Chapter 54 - Petty Revenge

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Following an awkward silence, the hesitant well wishing begun.

House after House took turns to stand up, say a few congratulatory words and toast the happy couple. The previous festive atmosphere was somewhat subdued. No one knew what to make out of the unexpected turn of events. Until they could determine the real situation and how it would affect their own Houses, it was best to play it safe. Right now, if Lord Zhai said his daughter was marrying Lord Yuan, then that was what was happening.

The changing political tides caused a subtle tension in the room. What had been a simple reaffirmation of allies and gauging of other Houses during the Ruling House's celebration had now became a once in a lifetime opportunity for those brave enough to seize it. Just look at House Yuan!

House Yuan's prestige and power was set to increase if Yuan Shun Xi married into the Ruling House's family. Opportunities were opening up for those allied with House Yuan but those which allied with House Zhang were not so lucky. They may end up falling in ranks along with House Zhang. Gaining House Yuan's favor suddenly became very important on many agendas.

The veterans laughed and drank whilst plotting their next moves. Many pitied House Zhang. Losing a marital alliance with the Ruling House to a much lesser House must be humiliating indeed. Poor timid Zhang Xi Xuan, maybe the era of House Zhang was at an end. Maybe, just maybe House Yuan might replace House Zhang as the top three Houses in Zinnu in the near future.

Lord Zhai kept scratching his chin and stroking his sort beard, a sure sign he was hatching some plan. Lord Xu caught Xi Xuan's attention, tilted his head as if to covey his sympathy and comfort.

"Our deal is still on. We'll work on your ship's defenses after all this," he promised. "Business is business."

Zhang Xi Xuan smiled gratefully at Lord Xu's support and lifted his cup. The two Lords drank to the reaffirmation of their alliance.

Below them, Lord Wen was busy congratulating Shun Xi's father. House Yuan and House Wen's bond was strong. The two Houses were related by blood via several intermarriages. They would both gain by this marriage.

Next to them, Lord Li was apprehensive. He had recently approached House Zhang for some business, the hides of sharks, seals and whatever sea creatures that yielded large pieces of curable skin. His House was known for unique wearable materials. Would this disaster have negative causes to his venture? Should he withdraw his request? House Zhang had not given an answer yet. Should he side with House Zhai and Yuan or House Zhang?

House Heng was also on the fence. House Fu and House Ji seemed neutral but were also gauging the impact of the substituted groom.

Meanwhile Lord Yuan couldn't stop smiling at his good fortune. He raised his wine cup to toast anyone and everyone who met his gaze. Next to him, Lady Shuang kept stealing glances at her former fiance through lowered lashes. She seemed to be too interested in him after rejecting him outright. Several times, she whispered conspiratorially to her maid and bodyguards after making some observation or other of the jilted lord.

In contrast, Lord Zhang and his whole table was quiet. Poor Zhang looked crestfallen and heartbroken but managed to keep a watery smile on his handsome face. Being a martyr for his beliefs of true love must be very hard. His selfless act of withdrawing his rightful suit for the sake of Lady Shuang's true love was commendable indeed. He was a romantic and true gentleman!

"Gege, are you alright? I can reach out and drop some laxatives into her cup ... I'm sure Lady Wei has some on her," Xi Xiu whispered.

"Xi Xiu, behave yourself. You'll do no such thing!"

"But ...!"

"No. We will keep our House's honor and dignity intact."

"Hrumphhh! It's already been shattered to pieces by that ... that ... shallow excuse of a ..."

"It's o'kay Xi Xiu. The joining of our Houses was not meant to be. I've been of two minds of this marriage proposal from the very beginning. In the end, I decided to make the best of it. Fate has made it easier for me."


"Yes. It's really only my pride that is hurt," he admitted ruefully.

"Don't forget the honor of our House!" hissed Xi Xiu.

"Yes, I know." He touched her hand, "We'll get them where it hurts later. Right now, I must appear sad, embarrassed and weak."

"Huh?" Xi Xiu's eyes widened. "What do you mean Gege?"

"Like this," replied Xi Xuan as he withdrew his hand to cover his face for a second. Drawing a breath, he let it out slowly as if barely holding himself together. "For now, play the crowd, everyone is watching everyone else. We'll take advantage of the situation and strengthened my meek and passive image. No one will think me a threat. We'll have a proper meeting later."

"Oh! So you're really o'kay?"

"I will be."

With his calm assurance, Xi Xiu's her anger abated. Gege was not letting this mockery go unaddressed. In fact, he must have already started planning his revenge.

"What do you mean 'where it hurts'?" she asked curiously.

"House Zhai will never again have access to fresh seafood."

