Chapter 41 - Desires

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Ghost tried to walk as normally as possible. He could feel Shuang and Yuan glaring at his back. As soon as he was out of the couple's sight, he leaned weakly against a tree tugging at his ever-present scarf. Was it getting warmer or was it just him? He was starting to feel really peculiar.

The Five shook his head and blinked in confusion. His senses seemed heightened. The sun was brighter, sounds clearer, the chilled air fresher and even the colours around him were more vivid. He touched the tree trunk in wonder. He had never noticed so many shades of brown that made up the bark nor its strong rough texture before.

A random bird twittered and chirped loudly and when its friend whistled sharply back, Ghost winced covering his ears. Why were they shouting at each other? Crazy birds. It was winter, shouldn't they be sleeping or something? A light breeze blew then. The Shard touched his cheek in surprise where his long messy bangs had brushed and fluttered against his face. It had felt like a kiss ... kisses. His heart beat faster and suddenly, he felt hot.

Feeling the first stirrings in his loins, his unruly thoughts wandered to the seductive courtesans at The Blue Peony and The Singing Nightingale and what they offered. Although he fully understood their main underlying businesses, he had never been tempted by them before, viewing his friends there only as entertainers, performers and drinking companions.

But now ... now he suddenly understood how desirable they were. A one night stand with no strings attached, no expectations, no responsibilities and no drawn out relationships. What better way to spend one's money than to have a beautiful, well-mannered and willing girl to flatter and cater to your every whim? They could talk, sing, dance and ... more. He drew in a deep breath and swallowed hard. What was wrong with him?

Ghost shook his head again to clear it. Focus! He was on site in the middle of a mission. He had things to do. Not being by Shuang's side meant that he could take this opportunity to further his own plans. After all, he still had his own mission to fulfil and time was running out. He drew in a shuddering breath, refocused and continued walking heading towards the kitchens. He should check when the additional wedding supplies were arriving. It should be any day after the Engagement banquet. When it arrived, he should be on hand to 'help' and put his final plans in motion.


Strong perfumes wafted his way filling his senses. Enticing seductive feminine fragrances that stroked his building desires wrapped him in a cloud. His arousal intensified bringing him to a stop. Ghost staggered unsteadily towards a wall for support almost doubling over as the sweet smells assaulted him.

A group of maids were passing by but they stopped in surprise when they spied the handsome bodyguard. He was leaning against the wall hunched over. Their heady scents, a mix of flowers and spices filled the passageway. Most of the maids knew him. Some knew him by sight and some by reputation.

"Ghost? Are you alright?" asked one in concern.

"He looks so pale. Is he sick?"

"He's the Ghost? Lady Shuang's bodyguard?"

"Yes, that's him. He's so handsome! See why I like him now?"

"Oh yes!!" her friend sighed in agreement.

He heard the whisperings and giggling clearly but pretended ignorance. It was the younger maids.

"Is he hurt?"

"No, I don't think so ..."

"What's wrong with him?"

"Is he drunk?"

"Shall we help him?" the last one squeaked breathlessly in a hopeful tone.

Ghost winced at their voices. They seemed so loud and talking as if he was not right there in front of them. Swallowing hard he looked up to worried faces. They were not helping his embarrassing delicate situation. All he wanted was for them to be on their way, then the noise and their titillating smells would hopefully fade.

"I ... I ... ahhh," he trailed off as his wayward eyes strayed from their concerned faces to their chests. The maids' uniform did nothing to flatter their figures but somehow he found them all exceptionally lovely today. Why, they were all shapely in their own way, right? Several were full and round whereas the others were more modest but he was fascinated by them all. Even the youngest in the group who was still flat chested seem to enthrall him. All he could think of was that she would fill out soon and then .... and then ... he squeezed his eyes shut. Seriously, what was he thinking?

He had to get away before he did something unthinkable. Mustering all his willpower, he opened his eyes. Straightening to a somewhat normal posture, he gave a rueful grimace.

"It's nothing. Just a relapse of my old wound."

His simple explanation caused a stir among the maidens. The maids closed in on him.

"Old wound?" one exclaimed.

"Where are you hurt?"

