Chapter 48 - Mismatched

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All was quiet and peaceful in the wee morning hours. It was still dark outside, perfect for reading and catching up on reports. Zhang Xi Xuan scanned a scroll as he waited patiently for his friend to wake up. He guessed Xiao Gui would want some answers before leaving.

The bright burning flames from the yellowish candles did not even flicker when Ghost entered the room. Zhang Xi Xuan looked up from the missive he was reading alerted to the Shard's presence only by his anticipation of Ghost's arrival and his martial arts training. Anyone else would have been oblivious to the Five's entrance.

"Ahhh Xiao Gui, you're awake. I thought you'd stop by on your way out," said Xi Xuan as he covered his scroll carefully. He folded it over as he laid it down on the table ensuring its contents remained confidential. "How are you feeling?"

"Better ... much better." Ghost paused, unsure how to express his feelings. It was unnerving every time Xi Xuan proved his trustworthiness, support or helped him without question. Even after years of friendship, the novelty of having a true friend like Xi Xuan still surprised him.

"Thank you," he said simply. He did not know how else to express his gratitude.

Xi Xuan picked up his large handheld fan and flicked it open. Then he cleared his throat and a slow warm smile formed on his thin lips. "Xi Xiu helped too, you know," he said in a voice that indicated he knew exactly where and what his sister had been doing all night.

"I, ahhh ... " Ghost flushed. "Please thank her for me. I didn't want to wake her up."

"You should thank her yourself. If she hadn't brought you here ..." Xi Xuan shook his head, "It may have been a disaster."

He waited for his statement to sink in. By the solemn expression on Xiao Gui's face, he fully understood the implications and grasped the gravity of the situation. What Lord Yuan did was basically treason against the Ruling family. The Shard had saved Shuang's reputation, preserving her virtue and honour.

A sudden look of panic crossed his face and he caught Xi Xuan's gaze.

"Did I ... ahhh, cause any problems yesterday?" he asked. If he had hurt Xi Xiu in any way, he would never forgive himself. In fact, Xi Xuan could and probably would order him killed if he did. Ghost swallowed, his mind racing. Xi Xuan wouldn't be so civil to him now if he did something wrong, right?

"You mean kissing my baby sister?"

"Kissing? Xi Xiu?" gulped Ghost swallowing hard.

Oh my God! It was real. He had thought the deep sweet kiss he had shared with Xi Xiu was part of his drugged fantasies of her. She had been so soft, willing and had practically melted in his arms. Didn't she kiss him back? Bringing his head to meet her lips again when he tried to regain control? He frowned trying to remember. Did he kiss her or she him? It had been difficult to distinguish between reality and fantasy at that time.

"I did?"

"You don't remember?" Xi Xuan asked in a dangerous voice raising an elegant eyebrow questioningly. He started fanning himself slowly. Somehow his casual move seem like a warning. Ghost paled under Xi Xuan's cold stare. This was not Zhang Xi Xuan his friend, this was Zhang Xi Xiu's elder brother.

"Ahhh ... I ... she ... is she angry? Are you angry?"


"Please tell her I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take advantage ..."

"Tell her yourself."

"What ...?" asked Ghost startled. He had not heard anyone but turned around guiltily half expecting a furious Xi Xiu to be standing behind him with daggers in her hands. No one was there.

"You're evil."

Xi Xuan couldn't help it, he snapped his fan shut and chortled heartily. He shouldn't tease Xiao Gui so much but it was too much fun. After all, when would he ever get another opportunity like that? The Shard should learn how to loosen up.

Xi Xiu was as much at fault if not more. Xi Xuan knew Xiao Gui had tried his best to control himself. He had intentionally gauged his wounded hand to distract himself with physical pain, didn't he? Tsk, tsk, tsk, everyone witnessed the Shard's resolute determination and perseverance in controlling himself.

Captain Zhang was stronger but Xiao Gui was faster. The crazy Shard had even risked plunging his own blade into his body rather than hurting any of them, thought Xi Xuan. If he had been a few seconds late or if he had not understood Xiao Gui's intentions, the youth would still be sleeping never to wake up. The important thing was that no one was hurt, especially his little sister.

The episode also proved the Shard's resolve and strict discipline. Unspoken too was his loyalty to his friends. Xiao Gui would make a good brother-in-law Xi Xuan decided.

"She enjoyed it ... thoroughly, I might add."

"She did?"

"Yes. You were practically undressing in our courtyard. She even got a glimpse of your ..." Xi Xuan paused dramatically eyeing Xiao Gui suggestively.

"My ... my what?" Xiao Gui's voice faltered as he turned a deep shade of red. He wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole! He should have just slipped out quietly and not stop to see Xi Xuan. It was too late now.

"... your bare chest and torso," smirked Xi Xuan wickedly. "She approves of your lean and well muscled body."

Ghost groaned closing his eyes. How was it possible to feel embarrass yet proud at the same time? What a weird feeling. Curse Xi Xuan!

"She also saw your ..."

Ghost winced, kept his eyes shut and held his breath. He should stay silent and not fall for the Spy Master's tricks again. Xi Xuan was not done teasing him yet it seemed. He prepared himself mentally for the worst. Please, please don't say I exposed myself, he prayed silently. I'll never be able to face her again.

"... Shard's Mark. She likes it."

Shard's Mark? Is that all? Letting out his breath slowly, the Shard opened his eyes to a grinning Xi Xuan. For a moment he wanted to strangle his only friend. Then he gave a small relieved laugh. He had not hurt Xi Xiu and he had not exosed himself! Thank God!!

