Chapter 66 - Allegations Part 1

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Now, for the day's second agenda. A matter that had to be handled delicately or it could end badly for House Zhai. It concerned the Dark Sect and one of the Shards currently protecting his daughter.

Unfortunately, it had to be addressed immediately as the foolish Lord Yuan had made a rather public complaint, one that was gaining momentum. Better to take the initiative, retain control and deal with the situation quickly before the gossip spread further. He would let the idiot make his case, sentence Ghost quickly to prison out of sight and be done with the matter. Then he would talk with the hired Shard privately. Their contract would be over in three days time and they would be released from service. Hopefully he'd not need to ever see either one ever again.

The Ruling Lord's already low regard for his future son-in law was deteriorating with every stunt he pulled.

Lord Zhai cleared his throat. "Now that that's settled, I bring your attention to another serious matter. Lord Yuan?"

After the smug noble stepped forward Captain Chiang motioned to Ghost, "Ghost, bodyguard of Lady Shuang, please come forward to defend yourself."

"What? Defend himself?" Lady Shuang echoed in alarm. "What did he do?"

Amidst the curious stares, the bodyguard stepped forward as instructed. Lord Zhai motioned to his waiting Captain. Immediately fully armed Elites filed noisily into the chamber surrounding everyone present. A smaller unit detached itself to position themselves loosely around Lord Yuan and Ghost.

"What's the meaning of this?!" asked Lord Xu feeling threatened. Armed Elites was a danger to all the nobles present. They were unarmed and without their own guards. The Ruling Lord's sudden show of power was unnerving.

"What's going on?"

"Lord Zhai, please explain yourself! We are here on good terms at your request!"

The outbursts from several Lords and Ladies hinting at their sudden fear somehow made Lord Zhai feel better, much better. He was the Ruling Lord and they were literally in his territory. By the apprehensive looks on their faces, they were forcibly reminded of their dangerous proximity to the veteran soldier. He could end them all with just a word to his loyal Captain. It was good to remind them of his position and power over them.

He stalled a moment longer to enjoy their agitation before speaking.

"It's just a precaution. My Elites are here to protect us from Ghost. He is a capable bodyguard for my beloved daughter but I must ensure our safety if he become violent."

Ghost? Violent? Lady Shuang's anticipation and happiness drained away only to be replaced with apprehension and a sinking feeling. She sensed Key tensing too.

"Father! Whats going on? I'm sure Ghost did nothing wrong. Why, he ..."

"Quiet! You are part of the problem!" growled Lord Zhai.

"Me?" she asked shocked into silence. Lord Yuan! He's the cause of all this! She glanced at him angrily. If he hurt Ghost, she'll never forgive him.

"We thank the Heads of Houses for their presence as witnesses to this crime," started Captain Chiang. "Lord Yuan, please tell them what you told us."

Lord Yuan nodded, turned to bow to the Ruling Lord and gave Ghost a nasty smirk before turning to face everyone with a grave face.

"Everyone, I seek justice. I've presented Lord Zhai with my case and he has graciously allowed me to investigate the matter," he begun. "Lords and Ladies, as you all know, I'm now engaged to the beautiful Lady Shuang."

There was a murmur of assent.

"But Ghost here, a mere bodyguard, a commoner, has tried to seduce my future wife!!"

What?!! Uproar ensued. Everyone begun talking at once. A slight frown marred Lord Zhang's face for a moment but it disappeared as soon as it appeared, he was not supposed to be close enough to the Shard to feel anything for him. Lady Shuang jumped at the accusation glaring at Lord Yuan but Key visibly relaxed. Thank the Gods it was not about Glass. The Three almost laughed aloud in relief. What a ridiculous accusation from Lord Yuan. Ghost would be cleared of all charges in five minutes and Lord Zhai could dismiss the Elites. They would laugh about it later at Shuang's quarters.

Ghost stilled, remaining quiet.

"That's preposterous!!" cried Shuang outraged. "What are you talking about Shun Xi? What proof do you have to make such an absurd allegation?"

"Don't tell me you enjoyed the attentions of a mere servant. He's beneath you, Lady Shuang. He's no match for me!"

Shuang was shocked into silence. She could not comprehend her fiance's sudden arrogance and rude behavior. The way he was sneering at her insultingly was beyond anything she had ever experienced in her sheltered life. The only ones who dare act that way towards her were her brothers! Was Shun Xi like them too? She was horrified.

"What do you say to the accusations against you?" Captain Chiang asked the silent bodyguard.

"I did no such thing," replied Ghost calmly but Lady Shuang was already getting ready for a bout of hysterics.

Captain Chiang nodded as if his response was expected. "Then we call forward a witness."

What? A witness? Who? Two guards moved aside to let a woman pass.

"I present to you, LiQuin, Lady Shuang's personal maid."

Lady Shuang gasped and Key's eyes widen in surprise when LiQuin stepped into the circle of guards.

"Be with me and I'll tell them I was mistaken. Reject me and you'll be punished severely. Only my words can save you now. Your choice," she whispered softly to Ghost as she passed him.

Ghost kept his eyes forward ignoring her ludicrous offer.

"Fine! You'll regret this!" she hissed angrily.

All eyes were on the maid as she swept past Ghost to stand in front.

"LiQuin, tell them what you saw," said Lord Yuan. "Tell them how this miserable bodyguard took advantage of your Mistress in her own chambers!!"

