Chapter 71 - Fifty Lashes Part One

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It seemed like everyone had come to see the prisoner get punished. The guests had nothing better to do until the wedding ceremony and feast the next day. Lady Shuang's former bodyguard's flogging was today's highlight. The side court filled up rapidly with curious nobles. All the seats were taken. Even servants and off-duty guards loitered in the back to get a glimpse.

All last night, servants had been busy arranging platforms and seating for the nobles. They were placed a good ten meters away and around the prisoner, far enough from the dangerous criminal but near enough to see each punishing stroke. Every angle was covered but the prime front positions was reserved for House Zhai and House Yuan, the wronged party.

Zhang Xi Xuan too sat facing the bound prisoner, an honored seat next to Lord Zhai. Although he was no longer the Ruling Lord's future son-in law, House Zhang was still ranked the second most powerful House in the land. A good thing because his position allowed him to overhear any conversations or orders given, if he listened hard enough and read lips. Any information, however small or insignificant could be useful to save Ghost later ... if he survived. Xi Xuan's hands tightened in anger on his ever present fan. He'd try to look for any chance to do so but for now, he had to pretend indifference. He smiled nonchalantly covering his simmering ire when he caught Lord Yuan looking at him.

Lord Yuan was absolutely giddy with excitement. His mistake of insulting the Ruling House, earning disfavour and his hurried insincere apologies them the day before totally forgotten in his anticipation of the commoner's punishment.

Lady Shuang was practically dragged weeping to Lord Zhai's side where she now sat distraught. She had not wanted to be present but her Lord Father insisted she see firsthand the consequences of her words. He had denied her audience the day before and had stayed holed up in his War room with Captain Chiang. Armed Elite guards at the locked door prevented her from bursting in. They even had the gall to ignore her!! She had waited for hours but finally gave up.

Last night had been terrible. Sleep eluded her for hours while she tossed and turned restlessly. When she finally managed to doze off, a gruesome nightmare woke her up screaming in terror. Automatically, she had called out for Ghost and Key, needing their comforting solid presence to feel safe. She wanted Ghost to hold her and reassure her that he was always there for her and Key to make her smile with his silly witty remarks ... but they had not come. She missed their calm competence and quiet strength. They would never again be by her side nor would they ever protect her again. Reality of what she had done set in, reducing her to a sobbing mess. Now, she couldn't look at Ghost but at the same time, she couldn't take her eyes off him. It might be the last time she got to see him.

Key was nowhere in sight. He had vanished into thin air. No one could find him.

Ghost was alone. The Elites guarding him had been ordered to one side so as not to obstruct the view.

Suddenly he heard Xi Xuan's low voice.

I know you can hear me, Ghost. Please endure it. They won't kill you. Lord Zhai instructed them to keep you alive. I'll try to help in any way I can.

Ghost closed his eyes. Wasn't that worse? Still, he needed to survive to return to the Dark Sect. Once he had given his report and completed his last mission, he would finally be able to rest.

He vowed to prove himself a worthy Shard. To prove that Old Wolf had not made a mistake in taking in and caring for an unproven child. It had always hung over him that Old Wolf had risked his own position in the Sect by bypassing the usual steps to promote a candidate for Shard's training. Despite protests and resistance from the higher levels at that time, he had advocated for the small useless child. He had even spent his own gold to feed and clothe him until he was somewhat accepted by the Dark Sect.

The voices quieten down once Old Wolf reached level Seven and was chosen to succeed the former Master. Still, he needed to prove his worth to himself. He was going to endure this to the end. A working Shard always followed every letter of the contract ... until it was completed or broken. All he needed was the first stroke to void it, then he would really be free of it. He would not let Old Wolf down. He would not let anyone say he failed due to Old Wolf's favor!

The Five was stiff, aching all over and cold from standing spread-eagled all night. His injuries from fighting with Glass was not helping either. Also, his head was throbbing mercilessly. But his physical discomfort was nothing compared to the building anxiety inside. The humiliation of being a spectacle was something he had never experienced before. Trained to be always in the shadows, being the center of attention of a large crowd was mortifying.

Two Elites came forward. Using sharp daggers, they unceremoniously cut away his undershirt, threw it to the ground and backed away. Ghost now stood only in his white underpants, his back bare, exposed and ready for the punishment.

