Chapter 40 - Schemes

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Both Li Guang and Chu Feng looked up from their game as their furious friend stormed into the pavilion. They were gambling at the secluded spot as betting games and activities were frowned upon by their respective Houses.

"Hey Shun Xi, why are you so angry?"

Lord Yuan sat down in a huff and banged his fist on the circular wooden table. The flames burning in the nearby brazier flickered wildly for a moment and the gambling sticks and snack plates jumped into the air. Chu Feng lurched to save a bottle of hot spicy wine when it almost hopped over the table's edge. It would be such a waste if it broke!

"It's Shuang's two meddling bodyguards. I swear they are worse than pesky horseflies! Always around when they are not wanted! So irritating!" he growled. "I have to get rid of them before they ruin my plans."

"What did they do?"

"They are filling her head with nonsense, reminding her of her upcoming marriage and her stupid duties to her House. They are literally sabotaging me!"

"Awww, c'mon Shun Xi, they are just being good little bodyguards and doing their job," Chu Feng laughed. "If they get through to her, maybe I won't lose my silver yuanbao to Li Guang after all."

"I'm serious! They told her that I'm trouble and to stay away from me. That I'll be the cause of a scandal Hosue Zhai can't afford."

"Well, they're not wrong ..."

"I mean, Shuang just told me that they know about our bet! She had the gall to ask me if I really loved her or if I just wanted to win."

"What?! How did they know about our bet?"

"That's what I want to know!!" Shun Xi scowled.

"What did you say?"

"I don't know how they found out but I denied it of course. She was all upset. I had to spend over two hours calming her down and persuading her of my love."

"Getting rid of Lady Shuang's bodyguards will be easy," remarked Li Guang. "I saw them yesterday following her. They are both cripples."

"Seriously?" asked Chu Feng interested in the gossip.

"Yup, one had a walking staff and was limping and the other had a bandaged hand. They're no problem. I bet we can easily handle them."

"What kind of useless bodyguards are those?" wondered Chu Feng. "I would be embarrassed if I had them protecting me."

Chu Feng looked over to Shun Xi for confirmation. His friend's scowl deepened and he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

"Yeah, it's true. I swear I'll kill them both If they interfere one more time especially that small one!"

"Better not," cautioned Li Guang. "There are too many soldiers and you know Lord Zhai's Elites are always around the family."

Shun Xi made a face. "Then I will have no other choice. I will have to force Lady Shuang's hand and choose me herself. I will not let them get in my way."

"How are you going to do that?"

Shun Xi dug a small porcelain bottle from his belt and held it up. A sly smile stretched his lips.

"With this."


Key clenched his jaw in annoyance but kept his peace. He glanced at Ghost. The Five was keeping his irritation hidden better him and was staring straight ahead. However, his stiff posture betrayed his aggravation.

Lady Shuang was sitting opposite Lord Yuan again. Despite their best attempts at persuading her not to meet the young Lord, she was defiant. He was the only one who understood her and could offer her comfort. She felt stifled by everyone else who seemed so controlling, curtailing her freedom and always dictating to her what to do and how to behave.

When Ghost and Key told her that Lord Yuan's interest in her was merely to win a huge bet among his friends, she had exploded calling them liars. The effect of the information backfired. Instead of making her wary of Lord Yuan, she had ran straight to him demanding emotional reassurance ... which he more than happily obliged her with his sweet empty words. After all, it furthered his designs on her.

Now Lord Yuan glared at them murderously but schooled his expression when Shuang looked up from her clasped hands. He should concentrate on his prey and ignore the two irksome bodyguards for now. He would deal with them later. He must get Lady Shuang's love and trust to secure House Zhai and win the bet

"My love, I cannot express how much it hurts me to see you so sad," Lord Yuan begun. He had an appropriately sorrowful expression on his face.

Facing away, Key rolled his eyes hard and pressed his lips together to keep from cussing. Ghost remained stoic.

Shuang sniffed daintily into her delicate embroidered handkerchief and wiped away a tear.

"I have an idea what can cheer you up," he continued brightly.

"What is it?"

"Why don't you marry me instead?"

"What?" she asked startled. "Marry you?"

"Yes, we are in love after all. What better reason to get married?"

"But how? I'm to be wed to Lord Zhang ..." stammered Shuang.

"Just tell your father. He loves you dearly, surely he would want you to be happy. Tell him ... tell him House Yuan is rich. You know my family is well known for our splendid gems and beautiful jewellery products. We own several large mines and we have recently found a new huge vein of quartz. We are also expanding our existing mines. We have no less than what House Zhang can offer."

"Oh!" her eyes lighted up with hope as she considered his proposal. "But my father ... I can't possible disobey him."

"You are not disobeying him, my love," Shun Xi replied persuasively. "Your father wants you to get married for an alliance with a strong House. He is only thinking to better House Zhai and at the same time wants what is best for you, a good husband. If House Zhai and House Yuan is bonded by marriage, he would have access to the riches and gems of our mines ... and you would be happy!"

"I ..." she wavered.

"Lady Shuang, I can offer you true love and happiness. Lord Zhang can only offer you material things and a dull lonely life on that grey rock he calls a home. I'm sure your father would understand your feelings."

"Really? Well maybe if ..."

Immediately Ghost turned around.

