Chapter 69 - Chained

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Ghost did not have the opportunity to escape.

Knowing he was a Shard, Captain Chiang had taken extreme measures to ensure his captivity and preserve House Zhai's reputation. It would be embarrassing if the Ruling House known for it's military prowess lost a lone prisoner on its own grounds.

Vice-Captain Xin was tasked with the job of watching the Shard since he knew the bodyguard's real identity. Xin did not take any pleasure escorting Ghost to the punishment grounds where several sets of stout wooden posts and beams were erected. The prisoner was then stripped of all his weapons and outer clothing while alert Elites pointed naked blades at him.

"Hey, what's wrong with your neck?" Xin eyed the double lines of angry red abrasions marring Ghost's neck. The scarf the Shard had worn to hide it was in his hands.


"Did you get into another fight protecting Lady Shuang?" he asked.

"No ..."

"And she still condemned you?" he continued softly shaking his head in disbelief.

"I was not protecting her at that particular time, I ..."

"You what?"

Ghost sighed. His throat hurt and it was hard to talk. The blow from Captain Chiang did not help either, his cheek and jaw was still numb although the stinging had subsided. He was going to have a wonderful bruise there. His head was also beginning to throb again, the gash Glass had given him was acting up. The pain killer he had taken earlier was wearing off.


Xin growled, the Shard was being secretive again. Even in this state the Shard was still protecting Lady Shuang, he marveled at the man. He was wrong about him. Evidently, the rumors about working Shards were true. They followed the letter of their contracts.

"I'm sorry, Ghost," mumbled Xin. He handed the Shard's dark scarf to a guard who folded it neatly. It was then placed together with the Shard's growing pile of belongings. "I'm just following orders."

"I know."

"For the record, we all know you're innocent."

Ghost glanced at him then at the Elites surrounding him. They were familiar faces, they had accompanied Shuang on her pilgrimage to the Moon Goddess Temple.

"We know you did nothing to seduce the lady, if anything it was she who did the seducing. We all saw how she behaved at the temple. If you wanted her, you could have coerced her then ... and on many other occasions."

"Be careful of your words Xin, someone might be listening."

"That's Vice-Captain to you ..." he corrected automatically then stopped. Ghost was right. What he had just said was treason. "Yeah, well ... " he cleared his throat. It was so weird that the man he was hanging up for a whipping was looking out for him.

"It'll be very cold tonight ... and tomorrow your punishment ... "

Ghost kept silent. He understood the Elite's need to talk, it was his way of dealing with his stress and guilt. Working quickly, Xin patted down the prisoner after confiscating various weapons from his person.

"Is that everything? Anymore hidden weapons on you?" Xin asked.

"I'm not telling."

"Huh?" Xin was caught off guard at the Shard's unexpected banter. "Ghost! I'm serious!"

"So am I. Surely you don't really expect me to tell you, right?"


Chuckling Ghost jerked his head to the sizeable collection Xin had taken from him.

"Isn't that enough?"

Most of his throwing daggers, blades and shards were there, so were his little bottle of painkillers and a few sachets of mysterious powders and herbs. His long knife topped the pile. The Elite had overlooked the thin hidden blades in the soles of his boots, the needles lining the hem of his undershirt and the silver thread in his hair. Of course, he himself was a deadly weapon but now was not the time to remind Xin of that fact.

"I may have missed something."

"It's on you then."

Xin growled and searched Ghost thoroughly again, this time checking him slowly until he was satisfied. Nothing. Then, he busied himself chaining the prisoner to the posts.

Since he was such a dangerous Shard, Lord Zhai had instructed Ghost be bound most securely. Heavy iron manacles were fasten to his neck, wrists and ankles which were then fasten to the stout posts, spread eagle. With hands and feet secured apart, he had little prospect of fighting. His back was exposed, ready for the next day's punishment.

"What happened to your Shard's mark?" asked Xin curiously looking at Ghost's clean arm. The distinctive Shard's Mark was gone. Without his wrist guards and his outer shirt, the Shard's loose sleeves of his white inner shirt had slid up his arms when he was chained.


