Chapter 65 - Formal Cancellation

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Ghost showed up before Shuang woke up the next day. Nothing seemed amiss if one did not look too closely at the Five. The wounds on his neck were covered by his ever present scarf and his long messy bangs fell into his eyes as usual. It was no longer plastered to his face with half dried blood and sweat. It must have hurt cleaning up and retying his hair, thought the Three. It was artfully done to cover the deep gash there.

"They'll be here to collect Glass' body tonight."


The Shards were efficient. They took care of their own.

House Zhang too had cleaned up any evidence of the scuffle between the two Shards. No traces were left. The morning sun rose to shine on a pristine courtyard.

"Ghost ..."

"Don't start. It's done."

Key bit his lip looking away. His heart was heavy. Yesterday he had been counting the days until their mission's end but now he was dreading it. His mentor and friend was going home to a brutal judgement. The Dark Sect had never tolerated killing each other. To allow such without harsh punishment would only invite disaster to the whole Sect. They were a body trained on the dark arts of death and revenge.


Lady Shuang was just finishing breakfast when the summons from her father came. She was to present herself at the Receiving Hall in an hour. The bodyguard Ghost was also to be present.

How odd. Of course Ghost would be there, so would Key. Her two handsome and skilled bodyguards followed her everywhere, didn't they? The formal wording and serious tone of the summons puzzled her.

"What's going on?" she asked. "Ghost? What's this all about? Did you do something wrong?"

"Who me?" replied Ghost with an innocent smile. He ignored Key's soft panicked gasp which turned into an artful yawn. Key had better get himself together and not give anything away or he'll ensure the Three got more training when they got back.

"Maybe Lord Zhai is announcing Ghost as your permanent bodyguard," LiQuin said glancing at Ghost. "He'll probably join your entourage and be tasked to continue guarding your person when you go with Lord Yuan to your new home."

The pretty maid was still seething at the bodyguard but she hid it well. He'll regret ever rejecting her!

When she had approached Ghost after Lady Shuang's formal engagement, she had been so happy that her mistress was finally and irrevocably spoken for. Now, she would have a chance to be with her secret crush. Since they would follow Lady Shuang to her new home, it only made sense for them to be together. They were both high ranking servants from the same place. It was perfect, but he had spurned her! Resentment burned in her heart leading to her seeking out Lord Yuan. A little punishment would do the arrogant bodyguard some good. Maybe a good scare would bring him to his senses when his fate hung on her words. Then he would appreciate her 'help', be grateful and accept her.

Her heart fluttered at her foolproof plan. Lord Yuan was a true gentleman. He had sympathized with her and had been understanding of her feelings towards Ghost. When he readily agreed to her plans, he had also confided in her that he was somewhat relieved she had come to him since he was aware of Lady Shuang's infatuation with the bodyguard. Once they were a couple, Lady Shuang would have to give Ghost up. It was a win for them both.

LiQuin couldn't wait. Ghost would soon be hers.

Lady Shuang brightened up. "Of course! That must be it. Sometimes you're so smart LiQuin."

Lady Shuang cast a possessive look at her handsome bodyguard unaware of her maid's feelings. He looked exceptionally gorgeous today too. He was paler and more reserved than usual but looked so good against the darkest black outfit she had ever seen. She felt so excited. Maybe she can ask Father for Key too but at least she'd have Ghost.

And maybe, this would be the perfect time to tell Father that she had changed her mind about Lord Zhang. She'd ask him to order Lord Zhang to marry her instead of Lord Yuan. Zhang Xi Xuan was better in every way. He was richer, more glamorous and even better looking than Shun Xi. There was still three more days to the wedding, there was still time to change back the groom.

Lord Zhang was just being shy and too embarrassed to meet her since the disastrous (for him) engagement feast despite her numerous invitations, she concluded. Since he did not seem to get her subtle hints, all he needed was a good shove in her direction. He'd be so happy once he realize he was getting to marry her after all! Then he could give her back all her bride gifts and they could be a beautiful couple once again!

She finished her breakfast quickly to get ready. She was so happy. It was going to be the best birthday and wedding present ever, to have her dream husband and favourite bodyguard!


When Lady Shuang walked into the Receiving Hall, she was surprised to see most of the ranking nobles there. She had thought it would be a private meeting with the parties involved. Oh! Did father want to make it a public announcement? All the better!

"Father," she curtsied demurely to her father. "Lord Yuan," she greeted her soon to be ex-fiance who was also there. Her eyes roamed the room. Where was the handsome Lord Zhang? Oh there he was! He was standing to the side looking so mysterious and elegant in dark green and silver.

"Daughter," replied Lord Zhai grimly.

"I brought Ghost as instructed," she said smiling brightly. She couldn't wait for the good news.


Now that everyone was present, Lord Zhai could proceed with the day's agenda. The first was the formal termination of Shuang's marriage with House Zhang. He had invited the affected parties and the ranking lords and ladies to witness his 'heartfelt' apologies and handover of the bridal gifts. Thereafter, House Zhai would have fulfilled all obligations to House Zhang and be done with the matter.

