Chapter 70 - Premonition

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Captain Chiang was worried.

Lord Yuan had somehow manipulated Lord Zhai into punishing the Shard in public. Lord Zhai was more a man of logic and action. He who was like a solid rock on the battlefield had misstep when faced with his precious daughter's outrageous situation. The unexpected wild accusations backed by a 'reliable' witness had thrown him off guard. Facing with unaccustomed emotions, he had made a rash declaration in a fit of frustration to shut Lord Yuan up and salvage Lady Shuang's reputation.

Now it was too late to issue commands otherwise. To backtrack would make the Ruling Lord look indecisive and weak. Also, he did not really have a valid excuse to free the prisoner. To do so arbitrarily would undo all his hard work so far in showcasing 'fairness' in his laws for his long term goals.

Furthermore, Lord Zhai had told him what Ghost had said before being dragged out. It was not good.

"My Lord ..."

"Shut up."

"Is it wise to display and humiliate the Shard like that? And tomorrow, are we really going to whip him in front of everyone?"

"I said shut up."

"Old Wolf will come for us when he finds out, with the Dark Sect close on his heels."

Lord Zhai groaned, kneading his forehead with his fingers. They were alone in his war room, a place where he could let his guard down. Captain Chiang could be trusted. He knew he had made a tactical mistake by letting Lord Yuan get under his skin.

Get a grip, Lord Zhai reprimanded himself. You're a soldier, a war veteran and Lord of the finest army in the lands. Old Wolf is merely a man, a resourceful and dangerous one but still ultimately just a man. He was also just a peasant, a glorified commoner. Maybe it was time to remind him of his real place in society and the new world he was building. And his Shards ... were just common rebels. They were all made of flesh and blood, killable enemies.

So why was he feeling so uneasy? Dread crept into his soul making him anxious and restless. His battle instincts were at maximum, blaring warnings at the invisible but very real danger. The usual heady excitement he felt before a war campaign was soured by an unexplainable fear and growing doubt. Fighting the Dark Sect was not like fighting an opponent on the open battlefield. His strength lay in his army, his highly trained soldiers who won battles via tactics and strategies, fighting for victory like real men. The Dark Sect favored guerrilla style fighting, striking and disappearing without a trace. Those cowards!

Better to take precautions. Lord Zhai decided he would take a defensive stance until he was free of his now unwanted guests. When they had all vacated his property, he would go on the offense. Old Wolf would regret it if he did anything stupid against him or his mighty House. Meanwhile, he would increase security and use delay tactics to stall in inevitable retaliation.

"We'll keep the news from Old Wolf for as long as possible. By the time he knows, Shuang will be safely married and gone with Lord Yuan. Then we'll fortify this place. No one, not even the Dark Sect will be able to penetrate our defenses."

"It might be too late."

"Why is that?"

"The other Shard, Key, is missing."

Lord Zhai groaned. That was not good.

"Damn it."

"He's been missing since after the investigation this morning. No one can find him," reported Captain Chiang. "For all we know, he might be halfway to Old Wolf by now."

"This is all Lord Yuan's fault! What does he have against Ghost? He doesn't even know the man! This is definitely a personal fight between them, why bring Shuang into the matter?"

"He only used the lady as an excuse and thought he could get away with it because of your backing. He's taking advantage of his new status as your future son-in law."

"My backing? How presumptuous! I'll make him regret it," promised Lord Zhai. "Doesn't he realize that being my son-in law should benefit only me?!"

"What are we going to do about Ghost? Everyone is talking about him and will turn up to watch tomorrow."

"That's the problem! Everyone should be talking about Shuang's wedding not the whipping of a mere guard!!"

"That's true. Unfortunately, the 'guard' in question is well liked despite his short time here and Lord Yuan is not. Ghost has managed to make friends in the most unexpected places."

