Chapter 42 - First Kiss

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"Xi Xiu."

The young girl shivered as Ghost's low velvety voice caressed her name like a lover's touch. His tone and timbre promised illicit pleasures. Slowly, he drew her in for a kiss and she complied willingly.

Xi Xiu's heart fluttered wildly when their lips met. It was her first real kiss from a man. And not just any man but her handsome annoying Xiao Gui! Her secret fantasies were about to come true! She closed her eyes in anticipation. She hoped it would be as magical as she had heard.

Ghost kissed her gently as if tasting her. He started with little tentative touches with his lips as if afraid she would withdraw. If she did, he would try his damnest to let her go. After all, there was still the cold half frozen lake waiting to cure him. He was not so far gone that he could not restrain himself. Yet, it would be the hardest thing he would have ever done if he had to stop now, but that was far better than hurting Xi Xiu.

When she did not pull away, his heart swelled in gratification and amazement. Encouraged, Ghost pressed himself firmly against against her. He parted her soft lips and kissed her deeply engulfing her in pleasure. She squeezed her eyes surrendering herself to the sweetest sensations. Her body trembled, her heart fluttered wildly like a hummingbird's wings and her legs suddenly felt weak. If not for Xiao Gui's strong arms around her, she would probably have melted into a puddle at his feet!

Cocooned in his warm embrace, she felt protected, safe and treasured. She couldn't believe it. Her Xiao Gui was holding her in his arms and kissing her!

It was an unconscious decision but it was at that moment, when Xi Xiu claimed Xiao Gui as hers.

So this was how it felt like to be kissed by your crush! It was so exciting, so romantic, so wonderful. Xiao Gui was holding her tenderly as if she was fragile and breakable. She'd show him. She was a quick learner. With much enthusiasm, Xi Xiu flung both her arms around his neck, pulled him closer and kissed him soundly back.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

Xi Xiu's eyes were startled opened at her brother's voice but she did not break away from Xiao Gui's embrace. Hastily, she held up an imperious hand behind the Shard's back to stop her brother. If Gege ruined her first kiss, she swore she would absolutely kill him!

Lord Zhang and his Captain stopped dead in their tracks and kept silent as commanded. Both men gaped staring incredulously at the couple. Xiao Gui was oblivious to the interruption. He was lost in another world. When Xi Xiu was done, she disengaged and pushed the reluctant Shard gently away. He looked dazed. She looked smug and very satisfied with herself.

Their lips brushing against each other outside Lady Shuang's rooms earlier was nice and exciting but it was also just an accident. A very nice accident. But this, now this was a real kiss! It was the perfect first kiss!


As if released by a spell, Xi Xuan frowned. "Xiu Xiu! Xiao Gui! Explain yourself!" he said in a dangerous voice. Although he wanted them together, this public display was not what he had in mind. Some decorum must be kept even for a scoundrel like Xiao Gui!

"Xiu Xiu! Xiao Gui! Explain yourself!"

Even before he finished speaking, Captain Zhang's sword was unsheathed and at the Shard's exposed throat. No one disrespected any of the Zhang family members like that and lived!

"Lady Zhang, is he hurting you?"

"Of course not! Xiao Gui would never hurt me!" replied Xi Xiu indignantly.

"Xiao Gui?" Captain Zhang was startled as Lady Zhang revealed the intruder's identity. He glanced at his cousin for confirmation. "This?  This is the elusive Ghost who continually defies all my defenses? The Xiao Gui? The Shard?" He looked back skeptically at the bewildered youth. He seemed totally harmless.

"Yes ..." Xi Xuan said as he assessed the situation and recovered from his initial shock. "It would seem so."

"Eh? Really?" Captain Zhang frowned in confusion. If this was the skilled Shard who was friends with Xi Xuan, why wasn't he defending himself? The man under his blade was standing passively with a stupefied expression on his delicate boyish face.

Xi Xuan had just finished discussing personal security arrangements for his Engagement banquet tomorrow with Captain Zhang. They had also made contingency plans in case their plans went awry. He liked to be prepared for every outcome. Today was the last day for preparations.

