Chapter 50 - Banquet Hall

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Elite guards in full formal uniform stood alert at their assigned posts in and around the gaily decorated banquet hall. Since the arrival of the various Houses, House Zhai Elites were on duty round the clock. They would be so until all the outsiders left the Zhai estates. Everyone had their new assignments and schedules. Security had been doubled for the entire Ruling Family.

From his position three paces from Lord Zhai's right, Captain Chiang watched everyone in the great hall like a hawk. Once in a while, he glanced around at those of his Vice-Captains who were in view. Today, all twelve of his Vice-Captains were on duty and would be for the next twenty-four hours. They were personally guarding the Family members. Their units were deployed strategically throughout the place for maximum protection.

Nothing must go wrong.

Two were stationed near Lord and Lady Zhai. They stood five paces beside their respective charges. Another two were assigned to the first and second sons of House Zhai. MengYao and MengYu sat one tier lower from their parents. Vice-Captain Han stood slightly back from Lady Huain and her husband. All three were experienced fighters and would be able to handle any surprises.

Two more of his trusted Vice-Captains were currently outside Lady Shuang's chambers, ready to escort the bride-to-be when it was time for her grand entrance. The other three and their units patrolled the grounds outside the hall. Two more were on standby.

The large banquet hall was lavishly decorated for the Engagement Banquet. Coloured drapes and banners hung on cold walls brought gaiety to the atmosphere. Each seat was covered with the softest pelts and furs. The luxurious hides of numerous wild beasts highlighted Lord Zhai's love and prowess at hunting. Not only were they comfortable, they provided warmth from the chilly winter as well.

No expense was spared.

The celebration was an opportunity for House Zhai to flaunt their wealth, display their military might and remind all of their position and power. All the Houses needed to be reminded of their place in society every so often.

Large decorative iron braziers placed at appropriate intervals held the severe winter cold at bay. They lighted up and warmed the great banquet hall nicely. Servants guarded the braziers to keep them well fed and the red orange flames alive. Light and heat blazed from the huge pots whilst shadows mirrored the dancing flames against the walls. All of House Zhai's guests would be able to enjoy the festivities comfortably in the cosy banquet hall.

Although it was only late afternoon, rows of lit torches nestled in open sconces provided ample light. Huge chandeliers of lanterns hung from the high ceiling adding more light in the spacious chamber. However, as the day faded into night, stands of intricate brass candlesticks will be lighted for the feasting guests.

Mulled wine and hot fragrant tea were served at each table. Several appetizers were also available for the guests while waiting for Lady Shuang's entrance and the main celebrations to start. Little steamed dumplings with two types of sauces, finger spring rolls, bite sized pastries and various in-season fruits, mainly red persimmon, figs and sweet tangerines. There were also a plate of preserved mixed fruits (peach, pears, plums and persimmon) requested by the pregnant Lady Li. She was happily sampling it whilst chatting with her neighbors. Everyone also had a small plate of roasted mixed nuts except Lord Wen. Since he was allergic to all types of nuts, House Zhai had served him specially prepared crispy deep fried bean curd with a spicy dipping sauce instead. It was well known to be one of his favourite snacks.

Everyone could not wait for the main courses. It was rumored that the groom had graciously offered to sponsor the celebratory meal. Everyone would be treated to the expensive delicacies of the sea House Zhang was so famous for. Lord Zhang must really be in love or want to impress and demonstrate what he had to offer his future father-in-law. He had even brought several of his personal chefs here!

The large banquet hall easily accommodated the Nine main Houses and the many guests. Although not all were allies, they came to witness the wedding of House Zhai's youngest daughter. Those invited who did not turn up would be at risk of angering the Ruling House. Being on bad terms with the strongest House in Zinnu was not a good thing. However, they made the best of it and took the opportunity to renew friendships, economic relationships and gauge enemies.

Rows of low tables lined the long patterned carpet from the heavy double doors right up to the grand dais where the Ruling couple sat. Esteemed guests were filtering in, all dressed to the nines. Their rich robes and flashy accessories reflecting their importance and status in society. Each made their way to the front to bow in greeting and respect to the Lord and Lady of the Ruling House before making their way to their assigned tables.

Lord and Lady Zhai sat at their dark teak dining table on a raised dais. One step lower, on their right were their three children. Lady Huain, MengYao and MengYu sat with their spouses. On their left, were House Zhang and House Xu. They were the two most powerful and influential Houses after House Zhai. Behind them were smaller tables for their selected entourage.

A reserved table table nearest House Zhai's left was empty for the happy couple. Once Shuang had formally presented herself and Lord Zhang accepted her, they would be seated at the decorated table.

The six remaining main Houses were placed one step lower. House Li, House Wen and House Yuan were on the right side in a row and on the left, House Heng, House Fu and House Ji. Their respective family and aides were seated behind them.

Only after them came the lesser Houses of Zinnu. However, they too were arranged according to their current standing in affluence and status.

