Chapter 53 - A Clean Break

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"But ... !!"

A mix of emotions swept through Lady Shuang.

She felt mortified at her mistake. No! If Lord Zhang did not marry her, she would lose the mansion by the beach! Not to mention all his power, prestige and fortune.

This! Her very first encounter with the coldly handsome Lord Zhang and he was making a fool of her! How dare he! An instant later, annoyance and indignation filled her. Did he think he could just renegade on their marriage arrangement? He MUST marry her! He must!

Irritation turned to schemes to get him back. She was not going to lose that beautiful mansion by the white sands of Baisha. But what was she to do? That's it! All she needed was to say a few words of encouragement to him, toss a few sweet smiles in his direction and turn on her feminine charms. He would not be able to resist falling in love with her! She was the most beautiful maiden in Zinnu. Lord Zhang will be wrapped around her little finger after she was through with him! He'll be begging her to marry him before the night was over!

"Lord Zhang?" Lord Zhai prompted. His eyes were bright and predatory, his mind still reeling at the opportunity to tame two Houses.

"I apologize Lord Zhai, your daughter is right," replied Xi Xuan smoothly.

Lord Zhang bowed his head humbly at the Ruling Lord to hide his rising anger and regain his composure. So much for a future with House Zhai. An amiable dissolution of the deal would have been acceptable. If Shuang had canceled the engagement even with a semi-valid excuse, he would have taken it in stride. The relationship between the two strongest Houses would have been salvaged and they could have remained cordial. BUT this public humiliation in front of all the major Houses was not!!

Furthermore, Xi Xuan had caught the glint in Lord Zhai's eye and the barely concealed excitement in his voice. The snake actually wanted the union with House Yuan! What about the union with House Zhang? Wasn't Lord Zhai the one who orchestrated the joining of their Houses? He was the one who had approached and badgered him in the first place!

Now, he didn't? What in the Nine Heavens had happened since then? Lady Shuang would not, could not go against her father if he commanded her to marry him.

Xi Xuan vowed to find out what had prompted the change, but for now, he would protect his House. Fighting for a loveless marriage with military benefits was not worth the humiliation of his House and the dubious future with an estranged wife and a conniving father-in law. With Lady Shuang's open announcement and outright disparage of him, she had caused irreparable damage between the Houses. He noted that Lord Zhai had not stopped nor chastise his daughter either. If Shuang could get away with this, it meant that Lord Zhai allowed it! Xi Xuan seethed at the implications. His household would never forgive House Zhai's insults even if he did.

It was time to cut ties with House Zhai cleanly. Doing so in public with so many noble witnesses would hold Lord Zhai to it. Although the Ruling Lord had a reputation of being ruthless in meting out 'his' justice, he was also known for being being 'honorable' and 'fair'. His word was his bond, as long as he was not caught breaking it.

Lord Zhai would not be able to dispute nor change his mind later without damaging his honor. Xi Xuan smiled wryly to himself. That was probably why his wily daughter had announced her choice in public too.

Reluctant acceptance of Lord Zhai's initial proposal was due to his persistent badgering and the sudden need for military assistance. However, since his rouge pirate problem had been solved, his need for Zhai's assistance had also disappeared. After that, he had struggled between honoring his deal to marry Lady Shuang or finding an amicable solution to break it off without starting a war. When he could not think of one, he had accepted his fate deciding to make the best of it, convincing himself that he needed to do his duty to produce an heir for his House.

But, fickle fate had intervene yet again.

He would seize this opportunity to void their agreement without penalties to his House. Technically, House Zhai was the one breaching their contract and House Zhang was the wronged party. He would receive 'compensation' and be done with the traitorous Ruling House once and for all. Xi Xuan smiled wryly. Never again! He had learnt his lesson; never be so desperate as to compromise by joining hands with a known bully for a fast solution.

Now to play the situation to his advantage.

With a sweep of his arms, Lord Zhang included the watching crowd, "As everyone here is aware, the marriage between House Zhai and House Zhang started out as a mutually beneficial business and economic proposal. However, I have to admit that as the date drew closer, it became more personal to me. I could not help but anticipate getting to know the lovely Lady Shuang."

Lady Shuang glowed at his praise, blushing delicately.

More than one person in the crowd agreed laughingly. It was only natural. Lady Shaung's beauty preceded her. Any man who could wed her was very lucky indeed.

"The more I thought of her, the more excited I became at ending my bachelorhood and starting my own family. Alas, due to many unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to meet with my future wife even after I arrived here."

At this revelation. Many eyebrows were raised. They did not know this. Lady Shuang had the grace to lower her gaze feeling the weight of judgement on her. Basic social etiquette should have allowed the couple to meet at least once. For the host to deny Lord Zhang the barest of courtesy was dishonorable and embarrassing. And Lord Zhai had condoned Lady Shuang's behavior? That spoke very poorly of him, as a host and father of the bride, as a head of his House and as a leader of Zinnu. Such bad manners was not expected from a Ruling Lord.

Damn Zhang! All Lord Zhai could do was clenched his jaw at the slight. The brat did not have to disclose that bit of information. Clearly Zhang did not have his priorities right if he did not protect the Ruling House. His loyalties were questionable! There and then Lord Zhai decided to get full control House Zhang. Zhang Xi Xuan be damned! Forget allowing him into the family via marriage, there was a much better way. He would contact the Dark Sect later tonight to negotiate capturing Zhang Xi Xiu. He would make the scholar crawl on his knees for forgiveness. Zhang Xi Xuan will regret even thinking of retaliating.

Unaware of Lord Zhai's scheming, Lord Zhang sighed softly turning to Lady Shuang.