Zhang Xi Xuan looked from his smug sister to his unsteady friend. His elegant eyebrows shot up when he saw Ghost's cloak on the ground near the entrance. His eyes travelled to the Shard's forlorn scarf which lay abandoned a few more steps into the courtyard and just at their feet, his outer belt. The ties to his robes had mysteriously come undone and his white inner shirt hung loosely from his shoulders exposing his bare front. The ground was also littered with several of the Shards throwing weapons.

His eyes darted to his baby sister. Luckily for her and for him, she was still fully and properly clothed. If not, he would punish the Shard severely, friend or not!

"What's wrong with him?" Captain Zhang asked. "And why is he parading about half dressed?" He pressed the edge of his sword lifting Xiao Gui's chin up.

"That's what I want to know. Xi Xiu ...?"

"Oooh! I didn't realize he was undressing," she coughed embarrassed yet couldn't resist taking a peek at Xiao Gui's sculpted body.

"Ahem!" Xi Xuan cleared his throat meaningfully.

"Exactly right?" Xi Xiu rattled off trying to recover from her unexpected kiss and excellent view of the Shard's half covered body. Her heart was still beating faster than usual and her cheeks were flushed a rosy red. Xiao Gui looked so cute and adorable just standing there.

"I saw him stumbling toward the frozen lake. He wanted to go swimming to cool off his fever."

"Go swimming?"

"Yes. I thought something was off and brought him here. Gege, you must know what's wrong with him. He is not acting like himself. Is he sick?"

"He is definitely not acting like himself, not if he plans to see the sun rise in the sky tomorrow," said Xi Xuan pointedly. 

Xi Xiu lowered her gaze demurely but not before Xi Xuan caught her unrepentant smirk. He schooled his face, this was not the time to congratulate himself on his plan coming together. Yes, he wanted them together but that was not what was important right now. Something strange was going on with Xiao Gui. 

He gestured at Captain Zhang. "It's o'kay Zi Min. Stand down. There's something not quite right here."

"He walked in and ravaged Lady Zhang in broad daylight," said Captain Zhang indignantly unwilling to lower his sword.

Xi Xiu giggled and blushed again. "He did not force me, Captain. I could've pushed him away at any time. Right Xiao Gui?"

Ghost nodded happily in agreement as if drunk. Then he looked down and groaned. 

"Ohh, aahh ... damn it." He swallowed suddenly struggling to stay upright.

"But you didn't?" asked Captain Zhang bewildered.

"Hrummpphhh, I think it was the other way around. Xi Xiu was taking advantage of Xiao Gui," muttered Xi Xuan.

"Are you sure, Lady Zhang?" asked the Captain doubtfully.

His question shifted Ghost's attention to the Captain. Carelessly, the Shard pushed away the blade and stumbled forwards. The soldier caught Ghost as he fell. The boy weighed nothing at all. Captain Zhang could feel the boy shaking.

"Aaah!!" the Shard mumbled again in discomfort.

Ghost groaned again clutching at the Captain's front robes and lowering his head as fresh waves of heat and lust washed over him. It was getting stronger and making him very uncomfortable. At this rate, everyone looked desirable to him.

"Wow, you're so big and strong ..." slurred Ghost patting the Captain's biceps affectionately. He totally ignored the unsheathed sword. Captain Zhang really was a manly man. "You totally deserve to be a Captain."

"Hey!" Xi Xiu's eyes widened. Was Xiao Gui coming onto Zi Min? What about her? "Is he delusional? His fever ..."

"Umm, my Lord Zhang ..." Captain Zhang called awkwardly. This was not what he had trained for. The Shard was really unpredictable and getting a little bit inappropriate. He was leaning against Zi Min for support but had gotten distracted by the Captain's broad chest. Xiao Gui had started a close inspection of the Captain's leather armor and tugged at a few dangling cords experimentally.

"... Xi Xuan!" gulped the Captain of House Zhang. "Help?!"

"Let's bring him inside. Then we can examine him," instructed Xi Xuan.

