Chapter 6 - Deal

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Captain Chiang stood respectfully behind Lord Zhai as his Master met up with the Leader of the Dark Sect.

"Old Wolf," greeted the Leader of the Ruling House.

"Lord Zhai," responded Old Wolf. "What brings you here?"

The Leader of the Dark Sect was typically dressed in black. His heavily embroidered black outfit did nothing to hide his tall muscular frame. He was very fit and ruggedly handsome. An aura of power emanated from the ranking Shard. Old Wolf carried no visible weapons but Lord Zhai was not fooled. The man himself was a weapon.

Old Wolf's presence alone could intimidate men but not Lord Zhai. He too had seen his fair share of battles.

"I came to give see an old friend."

Old Wolf raised an eyebrow. Old friend? What was he talking about. He had no friends, that was how he had survived for so long. No one outside the Dark Sect could be trusted and only a few inside.

"It's been some time since we've had a chance to drink together," Lord Zhai continued deliberately ignoring Old Wolf's pointed expression. He ushered Captain Chiang forward to present a large earthen jar. "A rare wine from the mountains of Liang ... and ..."


"An offer."

Old Wolf finally smiled, deepening the wrinkles on his craggy face. As much as he enjoyed a good drink, money was even better.

"Come, sit. We shall enjoy the wine together while we talk business."

After the two had wet their throats and Old Wolf had made the customary appreciative comments, the two became serious. Their respective men stood behind them.

"Tell me," invited Old Wolf simply.

"Yes, well, I'll get straight to the point then. It's my youngest daughter. I need bodyguards for her."

Old Wolf stiffen as he stared at Lord Zhai. He had expected a request to steal or fetch an impossible item, a job that would require the skills of his highly trained Shards. Maybe even kill a rival or send a gruesome message to someone well protected but this, this was just unheard of. He took a moment to collect his wits.

"Lord Zhai ..." said Old Wolf in a long suffering tone and put down his wine cup. Behind him Crow's mouth twitch with amusement. "Lord Zhai ... I thought you understood our explicit business especially since we have had dealings in the past. I don't know what you've heard recently but I assure you, the Dark Sect have not changed our business."

"You won't do it?"

"The Dark Sect do not provide baby-sitting services," Old Wolf replied primly. Crow was grinning openly now much to Captain Chiang's obvious discomfort. Lord Zhai's awesome military achievements was useless when it came to his family especially when it involved his wife or youngest daughter.

"What about your Elite guards?" Crow asked candidly eyeing both Lord Zhai and his subordinate. "Doesn't the Elite guards provide protection for the Zhai family?" he asked suspiciously. The Elite guards were renown for their fighting skills and fierce loyalty to House Zhai.

Old Wolf nodded at Crow's question. It was a valid point. Crow was one of his trusted aides and a witness to this deal. Nightshade lurked unseen by the guests, he kept track of the active Shards. They were both Level Sixes.

Captain Chiang gave a small embarrassed cough.

Lord Zhai took a sip of wine before replying. "That's true but we have some, umm ... temporary internal difficulties at the moment. As such, I require several of your men to guard her."


"What?! But ..."

"As I said, we do not provide baby-sitting ..." he raised a hand to stop Lord Zhai from interrupting, " ... or bodyguard services. We are mercenaries of sorts in a specialized field. We make contracts to deliver or retrieve messages be it verbal or not. We send warnings, threats, steal and kill ... we DO NOT follow little girls around to prevent them from possible kidnapping, injuries or dangers of their own follies especially when they have tendencies to facilitate such unfortunate events. That is your Captain's job."

Captain Chiang winced behind Lord Zhai. So, even the underworld had heard of Lady Shuang's exploits.

"I'll pay premium rates."

Old Wolf brightened. Ahhh, that's different then. "How much?"

"One hundred silver pieces per person for the job."


That was much higher than market rates. The common mercenary bodyguards were not formally trained nor durable, the expensive trained ones were more durable but not loyal. His Shards however, were all three. They were highly trained, durable and loyal to the terms of contract. Lord Zhai must be desperate to offer so much.