Lord Zhai sighed. Give him an impossible army to fight against in the bloody battlefield and he'd be happy but this, this social nonsense was driving him insane. He would have much preferred to force everyone do his bidding. Unfortunately, in order to establish his House as the supreme ruler in the 'peaceful' time ahead, he needed the other Houses' support. To do that he must be seen as 'fair' to establish his own laws.

"We'll have to punish Ghost as planned."

"But ..."

"The law is the law. I have to set an example if I expect them all to follow it. That way I can legally enforce it when everyone accepts it," said Lord Zhai grimly. "After that, we proceed with the wedding. Ghost will have to last two or three more days. When Lord Yuan and Shuang are happily married, everyone will forget about him. Move him to the dungeons for a few more days until everyone leaves. See that a physician tends to his wounds, then we'll return him alive to the Dark Sect."

"Will they accept that?"

"They have to," said Lord Zhai in frustration, "... or there will be trouble."

"Ghost will be in bad condition but I'll instruct the Executioner to keep him alive."

"Do that. Returning him alive is better than dead. I'll have to sweeten my apologies to Old Wolf with more gold which I will extract a thousandfold in return from Lord Yuan. He has his whole miserable life ahead to repay me."

Captain Chiang hoped Old Wolf would accept Lord Zhai's generous bribe to forgive the mess but he was doubtful. Money was not everything to the Leader of the Dark Sect. Lord Zhai will have to pay an obscene amount to pacify the veteran Shard.

"Tell the Executioner, if Ghost dies, he will share the same fate."

"Yes, my Lord, I shall inform him at once. What about the maid?"

LiQuin had been detain by Elites and was now awaiting judgement.

Lord Zhai's eyes gleamed with ire, he did not appreciate how LiQuin had gone to Lord Yuan with her concerns.

"She should have reported the matter to Lady Lu (Head Maid) instead of Lord Yuan! We could have dealt with the scandal privately without involving any other Houses! It was an internal matter!"

"LiQuin may have had other motives," mused Captain Chiang.

"That's even worse than a lapse of judgement. She may be Shuang's favorite maid but she has overstepped her authority and brought chaos to my House with her thoughtless actions."

Captain Chaing waited. He knew LiQuin's had destroyed her future with her foolishness. Lord Zhai was treating her as a traitor who could not be trusted. She had informed an outsider of House Zhai's personal business. This mess could have been avoided had she simply reported the matter to her superior instead of Lord Yuan.

"Remove her from Shuang, she is no longer fit to serve my daughter. Keep her in isolation for three months, level five rations. She is hereby demoted to the lowest housekeeping position with minimal human interaction when she is released."

"Yes, my Lord. I will inform Lady Lu of your wise decision."

Level five rations? That meant thin gruel with the occasional wilted vegetable. No meat of any type would ever pass her lips ever again so long as she lived in this household. Her fate was sealed. Lord Zhai would never let her leave. And demoted to the lowest position in housekeeping? LiQuin will now have hard labor to look forward to, specifically emptying and scrubbing chamber pots, bath basins and the dirtiest menial tasks no one else wanted to do. She would live miserably and worked to exhaustion until her last days. And when she died, no one would miss her.

Captain Chaing felt justified at the maid's punishment. She was not worthy of a fast and painless death. He did not condone traitors. The information she exposed could easily have been something more sensitive and detrimental to House Zhai.

"Good. Now what about Lady Zhang?"

"Lord Zhai, there is no news from the Dark Sect but I have not seen Lady Zhang since yesterday."

Lord Zhai broke into a smile. "Finally, some good news. It confirmed that Glass was already be on the job. Perhaps he has taken her already and Zhang is hiding the fact. Ah, I got it! He is too distracted by his sister's disappearance to think of marriage. That's why he rejected Shuang! He has too many problems to deal with now for a wedding!"

"He can't hide it forever. He may have to swallow his pride soon and beg for your help in finding her."

"That's what I'm counting on. When he does that, I'll have him by his balls!" laughed the Ruling Lord. "He'll have to be a good boy and do my bidding if he ever wants to see his precious sister again. The sea and all it's abundance are as good as mine!"

