not want to forcibly expose Xi Xiu and haul her to the authorities but he would if he had to.

"Tell me. What are you doing here?"

His warning tone and serious demeanour finally got through to her.

"Relax Xiao Gui, don't be so uptight. I'm not going to hurt Lady Shuang. What can I do with you and your friend around?"


"Yes, you know, the other handsome bodyguard."

"Handsome? Who? Key?"

"Oh! Is that his name?" she asked teasingly. "Stay there, out of my way. I want to take a look at her. Even a glimpse will do."

"Who?" he asked curiously. Was there someone else lurking around? Someone who actually posed a threat to Shuang? Quickly he scanned the area again.

"Lady Shuang, I want to see her," she muttered distractedly. "Is she as beautiful as everyone says? She was not at our welcoming party and I've not seen her around."


"Hmmm? Yes, what?"

"Yes, she is as beautiful as the rumors. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"She is?"

Xi Xiu whipped her head around so fast that their lips brushed against each other. Ghost yelped and backed away hastily, licking his suddenly dry lips and swallowing convulsively.

"I didn't mean to, really I swear! Aishhh!! ... I'm sorry!" he blurted mortified.

She stayed still for a moment, stunned at their close encounter. Her eyes widened in shock as her heart started doing crazy somersaults in her chest. Wow! She flushed in embarrassment and pleasure. She felt breathless. Did he feel what she felt? That sudden sensual jolt? Then she burst into giggles. Xiao Gui looked so nervous and apologetic that it was funny. He looked so adorable! Her giggles were so infectious that he began laughing too.

"Owww, now my sides hurt from laughing," she gasped. "Seriously, you're the most straightforward person I've ever met. You should never tell another woman that someone else is prettier than her."

"Why not?"

His innocent question made her dissolve into another fit of giggles.

"Just .. trust me." She drew in a deep breath and sighed. "I guess Lady Shuang won't come out anytime soon so I'll have to wait until the Engagement banquet to see her. I wanted to see if Gege would be happy. She wouldn't meet him since we arrived although he had sent her several invitations," she said. "She is full of excuses."

"I'm sure he knows what she looks like," Ghost countered implicitly referring to Xi Xuan's network of very capable spies. He was after all, the Spy Master among his many personas.

"I hope she is nice and will make him happy. Gege deserves to be happy." Xi Xiu sighed. "I hope she will be able to adapt to our home and way of life. But most importantly, she will accept all facets of Gege once she is married into our House."

"I hope so too," Ghost said quietly.


When House Zhang arrived, previously laid out plans were set in motion. Several Zhang agents were dispatched to general gathering spots of the maids and servants of House Zhai's guests. The common kitchens and washing areas were targeted.

Soon, news of Lord Zhai's special gift bestowed on his new son-in law became the main topic. Did you know Lord Zhang was going to get a Vice-Captain and a whole squad of twenty thousand soldiers as a bridal gift? Or was it thirty thousand? No, it was a Captain and fifty thousand! In return, Lord Zhang only had to provide his sea produce to House Zhai. Surely, it was an uneven trade-off. Everyone knew of the Ruling House's militarily might and how well trained their soldiers were! No others could match them. They were the best in Zinnu. House Zhai was generous indeed!

A washing maid who helped to beat dust from fur bedding whispered the outrages bride gift of Lord Zhai's to her friends, a house maid and a kitchen maid. The rich were really something weren't they? The house maid then bragged the news to her new friends from other Houses. Her Lord was so generous. No one in history had ever gifted trained soldiers before. On top of that, they were Zhai soldiers. The best of the best. Everyone knew that whoever received such a gift would automatically increased in strength and power. The chosen Captain would be reassigned to Lady Shuang's new husband and take an oath of loyalty to his new Lord. However, he would still serving under a Zhai as Lady Shuang will be there. The kitchen maid shared the news with the cooks and kitchen staff.

The gossip flourished among the men too. Undistinguished servants wearing general House colours shared the gossip in the stables and yard. Can you believe it? Lord Zhai must really love his daughter to give such a priceless present. The groom was very lucky indeed!

The juicy bit of news spread and grew like wildfire. 

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