Despite himself, Ghost swallowed.

Keep calm, keep calm, it'll be over soon. Just a little longer. Dead or alive, I'll go home soon. Soon.

His mantra was shattered by beating drums. Everyone hushed. It was starting.

The deep boomy resonance from a large barrel drum filled the air with an ominous beat. Stepping in time to the hypnotic staccato rhythm, a tall heavy-set man marched into the crowded courtyard.

The Executioner.

Everyone's eyes followed the Executioner who held a coiled whip loosely in his hand. He was a large imposing man. Despite the biting cold, he wore no shirt but his head was covered in a black hood. Two narrow slits allowed vision, nothing more. Striding purposefully to stand before the Ruling Lord, he bowed silently before taking his place next to and behind the bound criminal.

Uncoiling his long whip, the faceless Executioner flexed turning his head from side to side and stretched his arms. Muscles rippled on his broad back and wide chest as he proceeded to loosen his limbs. Once he was warmed up, he lifted his arm bringing the whip down experimentally.

Whoosh! Crack!!

"Aiieeee!! Aaiiyahh!!

"Ahahaha, hehehe."

More than a few nobles jumped at the sudden sound. Nervous tittering and laughter followed.

Make a grand show. We need to impress the nobles with the Ruling Lord's most fair judgement. Cripple him if you must but whatever you do, keep him alive or you will be buried next to him.

Under his hood, the Executioner smiled grimly. He could do that. He had years of experience to hone his skills on may of House Zhai's servants, criminals and traitors. He knew exactly how to control his whip which was like an extension of himself. Unrivalled in his field, he could slash every nerve with minimal blood loss or extract every drop with a thousand cuts.

The large man, danced around the prisoner to the beat of the drums. It fascinated the spectators to see the formidable man moving gracefully waving his deadly whip about in perfect timing to the ominous rhythm.

Finally, the Executioner flexed his arms a few more times before positioning himself directly behind the Shard. All he needed now was his Lord's signal to start the punishment.

Next to Lord Zhai, Captain Chiang lifted his hand and the drums stopped. Silence descended upon the waiting crowd.

"Let all present witness the justice of the Ruling House. Swift and fair, the laws applies to all, even a valued servant," shouted an Announcer.

"The man in front of you is sentenced to fifty lashes for the crime of coveting and seducing Lady Zhai Mei Shuang, the most noble daughter of House Zhai, fiancee and future wife of Lord Yuan Shun Xi of House Yuan."

"No one should covert another man's betroth especially not a commoner of a noble's woman. Let him be a lesson to all."

Without warning, the Executioner lifted his arm and brought his whip down.

Swishhh! Crack!!

Although he was ready for it, the first lash was still a shock. Ghost inhaled sharply jerking forward as the long leather whip snaked out at his unprotected back, oiled leather and barbed tips raking his skin.



The Five's hiss of pain was loud in the expectant silence. He gasped reflectively arching his back. Breathing hard, he glared defiantly at the Ruling Lord.

"Void," he mouthed.

We're free, he added silently knowing Key would hear.


Lord Zhai blinked at the insolent Shard. Reality hit him. That's right. His contract with the Dark Sect was officially over and void now.

An ominous feeling settled over him like a shroud. Lord Zhai felt a chill go down his spine and cold sweat started to form on his forehead. Well, there was nothing he could do now except damage control. The veteran soldier felt an urgency to return to his War Room. He needed to increase defence!! He needed to go over the plans again, he may have missed something and Old Wolf might find a way in.

Captain Chiang stepped forward belligerently to smack some respect into the prisoner but was stopped by his Lord.

"But ..."

Lord Zhai silenced him with a stern look and the Captain returned to his place. They would watch the punishment, they had no choice now.

Hatred for Yuan swelled up again. It was he who started this whole mess even if he was unaware of it. His ridiculous show of measly power had put the Ruling House, his House in danger against the Dark Sect! Maybe he should use House Yuan as fodder, with Yuan Shun Xi in the forefront!

Swishh! Whoosh! Crack!!



The Shard tried to bare the pain and keep silent but it was impossible. This time he did not bother to look at anyone. He had his own problems.

