Chapter 57 - Stratagems Part 2

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The cold silent moon continued its solitary Virgil upon the frozen land as the hours passed. All was quiet in the Zhang quarters as expected of one in mourning of his great loss. Imagine losing your promised wife to a lesser Lord! And by her own choice! Lord Zhang was probably dying of embarrassment and trying to drown his shame in wine. The hidden men noted maids entering his rooms with more wine bottles time and time again throughout their watch. No food or snacks, not even tea, just alcohol. Good. Nothing seemed out of place and so that was reported to Lord Zhai.

Inside, three people stood silently before their true Lord. They were in his personal chambers, the smaller room away from the main courtyard and Zhai's man watching them. The three had made their way inconspicuously from their various posts as commanded.

Lord Zhang raised an inquiring brow at his Captain.

"All clear. The two Zhai spies outside are unaware of anything. Our agents report they are in the same spots. Last report to Zhai half an hour ago is that you're a slobbering sobbing mess drinking your sorrows away," said Captain Zhang gleefully. "You are officially a drunken brokenhearted fool who regrets his chivalry."

Xi Xuan grimaced at Zi Min's description of him. His cousin seemed to be enjoying himself immensely at the subterfuge.

"What about Lady Shaung and Lord Yuan?"

"Lady Shuang's ego is bruised that you let her go too easily and did not fight for her hand. Now she is second guessing her choice."

Xi Xuan shook his head. "I guess as much at her improper behavior during the feast but she did make the decision against her father's wishes and the betterment of her House. I will not let such a selfish person who lacks loyalty and commitment into my House,"

Zi Min nodded agreement before continuing, "Lord Yuan is celebrating with his friends. He did win his bet," Captain Zhang added distastefully.

"I don't like it but we can't control everything. All we can do is the best for our own House and not meddle in others' affairs. Maybe her father can help her."

Satisfied, Xi Xuan turned his attention to the two men and one woman waiting patiently before him, his agent 'Heads' for each part of Zhai's household. They covered the kitchen, barracks and household respectfully. Since he was already up-to date on House Zhai, his command to attend him could only mean new special orders.

"Firstly, good job," Xi Xuan praised them. They smiled knowing his appreciation and acknowledgement meant an evaluation bonus. Their Lord's presence availed the opportunity for personal evaluation and it seem they had all passed with flying colors.

"The number of agents under each of you will be maintained with the exception of Siu." Xi Xuan regarded the woman in charge of his household spies. "I've been made aware that Peng wants out?"

"Yes, my Lord. He asks to be taken out and return with you when you do. His

cover has been compromised."


"He was approached earlier today by another servant. It's one of Lady Huain's attendants. She attempted to blackmail him for money. She saw him leaving a message but he managed to retrieve it. He swallowed the paper."

"Does she know who the message was for?" asked Captain Zhang.

"No. Neither did she know what was written on it. He made it seem like a letter to a secret lover. But she is nosy with a higher position, so it will restrict his future movements. He will be an ineffective agent if unable to move freely," Siu concluded

"Sloppy work," admonished Captain Zhang. He took note of the name and mentally tagged him for more training.

"See to it," Xi Xuan instructed Captain Zhang. "Let him join us during our departure. No sooner. Many of us will leave at the same time so his presence will not be noticeable."

"Now, down to business," said Xi Xuan drawing himself up. "Captain Zhang will give you the specifics of your missions and discuss the details with you. Mainly, Meng will 'accidentally' witness our coming wedding supply wagons being ambushed and 'help' fight off the 'bandits'. There will be nothing left to bring to House Zhai for the wedding feast. Everything will be stolen or spoiled beyond salvage."

Meng gave a curt salute grinning evilly. He loved intrigue and action.

"Siu encourage the rumors that I'm sinking into a deep depression and finding it difficult to leave my rooms. I'm sick and drowning in drink."

"My Lord?"