"It's only for three months ... until I can arrange her wedding. Then she will be her husband's responsibility."

"Lucky man," muttered Crow grinning roguishly. Captain Chiang scowled at him.

"Three months?" asked Old Wolf already calculating the fortune to be had. The Dark Sect needed more funds during this time of year to prepare for winter and training new recruits. Food, clothing, weapons were all provided. Their Shards were made as comfortable as possible so that they could focus solely on training their Skills and their jobs. It also made them fully dependent on the Sect as the Sect was on them.

Winter was the time for healing and recovery. Usually, everyone took this opportunity to recuperate and hone their skills. Typically, less than ten per cent were active during this time of year, considerably reducing the Sect's income.

"But I want your best men."

"All my men and women are good. The non-competent ones get killed or get caught and then killed."

"I know that. What I meant was that I want at least a few Level Sixes ..."

Before he could finish his sentence, both Old Wolf and Crow were laughing heartily.

"You must be kidding. Sixes have other responsibilities other than field operations."

"I insist."

"No deal."

"What?!? How dare you ..."

At his Lord's outburst, Captain Chiang's hand which was resting lightly on the handle of his sword suddenly gripped it tightly.

"Draw that weapon and you're both dead," warned Crow. All traces of banter and humour were gone. His own hand was on his weapon."You forget where you are, Captain."

Lord Zhai gave a signal and his Captain lifted his hand away from his sword.

Old Wolf stood up abruptly. "I think you mistake us Lord Zhai. You do not get to demand our people nor our services."

"I'll double my offer. Two hundred silver pieces per person."

"Money is important but it is not everything, as you have yet to learn." He thought of his dead wife, son and daughter. Although it had been years, it still hurt. Now he lived only for the Dark Sect and the boy he rescued. He would give up all his treasures and his position willingly if he could have his family back.

"You will only pay if we agree to terms and I do not agree. Crow, please show them out," Old Wolf instructed curtly.

"No, no, wait! We can still make a deal. Please, what can you offer?"

Crow went back to his position behind his superior when Old Wolf sat back down. Maybe they could work something out after all. Three months was not a long time. It was an easy job and the money was good.

"The price has gone up. Two men, one hundred gold pieces per week per person."

"What?!?! One hundred gold pieces per week? That's preposterous!!"

"Take it or leave it."

The Lord bristled a few moments before caving in. Money spent he could regain but if anything happened to Shuang in that short time, his wife would never forgive him. It's only for three months, he reminded himself ... less if he could arrange for her to get married sooner.

"Her safety will be guaranteed until we hand her over to her husband," Old Wolf added. "And ... terms will include your non-interference in how we handle her."

"What do you mean?"

"My men will not answer to you when she prattles on them. Their discipline, if any, will be left solely up to the Sect. They will keep her safe from all physical harm and dangers, even those brought upon her by herself."

Lord Zhai frowned. What did that mean?

Old Wolf ignored him. "A written contract listing the full terms will be drawn up and sent to you. Upon your agreement and return of a stamped copy with your personal seal, I will send two Shards to you."

"They must be good. I want only the best for my daughter."

Old Wolf pursed his lips in irritation but continued.

"If, you, your daughter or anyone in your House breaks any of the terms listed, it will invalidate this contract and I will withdraw my men. If any of my Shards dies within the contract period, they will be replaced and we will retrieve their bodies. They belong to the Dark Sect, dead or alive."

"But ..."

"Do not worry, my terms will be reasonable. I must protect my people too." He paused. "You will have a week to decide after which my offer is void. I'm a busy man. I can't keep waiting forever, you know."


"The offer will be on your writing table in your private chambers by midnight. I suggest you read and understand it thoroughly. It will be irrevocable once you stamp it."

"My private chambers? You can't get in that easily."

Crow just smiled. Old Wolf ignored that remark. Captain Chiang frowned, mentally reviewing the current security and making a few notes to tighten it up. No one would get through when he was done, he promised himself.

"I'll wait for your reply."

With that Old Wolf got up and Crow stepped forward to firmly usher out the guests.

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