Chapter 59 - Consequences

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The Zhai residence came to life slowly the next day. The lords and ladies were all sleeping in. Those who managed to wake up did so with massive headaches. Screens remained shut, curtains drawn and bowls of hot herbal soup were served to relieve the unrelenting throbbing. Many sought back their beds after swallowing a few spoonfuls. They would sleep the pain away.

Only a few were their alert selves.

Lord Zhai looked across the low solid hardwood table to Lord Zhang. Although he looked pale and worn out from all the drinking and crying he had done the night before, the man still managed to gather some semblance of dignity. The Ruling Lord could not tell if Lord Zhang was really sober. Now, he sat calmly drinking hot fragrant tea. Master Kai and Lady Wei flanked him.

They had arrived shortly after he invited them for a discussion. The early morning invitation was a tactic to catch Lord Zhang off guard. Lord Zhai was counting on the younger lord's splitting headache, still painful heartbreak and embarrassment of rejection for him to rush through the negotiations. He would probably agree to most terms just so he could return to the privacy of his rooms and away from the public eye. He must be mortified of the pitiful looks thrown his way and juicy gossip flying around about him.

Lord Zhai smirked inwardly. Zhang Xi Xuan was child's play, a novice lord.

"Lord Zhang," Lord Zhai begun. "I apologize once again for my daughter's behavior last night but she was right. I did not take her feelings into consideration when I arranged her marriage to you."

"I understand," Lord Zhang murmured.

"My daughter is still young but I guess she knows who she wants. At least she is brave enough to stand up to me. She has courage. She must take after me," he added almost proudly.

"She does take after you."

Lord Zhai frowned a little. Why did Lord Zhang's agreement sound like a veiled insult? What was he insinuating? But he quickly smoothed his features. He must maintain the advantage he had over the young lord and end this discussion quickly.

Lord Zhang tilted his head to study Lord Zhai for a moment. "I must admit, I did feel somewhat offended at her public announcement. If she did not want this alliance, she should have brought up the issue with you privately. Canceling our marriage could have been done discreetly."

"Yes ... there is that," agreed Lord Zhai hesitantly. Why did he stress on 'alliance'? Does this mean he was no longer an ally? Never mind, he will soon have his baby sister. Lord Zhang will have no choice but to submit to his will. The Ruling Lord gave his best fake fatherly smile. "Well, nothing can change now so it's best to forget her."

Xi Xuan kept a straight face, bottling his anger behind a resigned demeanor. Master Kai and Lady Wei had also been instructed to play along. They were there to support him and witness the cancellation of the marriage arrangements. Shuang's choice last night was just the start. All previous arrangements between House Zhai and House Zhang had to be voided and reversed.

"I will try. I suppose it was best that I did not get a chance to know her better."

"Good," the Ruling Lord said nettled again at the reminder of his daughter's untoward behavior. Although her avoidance of Lord Zhang earlier had played into his favor, it still rankled now that everyone knew her education and etiquette was lacking. It hurt the reputation that the Ruling House was trying to build.

"Lord Zhai," Master Kai interjected bowing his head in respect. "As House Zhai was the one who proposed the wedding and alliance through marriage, it is only right that your House should be the one to apologize and make amends."

"Of course. That is what I invited you here for." Lord Zhai paused to take a sip of tea. Maybe he should get rid of that meddling old man too. He was an annoyance. "Let's get down to business."

"Since we agree to formal cancellation of our deal, I will instruct my servants to return your bride gifts. Everything will be packed and ready for you before the wedding. I will also make an announcement retracting our deal formally in public before then as is custom."

"Everything?" asked Lord Zhang. "Maybe ... if you could lay it all out for my servants to pack, it would be easier."

"Don't you trust me?" asked Lord Zhai sharply. "House Zhai is not so desperate as to steal your bride gifts!"

"I beg your pardon Lord Zhai, that is not what I meant at all," said Xi Xuan smoothly. "I only wanted to make it easier for my servants to do their job. Several precious items have to be properly wrapped and packed carefully to avoid damage and preserve its value. Also, it would be easier to load my wagons if the parcels were the same shape and size as when I brought them here."

"Yes, yes. It's just logistics Lord Zhai," Master Kai bowed again. "Please do not be offended."

Lady Wei spoke up. "I think it's best the gifts are laid out in the side hall. Our wagons can be driven up the lane behind it. That way, we can do inventory and pack easily. With your permission of course." She held the Ruling Lord's gaze not in the least intimidated by the veteran warrior.

"Of course."

Maybe he should get rid of the old witch too, Lord Zhai thought murderously. The whole damn Zhang House was irritating. He had wanted to keep the rare medicinal gifts. It hurt having to return the precious box of hundred year old ginseng, the sea cucumber and the special white and red swiftlet's nest. His wife would be furious when she realized she would have to return all of House Zhang's wonderful bride gifts.

"What about the fresh sea products? Have they already been eaten?" asked Lady Wei referring to the fresh fish, abalone, scallops, lobsters and shrimp sent directly to the kitchen upon their arrival. It was separate from the feast's allocation.

The Ruling Lord held up a hand and an advisor approached him. The man whispered into Lord Zhai's ear and backed away.

"Ah, it seems that we have eaten some ... including a portion of the ginseng," Lord Zhai said apologetically. "I will compensate you with a unit of my trained soldiers."


Snap! Swooosh!

The sudden movement of Xi Xuan flicking his large handheld fan open startled everyone. He waved his fan slowly, digesting what the Ruling Lord had just said. Xi Xuan suppressed irritation. He had caught the calculative glimmer in Lord Zhai's eye. He wanted to keep the precious ginseng and worm in some of his people into House Zhang! The Ruling Lord was really underestimating him. Fine. If Lord Zhai wanted to play, he would too. Only, he would set his own rules.