"I need peace to plan. No one is allowed to disturb me if I'm unwell. I'll 'pull myself together' enough for my meeting with Lord Zhai tomorrow morning. I want it official that our deal is off due to Shuang renegading on the marriage. He will pay the penalty for breaking our contract."

"Thereafter, I'll be so desolate that I'll have no other thoughts other than my 'great loss'. An emotional man wallowing in self pity has no mental capacity for subterfuge. No one will think me capable of ordering an ambush on our own supplies."

"It is important that Zhai does not see me as a threat. Then he will concentrate his considerable resources looking for perpetrators elsewhere."

"Done," said Siu smirking.

"The kitchen ..." Xi Xuan continued turning to the last man. "What of our inventory do we have left?"

"Not much .... mostly some spices, fish oil, oyster sauce and fermented pastes. A bit of shrimp, various fish and crabs. Enough for two or three days worth of simple side dishes for the guests. More fresh seafood are scheduled to arrive with the wedding supplies in two days time."

"Use up whatever we have, as fast as possible. Prepare the food only for our House. Whatever supplies is for our people ... our guards, our maids. Soups, dumplings, buns, breads, I don't care. No outsiders. Understood?"

"Yes, my Lord," said Min with a slight bow his eyes set in a determined frown. No outsiders meant no one not of House Zhang, not even the Ruling Lord. It was going to be a challenging task refusing the Ruling Family anything but he could do it. The only difficult part was keeping a straight face when they realized they were being denied the delicacies.

"It will all be consumed before anyone realizes our cooks are not preparing more snacks for them. If anyone asks, tell them it's all gone and we're waiting for the next shipment," Lord Zhang continued.

"That's my job. To ensure it never arrives," grinned Meng in anticipation.

"Then it will last about three days if its just us and we are feeding our agents and guards ... We'll use any leftovers to make bun fillings and store it here if need be. Nothing from us will be left in the Zhai kitchen. Everyone else will have to eat from Zhai's kitchens."

Xi Xuan nodded approval.

"No more sharing our recipes or spices with the Zhai chefs. Not that they could cook any of our dishes after this. I don't plan to avail any seafood to House Zhai at all."

Min smirked. "They may have some of our simpler recipes but they don't have the spices, skills or the special crockery to replicate our menus."

"When?" asked Siu.

"After my meeting which should last until tomorrow afternoon."

"Our chefs will be 'too tired' to cook much tomorrow. I'll pass the word along, we'll start making batches of cakes, dumplings and buns to use up everything. It'll also be easier to distribute to our people."


As the discussion delved into the details, old Lord Zhang withdrew from the corner of the room where he was sitting quietly. He was satisfied with his son's plans. Nothing overt, that's was not their way of doing things. A timely ambush to rob Zhai's guests of another seafood feast of which was publicized to be better than the engagement feast was a good plan. Zhai's kitchen would have to scramble to put together a wedding feast worthy of a Ruling House. A petty rebellion but without solid proof, nothing could be blamed on Xi Xuan. The real test will be when he denied House Zhai any produce later. He was cutting House Zhai off.

He made a note to speak to his son. House Zhang must fortify their defenses upon returning home.


"Wasn't he absolutely gorgeous?" Shuang asked LiQuin who was carefully removing the many ribbons and jewelry from her mistress. The gorgeous Night Pearl set was reverently handled and place into it's original box.

"Who? Lord Yuan?"

"No silly. Lord Zhang!"

"Lord Zhang? But you said he's old."

"No. That was what you said!" Shuang stressed her maid's false report making LiQuin red faced.

"I'm s-sorry Mistress. I really thought Master Kai was him! I should be punished," the maid said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, you should. Now I'm engaged to Lord Yuan instead of Lord Zhang!" Shuang ranted to her cringing maid. "Lord Zhang must regret letting me go so easily but then he is such a gentleman!"

Shuang's anger left as fast as it came. Her lashes lowered coquettishly and her moist pink lips stretched into a whimsical smile.