"What?!?" shrieked Lady Shuang. "Lies!!"

"It's true!!" LiQuin blurted. "I saw them with my own eyes!"

"Think carefully before you speak girl," warned Lord Zhai. He did not like his daughter's name tainted.

The maid paled but stood her ground, to say otherwise now would only put herself into trouble. It was too late to retract her statement. Better to be the righteous maid defending her mistress' honor than to be labeled a liar. Oh well, Ghost will just have to suffer a little punishment for rejecting her. She promised herself that she would make it up to him later. She did give him a chance. It was not her fault that he did not seize it, she thought justifying her actions before opening her mouth to speak again.

"My Lord! I speak only the truth! I woke up a few nights ago to Lady Shuang screaming. Then I saw him at her bed hugging her!"

She had barely finished speaking when Lord Zhai shouted for his guards. This was not what he had expected. The gossip said Ghost only tried to seduce Shuang not actually hugging her! Did Ghost really touch his daughter?! His precious daughter!

"Insolence!! Guards!!"

Swords whispered loudly as they were drawn and pointed at Ghost. Elites closed in and soon their sharp blades were at his throat.

"Take this man to prison!" Lord Zhai shouted in fury, forgetting himself momentarily before logic returned to him. He frowned slightly, something did not make sense. It was impossible Ghost would seduce Shuang. No Shard ever did anything outside of their contract. The Dark Sect was well known for it. Of course, Lord Yuan and LiQuin did not know that Ghost was a Shard.

LiQuin cowered and Lord Yuan paled. It was all he needed to know they were lying. How or why he did not know but they were definitely plotting something together. His blood boiled at the audacity of the maid and the noble. They were plotting together in his House against a Shard he had personally employed!

A quick glance from Ghost confirmed his suspicions.

"I'll decide his punishment later," said Lord Zhai. He swore Lord Yuan and LiQuin was going to pay for his predicament. They were making a public spectacle of the matter. They were ruining his daughter's reputation!

The Elites pushed the Shard down roughly to his knees with their swords. Soon, his hands were bound securely behind his back.

"It's not true!" Lady Shuang's shrill voice rang out. "He did not take advantage of me! I had a nightmare and he was comforting me."

"Comforting you? So you admit he touched your person intimately knowing you are spoken for?" asked Lord Yuan. "You are to be my wife! How can I marry a sullied woman? You'll bring shame to my House!"

"It's not like that! Stop twisting my words!" she cried in frustration.

Lord Zhai froze at Lord Yuan's words. Did the young noble just insult his House? And his daughter who he was going to marry in three days time?! How presumptuous and insulting! Did he really utter those damning words? His eyes narrowed.

His future son-in law had just made an enemy of him.

Lord Yuan had become bolder thinking he had the Ruling Lord's support. Everything was playing out as he'd planned. Finally the irritating thorn in his side would be gone. He was going to get rid of Ghost once and for all.

"My dearest Lady, I don't know what he said or did to intimidate you. You do not have to lie for him nor defend him in any way. I am here to protect you,"

"But ...!"

"Tell the truth now and I'll marry you," he demanded. "Defend this lowborn scum and you'll have no husband. I'll call off the wedding. Everyone will then know why I refused to marry you."

Everyone gaped at his statement and silence descended at his appalling words. Did Yuan Shun Xi seriously just utter those damning words? The fool! He must be very brave or really stupid. Several stared unbelievingly at the brazen lordling whilst others turned to the target of his threats.

Lady Zhai Mei Shuang paled and she started trembling.

Lord Zhai's frown deepened, his bright eyes turned feral as his gaze bored into his future son-in law. The alert Elites shifted, aware of their Lord's escalating anger. Many of them had gone to battle with him before earning the Elite's rank. One word or a gesture could unleash chaos. They were ready to kill Lord Yuan and all the nobles here. Spilling blood was nothing new.

Lord Zhang inhaled sharply. Lord Yuan Shun Xi was going to have a very difficult life ahead of him. He had just made a tactical mistake. However he felt no pity for the young man.

The accused, Ghost remained as still as a statue.

Key tensed even more at the changed atmosphere. He felt suddenly very lacking. His training did not cover this kind of situation!

LiQuin was trying not to panic. This was not supposed to happen. This was not what she wanted! What was he doing? This was not what they had planned. This was not what he had promised. Lord Yuan was going too far!

Blissfully unaware of the tension his words were causing, lord Yuan continued to sneer at Lady Shuang, belligerently jerking his chin to prod an answer from her. Pressure her and she would break. They all do. Women were weak creatures. His awareness narrowed to only the trapped lady. All she had to do was condemn Ghost and he would win!!

The tension shifted again as the crowd digested the changed circumstances. No wedding? Would Lord Yuan really go through with it? And would Lord Zhai allow it? House Yuan would lose a lot of benefits associated with the Ruling House. Not only that, surely Lord Zhai would have something to say about it. Surely he would do something.

Who then would Lady Shuang marry? Which House would take House Yuan's place to receive the huge benefits of being associated with the Ruling House? Whichever it was, it must be good enough to be matched with House Zhai and strong enough to defend itself from House Yuan. For surely house Yuan would become the enemy of Lady Shuang's new husband.

The calculating nobles settled down waiting expectantly for the next move. The matter did not concern them. They were only here as witnesses.

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