Chapter 47 - Rendezvous

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Lord Yuan kept his cool while walking Shuang back to her rooms. She was upset that her insolent bodyguard had drunk the cup he had offered her and rightly so! Ghost's rude behavior had spoiled her mood and the intimate atmosphere he had worked so hard to create.

He too was seething inside. That meddling bodyguard had foiled his carefully laid out plans. Ghost had also wasted his very expensive aphrodisiacs drug! He used it sparingly, usually depending on his charms and position to lure girls. It was his last opportunity to drug Shuang and bed her before the engagement banquet. Deflowering her guaranteed the maiden marrying him. She would have no choice. It would be the only way for her to save face and her family's reputation.

Now, thanks to Ghost, he would have to try again. Tonight. There would be no more chances after tonight.

He would have to get Shuang alone to persuade her. He'd have to seal the deal tonight or lose his hefty bet with his friends. Not only that, he would also lose the prospect of acquiring Zhai's highly trained soldiers which the Ruling Lord had pledged to his new son-in law as a wedding gift. Wasn't that what the rumors said? It had been confirmed by several sources. Military strength, that was what House Zhai was known for. The battalion would greatly improve House Yuan's prestige and defenses, and he would be in charge of them!

"Please, don't be angry Lady Shaung. It is not good for your health," Shun Xi said in a persuasive voice.

"I know, but I can't help it."

She turned to gaze at Shun Xi. "I'm so sorry. I ... I feel bad for letting Ghost ruin everything. I feel so upset. Now, all I want is to rest and calm my nerves."

"It's alright Lady Shuang. I understand. Maybe ..." he left his sentence hanging.

"Maybe?" she half turned.

He smiled winningly at Lady Shuang. "Maybe after you have rested, we could meet again?"

"Meet?" she asked. "When? There is no more time. Tomorrow I will officially be Lord Zhang's. My father will announce it in front of everyone at the banquet," she said sadly. "I don't really want to marry that old man."

Old man? Wasn't Lord Zhang only twenty-five? At that age, he was just entering into his prime years, thought Shun Xi in surprise, then he checked himself. Of course, compared to Lady Shuang who was going to be sixteen years in a few days, Lord Zhang was old. He grinned. That was a bonus point in his favor.

"Lady, meet me tonight. I may have a way for you to save yourself."


"Yes, please come alone. Don't bring your bodyguards," he pleaded. "There will be no danger and I will be there to protect you. They are always butting in our time together, especially Ghost."

"I ... I don't know."

"Please, Lady. I ..." Shun Xi lowered his voice dramatically and caught her gaze. "I love you, Lady Shuang. I have never met another woman as beautiful, cultured or as enchanting as you. Please give me one last chance. It would mean a lot to me. I may not be able to love another after this but at least I will have one last sweet memory with you."

"Alright," she said looking down demurely but her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. Lord Yuan really knew how to make her feel better! He was so sweet.

Another night time secret meeting at the pavilion. He wanted to be alone with her! How romantic was that? Shun Xi really cared for her. He was thinking of ways to save her even at the very last moments.

She smiled coyly at him. "Tonight then."

"Thank you, dearest Lady," he said. On impulse, he reached out to catch her hand and squeezed it. He let go before LiQuin saw him and Key could object.

Shuang giggled at his audacity. Her heart raced at this daring man. She couldn't wait for tonight.


In his opinion, the meeting that night went very well. Shuang had actually managed to turn up alone. She was all excited and flustered to actually be by herself with a man at night. Not even her personal maid, LiQuin had accompanied her!

Shun Xi grinned. This was his chance. He must not mess it up. Using the drug now was inappropriate. The timing was off. It's effects usually lasted a whole day. She would not recover her senses by the time the banquet begun. It was scheduled for early evening and expected to last throughout the night. It would not do if she arrived crying hysterically at being deflowered or ashamed at her actions. She may also still be feeling amorous, wouldn't that be funny?

The only way now was to persuade her convincingly of his 'love'.

Yuan Shun Xi coaxed her tirelessly for almost an hour. He reciprocated her coquettish attitude and responded with meaningless words to stroke her ego. He held her hands to warm them up and hugged her gently to heighten the trill of her forbidden experience.

Lord Yuan smiled as he cajoled her with praise of her artistic nature and her love of painting. Perhaps ... she could help him design beautiful jewelry from the gems mined from his lands. Her unique designs would be the talk throughout the lands. She would be contributing to House Yuan and her name would be well known by all if she joined him. Not only was she a beauty but she also created beauty. Together, they would make lovely jewelry and accessories that would last forever, just like their love.

Of course, she would also be showered with rare gems and have first pickings for herself as the precious lady love to the heir of House Yuan. As proof, he gently placed a large blood red ruby ring into her hands, a gift he had prepared for her. A token of his love so that she had something to remember him by.

Later, he accompanied her back walking slowly by her side. He spoke in the softest voice, asking her to give him a chance. He promised to make her happy and cherish her always. They could have a wonderful future and make a beautiful family together. Everyone would be jealous of them, the perfect couple.

Shun Xi could tell that Shuang was tempted but the girl was undecided and wanted to think things through. He would have his answer tomorrow at the banquet, she promised.

Undaunted, Shun Xi kissed her hand lingeringly before letting her go reluctantly. Shaung fluttered her lashes and lowered her head shyly. She blushed furiously, her heart thumping wildly in her heart. Oh! How he could make her feel so wanted, adored and alive! She ran the last few steps to her rooms turning for a last look at her suitor before disappearing through the doors.