Ohhh! That would be a blow to their ego. Imagine the Ruling House unable to acquire delicacies for their table.


"Never! Not even a teeny tiny little itsy bitsy baby anchovy. This meal will be the last they'll ever have," he swore grimly.

"What about the wedding dinner we're hosting too?"


"... neither will they gain from any of our services again!"

She giggled at her brother's unexpected vehemence. That's more like it! House Zhai and the other Houses did not realize how much their agents 'helped' them by facilitating information in timely fashion. By doing so, House Zhang kept up with the news and moves of all the Houses. It also made daily life more efficient. Without House Zhang's 'help', House Zhai will just have to rely on the 'normal' much slower pace of information.

So, Gege was willing to play the helpless fool if it would help his course. No one would be the wiser that her brother had responded to House Zhai's insult with a move. Everything would seem normal, except the Ruling House's abrupt inefficiency. Disorganization and incompetence would plague every aspect of the household, from the management of the servants, maids and kitchens to the guards and barracks.

It was petty but she was in the mood for some serious pettiness. It was a small move but the effects on House Zhai's daily life would be devastating, especially when they were so used to things running efficiently!

Xi Xiu's long lashes lowered demurely hiding her flashing eyes. If they could disrupt House Zhai's daily lives further by feeding the household a few lies and rumours ...

"I almost feel sorry for them. Late news and misinformation can be so-oooo inconvenient and frustrating."

Xi Xuan's mouth twitch at her remark. She knew the real power of House Zhang was not from the sea but in their extensive spy network and their control of information. Most times, they did not meddle in other's affairs, only simply collecting bits of useful information passively. Although not directly involved in the 'family business' Xi Xiu was still trained and knew the chaos they could inflict if they chose to.

When Gege beckon to Captain Zhang, her earlier good mood was almost restored. There was nothing like the thoughts of revenge to soothe the slighted heart and loss of face! Knowing her brother was setting things in motion to protect their House, her righteous anger simmered down. Serves House Zhai right! Tonight, they will be served the best seafood of their lives, a taste of rare flavors and delicacies courtesy of the groom. The feast prepared by their personal chefs would leave them craving for more and then when they wanted more, absolutely nothing would be forthcoming.

"Yes, Lord Zhang?"

"Captain, inform our agents to stand down. Proceed with the correct menu we prepared for my engagement feast as planned tonight."

"My lord, are we still going to feed them after what they did to us?" Zhang Zi Min protested. This feast was no longer the engagement celebration between House Zhai and House Zhang. His Lord and cousin had been tossed unceremoniously aside!

"Yes ... at least until I figure out what that snake is up to."

"... and it would gain us more standing with the other Houses if we just continue with the meal. I understand," replied Captain Zhang.

Quickly he instructed their spies within sight. They would pass along the secret messages to the others.

Proceed with the meals as planned. Do not poison anyone. Keep your eyes and ears open for gossip. Rely to the others outside.

"I want to meet them after the banquet."

Captain Zhang nodded understanding and straightened up. His head tilted to the side as he placed his gloved right hand on his stomach. His fingers moved in secret code.

"Heads, assemble for briefing with Lord Zhang in the hour of the Ox (1am to 3am) after the banquet."

Captain Zhang caught the confirming messages and lowered his hand. Xi Xuan noticed the movement and relaxed. All was set.

By the time dinner was announced, Zhang Xi Xuan had made a mental list of things to do to protect his House and position.


Three steps behind the happy couple and to Shuang's right, Key spoke to Ghost. Although they were practically next to each other, he did not want anyone to hear.

Did you see that?


I think that servant by the second brazier and that door guard was signaling back to someone up here.

House Zhang, Ghost replied with certainty. He had noticed the direction and some coordination between several personnel. The Five had also noticed Captain Zhang's coded response. It was all very subtle.

Zhang!?! Their secret code really exists? This was the first proof Key had of the age-old rumour.

I guess so.

Aren't the servants Zhai's people?


Spies! Key's eyes widen at the information. What did he say?

Humor colored his voice when Ghost answered. How should I know? In case you've forgotten, I belong to the Dark Sect not House Zhang.

Maybe you can get Lady Zhang to teach you. Then you'll know.


She likes you and you like her.

Nonsense, Ghost denied swiftly swallowing nervously.

The corners of Key's mouth turned up at Ghost's discomfort. Tsk, tsk, tsk, one would think a level five Shard would be better at hiding his feelings. Or perhaps it was obvious to him because he was getting to know Ghost a little too well?

I've seen the way she looks at you and the way you smile more in her presence.

I do not!

You were even probably there yesterday ... Key guessed shrewdly.

How did you know?

I'm a Shard, the Three replied smugly.

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