Captain Chiang smiled. "Lord Zhang tried to fight your mighty Ruling House. He lost and now he will learn his painful lesson."


Key stayed out of sight as ordered. He was however within hearing distance from Ghost. From his hiding place, he could clearly see the Elites and Ghost's inert figure. The Five was heavily chained at his neck, wrists and ankles. Dried blood framed his small pale face. Key winced, the position was awkward and the chains must be cold.

Ghost? Are you o'kay?

I've been better.

How's your head?

It's killing me. The painkillers have worn off. Where are you?

Roof, to your far left.

Good. Stay hidden. Have you reported to Old Wolf?

I found Mouse. He was on report duty. I told him it was urgent and requested further instructions from base.

Mouse was fast. Only thirteen years of age, the cheeky street smart youth was the fastest runner they had. The Runner was being considered for advanced Shard training. Old Wolf should get the news soon.

What do I do now? asked Key.

Keep out of sight. Wait for instructions. Stay alive.

Key was silent for a while. He needed to do something while waiting for new instructions or he'd go crazy! He couldn't just lurk in the shadows whilst Ghost withered right in front of his eyes.

I know! I'll go steal back all your things. I'll keep them safe for you. You'll need your clothes and weapons when you're free.

Yeah ... you do that, Ghost replied softly.

He did not really think he would ever need his things again but if it made Key feel better, he would not stop him. He did not have the heart to tell Key otherwise. It might also be good if the outside world did not have anything of the Dark Sect. Shard belongings should return to the Dark Sect just like the Shards themselves. Dead or alive, he would soon be home. They would leave no trace.

Thank you Key.

Great! I'm on it! Key said and was gone.

Winter was coming to an end but a slight breeze still made the under dressed Five shiver. He was cold and in pain. The iron collar chaffed at his injured neck and his head was throbbing. His back was starting to ache, moving he adjusted his stance trying to relieve the cramp.

Rattling chains made the Elites facing him look up. They looked sympathetically at Ghost but did not speak. They were not allowed to talk to the prisoner.


Evening came with a glorious mix of golden yellows and oranges. Greys and blues soon followed after, darkening the sky, lengthening shadows everywhere.

Footsteps announced Captain Chiang and Vice-Captain Xin. It seemed that the good Captain had came to check on the prisoner. Ghost watched their progress until they stood before him.


"Captain," he replied, then added, "Don't worry, I'm still here."

"As you should be."

Ghost shrugged whilst Xin grimaced. The Captain personally checking on a prisoner was unheard of. For Captain Chiang to come here was proof of Ghost's importance.

"You can't escape."


"What?" the Captain asked startled before recovering immediately. "As you said, you're still here. You're not going anywhere."

"I'll be here until Shuang completes her wedding rituals and maybe the feast, not a moment longer."

Captain Chiang frowned at the impertinent Shard's confidence. It was unnerving.

He cleared his throat almost apologetically. "Tomorrow ... can't be helped."

Ghost's expression hardened, all playfulness vanishing in an instant.

"Lord Zhai is going through with it then?"

Captain Chiang ignored the Shard's question.

"Once the wedding feast is over and everyone is drunk, we'll take you to a cell. Your wounds will be treated. We'll keep you alive long enough to return you to the Dark Sect. If anyone enquires, it will be made known that you've died and your body is being disposed of."

"It'll be too late for House Zhai then."

"You're in no position to threaten us!" bristled the veteran soldier. Behind him Xin stiffen at Ghost's words. "Lord Zhai will explain to Old Wolf. This is a matter between the two masters."

"Then House Zhai will be destroyed by its master. Heed my words, House Zhai is doomed once the first stoke touches me."

Captain Chiang glared at the prisoner. Without another word, he turned on his heels to walk away. Vice-Captain Xin followed his superior but not without an anxious backward glance at the chained Shard.

His fate now confirmed, Ghost begin preparing himself mentally for the coming brutal punishment. He was afraid but he would stay the course. He would not let Old Wolf or the Dark Sect down.

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