"As all of you have witnessed at the Engagement Ceremony my daughter, Lady Zhai Mei Shuang has chosen Lord Yuan Shun Xi for her husband. Therefore, I hereby offer a formal apology to House Zhang for the regretful cancellation of our union with their House. As per custom, we are returning all of Lord Zhang's generous bridal gifts back to his House."

He gestured to a servant who hurried to Lord Zhang. He bowed low, offering up a scroll. Everyone nodded in approval. House Zhai was honoring the customs.

"I have also added a chest of gold and silver as additional compensation to express my genuine regret that our Houses will not be join as planned. However, my daughter's happiness comes first."

A murmur of agreement met his statement.

Lord Zhang was almost back to his elegant self although he still had dark circles under his eyes. He reached out to pick up the scroll. To everyone's surprise, he actually pulled at the red ribbon to unfurl the parchment and made a show of scanning the list. They thought he would just take and acknowledge it. After all, it really merely a token gesture from the Ruling Lord.

"Thank you Lord Zhai and I admire you for putting your daughter's feelings, desires and happiness first. You are truly a loving Father who cares deeply for his daughter," Lord Zhang bowed to the Ruling Lord. "However, I see some discrepancy with my list."

"What?" the Ruling Lord asked taken aback.

"This," Lord Zhang took out another scroll hidden in his sleeve, "... is my list. The one Lady Wei prepared when supervising the packing of the returned gifts. You do know I plan to leave immediately the day after the wedding. It would be unbearable for me to be here when the happy couple continue to celebrate their new life and make plans for their honeymoon. I hope you will understand ..."

Lord Zhang blinked a few times as if he was overcome with emotion. Looks of pity and understanding were thrown his way. The poor man was trying so hard to be brave and go through the motions despite having to stand in front of a beloved ex-fiance and the lesser lord she had publicly chosen over him. One had to forgive the new lord for his lapse of social awareness due to his acute embarrassment. He wiped away some imaginary tears before gathering himself to continue.

"I apologize for my lack of control, but ..." he sighed dramatically returning his attention to the scroll. Focusing on the business at hand was the only way he could distract himself from threatening emotions. "A-anyway, there was no food there, not even the ginseng, sea cucumber or swiftlet's nests. At first I thought Lady Wei had made a mistake which is very unlike her. Then I remembered Lord Zhai saying some had already been partially consumed. Ha, ha, how silly of me to forget," he laughed awkwardly then cleared his throat when no one else laughed with him.

"It was my mistake so I told her to forget about it. The Ruling House can have all the food and medicinal herbs they want, they deserve it. You know, I hope and pray for you and your Lady's continued good health and long life always."

Lord Zhai gritted his teeth and forced a smile. People were watching! The stupid man was rambling and exposing things he'd rather stay hidden.

"Thank you Lord Zhai for your generous compensation. I have no real use for more gold but I will accept it as a token of your House's good intentions." Lord Zhang gave a small bow before addressing Lady Shuang directly. "I would also like to thank Lady Shuang for returning everything. I'm glad to note that every gift I sent her is accounted for."

"Everything?" she squeaked startled.

"Yes, everything," replied Xi Xuan smoothly noting Ghost's professional stoic appearance. "Thank you, Lady Shuang."


"Yes ... Oh! Sorry not everything. All is there except the Night Pearls which your maid informed me you misplaced. I'm sure you will return them to me as soon as you find them, hopefully before I leave. Lord Yuan will probably give you better ..."

Lady Shuang was too stunned to answer. Did he say everything? Did LiQuin give back all the jewellery she specifically asked her to hide away? All except the Night Pearls? If so, she would be punished for being so careless. She hastily squashed the impulse to rush back to her rooms to check on her treasures! She wanted those beautifully crafted jewellery!! But, at least she had the exquisite Wedding Set!!

"Yes, yes of course. It will be returned to you when we find them," assured Lord Zhai red-faced. The bumbling novice lord had just implied to everyone present that his daughter was keeping some of the gifts. Although it was true, the gall of him exposing them was astounding. Did he want a war? Didn't he know better than to accuse the Ruling House of thievery ... in his own House? And Shuang's guilty expression was a dead giveaway at what she'd done. How shameful!

"Thank you. That is all I can hope for. I want to move past this as soon as possible," Lord Zhang said dejectedly. "I - I do wish the new couple the best."

Lord Zhai noted several lords and ladies smirking in amusement. He seethed vowing to make Lord Zhang pay, or rather make his baby sister pay. The thought of Zhang Xi Xiu in his clutches and the total control of her arrogant brother soothed him enough to maintain his composure.

The Ruling Lord smiled to himself, the Shard, Glass must already be on the premises somewhere. Maybe he had already gotten the brat and waiting to deliver her while her brother was here.

All he had to do was be patient and all would fall into place.

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