Chapter 8 - Mission

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The doors opened and a man walked in.

"You're back," exclaimed a female voice. "Where have you been?"


"Really?" the elderly Healer asked shrewdly.

"Yeah, really," Ghost grinned at Xian who was like a mother to him. She nagged like one too.

The young Shard shrugged as he loosened the black scarf around his neck. Seriously, the Healer was too sharp, but then she too was a Shard. A very sharp level six Shard. She kept him on his toes.

"Late enough," she countered. She was not fooled. The boy was up to something. Well, whatever he was up to, he'd better not get caught. There was only so much she could do when Old Wolf inquired about his whereabouts.

Ghost was recruited at nine years old. At that time, Old Wolf was just a new level Six recruiter. Helping Old Wolf care for him, the Healer had formed an unlikely attachment to the boy. But then, the boy was special. Old Wolf must have seen something in him too or the Shard would not have insisted on taking in such a small child. A very small, skinny and useless child he named Ghost.

The Dark Sect allowed it only because it would not cost them anything. Old Wolf swore that he would personally subsidized his young charge until he could prove his worth. He had to undertake more missions but he kept his word. He paid the Sect for allowing Ghost to live there. Nothing was free in the world. The Sect had no use for those who could not contribute to it for they saw no potential in him. It was a gamble but Old Wolf was seldom wrong.

Old Wolf wouldn't tell her what it was or how he had found Ghost. The child exhibited catatonic behaviour, hardly speaking or moving at all when he first arrived. Whatever trauma the Six had saved him from was only shared with the former Leader.

After three long silent years, Ghost begun to open up under Old Wolf's patient coaxing and watchful care. No one knew what they whispered about or what had scared him so much. It remained a mystery as the young boy wouldn't talk about it ether. It was a secret between the two.

With Old Wolf's constant reassurance and encouragement, the boy relaxed enough to began training. After that, he gave his all to please Old Wolf. He proved to be resilient, managing to overcome and suppress his terrible past. He excelled in both physical and mental challenges. After such a traumatic childhood, it seemed that nothing could shock him, not even when they trained him to steal and kill.

Once he came out of his shell, Ghost leveled up quickly from a One to a Two. When he became a Three, he regressed a bit when one of his mentors was punished by the Sect. The punishment was executed publicly in front of everyone as a lesson to those who betrayed the Sect. It left a deep impression on him. That was only that one time that he had expressed a wish for a different life.

"One day I will leave the Dark Sect and be free." His words spoken with full conviction all those years ago still gave her nightmares.

Xian hope Ghost did not still entertain his wild dream of leaving the Dark Sect. Unfortunately, she had made the mistake of reacting vehemently to his statement at that time. Since then, he had played it down, never mentioning it again even when she goaded him. She regretted that day, she should have tried harder to dissuade him of his dangerous ideas and nip it in the bud instead of simply shutting him down.

Now he changed the subject every time she tried to broach it. In fact, he became suspiciously cheerful and extremely hardworking, jumping at any job to keep busy. Too cheerful and busy. She was not totally convinced he had abandoned the dangerous idea. Her lingering doubts made her keep a close eye on him. She did not want him to die needlessly.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she warned.

"Awww, c'mon. I just made Level Five. I only went to celebrate a bit before coming home. I'm not that late."

"Hah!! Not late my foot! It's almost the hour of the Rabbit (5 a.m to 7 a.m)! You practically stayed out all night!"

She studied him for a moment then went closer to sniff him. He stood still, allowing her inspection. His clothes were wrinkled. She smelled ladies' perfume, wine and a faint trace of smoke on him. He must have celebrated at his usual haunts, either the Blue Peony of the Singing Nightingale. His story checked out.

"Fine. Now go get ready, Old Wolf wants you."


Ghost made his way to the audience chamber. Key met him at the doorway and grinned enthusiastically.

"You're here too?"

He smiled back. "Yeah."

The older Shard already had a reputation as the best Thief to come along in decades. His code name 'Key' was derived from his ability to get into any locked room, box or hiding place. He could steal anything from anywhere. Nothing was safe from him if he put his mind to steal it. Key was the best Thief the Sect had trained in years, he was a natural.

Old Wolf, the Sect leader and a few others were there. Several lower Shards closed the doors behind them at Old Wolf's gesture. This was a private discussion of a new contract. Only those involved were allowed in.

Although Lord Zhai had yet to make up his mind, it was just a matter of time. He really did not have a choice. Once the possibility of having the Dark Sect protect his daughter had been made available, other options paled in comparison. The stakes were also higher now that the Dark Sect had knowledge of his daughter's vulnerability, an oversight on his part which practically guaranteed him accepting the terms. The Dark Sect may use it against him.

