Chapter 67 - Allegations Part 2

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Filled with righteous anger, Lady Shuang balled her small fists and lifted her chin. The beauty of Zinnu glared at the young noble of House Yuan trembling with rage. She was the beloved daughter of House Zhai, the most precious treasure of the Ruling House. He was only the younger son of a lesser House. How dare he speak to her that way!!

"How dare you! Not marry me? Who do you think you are?" she shrieked.

Her furious outburst wiped the smile off his face. Shun Xi took an involuntary step backwards bewildered the lady dared to oppose him. He was used to having his women meek and docile. He had forgotten Lady Shuang was not a common courtesan at a pleasure house who was paid to humour and serve him.

"Father! I change my mind. I will not marry Lord Yuan. I'll marry Lord Zhang instead!!"

"Lord Zhang!" Shuang called shrilly. "I'll take you back if you want. I'll marry you. Ghost did nothing to me, I swear on my House!"

"What?!!" shouted Lord Yuan but all eyes had turned to the Lord of House Zhang.

Xi Xuan had tried to fade into the background after his issue was settled but now that was impossible. Shuang had trusted him back into the spotlight with her outburst. Most expected him to jump at this opportunity to get back with the beautiful maiden he had been pining over since her choice a few nights ago. This was his chance to regain what he had lost, his precious fiancee and his face (dignity).

Lord Zhang Xi Xuan drew himself up to utter a single word.


The moment the Lord of the second most powerful House in Zinnu rejected Lady Shuang, her desirability, value and prestige plummeted. Blood drained from her face as she stood mortified surrounded by judgemental stares.

"No? What do you mean no? Don't you love me?" asked Shuang dumbfounded. "Aren't you crying and drinking yourself senseless every night because of me? Aren't you pining over our lost love? Don't you want to marry me? I'm still pure!! I'm still a maiden!!"

Lord Zhang seem to transform before them. With straightened back and head held high, he seemed to grow taller. His gentle confidence and grace seemed to enhance settling onto is slender shoulders like a shroud, his features changed from depressed embarrassment to a calm disinterest. The 'lovesick' man was replaced by the Lord of House Zhang.

"Our lost love?" he asked with genuine surprised. "You never loved me. We are practically strangers. You didn't even grant me an audience to get to know you before the Engagement Feast."

"I do now! I want to marry you!"

"Ahhh, but I don't," replied Xi Xuan. "I cannot, I'm sorry."

"Why don't you want me back?" her voice trembled as tears started splashing down her rosy cheeks. "You were my fiance before Lord Yuan. I'm the most beautiful maiden in the land! I'm a daughter of the Ruling House!"

Lady Shuang stared at Lord Zhang in disbelief. How could he not want her. "I'm a prize any man would die for. Why won't you fight for me? I know you want me!"

"My feelings are irrelevant. My House have rules even I have to abide by."

"Rules? What rules?" The beautiful maiden could not believe Lord Zhang was denying her.

"Family, loyalty, trust and common courtesy ... among others."

"What has that got to do with not marrying me?"

"I'm sorry but I cannot take another man's promised to be my wife. I have that much integrity," Xi Xuan replied, his open handheld fan waving slowly against his chest. Lord Zhang locked eyes with Lord Yuan until the younger man looked away. He had taken another man's promised to be his wife.

Lord Zhai bristled and Lord Yuan turned crimson at the barb.

"But, but, you love me!! I know you do!"

"My Lady, you have chosen Lord Yuan before witnesses, you are no longer my fiancee nor my responsibility. Our bond was severed by your choice on your Engagement night." Xi Xuan looked pointedly around the room. Many were nodding agreeing with him.

She was now Lord Yuan's problem.

"I think Lord Yuan and you are a match made in Heaven, a perfect fit. You both deserve each other. I dare not intrude in your love."

"No-oooo!!" screamed Shuang as her new reality set in. "Please! Please marry me Lord Zhang! I don't want to marry Shun Xi anymore! Lord Zhang! For my honor, for the truth!"

"No. I will not subject House Zhang with a woman who changes her mind like the wind. As I said, we value loyalty," he said flatly. "A woman spoken for is off limits in my books."

"I'm sure Lord Zhai will agree with me that loyalty is crucial in a marriage, a household, business or even an army. How can I trust you to commit to my House and family or not to change your mind in the future?"