Lord Yuan sighed. The silly girl had to string the game out. She really loved this kind of melodrama where she had seeming 'control' over the fate of men. Well, he would have to wait until tomorrow. How annoying. He hated waiting. That put him back into a sour mood. He had wanted good news to celebrate and brag to his friends. He wanted to know that he had won!

"Damn that spoilt little girl. Damn Shuang!"

Once he had achieved his goals and won his bet, he could discard her. Useless brat. Just wait until he married her and got control over the Zhai soldiers. Once he assumed command of them, then she would be totally useless. Well, maybe not totally ... she was physically flawless. He would use and enjoy her fresh body but ensure she knew her place in his House. A slow smile of anticipation formed on his face. The virgin beauty of Zinnu, his to do as he pleased! It may not be such a bad deal after all.

Then another wonderful thought struck the young Lord. Ghost had drunk the drug!

His smile widened into a delighted smirk. Maybe Shuang's annoying bodyguard would wreak havoc and go on a raping spree. That would definitely tarnish his reputation beyond repair, he thought gleefully. It would be a good reason to get rid of Ghost permanently. A dangerous rapist! It would be better if several girls he 'encountered' whilst crazed were from various Houses. The respective Lords and Ladies would definitely take offense if members of their household were hurt or accosted by the rogue bodyguard. How deliciously heinous!!

He would have to check if anyone complained later tonight or tomorrow. He rubbed his hands together in glee. Ghost was done for! Even if Shuang's bodyguard did not ravage anyone, maybe he could get several of his maids and servants to accuse him falsely? No, he decided, he would get his people to accuse Ghost only if there were other cases. If only his House pointed fingers at him, it would be too obvious that it was a staged attempt at discrediting Ghost.

Shun Xi's growing hatred for the interfering bodyguard had intensified after that stunt he pulled that morning. He would end Ghost no matter the outcome of the drug he promised himself. That bodyguard was like a thorn in his side. It was time to get rid of him once and for all.

After formulating his plans Shun Xi felt much calmer. When he reach his own rooms, he was in a much better mood.


Ghost opened his eyes to silence and peace. The serene atmosphere seemed so surreal after his horrible nightmare. It was intense and so real, as if he had transported back in time to relive his past knowing the terrible end. His body was drenched in cold sweat and his face wet with tears. Suddenly, the thick fluffy blanket covering him felt suffocating.

He was about to throw it off when he noticed Xi Xiu. Wait! What? Did she really stay by his side throughout his ordeal? He looked at her still form feeling disconcerted. He was not used to anyone caring for him. No one did. Why, even Xian the Dark Sect Healer would have left him alone to rest after patching him up. She tended to injured Shards, after that, recovery was left to each of them.

His whole life, no one had cared or helped him until Old Wolf came along. It was like another life in another time.

Over time, he learn gratefulness and kindness from Old Wolf. Old Wolf, the scarred and scary looking warrior who appeared miraculously out of nowhere to rescue him from his shallow grave. The old warrior had taken his time with the distrustful and broken boy, coaxing him patiently. Young Ghost learned how to survive, learning skills that came naturally to him. Trust and respect in Old Wolf came later and grudgingly.

Old Wolf was nothing like his father. Father had never said sorry, he had never apologized. What kind of monster would beat his own flesh and blood and then sell him to certain death? Although it was a long time ago, the pain was etched too deeply in his heart to forgive or forget.

Forgive? No, never! He would never ever forgive his father. He couldn't.

Although, the boy appeared to recover and adjust to society, underneath the false exterior he remained skeptical and cynical. His uncharacteristic reaching out to the heir of House Zhang that fateful day was impulsive, more an unconscious cry for friendship from his abyss of loneliness.

Following Xi Xuan around he observed that the young heir practiced utmost discretion in his interactions with his people. Since information was his business and secrecy was currency, Xi Xuan was in a unique position. He was trained to keep his mouth shut and knew the weight of betrayal. It was shocking that his network of spies literally trusted him with their very lives. It was a mystery and Ghost wondered how it could be real.

Morbid curiosity won and he risked exposure. Young Lord Zhang was a safe and ideal experiment. Xi Xuan was an exception and a very welcomed surprise. Over time, he proved his worth and kept their tentative friendship from exposure and exploitation. Ghost had not realized how much he had craved real friendship.

And now, his friend's lovely sister was by his side.

An indescribable feeling engulfed him, a warm fuzziness he had never experienced before. Instead of making him feel loved, her actions made him feel nervous and confused. Xi Xiu ... cared? Seriously? How? Why? Ghost could comprehend acting kind for a mission and adapting postures for situations but to really care? Wasn't that too risky?

Since meeting Xi Xuan, he had adjusted to the concept of true friendship albeit it was limited to one person. However he could not understand how or why Xi Xiu would waste the whole night by his side. She had more important things to do, like get proper rest and preparing for her brother's Engagement Banquet. She was the groom's sister!

Then understanding dawned on him. Ahhh, she did not know he was a curse and born a killer, he thought sadly. Well then, it would be on him to maintain the appropriate boundaries. He could like her but he could not have her. He had understood a long time ago that he was not fit to be with anyone. Being cursed. he would only bring death and disaster to everyone. That's why being a Shard was perfect.

Slowly, Ghost pushed himself up carefully so as not to wake Xi Xiu who had fallen asleep at bedside. Her head was cradled in her arms. He picked up the blanket and draped it over her shoulders. Then he closed his eyes for a second and let out a shuddering breath.

Too many emotions seemed to assault him simultaneously. Chaos and confusion reigned his mind with the after effects of the nightmare and the unfamiliar warmth of Xi Xiu's care. It made him anxious and unsure of himself. Thankfully the effects of the drugs had worn off.

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