"Why? Did you know you were going to be captured?" the Elite asked suspiciously. "How?"

"No, of course not. How could I know of this madness?" Ghost snorted. "I had to roll up my sleeves for my stints at the kitchen, so I covered them."

"Stints at the kitchen? You cooked? For us?" Xin gulped. "When?"

Ghost ignored Xin's questions. They were not important. Instead he shook one hand jingling the chains.

"Isn't this excessive on top of all your guards? You are leaving me no chance of escape at all. It'll ruin my awesome reputation."

"Stop joking around!" Xin hissed. He was feeling terrible. He hated politics. Ghost was a friendemy and he did not believe in punishing someone innocent. In this particular case, he was positive Ghost was innocent.

"It's Lord Zhai's expressed orders. Apparently he's afraid you're going to try something."

Ghost smirked.

Suddenly Xin's eyes narrowed. "You aren't are you?"

The Five's momentary amusement passed and he sighed. "No. I know you've got a young wife and a baby on the way. I won't jeopardize your career."

Xin clenched his jaw to keep his emotions in check. Damn you Ghost, why are you being so understanding? Get a grip Xin, he berated himself. You are a soldier! And soldiers followed orders, however unfair it seems.

Ghost choked when Xin threw the chains connected to his neck over the high beam to secure them. It jerked at his injuries and pulled against his throat reminding him of Glass. He felt the lacerations stinging and stickiness which meant his neck was bleeding again. It stretched his body uncomfortably. Ghost felt like he was hanging on an iron noose.

Xin coughed apologetically. "Lord Zhai wants to make sure you don't vanish and embarrass him."

"It's o'kay, I won't," Ghost wheezed. "I'll manage."

"You sure?"

"Nope, but there's nothing you can do about it."

Xin hung his head and told his rebellious heart to obey the chain of command. He needed this job! Think of Qinqin, think of the baby! He clenched his jaw and did his job. He must follow orders!

"Vice-Captain, there is one more thing. Since I'm not free to be by Shuang's side, there is something you must know."

"What is it?"

"Lord Yuan ... he made a bet with his friends to win her over and marry her. We heard him plan to ... not be gentle with her on their wedding night."

Xin frowned. Was Ghost just saying that to get back at Lord Yuan?

Ghost saw Xin's doubtful expression.

"Believe me or not, despite everything she did, Shuang is not a bad person. Even she does not need to be cruelly violated."

"O'kay. I'll report it to the Captain. He'll know what to do," replied Xin. The Captain could make judgement calls or at least get direct instruction from Lord Zhai on the matter.

Shard or not, Ghost was a decent man, thought Xin. He was right too. Although Shuang was spoilt and could be an arrogant obnoxious brat, she was still a sheltered inexperienced maiden. No girl deserved to be molested sexually, even by her lawful husband.

"Thank you."

After several more minutes, the Vice-captain finished stringing Ghost up. He had no more excuses to talk to the prisoner.

"I'm really sorry," Xin said as he started backing away.

"It's o'kay."

"Shut up Ghost! You're not making this any easier!"

Ghost looked at Xin calmly. "I already am by allowing you to do your job."

"That's not what I meant, I ..." Xin trailed off suddenly realizing how dangerous the situation really was.

There was nothing to stop the Shard from retaliating and making a run to save himself. In fact, Xin had no doubt the slight man standing passively in front of him could somehow escape and kill them all if he really wanted to. The Dark Sect's formidable reputation emerged from the back of his mind. Never underestimate Shards. Their comfortable camaraderie had lulled him into unintentionally relaxing his guard. He was jerked rudely back into instant alert.

"Then why? Why allow yourself to be chained up?"

Ghost stared directly at Xin. "Although Shuang and Lord Zhai have broken the contract, there is still a chance that he may not go through with my punishment tomorrow. If he does, then it will truly be void. Until then, I'll consider myself still bound to protect Shuang as her bodyguard ... but not a moment longer."