"You're evil. Pure evil."

"I know," smirked the Lord of House Zhang. "By the way, thank you for saving my bride's reputation and virtue. My House's too. I owe you."

"I was just doing my job."

"No. I mean it. Thanks to you, Lady Shuang's reputation is intact and our Houses can join without shame. If you ever need anything in the future, anything at all, I will grant it within my power."

Ghost bowed instinctively, recognizing that Xi Xuan was now speaking as Lord of his House. "Thank you. I will remember it."

"Now on to another matter. I wanted to ask you what do you think of my sister. What do you think of Xi Xiu ... as a woman? Do you have feelings for her?"


"I introduced you both hoping you would hit it off. The young lords in the nearby provinces are all politically motivated and any alliances with them will eventually lead House Zhang into disaster."

Xi Xuan cleared his throat. "Xi Xiu will have to marry when she comes of age, you know. As the new head of my House I have a responsibility of finding a good husband for my sister. And the best match I found for her is you my friend."

"Me?" Ghost laughed cynically. "Are you mad? In case you've forgotten, I'm a Shard ... you know, thief, spy, killer?" He rambled the litany of unsavoury traits which was their public reputation. The Dark Sect was frowned upon until someone needed them, then they were the best of what they do. "In short, a lowlife," Ghost finished off crossing his arms defensively.

Lord Zhang drew himself up and shook his head in disagreement. Xiao Gui was selling himself short. "No my friend. I see loyalty, discipline and a skilled fighter. A survivor. A trusted friend ... depending on how you look at it."

Ghost sighed.

"My dearest Lord Zhang, although I do treat you with familiarity at times, I do know my place in the schemes of things. As you should know, I'm not good enough, especially for someone as special as Xi Xiu. She is a noble lady of the prestigious House Zhang and more importantly, your lovely baby sister. I'm afraid, she is out of my league. I'm not fit for her or to be part of your honourable House. I'm just a commoner with a questionable background."

X Xuan's ears perked up at his friend's unconscious endearment of his sister but Xiao Gui's next words made him frown.

"In all honesty, I dare not commit to a real relationship. Not now, maybe not ever." He hung his head. "I like Xi Xiu, I really do but I cannot give her or anyone a future."

"Why not?"

"What can I offer her other than a life filled with danger and worries? She will only be safe as a friend ... only then can she have a happy life."

Ghost caught and held Xi Xuan's gaze. "My life belongs to the Dark Sect. I'm for hire and live an uncertain life. I may die at any time," he said matter-of-factly. "It's an occupational hazard," he added to soften his words.

"I'm sorry, my Lord Zhang. I'd fail her if I couldn't be by her side when she needs me. I would not be able to offer her a safe life. All I would do is bring her misery and an unstable future."

Ghost took a step back, head bowed. Xi Xuan was smart enough to understand that he could never hurt Xi Xiu by making her a widow. He really liked her but deep down he knew he could never claim her. His feelings towards her did not matter, it should not!

"I will not interfere with her promising future. Find her a better match." Ghost lowered his gaze, "I'll leave you to get ready ... I have to return to my post."

Ghost left before Xi Xuan could say another word.

Xi Xuan had already spoken to Xi Xiu regarding Xiao Gui. She had admitted her growing feelings towards the Shard much to her brother's elation. She had accepted him. If only Xiao Gui would also accept Xi Xiu, his precious sister will forever be protected by the deadly Shard and he would be at ease. But now, his friend felt he was not good enough. What a dilemma. How could he persuade the stubborn Shard otherwise?

Xi Xiu found Xi Xuan lost in deep thoughts.

"Where is he, Gege? Where is Xiao Gui?"

"He's gone."

Xi Xiu sighed and pouted. She wanted to see if he had recovered fully from the drugs.

"Is he o'kay?"

"Yes, Xiu Xiu. He asked me to thank you for taking care of him last night."

"Is that all?" Indignation flared in her chest. "Ungrateful Shard," she muttered.

Xi Xuan smiled. "What else were you expecting? You're lucky he didn't remember your scandalous kiss."

"Gege!" she exclaimed giggling but had the grace to blush. Then she exchanged a naughty look with her brother. "If Xiao Gui did not remember the kiss, I'll have to do it again when he is sober!"

"Xiu Xiu!" laughed Xi Xuan. "You're terrible! Poor Xiao Gui! No wonder he ran off so quickly this morning!"

"I think I scared him."

"He's lucky to get away from your clutches."

She sniggered then sobered remembering Xiao Giu's restless night.

"I think Xiao Gui has some issues. He was having nightmares all night long. Gege, do you know anything about his past, not the stories you've been telling me but before that. Who is he? Where did he come from?"

"I've never pried into his past before," Xi Xuan shrugged and flicked open his fan. Fanning himself slowly, "I'll find out if it's bothering you so much. It may take time searching information on a Shard. The Dark Sect is secretive but our agents have never failed."

"There seems to be a knot in his heart that is causing him great pain. I want to help him unravel it and find peace," she said. 

The ache she felt for Xiao Gui during the night resurfaced as she remembered his heart wrenching sobs and tears when he was dreaming. Something or someone had hurt him deeply and she wanted to find out what it was. If she helped him heal his heart, then maybe he would accept her.

Realization hit her and she finally admitted her feelings to herself. She had truly fallen in love with Xiao Gui.

"Please Gege, please help me. I want to be with him."

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