"In my opinion, his real age doesn't matter at all. What matters is that he doesn't look old! In fact Lord Zhang is tall, handsome and dignified! He had such an air about him, a presence ... he is slim and graceful like a willow. His elegance is perfect to complement my flawless beauty!"

"Aaahhh, why was he trying to be so gallant when he was hurting so much?" Shuang continued dreamily. "Luckily, Lord Zhang is so taken by me, I can tell."

The young girl shook her now loose hair so that LiQuin could start brushing it out.

"I'll have no problem getting him back. Just a hint, a smile and some encouraging words tomorrow, and he'll come begging for me. I'll tell him that he still has a chance to marry me if he stands his ground and fights for me as his rightful fiancé. He should fight for me you know. Everyone knows I'm a prize."

"B-but Lady Shuang, Lord Zhai has already confirmed Lord Yuan as your future husband in front of everyone. How can Lord Zhang go against your father?"

"Bah! If Lord Zhang comes to his senses, I'll just go to Father and persuade him to let me marry Lord Zhang instead. I'll tell Father I've had a change of heart. I'll also be a good and filial daughter by agreeing to his original choice for my husband!"

"Poor Lord Zhang was so mortified just now. He was absolutely crushed when I chose Shun Xi." Shuang laughed, pleased at the memory of his distress and embarrassment at losing her. He must have been so looking forward to wedding her. "I'll make it up to him by letting him marry me after all. Then he can lavish me with all the gifts he wants."

"Isn't he romantic? Imagine preparing a beautiful mansion on the white shores of Baisha all for me! How can I give that up? And Lord Zhang ... he is alluring in a mysterious way. I'm sure I can break him out of his nerdy habits. He'll take me sightseeing and travelling if I ask him to," Shuang said confidently already making plans for her new fun filled future.

"Lady Shuang?"

"Hmmm?" she responded dreamily.

In her mind, a beautiful scene was already unfolding. She was running along the sunny white beaches of Baisha, happy and free, a mistress of her own lavish mansion with servants galore. Her handsome bodyguards nearby watching her, always protecting her, keeping her safe. A slight crease marred her smooth forehead as she pondered new uniforms for them. Ghost and Key must have a new special uniform when with her. They looked so handsome tonight dressed as Elites. No more casual dress of their own choosing in her new home! They must match so that all would know they were hers when she went anywhere.

And Lord Zhang, she sighed with pleasure ... well the dear man could shower her with gifts and attention to his hearts content. He had excellent taste in presents she thought thinking of her exquisite Night Pearl bride gifts and mansion.

"What about Lord Yuan?"

"Lord Yuan? What about him? He is nothing compared to Lord Zhang. Lord Zhang is more handsome, more cultured, richer and his House more prestigious." Of course she did not have to add that Lord Yuan would only provide her gems which she could buy anywhere. Whereas Lord Zhang had already built a lovely mansion for her at the coveted paradise location. In fact, Lord Zhang can buy any or all of House Yuan's jewels for her should she so desire.

"What about your true love for Lord Yuan? He is so in love with you, you said so yourself. Wouldn't he be heartbroken?"

Shuang snorted in an unladylike manner. "He can just take it like a man ... like poor Lord Zhang! Why bother with Shun Xi's feelings when I can mend Lord Zhang's broken heart? Lord Zhang deserves me more than Shun Xi."

LiQuin and the other maids knew better than to correct their mistress's delusional fantasies. Let her do what she wanted and let fate decide her future. All they had to do was agree with her, indulge her wishes and serve her. After all, their servant's opinions meant nothing at all.

"What was his name again? Zhang Xi Xuan?" she asked then murmured experimentally, "Xi Xuan." She liked how the name sounded.

Humming happily, Shuang prepared for bed.

Outside, Ghost shook his head disbelievingly whilst Key grinned at Shuang's insane babble.

"She's mad," said the Three. "I'll never understand nobles ... or women."

Ghost smirked. "I'm going to tell Ice you said that!"

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