A happy excited giggle escaped Lord Yuan's lips whilst a muffled sob came from Shuang.

A look of disgust crossed the Ruling Lord's face momentarily at the ecstatic lordling before it vanished leaving his stoic mask in place. He had to appear 'strict and fair', a Ruling Lord who did not shirk his duty to uphold justice. He then glanced around discreetly, gauging everyone around him. Did anyone else know the Shard's real identity? Were there any other Shard spies around?

Lord Zhai pretended calm but inside, anxiety was rapidly building at an exponential rate. The first lash which touched the Shard's body sealed his fate. Ghost's tortured cries of pain became promises of retribution from the Dark Sect. He couldn't wait for it to be over.

The long leather whip flew in the air again.


Ghost groaned swinging helplessly on his chains.

Xi Xuan seemed obsessed with his fan but otherwise appeared indifferent decided Lord Zhai. It was a mundane matter of internal discipline, Lord Zhang had commented earlier, a punishment between master and servant that did not concern him nor his House. He did not understand why such a show had to be made of a normal thing. However, he would humor the Ruling House in their need for affirmation. Bah!! Lord Zhang's dismissive attitude towards his private dilemma was infuriating. However, it proved he did not know of Ghost's identity.

Zhang Xi Xiu was notably missing. When he had asked, her brother had mumbled something about not exposing his gentle sister to the harsh punishment. An excuse, Lord Zhai was sure to excuse her absence. All nobles exposed their children to the rewards and punishment system, it was a way to teach them how to rule and keep their House in order as they grew up. Still, it was a good sign. She was probably gagged and tied up somewhere. He'd expect a visit from Glass later with good news.

Sssiiiiishhhh, Wooossh, Crack!!



Ghost tried to double in pain but was held back in place securely by his chains. The lash to his exposed chest was unexpected. The sharp steel ends felt like claws trying to snatch his heart, grabbing greedily at his front. They retreated at an expert flick of a wrist leaving long bloody gashes.

He thought he would be whipped only from the back but he was wrong. It seemed that the Executioner had other plans.

Swishhhh! Crack! Crack!!

The whip cut through the air again and again.


"FIVE!! SIX!!"

Like a snake, the long deadly leather kissed and caressed Ghost. At times it wrapped around parts of his body with stinging precision only to be pulled sharply away to gouge out his flesh. At other times, the barb tips clawed lovingly across his skin, slashing thin parallel lines to draw more blood. Showing off his skills, the Executioner danced around the Shard, swinging his arms and flicking his wrist. Obligingly, his deadly slithering coil twisted and turned in the air, cutting and slashing the screaming Shard, obedient to its master's manipulations.

Red had sprang onto Ghost's body staining them with random stripes. By now, his back, chest, arms and legs were bloodied. Only his head was spared. Lord Zhai wanted him to be recognizable when he returned the Shard to Old Wolf.

The Executioner continued his craft. By spreading out the lashes all over his body, the prisoner should survive long enough for whatever his Lord planned. He would ensure he lasted for another three or four days. It would not matter if the scrawny man bled out later as he would have ceased to be House Zhai's problem.

Ssssssssiihhhhh! Crack!


"Aaaaaaahhh!" screamed the prisoner flinging his head back as his body recoiled violently again.

Lady Shuang hid her face behind her hands. Fresh tears flowed freely down her cheeks and her shoulders shook uncontrollably. Through her fingers, she saw her innocent bodyguard getting bloodied. His lean body jerking with every cruel lash, blood spraying into the air. Poor Ghost. Each time he cried out, more tears leaked from her eyes.

Swisssshh! Craackk!


Key flinched at every count. In his hiding place he trembled with a mixed of emotions. Anger, indignation, frustration and regret rioting inside him. He hugged Ghost's possessions he had stolen back tightly to his chest, burying his face into the Fives clothes. Tears of helplessness and resentment wetting the fabric. He started praying for it to be over soon. That Ghost would survive the brutal flogging. He prayed for news from the Dark Sect. He hope Mouse would come back soon. He did not know what to do. He needed instructions and soon.


Ghost cried out groaning in agony.

Key winced, tears of anger dripping down his face. Helplessly he pressed both his hands over his ears but it did nothing to shut out the dreaded counts and his mentor's torturous screams of pain.

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