Chapter 58 - Nightmare

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Shuang finally settled down. A peaceful silence replaced the excited chatter. One by one the candles were blown out allowing darkness in to aid the maiden's slumber.

Ghost jerked his head at Key.

"Stand guard. I'm going to check on House Zhang."

Key raised his brows at Ghost's statement.


"I want to know how House Zhang is taking this. Lord Zhang was humiliated. He may want to take revenge on Shuang or House Zhai."

"Or House Yuan. But ... are you sure that's the real reason?" Key asked with a grin. He remembered Lady Zhang's bold smirk brimming with promised mischief before she turned into an absolute lady.

"What other reason is there?"

"Oh ... I don't know? Maybe someone wants to check in on Lady Zhang?"

"Who me? I told you why ..."

"Right. Anyways I don't think Zhang can harm Shuang. He is obviously a gentle scholar unlike his sister. She has more spunk in her than him."

Ghost studied the Three without expression. Inwardly he commanded Xi Xuan for his believable acting skills. He had even fooled Key, a fully trained level Three Shard. Gentle? Key had never seen Xi Xuan in fighting form. The Lord of House Zhang could be ruthless too. The beautiful designed fans he constantly waved about had killed quite a few who dared threatened him physically. They were deadly weapons and he knew how to use them.

"Never mind," Key said in amusement mistaking Ghost's prolonged silence for distraction of him mentioning Lady Zhang. "I'll go check on House Zhang for you. I need to exercise my legs," Key cut him off patting his newly healed leg. "You might get distracted by the pretty scenery there," the Three said scampering off hurriedly before the Five could stop him.

"I never get distracted when I'm on a mission," Ghost muttered grumpily to the empty air. "I don't!"

Key reported back a little after two hours had gone by. The Shard had not only checked on House Zhang but made a through surveillance on all possible assailants to Shuang.

"House Zhang is in a mess. Lord Zhang has been drinking. His sister and aids are keeping a close watch on him," Key reported seriously. "Lord Zhai also has two of his guards keeping an eye on him."

"I didn't expect anything less."

"House Yuan is ecstatic at their unexpected stroke of luck. While his parents have retired to continue celebrating at their private quarters, Lord Yuan is still at the empty banquet hall with his friends. They are quite drunk and toasting to Lord Yuan's win."

"Yes, he did win his bet," said Ghost distastefully.

Key screwed up his face. "Thank God our contract ends soon. I wouldn't want to be near Shuang when she realizes her mistake in choosing Lord Yuan. He doesn't love her at all."

"We tried to warn her several times but she wouldn't listen," said Ghost quietly. "I thought she would come to her senses and choose to honor her Father's plans."

Key sighed shaking his head. "I don't understand how she can make such an important decision based on how someone looks. She chose Lord Yuan because he is younger and good-looking? Then changes her mind when she saw how glamorous Lord Zhang is? How shallow."

"As long as Shuang is physically safe," Ghost shrugged at the judgemental Three. "It's not our place to control her thoughts or her actions."

"She is young yet and was swayed by Yuan's sweet words," Key mused."I must admit, he's quite the sweet talker, maybe even better than me."

Ghost threw him a disbelieving look.

"Well, he's only better because he has all those gem mines to offer. I have nothing to my name."

The Five snorted. "You're a Shard and so is Ice. She doesn't need sweet words or empty promises. She knows your value."

"Oh! Are you saying I'm good?" asked Key surprised at the unexpected praise. "C'mon Ghost, admit it, you think I'm good. My skills have improved a lot hasn't it?"

Ghost ignored the happy Shard.

"C'mon, tell me how good I am. What is my best skill? Ghoooooost, tell me!"


A shrill scream pierced the peaceful night. Instantly, the two Shards were in Shuang's sleeping chambers. Working in unison, they checked the lady's safety then searched the room for intruders.

Shuang was unharmed. She was sitting up in bed clutching her thick quilt to her chest. A quick scan of the room revealed no intruders. The shadows were all the right shapes and fell correctly onto the polished floor. There were no strange noises other than Shuang's soft sobbing.

Ghost jerked his head and Key went out to check the premises. Ghost moved to Shuang's bed whilst Key headed for the other rooms.

Quickly, the Shard checked her sleeping area to ensure no intruders were lurking there. The large satin pillows, soft voluminous drapes and the solid wooden beams above her bed were clear. He even knelt down to check the space under her bed. No one was hiding there either.

Ghost took up a defensive position near Shuang. He faced outwards with his back towards the lady. If anyone came at them, he was ready to protect her.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here," he said quietly to the trembling girl.

"Ghost!" Shuang squeaked. Her hand snaking out to grab him, pulling him off balance. Ghost fell onto the bed. The next thing he knew, Shuang was hugging him tightly.

"I'm so scared! I thought I was going to die!!"

They were not alone, the Shard had to remind himself. LiQuin was just behind the decorative bamboo screen.

"Lady Shuang! What are you doing? Let go!"

"No!" she sobbed hugging him tighter. "I'm so scared!"

"Lady Shuang, you're safe. There is no one here. You can let go now."

"N-nooo!!" she cried burying her face into his shoulder. "Just hold me like you did at the temple."

"Huh? That's different ..."

Shuang ignored him, hugging him tighter. She didn't care about anything else right now. All she wanted was Ghost to hold and comfort her. Despite the uncomfortable and compromising situation, the Shard patted her back awkwardly hoping to calm her down.