"Lady Shuang, you must not believe him. Your duties are to your House and to your father. The best thing to do is to proceed with the wedding to House Zhang as planned."

It was the worst possible thing to say in that situation.

"No one asked for your opinion!" Shuang bristled at the rude intrusion. "Who do you think you are to offend and upset me?"

"Shut up guard," growled Lord Yuan. "And remember your lowly place!"

"Now, you've upset the lady again."

Lord Yuan got up to move next to Shuang but he did not dare hold or hug openly. They were in a public setting and in broad daylight. She hunched forward drawing her cloak around her, her pink lips trembling in a pout. Tears pooled and fell from her eyes when she blinked. She could barely contain her conflicting emotions.

The noble glared at Ghost, jerking his head for the bodyguard to move further away. The Shard ignored him but turned obligingly to face forwards once again. Key made a face. There was going to be some disgustingly sweet talk now that Lord Yuan had to placate the agitated girl yet again.

"Lady Shuang ..." Lord Yuan started in a soft cajoling voice.

He pushed the refreshments to the side and moved closer. He dared touch her face for a moment, brushing her tears away. Startled at his bold move, her tears stopped. Shuang blushed prettily lowering her gaze demurely. She was ready to be coaxed and flattered. She was ready to be consoled.

At Lord Yuan's intimate gesture, Ghost half-turned to the couple. His eyes narrowed when he saw the noble stealthily withdrawing a small white bottle from his belt and unstopping it.

"I promise to make you happy. Lady Shuang, please, I love you. We can be so good together and we'd make an excellent couple."

Blocking the refreshments with his body from Shuang's view, he emptied the vial into a teacup.

"I'll get my father to speak to Lord Zhai if you agree. My father will persuade him as our Houses are already allies. With our marriage, both Houses will gain significantly."

"Really?" Shuang asked in a small voice.

"Yes, I promise. My only goal is to make you happy."

Lord Yuan moved back and pulled the refreshments back to the center of the table. He lifted the decanter of warm spicy mulled wine and poured two cups.

"Here, just say yes and we'll spend the rest of our lives together," he picked up a cup and offered it to Shuang. "Please, I don't think I can live without you by my side."

"You can't?" She asked as she lifted large teary eyes to gaze into her suitor's homely face.

Lord Yuan smiled at her confidently and nodded with encouragement.

"A toast to our future and your happiness, my love."

Shuang responded with a tremulous smile. Her eyes were bright and her rosy cheeks flushed in pleasure. Now, this is how she should be treated, like a princess. Lord Yuan was right in treating her like a precious gem, the rarest of stones, something a son of House Yuan would know about.

Lord Yuan couldn't live without her! He was fighting for her love. How romantic! He would persuade father and save her from a loveless marriage with old Lord Zhang! A warm glow spread from her chest. She felt beautiful and coveted. She felt special. She felt loved.

Shuang reached to accept the cup but another hand beat her to it. Ghost's hand snaked out of nowhere to deftly snatch it from Lord Yuan. A moment later, the Shard held up the appropriated cup in a toast.

"I won't drink to your futures but I'll drink to Lady Shuang's happiness," said the Five and gulped down the contents.

"Ghost!! What are you doing?" yelp Shuang in shock.

"Drinking to your happiness," answered the bodyguard blithely.

Lord Yuan got up belligerently to confront Ghost. The stupid meddling bodyguard had gone too far this time. He had drank his carefully prepared drug for Shuang. He was so dead!

Ghost knocked clumsily against Lord Yuan as they were in close proximity. His fingers slipped into the young Lord's belt, deftly appropriating the little white bottle hidden there. Once he had accomplished the deed, Ghost backed away bowing apologetically to the angry Lord.

"I'm sorry, Lord Yuan. I just wanted to toast Lady Shuang and wish her happiness with Lord Zhang, that's all."

"With Lord Zhang? How dare you! Insolence!"

"Ghost! You've ruined everything!" Shuang cried in frustration. She stood up in anger. "Go away! Get away from me, NOW! I don't want you here!"

Ghost stared at her for a moment before giving her a hand fist salute. He bowed slightly in silent apology and backed away.

"As you wish."

The Shard knew he had to get away. He was starting to feel a little peculiar. The drugged drink must be taking effect. He was sure it wasn't poison. Even Lord Yuan would not be fool enough to attempt Shuang's murder her own House, right? Whatever, he would have to deal with it later.

Key's sharp eyes saw everything.

What was in that drink?

I don't know yet but I'll find out. I've got the cup and bottle from Yuan's belt.

You did? Nice!

Keep an eye on her until I get back. Don't let him slip anything else into her food or drink.

O'kay but ... will you be alright? asked Key's worriedly. A strange expression had crossed Ghost's face and he was looking back at him intensely. Key felt weirdly spooked by his senior's intense stare.

Ghost licked his lips, swallowed and blinked before looking away.

I'll be o'kay.

Key nodded nervously and watched in apprehension as Ghost walked away. He shook off the uncomfortable feeling and refocused. Shuang's safety was dependent solely on him now.

The Five did not turn around but walked quickly out of sight. The Three turned his attention back to Lady Shuang and Lord Yuan. He predicted that they would soon part ways, the romantic mood was spoiled. Their date effectively spoiled by Ghost.

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