Everyone greeted each other and chatted as they waited patiently for all the guests to file into the great banquet hall. Old acquaintances hailed each other. Sons and daughters who had tagged along with their parents, were introduced. They were the future and were being eased into the hierarchy of the political world. Lady Shuang's birthday-cum-wedding was the perfect opportunity to present the next generation.

Rivals eyed each other warily but kept their peace. There was a tacit understanding that Lord Zhai expected no trouble within his house. If they wanted to fight, they could do so but in their own place and time. If anyone dared start one here, he would bring his military might down upon them.

Lord Zhang sat with his sister, the sweet demure Lady Xi Xiu. Behind them sat Master Kai, Lady Wei and his elderly 'retinue' who had followed to see his lord get married. Captain Zhang and two of his personal House guards stood alertly behind them. Only House Zhang and House Xu were allowed three personal guards. The other main Houses were allotted two and the lesser Houses one each.


Murmurs of conversation and laughing filled the great hall. The main course and entertainment would come later. Lord Zhang caught Lord Xu's attention. They were neither allies nor enemies. The two Houses had more of a business relationship.

"Lord Xu, I'm glad to see you have recovered from your recent illness. After this, I want to discuss some new ideas I've got with you."

Lord Zhai glanced at Lord Zhang and perked up his ears. New ideas? For weapons? House Xu were masters in weapon making. They made the finest swords and the most durable bows. Their arrows were varied and reliable. House Xu also produced weapons of mass destruction like the heavy ground siege machines to the effective cavalry and handheld portable weapons. If the ingenious Zhang had an idea, he wanted to know too.

"Idea? New weapons?" asked Lord Xu, his eyes gleaming.

Zhang Xi Xuan was just like his father, curious and innovative. The retired Lord Zhang had given him a challenge or two back in the day. Lord Xu looked forward to working with the new Lord of House Zhang.

"Ha, ha, ha, its not what you think my Lord. I am a peaceful man. I was thinking along the lines of streamlining my ships' design."

"Ships? That's not my area of expertise, I'm afraid." His enthusiasm faded.

"Ah, you are too humble Lord Xu. Actually, I want to upgrade my trading ships core to make them last longer and ... increase their defenses. The recent rogue pirates really opened my eyes to our weaknesses. We lost a lot of stock and good men due to their merciless raids."

"Ah, weapons for a ship! Why didn't you say so? I've never fitted a ship for defense before," his eyes lighting up again at the new challenge. "I'd be happy to discuss the problem with you."

"Thank you Lord Xu, your expert opinions and advice on this matter is invaluable. It will definitely better help my men fend off the pirates. "

"We will talk about that later. I'm interested to see if your ideas are feasible."

"Thank you, Lord Xu," Xi Xuan gave a slight bow to seal the deal. Since he was agreeable, he would invite Lord Xu with his advisors and designers later after his marriage and Lady Shuang had settled herself on the islands.

Lord Zhai lost interest. Weapons for ships did not involve him in any way. They were usually bulky and not portable having to be bolted down to a moving ship for stability. Whatever new weapons Zhang had for his defenses would be unsuitable for his military soldiers or land wars. Still, he should assign someone to keep an eye on it, just in case.

"A toast to your good health and business."

"And you Lord Zhang," replied Lord Xu. "Ahhh, good wine," he said appreciatively wiping his mouth.

He lifted his cup for a toast. After he drank, he patted the young man next to him and raised his voice to the Ruling Lord to get his attention. He had noticed Lord Zhai's unspoken interest in his conversation with Lord Zhang. One must not be rude to the mighty Lord.

"Lord Zhai, Lord Zhang, may I introduce my eldest son and heir," he said proudly. "Jin Fung will be taking over the reins after I'm too old."

The young man stood up. Turning to face the two powerful Lords, he bowed deeply and lifted up his cup.

"Lord Zhai and Lord Zhang, it is my honour to be here tonight. Good health and fortune to both your Houses."

Lord Zhai and Lord Zhang drank with him.

"Ahhh, we are getting old my friend. The new generation will soon be taking over," said Lord Zhai to Lord Xu. "Lord Zhang is the first in the next generation. Your father did the unprecedented by handing you the reins when he is still in his prime. What is the old fox up too?"

"I never know what my esteemed father is thinking," replied Xi Xuan humbly. "All I can do is follow his wishes. Luckily, I have Master Kai and Lady Wei to teach me."

"Your father is wise to leave you such formidable support. A toast to them!" said Lord Zhai holding up his cup. It was an excellent excuse to continue drinking and he was in a good mood.

Maids hurried forward to fill Master Kai and Lady Wei's cups as they got up from their seats.

"To the new generation!"

Lifting their cups, they drank to Lord Zhai's impromptu toast.

From the corner of his eye, Xi Xuan saw his agent planted at the main entrance reporting discreetly to his Captain. The secret silent language that was used by House Zhang spies. Its existence only a rumour which no one could confirm.

Lady Shuang is outside. She is ready to make her appearance.

The silent news was followed by a loud gong. Before its deep resonant echo could fade away completely, a series of complex drum beats started up announcing Lady Shuang's entrance.

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