That was how Key and LiQuin found them.


LiQuin awoke with a start and ran to her mistress' side from behind her night screen. She was there within minutes of Lady Shuang's scream. The maid gave a shriek of fright when she saw a black figure at her mistress' bed holding her captive.

"Lady Shuang is unharmed. There is no one else in this room," the Shard said in a low flat voice.

"G-ghost? Is that you? How did you get in so fast? Mistress, are you alright?" she asked. Her heart skipped a beat at witnessing the handsome bodyguard holding her Mistress so tenderly.

Just as she uttered the words, the door slid opened and Key slipped in noiselessly. LiQuin gulped. He moved like a predator stalking prey, alert and ready to strike. His aggressive demeanor was so unlike the easygoing bodyguard she was used to.

"All clear in the other rooms," reported Key in a hushed voice. His brows rose and his eyes widen when he took in the scene, but chose to stay silent. Now was not the time, there would be time later to tease his senior.

There was no need to check the outside. They had come from there. Besides, the Elites guarding Shuang's rooms were all alert now and doing a secondary check.

"I've informed the Elites outside."


Ghost half turned trying to pry Lady Shuang away without success. Failing after several attempts, he gave up holding his hands up behind Shuang's back indicating he was not taking advantage of the girl. His expression was one of helpless acceptance. Shuang still refused to let him go, in fact, she snuggled more into his shoulder. Key heroically held back a grin at Ghost's predicament.

LiQuin stared at the two bodyguards, turning her head from one to the other. It had only been a few minutes and they had already done all that? She herself had just jumped out of bed to attend the Lady and was still groggy from sleep.

LiQuin looked at her mistress, suddenly jerking back to reality. There were no assassins. They were safe. And Lady Shuang was hugging poor Ghost to death. A part of her was jealous but she squashed that thought before it could develop further. Her Mistress was formally engaged to Lord Yuan as of last night! Right now, she had to act fast to disengage her mistress from her handsome bodyguard. Despite her fright, her mistress must restrain herself and adhere to the proper behavior and boundaries of one of her rank.

"Lady Shuang!" she cried and rushed to her lady's side. "Ghost and Key found no one here. Are you alright?" She asked tacitly waving Ghost aside. He gestured her to pull Shuang from him. He was not going to touch her anymore than he had to.

"Let Ghost go. I'm here now. It's not proper for you to hug him."

"Y-yes. I think so," Shuang replied almost sullenly but released her hold. Ghost sprung up from the bed vacating his spot to LiQuin.

"What happened? You screamed so loudly. Are you in pain? Shall I get the physician?"

"No, no it's alright. I - I ... I had a nightmare. It was terrible," Shuang wailed.

Hearing her explanation, both Shards relaxed. A nightmare. So long as Shuang was not physically hurt, it was all good.

Leaving Key to stand guard and LiQuin to comfort Shuang, Ghost went to light a few candles. Perhaps the soft yellow glows will help dispel the remnants of her nightmares.

"I was alone and there were monsters all around me. It was so cold and dark," sobbed Shuang. "I was so scared."

LiQuin held her mistress and made comforting noises.

"I thought I was going to die! No one came to save me!" she turned accusingly to Ghost who had returned.

"I'm here," he repeated. "Key is here. We won't let anyone or anything harm you."

"Don't worry Lady Shaung," said Key. "We will protect you until your wedding day, then Lord Yuan will protect you. You will always be safe."

"Lord Yuan? But I want you and Ghost to protect me forever! I won't feel completely safe any other way."

"Us?" asked Key. "Lord Yuan will protect you after you marry. It is his right as your new lord and husband," said Key tactfully avoiding mentioning that Lord Yuan hated both of their guts especially Ghost's. Ghost had openly defied the noble. There was no way the young noble would ever allow them to continue guarding Shuang after their marriage. Not that they wanted to. Their contract with Lord Zhai was coming to an end and he personally could not wait to return to the Dark Sect ... and Ice.

Lady Shuang frowned in displeasure. She had gotten so used to having both of them around. Knowing they were always somewhere near ready to protect and defend her was so reassuring. If they were gone, it would feel so strange. She would feel exposed, vulnerable ... incomplete.

The thought that they would not be with her had never crossed her mind. She had taken for granted that Ghost and Key would follow her to her new home as her personal bodyguards. She had overlooked the fact that they were employed under House Zhai and not House Yuan.

Her lips formed a pout as her smooth forehead wrinkled into a frown. Traditionally, her father would allow her some personal maids, servants and honour guards to take with her to her new home. No problem. She would just ensure that Ghost and Key were included. Father could always recruit more guards for House Zhai. If he did not allow her both of them, she would just ask for Ghost.

"I want you and Ghost," she stated. "Tomorrow, I'll ask Father for both of you to be included in my wedding entourage. Of course, you will both be coming with me to my new home. I'll not have it any other way."

Ghost flicked Key a warning look and the Three held his tongue. There was no point in arguing with Shuang on the matter. She was stubborn and it was late. The issue was between Shuang and Lord Zhai. Whatever was decided between father and daughter, they would return to the Dark Sect on time where they belonged. If Lord Zhai wanted a new contract with new terms, he was welcomed to find Old Wolf for renegotiation. However, both the Shards could and would reject whatever terms Lord Zhai offered. They wanted nothing more to do with House Zhai, Shuang or the nobility and their dangerous politics.

The Shards wanted to be free.

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