Xin swallowed. Ghost, the Shard was still honoring his role as bodyguard only because of technicalities? He was not attempting to escape because of a deal between the Dark Sect and Lord Zhai? He felt his heart pound. He hoped Lord Zhai would find some excuse to release Ghost, then things would go back to normal. If not, Lady Shuang would be left unprotected. There was still Key he supposed, but he was just an ordinary bodyguard not a trained Shard.

But what was worse, Xin realized as cold fear began to build in the pit of his stomach, was what the Dark Sect would do to House Zhai in retaliation. Breaking a contract was one thing but to intentionally hurt a Shard after hiring him? It was terrifying to imagine an angry Dark Sect with vengeful Shards bent on revenge. He shook himself. That was not for him, a mere Vice-Captain to worry about, that was the Ruling Lord's job. All he had to do was follow orders.

Six men surrounded the prisoner, each five meters away from him. The guards would be changed every four hours to keep them alert. They stood alternating facing inwards and outwards. They were taking no chances.

It all depended on Lord Zhai tomorrow. All he could do was pray to his elusive Gods.


In her chambers, Lady Shuang was feeling utterly miserable. Her poor satin pillows sported wet patches and had been beaten into odd shapes as she grieved. She had been crying intermittently since the horrible morning when Ghost was dragged away. Now, even Key was gone. He had disappeared. She had not seen him after Ghost was unfairly sentenced.

She felt alone and very vulnerable. Without her two trusted bodyguards by her side, she was suddenly afraid again. She had gotten used to them always being there for her. They had provided a security, a sense of safety she had not had before. Even when she couldn't see them, they were always only a shout away. She knew they were always around. Now, no one was there to protect her against hidden assassins or even her bullying brothers. Not even a day had gone by but she was already missing their solid presence terribly.

Everyone was talking about her, everyone was laughing at her!

"L-lord Yuan insulted me! A-a-and Lord Zhang rejected me! Me!!" she wailed. "Father dismissed my feelings and is forcing me to marry that monster!"

"And Ghost, he will be beaten to death! Even Key has abandoned me!"

The maids in the room remained silent. No one dared to say a word to their distraught mistress. They knew from experience that in her self-pity, anything they said or did could be taken out of context. Any good intentions could be turned and used against them. Lady Shuang needed someone to blame.

"A-and LiQuin!" she bawled, "LiQuin betrayed me!! That liar!! That traitor! How could she do such a thing? I'll never forgive her."

Ahhh, she had taken some time going around in circles but she had finally chosen her victim. LiQuin. The maid would never again be in her good graces.

Suddenly Shuang sat up.

"Oh my God! Key was also there that night. I should have called him to defend Ghost! He could have cleared all doubts!" she berated herself. "Where is Key? I have to find him! I have to go talk to father!"

Her tears dried up magically. Now that she had found a solution to her problems, she moved with purpose. She had to clean up. She had to be presentable when she went to persuade Father of Ghost's innocence. When Ghost was proven not guilty, her soiled reputation will be intact again! Then, she would not have to marry Lord Yuan. Her options would be open again!

She would cast him aside and shatter his self worth like he did her. Not only that, surely Lord Zhang would want her then. The poor man was only trying to fool himself, pretending to be emotionally strong. Well, she would forgive him for his momentary lapse in judgement and accept him again. Then they could be married and live happily ever after on the pristine beaches of Baisha!

Father would not object once she proved lord Zhang wanted her again and that an alliance by marriage to House Zhang was much better than House Yuan. House Zhai would be stronger. Isn't that what Father wanted? Why didn't she see it before? If she could convince Father that marrying Lord Zhang would truly make her happy, surely he would capitulate.

"Hurry! Find me a suitable change of clothes and help me dress! I need to look presentable!"

Her heart raced, an excited smile curved itself on her soft pink lips. Finally a solution to this mess. She would make everything right and get everything she deserved back again.

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