"I, however, have no right to stand in between true love! With all of you as witness, I, Zhang Xi Xuan with much regret will step aside for the lovely Lady Zhai Mei Shuang to pursue true love and happiness. It is my personal great loss and that of House Zhang to be unable to welcome the daughter of House Zhai into our House and home," he said with a sorrowful expression. "I fully withdraw my suit, with your permission Lord Zhai?"

Left without a choice, Lord Zhai accepted Lord Zhang's grand gesture. Asking permission publicly forced his hand. Although he had gotten what he wanted, somehow he was left feeling disgruntled and dissatisfied. He did not know how but Zhang had gotten the better of him. How inconceivable!

Feeling disconcerted, Lord Zhai took charge of the banquet hall once again.

"Lord Yuan ...?"

"No!" Shuang gasped softly in denial. She had changed her mind. She did not want Shun Xi, she wanted the elegant Lord Zhang and her mansion in Baisha! Lord Zhang did not look old at all, instead he had a youthful countenance, was soft spoken and emanated an aura of gentlemanly shyness. Foreign material draped his slim figure, the unique cut flattering his tall frame. His sharp angular features were oddly attractive especially when he smiled so heart-breakingly at having to let her go. The gentle scholar definitely did not want a confrontation, that was clear to all but still ... shouldn't he fight for her hand? She was a very valuable prize after all! She'd make him woo her back!

Reacting to her instinctive protest of Yuan, Ghost stepped forward to deny the young lord proximity when he stepped forward.

"Step aside guard," Lord Yuan hissed under his breath, "Move or I'll do more than give you a drink to bring out the lustful animal in you!!"

Ghost growled. Behind him Key's hand tightened his grip on his sword.

"Why are you even able to stand, let alone be here? Shouldn't you still be rutting away mindlessly somewhere?"

"You have just admitted to treason," Ghost said in a low dangerous voice.

"Shut up! You have no proof! Know your place guard," Shun Xi spat. "How dare you block me? Let me pass, Lord Zhai has summoned me!"

The animosity between the young noble and the bodyguard was plain for all to see. For a split second, Ghost stood his ground, then he remembered his purpose there. Shuang was safe and about to get engaged. She was getting married in a week's time. It did not matter who she married. He was just a bodyguard and the mission would end soon. All of this did not matter to him.

The Shard clenched his fists and stepped back. Shuang was not in danger. Lord Zhai did call for Lord Yuan. There was nothing he could do.

Brushing belligerently past Ghost, Shun Xi walked triumphantly to stand next to Shuang. Treason? The guard's few words pierced his heart with a cold fear stemming from Lord Zhai's merciless reputation. The short exchange rattled him more than he cared to admit but he shoved it forcibly to the back of his mind. Now he had to concentrate on being the love of Shuang's life. Everyone was watching, he was the man Shuang picked over that nerdy Zhang. She loved him. Lord Zhai wouldn't do anything to his son-In law would he? Shun Xi stood tall with chest puffed out and head held high, well aware of the attention on him.

Bowing low to the Ruling Lord, Shun Xi did not noticed Shuang edging away from him.

"Lord Zhai, it is my honor to be your son-in law and Lady Shuang's husband."

His first words made ears perk up. Lords and ladies alike exchanged loaded glances. The sensitive power driven nobles instantly picked upon the inexperienced young lord's careless phrasing which indicated his true desires. Being son-in law to Lord Zhai was far more important than being Lady Shuang's husband. Political veterans smirked and silently started plotting on realigning their allies.

"The beautiful lady and I are in love," he declared loudly. "I hereby pledge my heart and loyalty to her and House Zhai. I'll love her forever and treat her like the precious treasure that she is. Even if the sky falls and the rivers dry up tomorrow, my love for her will never change. I swear on my sword, I shall be struck by a thousand lightnings and reduced to ashes if I ever fail her."

Lord Yuan grabbed Lady Shuang's hand moving closer to her.

Lord Yuan was being overly dramatic trying to win the Ruling Lord's favour, but he was still young and rough around the edges. He should be exposed more to the gentry to hone his social skills. On the other had, poor Lord Zhang had gallantly withdrawn his right as groom, garnering respect for his concession for the lady's happiness. He now held his peace and sat quietly at his table.

"So be it," said Lord Zhai sealing his daughter's fate. He would have both Houses at his command by Shuang's wedding.

There was a moment of awkward silence before the crowd started cheering hesitantly. Lord Zhai had given his permission and allowed the sudden change in the groom didn't he? The engagement and wedding was to proceed as planned. Whoever the groom was, they were here to celebrate the wedding of House Zhai's youngest daughter. Although the new couple had both declared they love for each other, the bride was now throwing longing glances at the 'devastated' Lord Zhang.

Lady Shuang and Lord Yuan bowed and made their way up the dais. They settled down at their assigned seats next to House Zhang.

Zhang Xi Xiu glared daggers at the couple but a knowing look and a gentle touch from her brother reminded her of her role. She was a Zhang and sister of the current Head. Having father nearby was reassuring as well. However, he did not seem perturb at all. Frowning, she recalled her training; when circumstances change, assess and reevaluate then act accordingly. There were better things to do like watching the crowd's reactions than dwell on Lady Shuang's betrayal. Slowly, she lifted her face to scan the room.

Behind the siblings, Master Kai and Lady Wei sat fuming. Captain Zhang was tensed by his cousin's side, his stiff posture betraying his anger.

The old retainer watched the exchange between his children, approving of Xi Xuan's short speech and control of his advisors. Xi Xiu too, he noted. He was keeping a cool head, a good trait for a leader. This was not the time to make a scene, Lady Shuang had already done that. House Zhang had always done things in a more subtle manner. He was right in handing over the reigns to his son. Xi Xuan was doing well under the pressure. He would listen in on his plans later and decide whether to fully step aside.  

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