Chapter 60 - Returning the Bride Gifts

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When evening came, Madame Shao and Lady Lu went to report directly to Lord Zhai. He did not usually bother with such frivolous household chores but he seemed to have taken a personal interest in this matter.

"My Lord, everything has been sent to the side hall," Lady Lu said with lowered head, "... all Lady Shaung's personal bride gifts are there except ..."

Lord Zhai raised a querying brow. He had instructed both the head maid and tutor to get Shuang's things. The faster everything could be returned, the faster he could proceed with his plot. He wanted all the Houses to see his 'good faith' in returning House Zhang's gifts willingly on good terms. He was a man of his word and a loving father. To make amends, he would also make a show of adding some monetary compensation since Lord Zhang had rejected his military offer.

Once House Zhang accepted it and started packing, no one could say anything about his genuine intentions on maintaining good relations. He would not be suspect to public scrutiny when the Zhang girl went missing. That would be a private feud between Zhang and himself.

"Except what? What is the girl clinging onto?"

"The Night Pearls."

"What? What's that?"

"It's the black pearl jewelry set she wore during her Engagement Feast, my Lord. It was Lord Zhang's personal gift to his bride."

"Well, she's not his bride anymore," he said bluntly. "Tell her to give it up."

"I've tried ... We've tried," stammered Lady Lu glancing at Madame Shao for support.

"Lord Zhai," begun Madame Shao, "Despite our most earnest persuasion, she has adamantly refused. She threatened to ran away or hurt herself if we persisted."

Lady Zhai swept in bringing the illusion of Spring with her. Bright whites, yellows and fresh greens adorned her mature figure. Her ensemble was completed with a gauzy deep rose shawl which fell artfully from her shoulders. It perfectly matched the ruby flowers pinned in her hair. The smell of sunshine and wildflowers filled the room.

She would never have intruded if her Lord husband was in his War Room. However, since it was here, in part of her domain, it meant it had nothing to do with war, security or military matters.

"Oh! Just let her keep it. What's wrong with her having a little keepsake from Lord Zhang?"

"It's not right, my love. I'll get Lord Yuan to make her something similar from whatever black gems he has if she likes it so much."

"My Lord," she said, pouring her Lord husband a cup of tea and offering the steaming beverage to him. "It's not the same, and you know it. The black pearls are very rare, no gem can compare to it."

The beautiful woman settled next to the Ruling Lord, "And besides, didn't she look absolutely stunning wearing them last night? No one could take their eyes off our daughter."

She leaned towards him with a sultry smile, her seductive tone, fluttering lashes and inviting glance reminding him of the night they made their daughter.

"I did, I have eyes only for you," he smiled warmly. "But what about Lord Zhang?"

"What about him? Just tell him Shuang misplaced them. He'll be gone before our servants can find them. Then we'll announce that we've finally found them and send them back to him on his little island. Who knows if the courier assigned for the job gets robbed on his errand."

Lord Zhai smiled. "You are as beautiful as you are devious. That's why I love you."

"I love you too, my lord. Don't forget to 'lose' some of my delicacies too. They are really fresh and divine. Tell him to send more as a show of gratitude when we 'find' his pearls before our courier leaves for the Grey Islands."

"See to it," barked Lord Zhai to the two women waiting for his orders.

Lord Zhai got up when he saw Captain Chiang waiting at the door.

"I'm going to my War Room."

Lady Zhai bowed slightly to her Lord Husband. She understood he had some soldierly thingies to discuss with Captain Chiang in private. Well, she had things to do too. She instructed a maid to summon the Head cook. She wanted him to keep Zhang's delicious and expensive gifts to one side and make an inventory of them. She wanted to know how much of everything she had left. Maybe she should make a list of what else she wanted from the pushover Lord Zhang.


"My Lord," greeted Captain Chiang to his Lord.

"You're back."

"Yes my Lord, I've done what you ordered but ..."