Lord Zhai gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw. What the brat said was true. Loyalty and trust was crucial in his army.

Lord Zhang paused to let his words sink in. Lady Shuang had proven herself unworthy of his House.

"The truth with the bodyguard is solely House Zhai's business. What happened between Lady Shuang and him is perfectly plain for all to judge," he nodded at the trembling LiQuin and the red faced Lord Yuan. It was obvious there was more going on than being said. "Whatever else I say or do will not change made up minds."

"What do you mean by that? Are you calling me a liar?" shouted Lord Yuan. "You're just jealous!"

"Jealous? I don't want Lady Shuang back, you can have her," Xi Xuan replied. "And, I have nothing to be jealous about. But you, my friend are projecting your insecurities onto her common born bodyguard." He glanced at Ghost, drawing everyone's attention to the Shard. "He has clearly done nothing wrong. He is more a man than you'll ever be."


"I have nothing else to say," Xi Xuan snapped his fan shut and turned his back on Lord Yuan.

Lord Yuan, jealous? Of a mere commoner? With Lord Zhang's statement, those present started comparing Lord Yuan to Ghost. The kneeling bodyguard projected a quiet confidence and competence. Even with swords at his neck, he was composed, alert and patiently waiting for the outcome of the questioning.

Although built leaner than the muscular Lord Yuan, Lady Shuang's young guard gave a more manly impression than the spoilt Lord. Ghost's boyish features reflected the seriousness of his situation whilst Lord Yuan's face was twisted in emotional outrage.

Lord Zhang was right. People started judging the furious Lord. This was what the Ruling Lord was getting for a son-in-law? Lady Shuang would do better to marry the commoner.

Lord Zhai felt like he had been slapped. At that moment, he hated Lord Zhang more than Lord Yuan. The Lord of the Grey Islands had shamed Lord Yuan and Shuang in one breath! And by extension, his House!

And his daughter was no better! Shuang, the apple of his eye and jewel of his House was bringing nothing but shame upon them! What was she thinking swapping grooms back and forth like changing robes! Didn't she know her poor actions reflected on her House? She was not only ruining her own reputation and also that of House Zhai. At that moment, his love for her burned and shriveled up. No one, not even his beloved favourite daughter was above his fierce pride for his House and all it stood for.

At that moment, the Ruling Lord hated everyone.

"Aiieeee!!!" screamed Lady Shuang distraught. She had to marry someone or she'll never marry after this farce. It didn't matter anymore that nothing happened between Ghost and her that night, her reputation was ruined. No one would want to marry a sullied girl, not if they had any dignity.

Lord Yuan glowered. He was not going to forgive her for humiliating him in public like that. Switching him with Lord Zhang the way she swapped the nerd for him? Not a chance! And why was she protecting that lowborn scum Ghost? He'll teach her a harsh lesson on their wedding night!! She'll learn the hard way never to oppose him again. Hah! Without Zhang to marry her, he had the upper hand now!

"Lady Shuang, tell us what happened that night and I'll marry you."

"I ... I ... Ghost ..." she stammered.

At this point Ghost lifted his head for the verdict. His fate was in her hands. Would she speak the truth and save him or herself?

"I had a nightmare and he ... he ..."

"Remember Lady Shuang, only I am willing to marry you now. Punish Ghost for what he did to you and you won't have to worry about your future," Lord Yuan said. "He must be punished severely for even thinking of such a crime. What LiQuin here saw is proof enough. You do trust her right?"

"Yes, but ..."

LiQuin glanced at the stoic bodyguard. Don't blame me Ghost, I gave you a chance, you asked for it. Now I have to continue or be branded a liar.

"It is the truth. I woke up to your screams and saw Ghost in your bed with you! He is not fit to be with you or anyone else!"

"LiQuin!!" shouted Lord Zhai and the maid shut up.

Lord Zhai was seething. At this point, he did not care who his daughter married. He would take both House Zhang and House Yuan with force if he had to. He would crush both their Houses and obliterate their families! LiQuin too, she had earned a beating for her part in this mess.

"What do you say now Lady Shuang?" prodded Lord Yuan unaware of his newest enemy. He smirked at her knowing she had no choice.

"I ... He ... he hugged me,' she sobbed pitifully. "He t-took advantage of me. Please marry me."

Ghost closed his eyes at her damning words as Lord Yuan crowed with glee. 

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