Chapter 49 - Indecision

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According to the sun in the sky, there was still time before Shuang had to present herself at the Engagement Banquet. Enough time for Ghost to clear his mind and calm his inner self. The depressing echoes of last nights nightmare was still haunting him.

Habit took over and the Five found himself on the highest roof of one of the main buildings. He welcomed the peace and solitude on the snow covered tiles. Away from people and noise, his mood improved and his edginess melted away. He emptied his mind letting the chilly morning air blow against him. The cold helped him like it always did and his thoughts soon crystallized into acceptable logic. Acceptable to him so that he could make some sense of it.

Zhang Xi Xuan had once again proven himself a friend who could be trusted. He and his sister had taken him in, cared for him and ensured he had not hurt anyone when he was vulnerable. They had prevented him from wrecking havoc. For that, he was grateful. The incident would remain a secret, undisclosed to all except those directly involved. Thank the heavens those were few.

However, Xi Xuan's questions about Xi Xiu had unnerved him.

Ghost could not deny his growing affections for Xi Xiu but concluded he could never have her. Seeing how Xi Xuan was oblivious to the stark truth, it was up to him to keep proper boundaries. Although he felt his heart rebel in his chest, he knew he must try his best not fall in love with her. If he did, he would spread his curse onto her and taint her bright future. It might also affect Xi Xuan and House Zhang.

No, he could never allow that to happen! The Shard nodded to himself, feeling better for clearing that up. Control yourself, don't be selfish. Discipline is key.

Other thoughts then intruded into his mind. Yuan was after Shuang and was not above using vile means to secure her along with her title as daughter of House Zhai. She was not that innocent either since she allowed herself to be seduce by the young Lord. Hopefully she will come to her senses when she sees how much better Xi Xuan is.

Ghost was sure his friend was attractive enough to turn even her head and cater to her selective tastes. Didn't he himself find Xi Xuan alluring just last night ... along with everyone else. Ghost grimaced at the embarrassing memory. He'd just plead ignorance and pretend not to remember anything in front of them. It would be too embarrassing otherwise, he decided.

Once Shuang saw Xi Xuan, everything should go smoothly. Zhang Xi Xuan did not look old. He was tall, handsome and elegant with a mysterious intellectual air about him that would intrigue Shuang. He was also rich and powerful, evident with his luxurious bride gifts for both her and her family.

Ghost shrugged. He had to get his priorities right. It was not his place to tell her what to do. He and Key were just bodyguards. Whatever decision she made for her future was in her own hands. Their job was just to protect her physically and support her.

Ghost sighed. Thank God this mission would be over soon. He and Key could hold on until then. He couldn't wait to go back to the Dark Sect.

When his mind was clear again, the Shard reached for a particular tile. Removing it, he brought out a loosely bound book and a charcoal stick. Taking a moment to arrange his thoughts, he updated his journal. Since he was not free to go to the Blue Peony, he'd add this volume to his stash after the mission.

Almost half an hour went by before the Shard moved from his spot. By then he had regained his inner calm and focus. Feeling more in control, he descended back into society.


Ghost stopped by his room to refresh and change into the Elite's uniform. The two Shards were 'honorary' Elites and should look the part today. Since it was not too flashy, practical and did not hamper movement, he put it on.

House Zhai had requested them to wear the uniforms in order to 'match and highlight' the bride. They would flank Shuang as she entered the great hall and the rest of the real Elites would follow in twin rows behind them.

The dark reddish robes fell to his knees. It had black and silver motives along its borders. Matching black high boots were also prepared but Ghost preferred his own reinforced Shard's boots. He also ignored the slivers of red cloths to adorn his hair in favor for his usual leather thongs. The strong cords were strong enough to save him if need be or used to strangle an enemy.

When he was dressed, Ghost returned to his post.


Key fretted and paced outside Shuang's doors anxiously. Ghost was nowhere in sight and Shuang ... well, she was still getting ready. They were supposed to escort her to the banquet hall where she would present herself to her future husband.

Aarrghh! Where was he? The Five had not returned last night. Neither had he made contact nor leave further instructions other than 'Don't let Shuang eat or drink anything Lord Yuan offers'. Well, he had done that. Now what?

Key paused in his pacing. He had followed Shuang to her rendezvous last night despite her telling him not to. Too bad, he shrugged. He did not take orders from her. His loyalty was to the Dark Sect, then their contract with Lord Zhai, Ghost his supervising senior in this job and then, and only then to Shuang, in that order. Her forbidding him to do anything was quite useless.

The Three had followed Shuang discreetly keeping to the shadows. He had memorized and explored the whole Zhai estate upon direction and encouragement from Ghost. If they were going to be there for some time, it was better to know the layout, he said. Now, familiar with the place, Key melted into the pools of darkness easily.

The Shard relaxed marginally when he noticed that Lord Yuan had not prepared refreshments nor a warming brazier for his secret date with Shuang. Hah! They would not take long then, no one in their right mind would chit chat in the cold. He listened to their conversation but kept hidden from sight.

Their plans were at best far-fetched and inconceivable. Lord Yuan had declared his undying love, hugged her, touched her and promised her impractical things. All he wanted was to be with her. Key just shook his head at the silliness in the dark. This Lord would be in big trouble if word got out that he was seducing Shuang. Not only that, he could ruin his whole House. No one would want to be associated with a House in the Ruling House's bad graces.

The Three shrugged. Politics did not concern the Dark Sect. All he had to do was keep Shuang physically safe until her wedding. When the meeting was over, the Shard followed Shuang back to her rooms.