"The Dark Sect did not want another contract with us. They said having two contracts at the same time in near proximity was a risk best avoided."

"You mean Old Wolf," Lord Zhai said sharply. The Dark Sect was too efficient and disciplined to make that kind of errors.

"That's a lame excuse. I've known them to have as many as four of five overlapping contracts before. Time and place means nothing to them. All their Shards executed everything perfectly."

Captain Chiang bowed to his lord's apt deduction. "But another high ranking Shard overheard our conversation. He came to me later to offer me a private contact. He's doubled the cost and I agreed."

"You agreed?"

"Yes, my lord. You said to do whatever it took due to the small window we have. Time is of the essence. We only have a few more days to Lady Shuang's wedding. We also need a skilled enough Shard to penetrate House Zhang and kidnap the Lady. Nightshade offered me a Level Five with guaranteed results."


"I've arranged the hidden cell for her arrival."

"So, it's a private contract with Nightshade, not the Sect?" Lord Zhai smiled in satisfaction. It didn't matter as long as he got Lady Zhang. "Good job Captain. After she's in my hands, Lord Zhang will have to do as I say. Maybe I'll save him the hassle of taking back any of his bride gifts since it would be too troublesome to drag all those wagons back to his Islands."

Captain Chiang kept his face expressionless.

"Who's doing the job?"

"A Level Five Shard named Glass."


Lady Wei's lips were pressed into a thin line. Disapproval and disgust was stamped all over her face.

"Is this the way a Ruling House behaves?" she asked hands on her hips. "I mean really?!"

Lord Zhang flicked a look at Master Kai who shook his head slightly in warning. Xi Xuan took the hint and kept quiet. He would let Lady Wei finish her rant and get whatever was bothering her off her chest.

Agitation poured out from her like a torrent. Lady Wei's eyes flashed daggers as her garments swished furiously about her, matching her angry pacing.

"This is outright robbery!! They are stealing from us in broad daylight!! They have no shame at all! Ruling House my foot!"

She glared murderously around. "Lord Zhang!!"

Xi Xuan jumped although he was expecting it. "Yes, Lady Wei?"

"What are you going to do about it?"

"About what? If you'd just tell me ..." he said tolerating her uncontrolled outbursts only because she had been his father's valued advisor. He respected both Master Kai and Lady Wei knowing their unquestionable loyalty to House Zhang. They had proven themselves time and time again and knew they extended the same dedication to him. After all, father had been training him as heir since he could walk. He had been exposed to all aspects of ruling as an observer since his earl teens.

Lady Wei drew in a quavering breath, closed her eyes briefly then let out her breath slowly to regain control of her temper.

"My Lord, I've just finished inspecting the bride gits House Zhai has returned to us."

"And ..." he asked before Master Kai could signal him to wait.

"AND ... they had the gall to return only half!! All the food is gone!! Every morsel of anything edible is not there! The ginseng, sea cucumbers, both red and white swiftlet's nest ... The fresh foods I can understand, but these items are preserved. Those greedy gluttons!" she exploded.

Xi Xuan inhaled sharply. Although he had expected House Zhai to keep some, this was beyond simple greed. This was a slap to the face.

"Exactly!!" seethed Lady Wei. "They think we can't do anything about it! They think we won't retaliate because he has all those soldiers!"

Master Kai lifted his head. "My Lord, there is more."

"Tell me."

"Lady Shuang has not included her Night Pearls set, the perfumes and some other small trinkets either."

"Like father, like daughter! They are a House of Thieves!!" Lady Wei burst out. "What shall we do to teach them a lesson, my lord? Shall we summon Captain Zhang now?"

Xi Xuan held up a hand. "No, wait. Not yet, let me think ..."

