Chapter 5: The True Reason

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Sharrie POV.

     I got to say I was not happy about the Story. It hurt. A lot. Just listning to him was like agony. Vicesia, my little angel of a sister, was killed five years ago. I had just found out that Wolf was my brother, and I was walking to his home to meet him. My father was walking with us, but told us to wait outside a store for a minuet, while he walked in and grabbed something. Vicesia was with me. We decided to look around at the windows. When a big man came up, and grabbed Vicesia. 

    He ran off with her. I turned to get my dad's attention, but he wasn't there in the store. I decided to chase after the man and my crying sister. He ran in an alley way. I followed. He tossed my kicking sister to another man, and turned to me. I didn't know how to fight, or even basic self defense, but I still held steady. For my sister. The man heard police sirens and decided against getting me, and ran off with his buddy and Vicesia. Somebody must have seen the guy take her. 

   Tears fell, as I ran for my father. I have tried to forget about her death. I try not to think of how horribly I miss her. 

Wolf POV: 

    Wolf's story begin's like this:

    Wolf had been waiting at the door to his mother's home for about an hour now, and yet they still hadn't come. He began to worry. What if they had heard about Wolf's father? What if they were afraid of him? All these thoughts coursed throughout his mind. 

    A ringing came from the kitchen, and Wolf ran to the phone. Maybe they were just late, and they were on their way! He thought to himself. 

    He picked up the phone and answered in an excited voice. "You've reached the Vondel residence. Wolf speaking." He said automatically. 

    The news the police women delivered was so tragic, it left Wolf just standing there in shock, staring at the floor. He heard a reassuring voice from the phone, trying to calm him, but it didn't work. Before he even met his sister, Vicesia had been taken away. 

    A man appeared in the doorway to his home. Though he didn't know it at the time, It was Haladen. He offered to take Wolf away somewhere safe, to a place where he could learn to fight. To learn to defend his last sister. The one that made it. Sharrie Vondel. 

    Wolf was twelve at that point, and knew better then to run off with strangers, but he couldn't help it. He was too heartbroken. He was this close to having a new family. One that loved him. He went with the man. He wanted to save Vicesia. He came back late at night, after a long day of sword play. He had been very bruised , cut, and scraped, but he had been healed. 

    Cops surrounded his house. He walked closer to get a better look. One person saw him. He recognized his father. The one that had left his horrible mom, for the way she treated him. He ran over to Wolf and picked him up, worried questions tumbling out of his mouth. An officer showed up and asked him questions too. He was embarrassed so he didn't say anything. 

    That was when he saw her. Wolf had know her as a baby, but that was nearly ten years ago. Now she was a completely new person. She had short red hair, pale freckled skin, and sharp blue eyes that matched Wolf's own. Her eyes widened. He walked to her. "Hi." He mumbled. She nodded, mouth still slightly open. Before saying anything else, she jumped forward and hugged him. He was surprised, but then relaxed and hugged her back. Sharrie and Wolf had been almost inseparable since. 

    Wolf and Sharrie just stared at each other lost in the memory. Sharrie was silently crying. 

    Wolf had continued his classes with Haladen. He was growing stronger. One time, when he was just coming home late at night from practice, Sharrie caught him and asked what he was doing. All he said was that he was learning to fight. Sharrie had made him teach her his skills. Together they grew stronger. And one day, they were going to find the man who stole Vicesia, and kill him for it. 

    They just sat there till Laeraen came back with fire wood. He set them aside and walked over to the siblings. 

Sharrie POV: 

    I was absolutely in shock. I guess it had been too of an eventful day for my, so I layed down and got some rest, even though it was around two in the after noon. I slept soundly and had no dreams. 


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