Kay wondered what it was that Ghost had drank yesterday. He hoped it was not poison and his mentor was laying dead or dying somewhere. Nah! He couldn't be. Ghost wouldn't be the awesome Five he idolized if he died from a little bit of poison ... right? Nevertheless, he was worried. Damn Lord Yuan!

"Gah! The stress is killing me," Key muttered anxiously to himself. If Ghost did not show up for the Engagement banquet soon, he would leave his post to find him. The mission be damned. Shuang was taking forever! His dark thoughts were interrupted when Ghost came into sight.

When Key spotted Ghost, he let out a sigh of relief. He felt a big weight lifted from his chest. Ghost was here! He would take charge again, he was not alone. Everything was alright.

"You're here. You made it!" Key exclaimed. "I was worried when you were gone all night.

Luckily Ghost had managed to change into their required uniforms as Shuang's personal bodyguards. This was the only time he would get to wear an identical outfit as Ghost and he reveled in it. When else would he get another chance to dress lie the Five?

He knew he looked good ... and so did Ghost. Wow! Ghost really cut a dashing figure indeed in the dark red outfit! Red suited him.

Then Key did a double take. Ghost looked pale and exhausted.

"What happened? You look like hell," the Three exclaimed. "Did you get into a fight? Was it poison you drank? Are you o'kay?"

Ghost shook his head. Key's sudden bombardment of questions were giving him a headache.


Key snorted. "She's in there, still getting ready."

Ghost raised his eyebrows. That was not what he meant. He had left Key alone in charge of the Target yesterday. He wanted her status.

"She's safe and unharmed."

At Key's confirmation, Ghost relaxed.


"The drugs Lord Yuan tried to give Shuang was quite ... draining. It's left me exhausted in mind and body. I had to get away until it wore off."

Ghost's explanation was short and vague, Key thought grumpily. He wanted details. What was the drug? What were its effects? Were there any side effects? How would it have harmed Shuang? It was not fatal since Ghost was here and still breathing he speculated.

However, the Five's tone indicated the episode was over and done with. He clearly did not want to talk about it. It did not impact the mission moving forward as Ghost had prevented Shuang from consuming it. Thus, he did not deem it necessary for further discussion. Perhaps the Five would make a more detailed report to Old Wolf later. He would just have to be patient. After all, he would be at the debriefing too. He would just have to wait until then to hear all the details.

Well, at least it did not incapacitate Ghost for too long. The Five seemed to have recovered overnight. Although he had a had fresh bandage on his hand and looked a little pale, Ghost was o'kay.

"What's taking her so long?"

"LiQuin said she's practically ready except for her accessories."


"Yeah. Shuang can't make up her mind what to wear to compliment her outfit, so Liquin has to wait for her decision."

Ghost frowned. Shuang did not have to decide. All she had to do was wear Xi Xuan's bride gifts.

"I'm going in."

"Hey! She's getting ready ... "

Ghost ignored Key's protests and opened the door to Shuang's room. He stepped in noiselessly. Key followed close behind. Shuang sat unmoving in a soft pink cloud of silk and gauze. She was lovely in her engagement robes, the epitome of a gentle noble maiden.

Seeing her after the night's ordeal made Ghost feel relieved. The Target was safe. The mission was not compromised. The Dark Sect would protect her until her wedding as promised. Today is her engagement and in a week's time, her wedding. She did not need to know about her near miss.

Slowly, the Five approached her.

"Lady Shuang?"

The young noble did not react, she was lost in a dilemma. In front of her lay an array of dark sparkling jewelry, the only thing left to complete her outfit. Lord Zhang's personal bride gift was set in the center. The 'Night Pearls' as Captain Zhang called them glistened mysteriously, its dark sheen oddly inviting. It promised security, prestige and wealth.

However, next to it lay a thick gold ring with a large ruby set in it. That promised love, romance and a lifetime of adoration.

She was trembling in indecision. Two futures awaited her. Which should she choose?

Ghost eyed the jewelry realizing Shuang's dilemma.

Shuang was conceited, vain and narcissistic but she was not stupid. The Shard was sure she would make the right decision in obeying her father's wishes once she saw Xi Xuan. Shuang would see that age did not matter in Xi Xuan's case. He did not look old. In fact, Lord Zhang was the embodiment of a gentle scholar. He was coldly handsome, elegant, powerful and rich, exactly what she wanted, wasn't it?

Lord Yuan would pale in comparison once she laid eyes on Xi Xuan.

He touched her shoulder and bent down startling her.

"Lady Shaung, its almost time," he said in his low velvety voice.


"I'm here," he reassured her. The young girl needed emotional support.

"Where have you been? Key said he didn't know where you went," she said in a trembling whisper.

"I'm sorry for my actions yesterday," he apologized simply. "It will never happen again."

Of course it won't, he thought. After today, she would be officially engaged to Xi Xuan and Lord Yuan would have to back off and stay away permanently. He would not have to worry about Lord Yuan seducing Shuang anymore. Once the announcement was made in front of everyone, Xi Xuan will have the liberty to 'protect' his official fiancée and visit her anytime. She would not be able to avoid him anymore either. Ignoring Xi Xuan after the formal engagement would be a public slight which would attract unwanted consequences for House Yuan. Lord Zhai would ensure that would not happen. House Zhai's reputation was at stake.



"I'm afraid," she whispered tearfully looking at him in the mirror.

"What are you afraid of?"

"What if I make the wrong choice?"

"You won't."

"I don't know what to do," she said softly.

"Put them both on. Make your choice when you see the two Lords side by side. You will know then," the Shard replied confidently.

She thought for a while. What he said made sense. She should at least see Lord Zhang, then she would know if he was better than Lord Yuan.

"Thank you."

Finally she beckon LiQuin forward to complete her preparations. The maid hurried forward in relief bowing gratefully to the bodyguard.

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