The Lord of House Zhang got up from his seat to pace in a small circle. His closed fan tapped rhythmically on his open palm.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The rhythmic tapping calmed Lady Wei down. Lord Zhang would come up with a plan. The boy was as crafty as his parents. He had learned from the best. Whatever the new lord was thinking would preserve House Zhang's reputation and serve a warning to House Zhai, she was sure of it. Surely he would not let House Zhai walk all over House Zhang despite his 'gentle scholarly' façade. He was still a true Zhang!

Silence caught their attention when the incessant tapping stopped. Both stood ready to do their lords bidding.

"Let them keep the food and medicines, it's replaceable," he said in a dangerously soft voice. "Let Lady Shuang keep the trinkets, they mean nothing to me ... but I will get back the Night Pearls. She is not worthy to wear them."

Lady Wei stood still for a shocked moment. "Let them have it all?"

"Yes," replied her lord quietly. "We will simply announce that House Zhang will grant them that. We will be generous and benevolent despite them breaking the marriage agreement and their word."

"That won't do them any favours. It will taint their reputation of taking advantage of another great House," smiled Master Kai. "Imagine, the mighty Ruling House breaking their word and coveting the forfeited bride Gifts. How despicable!" He shook his head in amusement, "Oh, the shame!"

"Their word will mean nothing after this! Other Houses will think twice before believing anything they promise," Lady Wei crowed gleefully. "They may be the Ruling House but they won't command any respect."

"I'll also ensure the other Houses won't take our 'generosity' as a signal that we can be bullied for free gifts. Lord Zhang, I'll prepare a speech for you thanking House Zhai for the return of the Gifts," said Lady Wei. "Make sure you're 'depress' and not thinking straight. The other Houses should take the hint and heed our warning if they don't want to inadvertently damage their own reputations."

Xi Xuan smirked. Lady Wei seemed slightly appeased but was still angry if she wanted to humiliated House Zhai publicly. She had not forgiven them for the fiasco during the Engagement dinner. He was looking forward to 'innocently' using certain words and expressions she would include in her speech. And he would get away with it too if he delivered it right.

"Since I'll be too 'distraught' to know what I'm saying or doing, House Zhai will know it's your doing."

Master Kai winked at the grinning Lady Wei. "So what? He can't do anything about it but we'll watch our backs."

Lady Wei nodded in agreement. Any number of accidents could happen while they were still here.

"We'll be careful."

"On second thoughts, maybe I should retrieve everything from Lady Shuang, useless trinkets and all. I will display them with the other items they have returned."

"Display?! Are you mad?" exclaimed Lady Wei. "Lady Shaung will go straight to her father and make a scene! Lord Zhai will bring out his troops!!"

"For what?" countered Xi Xuan. "He cannot declare us thieves for stealing what's not his. They are supposed to return everything as expected by customs when a betrothal is canceled. Allowing Lord Zhai to keep the medicines and perishables for his greedy House is already more than enough! Lord Yuan should be giving his daughter new bride gifts. Lady Shuang can't keep bride gifts from two parties when she is only marrying one!"

"True," mused Master Kai. "And displaying what Lady Shuang refused to give up together with the other gifts will send a message to them that we know and will not be bullied. We will take back what is ours, whether they like it or not. We are not intimidated by them."

Lady Wei's eyes glittered. "Only House Zhai will know because they are not disclosing the discrepancies publicly. Everyone else won't because they expect them to give back everything!" she laughed out loud.

"One more thing," said Xi Xuan, "If they dare ask you, pretend surprise. Act as if the items were given back together with the rest. Show them our list of the inventoried returned items. Father and daughter will be at odds then."

"We don't know anything."

Master Kai grinned and Lady Wei clapped her hands in glee.

"I love it! Lady Shuang will go crazy."

"How are you going to get back the pearls and trinkets if she is not going to give them up?"

"No need to worry about that. I'll have everything back in time when you put on a show of doing inventory and packing."

When the two advisors left, he called Captain Zhang.

"Lord Zhang?" he saluted smartly when he entered.

Xi Xuan motioned him forward. "Zi Min, I need you to summon Ghost here. I have a job for him."

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