Old Wolf stood in the middle of the room. Nightshade and Crow flanked him on either side. Ghost and Key stopped a few meters in front of the trio facing them.

"This is a three month contract," Old Wolf started without preamble. "You two will work together to protect the young Mistress of the Ruling House. The contract sum is one hundred gold pieces per week per person."

Ghost and Key blinked in disbelief. Did Old Wolf just say 100 gold pieces per week? Not bronze or silver but gold? And per person? No way! It was unheard of! No one would pay such an obscene amount. That was a lot! Why, they would be rich even with their cut of only 10 per cent. Although the rest would go to the Sect, ten gold pieces per week for three months was a fortune!! 

"I get to work with Ghost? For three whole months? And get paid gold for it too? Yess!!"

Working together was no problem. In fact Key was enthusiastic about working with Ghost. Although the level Five was two years younger than him, he was dependable and level-headed. He was also fun to be around. Furthermore, Ghost had a good track record. Everyone who had ever teamed up with him completed their contracts and returned alive. There were some wounds and minor injuries but alive. That could not be said for some other Shards. Most looked out for themselves when things went South. Ghost had a reputation of never abandoning his partner or teammates.

Age was not a factor to Key. Ghost was more resourceful, resilient and brutal on the job, he deserved his rank. He openly admired Ghost's achievements and applauded his fast rise. Although he had been with the Dark Sect much longer than Ghost, he was not jealous or resentful of the younger Shard's rapid progress. Key was comfortable at being a Three, the best Three in the Dark Sect's history he thought proudly.

"Umm, one question," said Key hesitantly.


"Which young mistress are we talking about?"

Everyone laughed. Lord Zhai was known to have 'young mistresses' from time to time. His wife tolerated it for the family's sake as long as none stayed more than three months and no illegitimate children were born. Any unwanted pregnancies were terminated at once. She was docile for the most part but put her foot down when it came to family, descendants and inheritance.

Old Wolf cleared his throat smiling broadly. Key's admiration for Ghost was showing. The impertinent imp was taking after the young Five too much, maybe it was a mistake making them a team.

"It's Lady Shuang, the youngest child of House Zhai," Nightshade said pointedly. He did not want a mix up.

"So ... we are protecting her? She's not a Target?" asked Ghost.

"That's good. No killing," said Key. He was uncomfortable with killing. Stealing was o'kay because things, however precious could be replaced, he reasoned. But lives, in his opinion, that was a whole other issue. Lives couldn't be replaced. Once you're dead, you're dead.

Ghost looked over to Key and patted him on the back. "No worries. If there is any, I'll do it."

Key nodded relieved. "O'kay."

"You will both report to us as usual via agents who will present themselves to you periodically. Lord Zhai is paying the contract so some courtesy is due to him. However, you do not answer to Lord Zhai or his House."

Ghost and Key nodded. "Understood."

"But, how do we do it? I mean, protect someone," asked Ghost doubtfully. He was experienced in killing not protecting. This was something outside his expertise.

"The same as killing but opposite," replied Crow. "You prevent anyone or anything from hurting her. Keep her alive and whole for three months or until her father marries her off. Return and report after the wedding or if any contract terms are breached."

Crow handed a long parchment to Ghost. "Both of you, read through it and familiarize yourselves with the terms. More than a few have been added to the normal ones," he cautioned the boys.

"That's it?"

"That's it," confirmed Crow.

"Any other restrictions?"

"Nope, as long as you keep her alive without any injuries, how you do it is up to you."

A slow smile spread on Ghost's lips. "O'kay."

"Huh?" Key asked in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"Don't worry, I'll guide you," Ghost winked.

"Now for other matters," reminded Nightshade.

"Yes," Old Wolf took over. "In the next few weeks, delegates from the neighbouring provinces will be coming here for Lady Shuang's birthday and wedding. In fact, some are already on their way."

"Birthday and wedding?"

"Yes, Lord Zhai will marry her off on the day she turns sixteen and is eligible for marriage. It's a double celebration."

"Poor girl," muttered Key.

"Lord Zhai has already picked the groom and the new Lord of House Zhang has agreed to marry her in three months time."

"Lord Zhang?" asked Ghost startled.

"Yes, it's for political and economic gains of course, neither has met the other. Everyone will be here for at least a few months, where the couple will get to know each other before the big day. The other leaders will probably take this opportunity to mingle, renew ties and settle scores. We might even get a few jobs while they are here but that's another matter."

"During your time there, you are to complete a few side missions."

"Key, you are to steal Lord Zhai's personal seal and his formal House seal. By that I mean, make clear copies so that we can replicate them. Also take samples of the ink he uses for formal orders. It will be different from the ink he uses for normal orders."

