2nd April 2023

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Hi Reader. How's it going?

Last Sunday (i.e. 26th March 2023) I was upset, crying in frustration, and most of all, I needed to let it out silently. I'll come back to it in a bit. But first, let's start from "the beginning".

Last Sunday we were having biryani at lunch. Mom told me to distribute the salad. 

"I can't. I can't distribute it equally." I replied.

"Oh ho, just serve it already. No one's gonna complain about salad." Mom said.

I took the bowl and started to serve. Since it was late already, I had to do it quickly. But accidentally I dropped a small piece of cucumber in Dad's glass. So I asked for a spoon. 

Then Mom, "Oh okay. Give the bowl to me. You have done enough."

Frustrated me, took that glass and threw all of the water into the sink. But the water swung back up and splashed all over the floor.

"How irresponsible you are! Why you splashed all over the floor?" 

"I only asked for a spoon to take out that cucumber piece."

Then Dad, "Don't you see how impatient brat she is! She can't do a simple chore without any chaos. Don't ask her for help ever! She'll know what to do in her deathbed!"

Distort, defeated, heartbroken me, cleaned all the mess and finished my lunch without uttering a single word. 

After the lunch, being a crying mess, I asked my sis, "What did I do wrong this time?"

"Nothing. But for them, you can either do the thing yourself without asking for help, or you should tell the reason before asking for help." 

"Life is a curse." I said while punching my own throat.

Sis held my hand. "Hey, don't! If you wanna hit someone, pop that punching bag."

She continued, "Look, it always happens. They simply can't love both of us equally. If one is a helping hand and the other one behaves as a 'brat', then the 'brat' is the worst person of all" to them.

So, this all happened last Sunday. And it was about a week since I published the previous chapter. But I wasn't in a good mood. And I don't wanna show all the negative sides of me. 'Cause doing so, my positive side would remain in the shadow.

In the past, whenever I shared my "past wounds" with a "friend" thinking that, maybe we could bond over. Instead, it created a drift between us. And in other cases, I was labeled as "most cynical of all" and "the saddest of all". 

True. I'm cynical. But as for being "the saddest of all", all I can say is that if I'm happy from the bottom of my heart, then truly I'm happy. 

"যদি কেউ মন থেকে সুখী হয়, তাহলে সে প্রকৃতই সুখী" The literal meaning is that, if someone is happy from the heart then they are truly happy. I told this to that 'friend' who labeled me "the saddest". Anyways, that was the fitting reply as he was speechless. Kudos to me😁

Thank you so much for reading. I hope to see you in the chapter.

And if you like what you're reading, don't forget to vote & comment. I would love to read them.

Have a great day/night whenever you're reading.

Take care.

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