"Oh! A relapse! You poor thing!" someone gushed.

"Is there something we can do?"

"Is there anything you need?"

NEED? YES!! They had all come within touching distance now. All he had to do was reach out a hand. What I need is ... he mentally slapped himself. No!! Control yourself, the Shard berated himself. They were all too near and making meaningless cooing noises. Temptation was growing exponentially by the second, the fire within him burning hot and bright. If he encouraged them, would they scream in fright or would they be willing to be with him? Get a grip! Remember who you are and where you are! He backed himself against the solid wall for support. The cold stone surface helped to sober him a little and anchor him to reality.

"N-nooo," Ghost stammered heroically tearing his eyes away from their magnetic bosoms. Swallowing nervously, he started sweating. His willpower was fading fast.

Distraction. He needed a distraction before he lost all sense of propriety and jeopardize his mission. That thought spurred him to dig his fingernails into his injured palm. The pain brought him sharply back to his senses.

"I'm o'kay. Thank you all for your concern," he said shakily. "I won't take up anymore of your time."

"Awww, really?"

"Are you sure?"

"It's no trouble at all, Ghost," replied another coyly. "Anything you need, please tell me ... us."

"Ugh," Ghost cleared his throat. So tempting! But the Five clamped down on his unruly thoughts. She did not know what she was saying. "I know you're all busy. You can continue on your way. Please, don't mind me."


There was a hint of disappointment in the collective exclamation but the maid in charge took the hint, bowed to Ghost and waved good bye. He was right, they were very busy. The numerous guests were always asking for things and kept all the maids running around.

They finally continued down the hallway much to Ghost's relief. He licked his dry lips and let out a shuddering breath. Slowly he stumbled forward. It was getting harder to walk with every step. He felt so hot and swollen.

By now, the Shard realized what Lord Yuan had tried to do. The scum had tried to drug Shuang with some form of love drug. His raging arousal was proof enough. Did Lord Yuan think he could bed Shuang then force her to marry him when she realized what she had done? Once ruined, she would be too ashamed to marry anyone else. She was already half persuaded by his sweet empty words and flattering attention, did he really have to go that far? Logic confirmed that he did. The noble did not have the leisure to persuade her with just words anymore. Lord Yuan had to bed her before the Engagement banquet tomorrow. It was a disgusting move by the young Lord, one to guarantee his agenda.

Ghost groaned. He had to get away from people until the drug wore off. He did not want to hurt anyone or cause any misunderstandings. With so many Houses together, it was not just a gathering of nobles for a wedding but a political timebomb. Anything could happen. A small mistake could start wars.

Shuddering, he made his way to the half frozen lake. No one would be there now. Maybe a good dunking in the cold waters would lessen his inflamed body and cure his growing lust.

Then he saw an angel.

Xi Xiu.

Ghost let out a tortured breath. No!! Not now. Of all the people to meet. He could not allow her to come near him. He could hurt her or ... worse. He turned around quickly but lost his balance in his haste and fell to one knee. The sudden jolt sent delicious sensations along his legs. Damn his nether regions! It was making simple movements difficult.

"Xiao Gui! What's wrong?"

In an instant she was next to him. Grabbing his arm, she propped him up. Her touch made his body react intensely shocking him. He gasped digging his fingernails desperately into his injured palm. Bright red blood soaked the white bandages. Pain was his friend now. It was the only thing keeping him sane. He refused to use her!

"N-noo, don't touch me!"

He broke away scuttling backwards. Afraid.

"Don't touch you?" Zhang Xi Xiu asked in confusion trying not to take offense. What a strange explanation. It was not like him at all to be so rude or abrupt. She had felt him trembling at her touch. She studied him. He was pale and seemed unfocused on his surroundings. And he was sweating. Really? Sweating in the middle of winter? What had he been doing?

Ghost groaned. He hung his head unable to meet her gaze. His mind was a mess, a jumble of thoughts, all of which was erotic. Xi Xiu was perfect. She was smart, strong-willed and pretty. Then he frowned, but she was also argumentative, opinionated and pushy. She was a promising spy, fighter and could take care of herself. She was the total package.