"Xi Xuan?" Ghost repeated dreamily after Captain Zhang.

Why had he never noticed how tall and attractive Xi Xuan was? His sharp sculpted face really suited him, but he should smile more, thought Ghost. Then he wouldn't look so stern all the time. Xi Xuan's beautiful long shiny hair fell all the way past his slim waist. It completed his elegant gentlemanly look. He was good at fighting too although he hid the fact. Ghost smiled winningly at Lord Zhang. Shuang was a lucky girl to be marrying him indeed.

"Cousin, why is he smiling at you like that?" coughed Captain Zhang. He threw his cousin a glance. Was something different today?

"I don't know," said Xi Xuan but he clutched his cloak closed all the same, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and self conscious. Who wouldn't when the handsome Shard was looking so interestedly at them like that? Ghost looked like he was going to eat him whole.

"C'mon. Get him inside out of the cold. He'd freeze with only those on."

Captain Zhang finally sheathed his sword. He would need both hands to handle the disoriented Shard.

Ghost clung onto Captain Zhang as he tried to right himself. Standing was proving an impossible task. His legs refused to cooperate. His clothes flapped about him as he struggled to stand revealing more skin.

"Xiu Xiu! Close your eyes!" growled Xi Xuan much to his sister's amusement.

She giggled at Gege's scolding tone. Too late. She had already gotten a glimpse of Xiao Gui's nicely toned body. She blushed at the sight of his bare skin but continued to look appreciatively at his abdominal muscles. Xiao Gui really had a very nice body.


"Huh? Where?"

Everyone looked at where Xi Xiu was pointing. Blood was smeared on Captain Zhang's arm where Ghost had patted him with his bleeding hand. The bandage on his hand was thoroughly soaked and dripping with Ghost's continued abuse of his wound.

Xi Xiu's exclamation seemed to jar Ghost out of his stupor. Ghost shook his head violently a few times trying to clear it. His arousal was so intense now that it was actually painful. He felt he was going to burst if he did not do something soon. It was so hard to think but his confused mind finally found a solution without taking advantage of anyone here. He did not want to hurt anyone. After all, they were all his friends ... his very, very, very attractive friends.


This was getting too much. He couldn't bear much more. Everything was clouding his mind. All he could think of was carnal pleasures ... it was time to put a stop to this internal torture. Instinctively his hand balled into a fist again pressing his fingernails into his wound. More blood seeped out. Pain, that was it. Only pain could distract him now. It gave him an opening to formulate a plan. He did not like feeling muddled and out of control.

His hand darted out to snatch the Captain's dagger from his belt. But the Captain was alert and blocked the Shard. Denied the nearest dagger, Ghost had to settle for an alternative weapon.

It took a tremendous amount of effort but Ghost managed to twist around and roll on the ground. He stopped in a half crouch at his fallen shards. He picked one and held it up. Captain Zhang immediately moved to place himself in between Xi Xuan and the crazed Shard.

"Xiao Gui, don't do anything you'll regret." Captain Zhang warned the armed assassin.

If Xiao Gui threw the weapon, he would protect his Lord. When it came down to the wire, Xi Xuan was more important than Xi Xiu. Zhang Xi Xuan was the heir and future of House Zhang.

"No, I don't think that's what he is after... he ... Xiao Gui!!" Xi Xuan shouted when he realized what Ghost intended.

Everything happened so fast.

Ghost's eyes darted from his leg to his torso. Where should he cut for the best effect? Should he stab his leg or his stomach? There was a spot where he would not injure any vital organs. It would cause the most pain though. He held up his wounded hand. Or should he just cut his hand again? Maybe his arm? That way he would not need to injure other parts his body. He frowned indecisively.

Finally, Ghost made a decision and grasped the deadly shard with both hands. He raised it higher and aimed inwards. He would just plunge it into his stomach. The pain would take his mind off his nether regions for a bit.

At the last second, his eyes flickered briefly at Xi Xuan desperately before he shut them. 

"No!!" shouted Xi Xuan.

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