Key's mouth hung open. His gaze darted from Old Wolf to the Sixes beside him. Were they crazy? Steal Lord Zhai's Seals? That was impossible! Was that why they wanted him, no, needed him, on this mission? Really?

Every document, trade or command with the House stamp was like a direct order from Lord Zhai himself. It must be obeyed and followed by everyone in the Household regardless of rank. With the seal, one could basically command the ruling House's domestic operations, trade and military. His personal seal was even more valuable for it was used for personal matters, instructions and secret orders. If two orders clashed, Lord Zhai's personal seal trumped the House seal. It was the same for each House in Zinnu.

Anyone who had a copy of the seals could do a lot of damage to the House. They would be kept in a very, very safe place.

"That's impossible! Security is already tight. He will double, maybe even triple it during this festive period," protested Key. "He will have guards at every corner, checking everyone with so many strangers in his house!"

"Not impossible for the best current Thief ... or is it?" countered Nightshade. "Besides, you have Ghost to help if you can't do it. He was the best before you came along wasn't he? Or was it because he expanded his activities to other areas that you out stole him?"

"We can do it," said Ghost confidently. "We'll infiltrate security and house personnel as we will technically be part of the overall House defense system. After all, we will be protecting the bride to be. They may get comfortable and see us as one of them after we are there for a few weeks."

Crow nodded in agreement. Old Wolf smiled proudly at the Five. Good boy, he was thinking ahead.

Key looked uncomfortable. Although he could steal in a crowd, he preferred stealing in stealth which lowered the risk considerably. But as Ghost pointed out, it was doable.

"Ghost, you have two tasks. One is to kill Lord Wen," continued Old Wolf.

"Lord Wen from House Wen?"

"Yes, he is on the guest list. Make it look natural. His brother took out the contract on his life and has paid in full. He can't wait to get rid of elder brother so that he can take full control of the House."

Ghost nodded. "No problem."

Key blinked. No problem? Just like that? Seriously? Was Ghost just acting tough to impress the Leader? The Three dismissed the thought even as it formed in his mind. No, he didn't need to do that. Could he really do it so easily then? He gave the young Five a sidelong glance to gauge his demeanour. The Assassin looked thoughtful as if already contemplating various means to execute his assignment.

How was Ghost going to kill a prominent Lord in such a public setting and intense scrutiny? If anyone died there all the guards of all the visiting delegates would go crazy. Intense searches would be undertaken. No one would be spared. After all, if one of them could be assassinated so easily, wouldn't that put them all in danger?

Key swallowed nervously. It was a challenging mission. If Ghost could really pull this off and survive, at least he would be there to witness it in person. Let's see if the Five was really as good as his reputation. A small sense of excitement begun to build in his chest. He would actually get to witness Ghost in action. Awesome!

"One more thing, you two will work together to extract one of our Shards from the Zhai prison. They are not aware of her identity... yet."

Huh? Extract? That was a Sixes' job. They were responsible for recruiting and extraction among other things.

Before either one could say a word, Nightshade interjected. "Take it as on the job training. We can't send in too many people as everyone will be thoroughly checked. It will attract unwanted suspicion. Both of you have legitimate reasons to be there. Get her out before her identity is discovered."

Key frowned. This was way out of his league and Ghost's too. Neither of them had any training for this. There was a special grueling course for Sixes. Who knew what was in that intense training program. Even Ghost had just leveled up to a Five!

Ghost took a moment to digest the information and instructions. By Nightshade's smug look, it was his idea. Crow suddenly looked uncomfortable, averting his eyes from the two. Old Wolf said nothing but had pressed his lips into a thin line of annoyance keeping himself from speaking. He had a strange determined expression on his face as if he was standing his ground or proving something.

Something was going on between the upper Levels. It was a Sect matter that didn't include lower Shards like him, thought Ghost. Whatever it was, he couldn't let Old Wolf down.

"Get Ice out alive if possible ..." Nightshade left the sentence hanging for a while. "We will deal with her when she returns."

Ice! Key stiffened. So that's where she had been. No one had seen her for weeks. He had been so worried and had looked everywhere for her but no one had a clue. Ice was special to him. Key swallowed hard. He glanced at Ghost. The Five must help him get Ice out alive. He must!

The Sect will deal with her when she returns? That meant she had offended the Sect in some way and that they were either to bring her or her body back. Depending on the circumstances, the Sect would either punish her or prepare her burial. 

All Shards belonged to the Sect.

Key's heart beat painfully against his chest. What did she do? How much trouble was she in? First things first, they had to save her.

"The details are in the second scrolls. Study them carefully."

"We will get it done," said Ghost quietly. "When do we start?"

"As soon as Lord Zhai seals the deal."

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