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<Honoka's pov>


The sound of a small explosion followed by a bunch of confetti flying through the air marks the start of a certain celebration.

"Congratulations on your graduation!" I announced as I raised up a cup of soda in the air.

"Congratulations!" The other five members echoed after me.

"Wow. Thanks guys." Eli said as she took in the well-decorated clubroom.

"Well.. We did tried our best to give you guys the best graduation party." Maki stated as her finger subconsciously twirled a lock of her crimson red hair.

"Well, we don't want all these effort go to waste. Let's start the party." Nico picked up a cup and raised it up high. "Cheers!"


Even though it was pouring heavily outside, our party was a huge success. Everyone had spent their every last minutes together. We shared our memories of this school and how μ's was formed. From the day the school was announced to be closed to the graduation which happened a few hours ago.

"Hey guys, do you want to hear about some legends of this school?" Kotori asked.

All these time I've been studying here, I had not heard of any legends of this school, ever. "Yeah sure, Kotori-chan. Go ahead."

"Okay. Do you know that if you confess your love beneath the tree that's right next to the Alpacas' cattle, they will definitely accept you?" Kotori chirped with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Oh. I've heard of that before." Hanayo stated.

"But sadly, that's just a myth." Nozomi piped in. "Do you guys want to hear a real legend?"

"Ooohh. What is it?" Rin asked.

"Are you sure you can handle it? I'm afraid that someone here couldn't take it." Nozomi claimed, looking pointedly at a certain blonde haired girl.

"No way! I can handle spooky stuff." Eli denied, standing up from her seat.

Curiosity got better of me. "Nozomi-chan, what's the legend about?" I questioned.

"Okay, here goes." Nozomi smirked as she cleared her throat before continuing. "Do you know this school used to be a spawning ground for demons and other unknown mortals?"

What? This school used to be what? What!?

"You heard me," Nozomi said as though she had read my mind. "Legend said that this area used to be a sacred ground where someone in the name of Shinoko had spawned a dozen of spirits. Well none are as dangerous as one of them. That certain spirit had killed Shinoko herself and had been haunting this place ever since. It has been said that a student here had met that very spirit. That spirit had dragged her to the student council room and BAM!!"

As if on que, a flash of lightning struck across the sky followed by a loud clap of thunder.

All of the sudden, the lights went out, making the room all pitch black.


"Wha-what happened?" Hanayo's voice could be heard quivering.

"Wh-who t-turned off the l-lights?" Eli stuttered. "Wh-whoever did that should cut it out."

"Ha-ha. Very funny, Nozomi. You better cut it out or else..." Maki warned with a serious tone in her voice.

"Uhh.... Guys? That's not me." Nozomi's voice could be heard from my left.

Of course. It's impossible for her to get across the room unnoticed, switch off the lights and get back into her seat within seconds.

"The lightning might've struck an electrical outlet." Umi stated. "Lets use our phones as flashlight and pack it up. It's quite late anyway so let's just call it a day."

Everyone answered in agreement and fished out their cellphones to use the lights from them.

"What the..."

The second we got a glimpse of the room, our eyes widened. The club room looks completely different than before. Every idol merchandise had been tampered with. The windows had been barricaded by some sturdy planks. Water was dripping from the ceiling. There were splatters of unknown brown stuff on the wall. Every item here seems to have aged. Some spider's work were clearly seen. Not to forget the awful stench of decay that filled every inch of the room.

"Wh-what happened?"

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