"Oh no need for that, I have my own people and besides, my islands are so small. Captain Zhang will kill me if I crowded his barracks even more with extra soldiers." Lord Zhang snapped shut his fan.

"No matter. I'm tired," said Xi Xuan wearily holding his head. "Return what you can Lord Zhai ..." he said in a dismissive tone. "... I suppose House Zhang can write off a few edibles."

"I'm glad you understand," replied Lord Zhai through gritted teeth. Zhang's words implied he was giving charity to House Zhai! He swore he would make the man regret later.

"I feel unwell. My head is hurting. I must have drunk too much last night." Lord Zhang stood up preparing to leave. "Just lay out whatever not eaten in the side hall. My aides will take inventory and pack them for me."

As he made a perfunctory bow he added, "Oh, my gifts to Lady Shuang too. You can put them together with yours. I expect everything back from her ... it's all inedible. I'm sure ..." he sniffed sadly, "... I'm sure she will receive much better from Lord Yuan."

If not for the clueless expression on his face, Lord Zhai would have thought Lord Zhang was insulting him. Of course Shuang would not receive better. Lord Yuan was from one of the lower Houses! But who cares about bride gifts? He would soon have control of two Houses!

The man was obviously dumb for all his scholarly display. When it came to actually making decisions, he let his heart rule him. The fool must really be heartbroken. Losing Shuang must have rattled his composure to be so tactless and rude. Lord Zhang must think him a fool to instruct and explain such obvious details to him! Of course Shuang would also return her bride gifts from House Zhang. She was not marrying him anymore!

Before the Ruling Lord could retort to discipline the lesser lord, Master Kai moved forward to steady his master who was noticeably swaying.

"My apologies, Lord Zhai but I think we should let Lord Zhang rest. He is quite fragile and not used to indulging in so much wine."

"Yes, he drank more at breakfast to be able to face you," confided in Lady Wei. "He's still so embarrassed by the whole situation." She bowed low in deference to him.

Without waiting for a response, the three hastened out. With Master Kai and Lady Wei supporting the rapidly declining Lord Zhang, they managed to escape to their quarters without attracting anymore attention.

Once safely inside and away from prying eyes, Xi Xuan miraculously recovered. Straightening up, he waved away his grinning advisors.

"Do you think he fell for it?" asked Lady Wei.

"It doesn't matter," said Xi Xuan. "He boasted he could get everything ready soon. Make a through inventory and report whatever is missing. Lord Zhai may be the Ruling Lord, but his House is still greedy for spoils of war."

"Political maneuvers and intrigues are just a different kind of war," noted Master Kai. "I almost laughed when Lady Wei asked Lord Zhai if he had eaten any of the gifts when we already know Lady Zhai had gobbled up all the abalone and shrimp. The lobsters are almost all gone too and she didn't even share with her husband!"

"His Lady wife's appetite is legendary," chuckled Lady Wei wickedly. "His family will be the death of him."

"Check and pack everything. I think it best we get away from here as soon as possible. I don't really feel welcomed here anymore. Lord Zhai is acting very peculiar."

"I feel it too, cousin," said Captain Zhang from the door. "Captain Chiang has also been missing since last night."

XI Xuan's eyes narrowed. "I want to know what Lord Zhai is up to."

"I'm on it."

Captain Zhang turned on his heels heading out again.


Lord Zhai watched as Lord Zhang stumbled out with his two advisors. He couldn't decide if the scholar was a sly opponent or an ignorant fool. Probably a fool, he decided. A fool with a broken heart. With any luck, he would continue drinking himself into oblivion and obscurity.

He called out for a servant. "Gather whatever is left of House Zhang's bride gifts into the side hall. Their servants will takeover from there."

"At once, Lord Zhai."

"Also, send someone to tell Shuang to return her bride gifts."

Shuang would throw a tantrum but it couldn't be helped. Anyways, he had bigger problems. He had to prepare to face his lady wife. She would not be too pleased either.

"On second thought, keep the ginseng, sea cucumbers and the red swiftlet's nest to one side." He needed something to appease his wife. To hell with House Zhang, his wife was more important.

Any news from Captain Chiang?"

The Captain left last night. He should have arrived at the Dark Sect. If all went well, he should be on his way back.

"Nothing yet, Lord Zhai."

"Keep me posted."

"Yes, Lord Zhai."


"What?" screamed Shuang at the trembling servant. "Return my bride gifts? All of them? Don't I get to keep a keepsake of our almost marriage?"

"What about my beautiful Night Pearls? Surely those are mine? He gave them especially for me!!"

"I'm afraid not, my lady. Servants will come in after the noon meal tomorrow to take them to the side hall."

"Where is Lord Zhang?! Why isn't he here begging me to give him another chance?" she shrieked. "I am the beauty of Zinnu!! Why isn't he fighting to win me back? I want to keep my beautiful bride gifts!"

"But my Lady, even if he woos you again, you can't take him back," said LiQuin reasonably.

"That's not the point. I want him to want me. I want him to fight for my hand. And if I want him and his gifts, I can have them too. He gave them to me. It's mine!!"

"I'll tell Father to make him marry me!! I want my mansion in Baisha!!!"

Ghost and Key kept their mouths shut at Shuang's complete meltdown. They discreetly stepped out of her rooms to stand guard outside as Madame Shao (Etiquette tutor) and Lady Lu (Head of Maids) came bustling in. They would try to persuade the Lady to be reasonable. After all, the situation was her doing.

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