She was also the young mistress of House Zhang but most importantly, she was Xi Xuan's baby sister. He could not, would not take advantage of her.

However, he could not help his greedy eyes from roaming Xi Xiu's girlish figure. She was all in the right proportions. Her young body was just blossoming but her soft womanly shape was already forming. Xi Xiu was dressed in a flattering pastel robe with wide flowing sleeves. The pale rosy colour suited her cute features. She smelled heavenly like that night on the roof. It was her own unique fragrance. A silly smile formed on his lips at the memory.

"He's finally gone crazy," Xi Xiu muttered to herself.

She reached for his forehead.


"Stay still! I'm not going to hurt you."

Xiao Gui had a fever and was burning up. That was probably why he was acting so weird. He was not in his right mind.

He pushed her away and tried to get up. "I need to go to the lake."

"The lake? Why?"

"I need to get in."

"In? You want to go for a swim in a half frozen lake in the middle of winter?"

He paused before nodding. "Yeah," he answered bleakly. Then he doubled over as the first of hot flushes washed over him. "Oooh, oh wow ..."

"Why?" Xi Xiu asked unaware of his internal struggles.

"Why? Because I'm hot ... so very hot. Aren't you feeling hot?" Ghost tugged at his scarf again, loosening it even more.

He glanced at her. Looking at her again was a mistake. Her half opened moist pink lips called to him. Her soft hair fluttered in the breeze and her anxious large brown eyes almost drowned him. Hastily he dropped his gaze but his eyes were drawn to her modest chest. Why was she breathing like that? The rhythmic rise and fall of her cute bosom fascinated him.

Ghost grunted, both hands balling into fists. He wished he was anywhere but here. He did not want to hurt her or use her. If only he was at the Blue Peony or the Singing Nightingale. Then it would be girls galore. He would pay them and they would get his business. It was a win-win situation.

"That's it! You're not making any sense. You're sick and I'm taking you to the Healers."

"No, I'm not sick. I'm just ... ahhh," he trembled violently as another wave washed over him. This one was stronger.

"You're not sick?" She studied him carefully and came to a conclusion. "O'kay, then I'm taking you to Gege. He will know what to do," she said shrewdly.

For some reason, Xiao Gui did not want his condition to be known. That was clear if he was avoiding the Healers. Gege had loads of information at his fingertips and much more experience than her. He would know what was wrong with Xiao Gui.

Xi Xiu hauled Ghost up and bullied him all the way to Plum Blossom (House Zhang rooms) making sure no one saw them along the way. He could barely keep up at the fast pace she set. If she had not been shepherding him, he would surely have fallen behind and given up.

Moving was difficult. Right now, his feet were not cooperating much and neither was his mind. He had to practically focus on walking, dragging one foot in front of the other by sheer willpower. His wayward eyes kept looking at her heaving bosom, the twin mounds under her clothes filling his mind with erotic images. It took a great deal of effort not to reach out and touch her or grab her bouncing behind. He slapped himself mentally again for the unseemly thoughts and kept digging his fingernails into his bleeding palm.

When she finally stopped well inside Plum Blossom's courtyard, he heaved a sigh of relief. All the tempting jiggling ceased as well.

"O'kay, we are safe here. You stay put, I'm going to look for Gege."

"So pretty," he murmured wistfully.


"I said you're so very pretty," Ghost repeated huskily, his dark eyes alight with desire. He stepped nearer, closing the distance between them. Hesitantly, he raised a hand to stroke the side of her face tenderly. He was encouraged when she did not avoid his touch. In fact, she leaned into his hand. She was so soft, her glowing skin was like the rarest of silk. Her face was like the radiant full moon. She was so beautiful.

She was Xi Xiu.

Xi Xiu shivered as Ghost's low velvety voice caressed her. The way he looked at her, his stance and the undivided attention he was giving her captivated her. Her heart fluttered wildly. In that instant, he seemed somehow different. The minute changes made him extremely attractive, fascinating and dangerously alluring. She had never felt like this before. Her worrying was replaced by another intense emotion, one that suddenly engulfed her making her breathless.

He drew her in effortlessly. The whole world seem to stop as she stared at him.

"Xi Xiu."

He reached for her.

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